>"Romanians are the most pathetic out of the bunch."
>Gladly sorting this out from my Romanian point of view.
>You see, Romanians were/are a nation of sheepherders and never actually had warriors. No warriors = no nobles/aristocrats/elite => no scribes/scholars/writing => NO HISTORY.
>Thus, Romanian identity/culture/intelligentsia was formed very, very late. 18th century. While everybody had something, we had nothing. So we had to come up with something.
>Well, we call ourselves Romanians, I guess from Rome, we know ancient Dacia was a under Roman control and we had the 13th Gemina legion; our language is profoundly romance, we even have unchanged word from latin that even Italians don't have, so we guess we are the descendants of Romans.
>In the communist years there was a revival of the "barbars" that were natives: they were the Dacians. However, despite all the naive propaganda, we can't claim any cultural heritage from them: we have no remains from the Dacians. No language, no writing, no buildings, no architecture, nothing.
>So historically speaking, we are the descendats of Rome.
>Genetically and factually speaking, we are a mix of many people, most important probably are 30% Bulgarians (lower Slavs), 30% balkanic (similar to Albanians and Greeks) and 30% Asian turcik tribes (such as the Cumans and other ones that lost during the ages).