Riot "disappointed" by employee conversation with League of Legends fan project
But stands by request to shut the project down.
Over the past few days there's been a fair bit of drama in the League of Legends community: a fan project called Chronoshift, which was making a legacy version of the game, announced it had been sent a series of Discord messages from a Riot Games representative requesting that the project be shut down. Yet what made this particularly remarkable was the tone of that conversation - with employee "Riot Zed" making a series of comments that wouldn't be out of place in a mob movie like Goodfellas.
Riot has now said it was "disappointed" by how this conversation went down, but the company has repeated its request that development on the fan project be ceased.
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Last Friday, a member of the Chronoshift dev team took to Reddit to share a screenshot of a Discord conversation between one of its developers and Riot Zed. In the conversation Zed established that Riot's legal team wanted the project to be shut down... then things got a little weird. "You've obviously put a lot of work into Chrono Shift, but I can assure you Chrono Break is coming," Zed said in response to the dev team removing some Discord channels. "I'm on the security team. I find people and things," they later added.
Zed also demanded the developer hand over the Chronoshift website and source code, along with details about communications between dev team members, threatening legal action if the developer didn't comply.
This obviously didn't go down too well with the Chronoshift Project team, which said it was "incredibly disappointed" with the way Riot handled the situation. "Instead of opening a conversation about the future and interest in this kind of project, they attempted what could be seen as an attempt to take advantage of our work for free and start taking legal action against us," one developer said on Reddit. "To our best knowledge, and the assessment of the lawyers specialised in IT copyright we talked the project over with, we have not done anything illegal.
"We have been working on this project for almost five years and thousands of hours," the post continued. "We never asked for even as much a donation during all of this time, paying all of the expenses out of our pockets. This project has always been about the preservation of the early seasons of the game that cannot be experienced anymore, a time capsule for something long gone that people still express a lot of interest in to this day."
Following the Discord conversation, the Chronoshift team said it was sent notice by Riot's lawyers confirming Zed's request. Riot has now officially confirmed the legitimacy of the shutdown request - but it also highlighted that the Chronoshift team was warned not to continue with the project over a year ago, in a Reddit comment from Riot Gene.
"Yesterday our legal counsel sent the Chronoshift development team a letter formally requesting they cease development on the project," Riot told Eurogamer. "This follows an explicit request our developer relations team made a year ago when the project was first announced."
Riot also pointed to section three of its legal guidelines, which prohibits the creation of any unauthorised games or apps that make use of Riot IP. "We understand the Chronoshift team is disappointed, but they shouldn't be surprised by our request," Riot added.
As for the interesting messages from Zed, Riot also had something to say about that.
"Regarding the exchange with Riot Zed, we're disappointed with the tenor of the conversation and we'll be addressing this internally," the statement said. "We often attempt good faith reach-outs prior to issuing legal documentation. In this case, however, given the Chronoshift team's response, we have proceeded through more formal channels."
So that's how things ended up: Chronoshift was then contacted by formal legal counsel, and it seems that's probably the end of the project.
While the Chronoshift team felt that Riot wanted the project's source code to create an official legacy server, a leaked copy of the letter from Riot's legal team explains there are other reasons for the procedure. "This is a standard demand made to all developers engaged in unauthorised activity in order to assist Riot's security team to understand the precise nature of the project, the manner by which it infringes Riot's intellectual property and other rights, and the extent to which the code has been shared or disseminated online," the letter explained (via PC Gamer).
It's a shame that we'll never see the full version of the legacy server, particularly as it was a non-profit project - but given Riot's strict rules on the use of its IP, the shutdown isn't entirely surprising. As for Riot Zed, well, I hope they've had a chance to have a cup of tea and calm down a bit.
Comments (30)
crazyhorse174 11 hours ago
joaopassos 10 hours ago
I don't know if they think they're "sticking it to the man" or something, but it's fairly ridiculous at this stage.
Zed sounds like a bell-end, regardless.
