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Enhancing your life through angels

People see God every day, they just don't recognize HIM.
- Pearl Bailey -

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Home to one of the most gifted psychic, clairvoyant Rev. Cassandra Anaya.
Online since 1993, she channels 3 heavenly beings; angels - Metatron, Uriel and Yannie.
Online or off line her psychic readings' insight into your life situations can not be surpassed.

I am Rev. Cassandra Anaya
Rev. Cassandra's photo
Psychic Intuitive Counselor
Spell and Ritual Caster
Feng Shui Master

I have been online since Apr 4, 1993
and IT IS my pleasure to serve you.
Thank you for inviting me into your life.

animated heart   I SEND YOU LOVE   animated heart

Psychic Rev. Cassandra Anaya (my mini bio). My desires on the internet are several:

Through my expertise, as a natural born clairvoyant psychic, an ordained minister, a Hypnotherapist, a Feng Shui Master, and my background in psychology, I want to help people, like yourself, to live happier, fuller lives; to balance your E.S.P. (Emotional, Spiritual, Physical). It will be my absolute honor and privilege to help you achieve exactly that;

My psychic readings are extraordinaire - not only am I clairvoyant, I channel three (3) - Archangel Metatron, Archangel Uriel and Pleiadian Angel Yannie. In 1967, at USC, my psychic readings were tested & proven to be 87% accurate. With the years my accuracy has increased immensely, deeming me among the top psychics (btw, no psychic is ever 100% accurate. If they were they would be God!! IMHO that would be quite arrogant.);

To be the best online source of spells & rituals. I want to help you achieve your goals & heart's desires. All my spells & rituals are performed with the blessings of God, and the aide of His angels, saints, ascended masters, your angels, your spirit guides & prayers. They are from the white light of good, not the dark light;

A numerology report can open doors to who you are, what you need to be doing, what directions you need to be going to live up to your full potential to be the true you that you want to be and Our Creator wants you to be. (100% of the fee for a numerology report is donated to charity. I feel it is right for you to choose the choose of charity. This is done on the order page.);

I want to help you reconnect with your angels so you can communicate with them & your spirit guides for guidance on your life's journey. I'll assist you with the guidance of your angels, your spirit guides and the three angels I channel;

To assist you to create the life you deserve through hypnosis. Unleash that which blocks you from your own happiness through the use of hypnosis. Find out who you were in past lives and how it pertains to you in this life. I am located in San Diego, CA & Paradise, NV;

By way of Feng Shui, the oriental art of placement, I can shift the energy in your home or business to produce prosperity in all its forms. Prosperity of good health, financial well being, strong friendships, solid relationships, happiness, peace, creativity, travel, and more, which will naturally enhance and improve your life;

Having your chakra cleansed & balanced can do wonders for your E.S.P. (emotions, soul, and physical self). You may even consider adding a numerology report or your karma lessons so you'll be better able to handle life since you'll know more about yourself;

I want my site on the World Wide Web to be a place where you feel relaxed, peaceful, and safe. A place you can visit to gain peace of mind in a confusing frustrated world. A safe haven to run to during bleaker times of your life;

My biggest dream is that each and every person on the planet follows Our Creator's desires; to treat each other as brothers and sisters. An African Proverb says "It takes a whole village to raise a child". I believe it takes a whole healthy planet to raise all children. Sadly the planet isn't going to be healthy as long as there is hate, war, prejudices, starvation, and any other entity that prevents us from loving and caring for each other. Throughout my life I've had the privilege to meet so many people from different countries and have learned much about different customs, cultures and languages (I learned to say I love you in 29 languages). I relish in our differences and can only imagine how boring we would be if we were all alike.

I truly hope you find my services useful and my site a very spiritual place to visit. ; )

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