How is The Altening Unique?
TheAltening is one of the best minecraft account generators on the market. It's not like a
regular minecraft alt generator and uses a special system called “Tokens” which
differentiate from most generators giving you just the email:password of an alt. Using
our system, you’ll be able to generate Tokens which you can use in your minecraft client to
login to the accounts. If you're not into generators we also have options such as minecraft
cheap accounts in our alt shop minecraft, we also seperately sell minecraft full access
Note: you won’t be provided with an email:password but instead with a Token which
is a much better form of authentication.
Why are Tokens superior?
* A Simpler format, you
can use any password
* Each account is checked
before being generated
* No more dead
* No more mojang
* Allows us to give out
more accounts
TheAltening currently only supports Windows operating systems, and won’t be available for
Mac or Linux based OS’s. To use TheAltening without API-based applications, you will
need to download our custom authenticator and switch to our servers. From there you will be able
to enter the Tokens into your Minecraft launcher just like a normal login and it will let you
use your new alt!
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