Protect What Matters

Pagefreezer simplifies compliance and litigation by automatically archiving websites, social media, mobile text messages, and enterprise collaboration platforms through its archiving software solutions.

Pagefreezer’s software solutions help organizations with the monitoring, capturing, and archiving of online data. By doing this, our tools help address the following critical business challenges.

Financial Industry Compliance

eDiscovery and Litigation Readiness

Monitoring and
Data Loss Prevention

FOIA/Open Records Responses

GDPR & CCPA Compliance

Retention Scheduling and Legal Hold

Online Data Security

Information Governance of Online Data

Comply with Industry Requirements

Protect What Matters. Our comprehensive archiving solution helps you stay compliant with regulations related to the SEC, FINRA, GDPR, FOIA, FRE, and FRCP. Pagefreezer assists you in avoiding severe fines and penalties for non-compliance with electronic recordkeeping rules related to online data.

Generate Defensible Digital Records

Prove it. Use your archived online data as official evidence towards a regulatory audit or legal case. Exports from our website archiving service offer all associated metadata, digital signatures, and timestamps that validate the authenticity and integrity of your records, proving that it hasn’t been tampered with.

Monitor and Collect Dynamic Web Content in Real-Time

Discover the Truth. Archive social media and never miss an edited post or deleted comment. Our social media and enterprise collaboration archiving solutions actively monitor and collect your data in real-time to help you keep track of the conversation and capture all activity on your platforms. Get alerted whenever inappropriate content is posted and capture it in defensible quality before it’s deleted.

Monitor and Capture Internal Social Media Networks

Certainty Is Power. Ensure compliance with your enterprise’s culture policy and prevent data loss/leakage. We capture conversations and monitor activity on team collaboration tools for potential risks, allowing you to implement these beneficial platforms with complete confidence.

Want to discuss your specific needs?
Request a call from a Solution Advisor.

What Data Sources Do We Monitor and Archive?

Website Content

Pagefreezer is capable of archiving complex modern websites. We collect full metadata, adding digital signatures and timestamps to every page.

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Social Media Accounts

Thanks to API integrations, Pagefreezer is able to monitor and archive major social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter in real-time.

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Enterprise Collaboration Platforms

We are capable of monitoring and archiving enterprise collaboration data from platforms like Workplace by Facebook, Chatter, and Yammer.

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Mobile Text Messages

Pagefreezer can also archive mobile text messages. We have solutions for both employer-issued and BYOD phones.

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Why Pagefreezer?

Here are the top five reasons why companies choose Pagefreezer:


We have over 1,800+ customers. You can see some of our positive reviews and testimonials here.


Your data remains yours at all times. We won’t lock your information into proprietary formats.


A dedicated customer success team and rapid onboarding methodology gets you up and running quickly.

One Solution

A comprehensive solution allows you to view website, social media, enterprise collaboration, and mobile data.


Our solutions are reasonably priced and there are no hidden fees. We also do not charge on a per-record basis.

Start Monitoring and Archiving Your Online Data

Get in touch with us to learn more and see Pagefreezer’s information governance and recordkeeping solutions in action.

Have more questions?

Contact us at +1-888-916-3999 or


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