Inspection and Dissection: Type or Die

by Luke Briggs on 2021-03-05

Type or Die cover image Link

For the past 5 days I have done what I have failed to do many times before, complete the process of making a game.

The game was for the NUCATS Game Jam. NUCATS is the Newcastle University Computing and Technology Society. It was made in Unity (with great help from Brackeys), and it was really the first reasonably sized game I've made. The only other thing I've ever made in Unity was Ping which, as th...

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You Can Now Follow Me on RSS!

by Luke Briggs on 2021-02-18

I had a bit of time today and I wanted to do something so here we are. Thanks to the incredible FeedGen python library, you can now point your RSS reader to here and get updates on when I write a new post.

Goodbye Windows, I Hardly GNU ya

by Luke Briggs on 2021-02-07


Preface: I should state that this is not an evangelical sermon, Linux isn't for everyone but it is for me. This is merely a detailing of why I have chosen to switch Operating System

I have, over the course of the past year, consumed pretty much every interpretation and adaptation of Sherlock Holmes out there, from the original works to tangentially linked shows such as the excellent House MD; one thing I have come to understand is that you can only deduce correctly if your initial assumptions are correct. Logic is useless if its underlyin...

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Inspection & Dissection: This Site!

by Luke Briggs on 2021-02-03


Look at me with a fancy website. We're about to get meta as we discuss how this site you're exploring right now came to be.

Why have a website?

I want something to point to when someone asks 'so what have you done?'. I also need it for when I ask myself the same thing. Sometimes I wonder how much I have actually done in my spare time, and a site like this helps me to remember that I haven't wasted all of my spare time on Minecraft.

Why make your own website?

Here in Computer Science land: men are real men, women are real wome...

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The Layperson’s Guide to LaTeX

by Luke Briggs on 2021-01-06

As part of my degree I will have to write many words into many documents and submit them all as part of assignments.

rainbow word

There was a time when we were young, stupid and thought that the peak of document formatting was WordArt, a drop shadow, and rainbow II. We would stick borders on our .pub files and feel superior if our PowerPoints had a dissolve transition. As we age past primary school we begin to conform to the world’s sensibilities that Comic Sans is not an adequate typeface and having every colour on the spectrum is a way to actually ...

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