Initial Launch

CBD CASH (cCBD) token distribution
Initial supply: 25,000 cCBD
Initial Pool: 500 cCBD
Real stable fund:12,250cCBD
Algo stable fund:12,250cCBD

CBD Shares (sCBD) distribution

sCBD has a maximum total supply of 50,000 tokens. 7,500 sCBD are allocated to the team(3,240) and DAO (3,750) and vested linearly over 12 months. The remaining 42,500 sCBD are allocated for incentivizing Liquidity Providers in 2 pools, as follows:
Premining :510 (By CH Exchange users)
Pancakeswap LPs cCBD/BUSD: 27,500
Block countdown:
Pancakeswap LPs sCBD/BUSD: 15,000
Block countdown:
Duration: 12 months