IN PICTURES: Swedish orienteering enthusiast finds rare Bronze Age treasure

IN PICTURES: Swedish orienteering enthusiast finds rare Bronze Age treasure
Archaeologist Mats Hellgren and conservator Madelene Skogberg inspect the find. Photo: Adam Ihse/TT
An over 2,500-year-old treasure haul has been found in western Sweden.

The find includes necklaces, ankle rings, and other objects from the Nordic Bronze Age, dated to around 1100-500 BC, and is described as very large and rare.

Photo: Adam Ihse/TT

It was found near Alingsås, after a man who was out preparing a map for orienteering stumbled on it next to a couple of rocks.

Photo: Adam Ihse/TT

The objects were in such well-preserved condition that archaeologists first suspected they were copies, but a thorough examination showed they were in fact over two millennia old.

Photo: Adam Ihse/TT

Archaeologists say they probably belonged to women of high status, and were once upon a time used to show off their wealth and social standing.

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