Hi i'm Chris. Welcome to my little corner of the internet.
I created Makenweb.com as a parent domain for my creations. After starting the Maken it so youtube channel i needed a place to keep all my projects visible for anyone that would use them.
If you find these projects useful please consider donating to help keep these sites and projects running, Thank You.
Midi tune generator
December 30th 2020
Can't write a new tune?
Try my midi generator, maybe it can make your next hit
Floating planets robot joint
December 29th 2020 (from April 15th 2019)
This was one of those projects that you get in your head and at some point just have to do it
Spleeter uses an AI engine called tensorflow. The version included with spleeter requires a CPU that supports the AVX instruction set otherwise it fails with error "DLL load failed".
This is a simple test tool that will determine if your computer's CPU has AVX.
The result appears as a simple YES or NO
SpleeterGUI - Music source separation desktop app
November 9th 2020 - Version 2.9
Spleeter is a Music Source Separation utility that can split a song in to it's separate parts.
This can be useful for restoring old vinyl recordings or cutting samples for remixing.
I have bundled a windows build of my GUI and the python/spleeter project to make it easy for download and run.
No need to install python or spleeter, this app contains a portable version of python pre-loaded with spleeter.
If you are not running an intel i5/7/9 or Ryzen 5/7 or unsure if your CPU supports AVX, please use the AVXcheck utility (above) before trying to install spleeter.
6/09/2019 Updated - enemy can fire, take multiple hits. Player can take hits too.
An FPS game with some of the post-processing juice of AAA games. don't let the bugs bite!
Made using "Easy FPS" and ProGrid/Probuilder.
Post-processing layer includes Bloom, Ambient Occlusion, Depth of field and Vignette.
Regular FPS controls. There's no point to this game, just shoot stuff :)
Fullscreen recomended.
August 16th 2019
A thrown together game testing out first person shooter style gameplay using a free unity asset called "Easy FPS" and of course those frickin smiley balls!.
Regular FPS controls. There's no point to this game, just shoot stuff :)
Fullscreen recomended.
August 15th 2019
After an intensive 5 day course on making games with unity this is my first game. It's been rendered as an HTML5 application so i guess it goes to show that unity realy has thought of everything :)
Use keys Q W E R T to fire difference colors: key map is in top left corner of game.