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gordonpown 6 hours ago
S-cheeseman 10 hours ago
Takedown notices for mods aren't the norm, they're the exception, that it seems otherwise is because you're only paying attention when they get this kind of press.
Riot aren't legally obligated to "protect" their IP in such a way and it's a tad hypocritical of them to draw such a hard line when League of Legends itself is derived from a Warcraft 3 mod.
Houchou 10 hours ago
If that doesn’t make sense, consider a simpler example - if you make a mod for skyrim (which bethesda allow you to) you can reference skyrim within it all you want, because it’s a mod FOR skyrim. But if you created a standalone game and called it ‘skyrim’, you could expect bethesda to come down on you like a ton of bricks because you’re essentially pinching their brand for something else.
S-cheeseman 9 hours ago
The enforcement of trademarks often comes up as a defence of this kind of action, but that's something that could have been handled without throwing lawyers at their fans to shut everything down. Riot's actions are driven by greed, not out of protecting their trademarks from being genericized.
Machiavellian 7 hours ago
You are trying to put this all on Riot but at the end of the day, the problem first started with these devs who by their own choice ignore started a project they should have know was if anything on the border of being shut down, ignore the desist a year ago and continued going then get bent out of shape when the lawyers come.
If they really did not care, they could have just done it in silence, completed it and released it. The thing is they wanted the pub, they used the assets, branding of Riot property which as was stated is a definite no no. The whole project was clearly doomed and it really doesn't take a Genius to see that.
Hxy3000 9 hours ago
Houchou 8 hours ago
The problem isn’t one of brand ownership getting somehow transferred to other parties like your bootlegger example, the problem is with brands becoming considered as genericised and at that point no longer being legally considered sole property of their original owner:
Funnily enough nintendo is called out as an example here. There was a point historically where the term ‘nintendo’ was starting to get used generically to refer to any kind of video game console, not just nintendo ones, and nintendo had to step in and reverse that trend or risk losing control over their own trademark. That’s an example of damage control after the fact- nowadays companies seem to prefer actively policing their brands in a more pre-emptive manner, hence why fan projects find themselves caught in the crossfire. On some occasions they’ll let it slide as long as actual brand names and assets from the original aren’t used in the fan project, or are altered accordingly. Looping back to this LoL example, they didn’t do that and so have unfortunately paid the price.
PowerJC 10 hours ago
Riot or for example nintendo aren't going to allow fan projects just based on their past behaviour.
ambershee 10 hours ago
On the 11th September 2006, it received a cease and desist. On September 29th, Microsoft announced Halo Wars.
If you use an existing IP, you'll only be tolerated until the point where there's a dollar to be made by getting rid of you.
Houchou 6 hours ago
Xboxfanuk 9 hours ago
Chiarafan 10 hours ago
How can anyone be disappointed with Riot? They are the worst of the worst in the video game industry.
gordonpown 6 hours ago
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aldo_14 7 hours ago
Jorkau 5 hours ago
Machiavellian 10 hours ago
Hopefully they got some experience in working on the project but they would have to be incredibly naive if they did not see this coming.
ItsAlwaysSunnyyy 10 hours ago
dai_bonehead 10 hours ago
But money.
michaeldunlap 4 hours ago
Or they just shut it all down and DON'T try to coordinate with infinite numbers of content creators through the world who work/interact often at the quality and reliability of "free"
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Perjoss 10 hours ago
rogueTempo 4 hours ago
nicjjcjc 8 hours ago
The devs never used any IP of Riot Games, they coded the server side enirely themselfs, and the Client was downloaded by every User themselffs from Riots OWN public website, where they still provide downloads for the old client versions, even if you are not meant to find them.
andrefranco1 5 hours ago
Third 6 hours ago
Thank the heavens! Two decades of patience and sacrifices to the altar of Lavos are finally paying off!
Wait a minute...
andrefranco1 4 hours ago
rogueTempo 4 hours ago