

*English version follows Japanese







Classes Under the State of Emergency

May 10, 2021

Dear Students, Faculty Members, and Staff,

I am writing to let you know that we will not move all classes online right away, despite the government’s extended state of emergency in response to the increased number of COVID-infected people in Japan. To the extent possible, we hope to maintain in-person classes, while we are paying highest attention to prevention of spread of the COVID-19. One exception is for faculty members or students with serious concerns about their own health. You should consult with the office of your school or graduate school.

In the event we face many emergency situations on or off campus, we may change our policy immediately.

The reasons for our policy and our specific exceptions are as follows. As I have reiterated, Waseda University replaced air conditioning systems in order to facilitate a high degree of air circulation, at considerable cost. We spent 750 million yen to enable the circulation of 30 cubic meters per hour per person. To ensure the safety of students, we will keep the size of each class smaller than half of its capacity for face-to-face classes such as laboratories and seminars. Thanks to the cooperation of all Waseda faculty, staff, and students, the number of infected students has been very stable for past few weeks. We will continue to monitor objective data on the number of infections for future decision making.

I greatly appreciate your self-control as we all seek to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Thank you for your continuous cooperation.

Best regards,

Aiji Tanaka, President
Waseda University



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