
二見勇気 (Futami Yuki)

二見勇気 プロフィール写真

2012年にオスカーピーターソントリビュートアルバム 「バンザイオスカー」を発売。JAPANタイムズに掲載される。
2015年にニューヨークのミュージシャンと録音し「Moonlight Serenade」を発売。レコ初日本ツアーを大成功終わらせる。


  • 2002年 ピティナピアノコンペティションE級 ベスト10賞
  • 2006年 都立武蔵高校卒業
  • 2008年 横浜ジャズプロムナード主催のコンペティションにて自己のトリオで洗足学園大学賞を受賞。
  • 2009年 浅草ジャズコンテストの本選に自己のクインテットで出場、好評を博す。
  • 2010年 横浜ジャズプロムナード主催のコンペティションにて自己のトリオで洗足学園大学賞ジャズクラブ賞を受賞。
  • 2010年 浅草ジャズコンテストの本選に自己のトリオで出場、金賞(2位)受賞する。
  • 2011年 神戸ネクストジャズコンペティション 本戦出場
  • 2011年 第31回 浅草ジャズコンテスト グランプリ受賞 (駒野逸美カルテットのメンバーとして出場)
  • 2013年 二見勇気トリオのファーストアルバム”BANZAI OSCAR”発売
  • 2013年 CUNY LaGuardia Community College 入学
  • 2015年 2nd album 「Moonlight Serenade」リリース
  • 2016年 New England Conservatory 入学
  • 2017年 リーダーバンド Boston Swing Trioを結成。Bucharest International Jazz Compettiion 2017に出場。50カ国以上300人以上のエントリーから第2位に選ばれる。


好きなピアニスト || Bill Charlap/Oscar Peterson/Wynton Kelly/Keith Jarrett/Phineas Newborn/Benny Green/Peter Beets/Mulgrew Miller/Aaron Goldberg/Fread Hursh/Kenny Barron/Danny Grisset/Michel Petrucciani/Dan Nimmer/

Profile (English)

Yuki Futami is an award-winning jazz pianist from Japan whose sensitive touch and warm tone reflect that of his musical idol, the legendary Canadian jazz pianist Oscar Peterson. After winning 1st place in competitions such as the Yokohama Jazz Competition and Asakusa Jazz Contest in Japan with his energetic performances, Futami decided to relocate to New York City in 2013 in order to further his knowledge of jazz.He now lives in Boston as a student of Jerry Bergonzi at the New England Conservatory, refining his musical sense of excitement, agility and hard-hitting swing.

Futami was born on April 6th, 1987, in Saitama prefecture. At the age of three, his parents bought him his first keyboard; a-44 key Casio. Within a few months, Futami was enrolled in the YAMAHA music school where he learned how to play the piano and read music. When he was in junior high school, he played trombone in the local brass band. His experience of playing big band pieces with the brass band awakened his interest in jazz. Soon after graduating high school, Futami decided to pursue a career as a professional jazz pianist. In addition to the many great jazz pianists of the 20th century, he is also influenced by the current contemporary jazz scene in New York City. His goal is to assimilate all these influences into a personal style of his own. It is a life-long journey from which he learns everyday.

“ …beautiful tone and great technique!!” Washington Post
“…young highly targeted straight-ahead jazz pianist!!” New York Times
I try to get dream of receiving such fame…

Musical Awards

  • 2002, Piano Teachers’ National Association (PTNA) of Japan Competition, Top 10 classical solo
  • 2008 & 2010 Yokohama Jazz Competition, Senzoku Gakuen College Prize, jazz trio
  • 2010, Asakusa Jazz Contest Gold Medal (2nd place), jazz trio
  • 2011, 4th Kobe Next Jazz Competition, Honorable Mention
  • 2011, Asakusa Jazz Contest-Grand Prix (1st place), (Komano Itsumi Quartet)
  • 2017 The Best Band of Bucharest International Jazz Competition 2017 (2nd place)

My favorite pianists

Bill Charlap, Oscar Peterson, Wynton Kelly, Keith Jarrett, Phineas Newborn, Benny Green, Peter Beets, Mulgrew Miller, Aaron Golderg, Fread Hursh, Kenny Barron, Danny Grisset, Michel Petrucciani, Dan Nimmer, Akira Ishi


Bucharest International Jazz Competition 2017 で2位入賞!


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