Citations: Kuwabara and Yamaguchi 2007, 2013a and 2013b

Kuwabara and Yamaguchi 2007, 2013a, 2013b

1)Influence of Lesson Study on Teachers’ Mathematics Pedagogy[
2)Understanding investment decision processes within regional natural resource management organisations[
3)“…they think we are conversing, so we don’t care about them…” Examining the causes of workplace violence against nurses in Ghana[
4)An explorative study on Instagram and food from the cook's perspective: Symbolic Interactionism; Culinary Practices; Social Media[
6)Perceptions of Infertility and In Vitro Fertilization Treatment among Married Couples in Anambra State, Nigeria[
10)Okul kültürünün sembolik açıdan çözümlenmesi: etnografik bir çalışma[
11)The Social Metatheory of Herbert Blumer: outline for a methodological reconstruction of Symbolic Interactionism(A metateoria social de Herbert Blumer: esboço para uma reconstrução metodológica do interacionismo simbólico)[
13)Valores, Poder e a Centralidade do Trabalho de gestores homens na Cidade de São Paulo[
14)INTERAKTION I EN OFFENTLIG ORGANISATION: Hur bedömer medarbetarna kommunikationen med sina chefer och vad blir förtroendet för chefen till följd av detta?(degree of Bachelor)[
15)Qualitative Research, COVID-19 global effects on human behavior for yearsEssay or Report assignment)[

(1) 山口健一(2007)「A・ストラウスの社会的世界論における『混交』の論理--相互行為と社会的世界との関係から--」『社会学研究』第82号、103-123頁。
(2) 奥田真悟(2008)「相互作用論から大衆社会論への再接近--T.シブタニの準拠集団論--」2007年度・鹿児島大学大学院人文社会科学研究科・修士学位論文]。
(3) 伊藤慎吾(2021)「発達障害児への支援をめぐる保護者と教員の認識のズレとその帰結--支援に関する言説への相互作用論からのアプローチ--」2020年度・鹿児島大学大学院人文社会科学研究科・修士学位論文。
