All characters drawn by Shädman are 18 or older, even if specified otherwise.
Shädbase is for parody purposes only and doesnt actually reflect Shädman's desires or beliefs, the site shouldn't be taken seriously or viewed by anyone.
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I wanna give him a ride!
This is soo extremely sexy.
If anybody want’s to play adult games with me, click on my pic.
God I miss Summer
In his defense it was misleading
God I wanna fuck that MILF’s tight butthole till nut in it.
We all do buddy, we all do
Nigger faggot
Who the fuck spells nigga like that, I mean unless you’re white
That’s how you spell nigger you fucking spaz
Dumb bitch
when the anonymous person says nigger faggot thinking he’s such a sneak
what a huge faggot
Says the Anonymous calling another a faggot
Meanwhile in Mississippi :D