Daily briefing: Convalescent serum — the antibody-laden blood of survivors — lines up as first-choice treatment for coronavirus
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Graffiti turns cities into botanical tours
Ephemeral labels are springing up on the plucky plants that inhabit urban streets. ‘Rebel botanists’ are chalking names near weeds and trees to strengthen people’s connection to nature and raise awareness of overlooked flora. The trend first exploded in France and has now taken root in other countries — including the United Kingdom, despite it being illegal to chalk anything on public land. “Botanical chalking gives a quick blast of nature connection, as the words encourage you to look up and notice the tree above you, the leaves, the bark, the insects, the sky,” says one anonymous chalker in London. “And that’s all good for mental health.”
Lengthy experiment reveals origins of dirt
A two-and-a-half-year experiment has found evidence that bacteria make dirt. Scientists have long believed that microorganisms are involved in turning rock into soil — the mix of solid, gaseous and liquid matter, part mineral and part organic, that supports most land ecosystems. But the process tends to happen too slowly to be observed in a lab. Researchers started with an exceptionally fast-weathering rock called quartz diorite and ground it to speed things up even more. After 30 months, samples that had been kept sterile retained sharp, smooth edges, whereas those that had been exposed to bacteria looked ragged and pitted. They also contained abundant ATP, a chemical generated by feasting microbes.
Scientific American blog | 5 min read
COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak
Convalescent serum treatment on the rise
Treating people with the antibody-laden blood of those who have already survived an infection is a century-old approach to battling viruses. Evidence for its efficacy against COVID-19 is thin on the ground, but it has two big advantages over new treatments: it’s available now and it’s relatively safe, as long as the blood is screened. In the United States and the United Kingdom, major efforts have begun to spur plasma donations from survivors. And large pharma companies are joining forces to develop antibody products purified from the pooled plasma of donors, or produced in genetically modified cattle.
Nature Biotechnology | 10 min read
Read more: How blood from coronavirus survivors might save lives (Nature, from March)
Podcast: Contact-tracing apps and remdesivir
Get the expert view from Nature’s news team in our weekly audio overview of the state of coronavirus science. This week, we dig into the promise of contact-tracing apps, early results from a US trial of the antiviral drug remdesivir and things that have made us smile in the past week.
Nature Coronapod | 32 min listen
Protecting apes from COVID-19
The coronavirus can probably infect great apes — putting endangered animals in Africa and Asia at risk. Tourism in African parks has been stopped, and researchers who observe chimpanzees in Uganda and Côte d’Ivoire are taking extra precautions, such as wearing masks and changing their clothes, to prevent animal infections. If these measures fail and apes get too sick to defend themselves from leopards and poachers, researchers plan to sleep nearby to protect them. On the Indonesian island of Sumatra, an orangutan-conservation programme has moved some of the island’s orangutans to another site to reduce the risk to the whole population.
“We may lose a whole generation of researchers”
Researchers forced to prematurely halt their experiments are facing grief and uncertainty over what comes next. Early-career researchers, senior scientists and a researcher who bid a final farewell to a mentor share their experiences. “In the end, I found myself euthanizing mice by the masses in the university basement,” says neuroscientist Kathleen Beeson, who grieves for her hand-reared colony of experimental animals and her interrupted research. “It was the punctuation on a sad and disorienting week.”
Last week, Leif Penguinson visited the majestic Kolugljúfur Gorge in Iceland. Did you spot the penguin? When you’re ready — here’s the answer!
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Flora Graham, senior editor, Nature Briefing
With contributions by Nicky Phillips and Davide Castelvecchi