80s/90s/Early 2000s Nostalgia Thread (10)

9 Name: Anonymous : 2021-04-12 21:14 ID:5McCJcan


In this video I saw many keep cases, mostly for DVD movies but some for video game discs. Two keep cases:

The one at 09:45 reminded me of the time I watched "Footloose" in a United States middle school. I think it was the end of the year of grade 7 or 8 which would mean that the middle schoolers watching were 12 to 14 years old. I don't remember very well as this happened years before 2019.

There was this girl in class who was a redhead, and other students teased her about this sometimes, calling her "ginger". She was watching the "Footloose" movie in the same classroom that I was watching it in. I'm pretty sure she was Brooklyn Mills from Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA. When Brook (what people called her, a shortened version of her first name) saw the "Don't stop! Don't stop! Make ginger pop!" she thought it was funny. I think she laughed and repeated the line. Said line, "Don't stop! Don't stop! Make ginger pop!", contains a play on words. "Don't stop! Don't stop!" = don't stop having sex with me. "Make ginger pop!" = make ginger soda (is ginger-flavored soda a thing?) OR make me (a ginger/redhead) pop (orgasm). She repeated the line containing a double entendre in an enthusiastic laughing way with such a volume that I could hear it; she was sitting at the front of the room and I was sitting in the back/near the back of the room. Her friends might have laughed along with her about this; we were watching the movie in Horace Mann Middle School. Come to think of it, I believe we were watching the movie in the English classroom (for English class to take place). After she said the lewd line the teacher hushed/shushed her. Brook knew the full meaning (as previously explained) of the line at her age probably. The teacher told her to be quiet in response to her saying the crude line; the teacher was a white woman who I think was middle-aged.

This event happened in about 1997+12or14, so 2009 to 2011. Brooklyn's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brooklyn.mills.12 / https://scontent.fapa1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/p843x403/146979117_4425097710853398_8690551589445034787_n.jpg?_nc_cat=103&_nc_map=control&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=09cbfe&_nc_ohc=5en8WaURUcAAX_3GyMj&_nc_ht=scontent.fapa1-1.fna&tp=6&oh=2778c96bab02319363232e2eb8db819c&oe=6099E7B8 / https://archive.is/zVsDU/bd177cdaa800c44f87d4f232411879653034745f.jpg . I sorta regret not pursuing a relationship with her, but in elementary school and middle school (and maybe she was also in high school) my childish brain was focused on other things. However, like mostly youthful relationships, it probably wouldn't amount to much.

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