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Theodora Cohen Family Papers
An inventory of the collection at the Pan Am Flight 103/Lockerbie Air Disaster
Archives at Syracuse University
Creator: |
Cohen, Theodora.
Title: |
Theodora Cohen Family Papers |
Dates: |
1975-2010 |
Size: |
25 boxes, 1 oversize, 12.25 linear feet
Abstract: |
The Theodora Cohen Family Papers contains
clippings, correspondence, manuscripts, personal effects, trial documents, and other
materials related to Theodora Cohen, one of the Syracuse University students killed in the
bombing of Pan Am Flight 103, and her parents, Daniel and Susan Cohen.
Language: |
Repository: |
Pan Am Flight 103/Lockerbie Air Disaster Archives
Syracuse University Libraries
222 Waverly Ave., Suite 600
Syracuse, NY 13244-2010
Theodora “Theo” Cohen was a junior at Syracuse University, studying Drama in the College of
Visual and Performing Arts. Theo studied abroad during fall semester 1988 at the London
Academy of Music and Drama (LAMBDA) through the university’s Division of International
Program (DIPA). She took every theater course she could and went to the theater twice a week
in London. Theo also traveled to Greece, Scotland, the Netherlands, and France. She had
plans with Miriam Wolfe, another Pan Am 103 victim, and other Syracuse University friends,
to start an alternative theater group when they returned to campus.
Theo was born on September 10, 1968 and was the only child of Daniel and Susan Cohen of
Port Jervis, New York. She was passionate about acting and singing. Theo’s acting career
began in the fourth grade, when she received the lead role in a class play. After
discovering her life’s calling, she dedicated herself to it, acting in every high school,
university, and community production available. In high school, Theo performed in
productions of Fiddler on the Roof and Gypsy. From her freshman year in high school until 1988, she worked in summer
stock at the Mac-Haydn Theatre in Chatham, New York. She started as an apprentice at
Mac-Haydn Theatre and in summer 1988, she played the leading role in the theater’s
production of The Fantasticks. At Syracuse University, she
acted in Midsummer Night’s Dream and numerous other plays.
Theo’s soprano singing voice and her charismatic acting were only two of her many
She was bright and articulate and her parents described her as “loving and mean, logical
and hysterical, cynical and enthusiastic.” After Theo’s death, Susan and Daniel united with
other families of victims to create the Victims of Pan Am Flight 103, Inc. (VPAF 103, Inc.),
an organization devoted to ensuring similar acts of terrorism could never happen again. Both
writers, Susan and Daniel Cohen have written extensively about Theo, the Pan Am 103 tragedy,
and terrorism. Their works include numerous short articles, as well as a book and
contributions to journals. They co-authored Pan Am 103: The Bombing,
the Betrayals, and a Bereaved Family’s Search for Justice and both wrote a chapter
“Voice: Theo Was on Pan Am 103” for The Trauma of Terrorism: Sharing
Knowledge and Shared Care, An International Handbook by Yael Danieli, Danny Brom,
and Joe Sills. This book was co-published as the Journal of
Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, Volume 9, Numbers 1/2 and 3/4 in 2004 and
Volume 10, Numbers 1/2 and 3/4 in 2005.
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Scope and Content Note
The Theodora Cohen Family Papers contains information and materials related to Theodora
“Theo” Cohen, one of 35 Syracuse University students killed in the bombing of Pan Am Flight
103 while studying abroad through the university’s Division of International Programs Abroad
(DIPA). This collection includes series for Audiovisual
Materials, Clippings, Correspondence, Manuscripts, Memorials, Personal Effects, Photographs, and Subject Files.
Audiovisual Materials includes cassette tapes and CD-ROMs of
Theo singing and performing, as well as a remembrance compilation for a memorial service
honoring her.
Clippings include articles from newspapers and magazines that
the Cohen family collected regarding the Pan Am 103 bombing, Libya, other terrorist attacks,
Theo Cohen, other Pan Am 103 victims, Lockerbie, and memorials.
Correspondence is divided into two subseries. The first
subseries includes condolences and other letters to and from Susan
and Daniel Cohen. It also includes correspondence with President George H.W. Bush
and President Bill Clinton, U.S. and international government figures, reporters, and media
executives. The second subseries includes the correspondence of Others (Non-Cohen), regarding the Pan Am Flight 103/Lockerbie Air Disaster. It
includes correspondence of Presidents, U.S. government officials, and reporters and media
Manuscripts is divided into two subseries. The first subseries
contains writings by Susan and Daniel Cohen, such as
various draft manuscript versions of their co-authored book Pan Am
103: The Bombing, the Betrayals, and a Bereaved Family’s Search for Justice. Also
included are longer written drafts of articles and responses to articles related to the Pan
Am 103 bombing. The second subseries contains partial and complete writings by Others related to Pan Am Flight 103, the Lockerbie trial, and
Memorials contains materials related to services and memorials
in Port Jervis, New York; Lockerbie, Scotland; Syracuse University, and Arlington National
Cemetery honoring Theo Cohen and the other victims of the Pan Am 103 tragedy.
Personal Effects is divided into two subseries. The first
subseries contains materials related to Theodora Cohen and
includes playbills, clippings, and photographs of productions she acted in during high
school and college, as well as her voter registration card. It also includes letters about
scholarship awards, promotional information and documents about DIPA, and posthumous honors
in her memory, such as a New York State Legislative Resolution and a Syracuse University
Certificate of Student Achievement. The second subseries contains materials owned by or
related to Susan and Daniel Cohen. Their Lockerbie Trial
Cards, notes regarding Pan Am Flight 103/Lockerbie Air Disaster, Pan Am 103 pins, and
Susan’s planner are included. Information regarding the Estate of Theodora Cohen is also
Photographs is divided into two subseries. The first subseries,
Theodora Cohen, includes two photographs of Theo Cohen
and Lauren Henry in costume for Halloween. The second subseries, Other, includes photographs of the Peace Time Memorial Plaque at Our Lady of
Fatima Assembly, which honors Americans who died in terrorist attacks between 1983 and 1988.
Subject Files is divided into two subseries. The first subseries
is Organizations and Individuals, which contains
publications, correspondence, information, and promotional materials related to the Pan Am
103 bombing. The second subseries is Government/Trial,
which contains trial transcripts, government resolutions, correspondence with the law firm
Kreindler and Kreindler, as well as statements and petitions delivered during the trial.
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Access Restrictions
Some materials in the Theodora Cohen Family Papers are restricted at the donor's request.
Folders or boxes containing restricted material are noted in the inventory below. Please
contact the archivist for further information regarding access to these materials.
Use Restrictions
Written permission must be obtained from the Pan Am Flight 103 Archives and all relevant
rights holders before publishing quotations, excerpts or images from any materials in
this collection.
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Selected Search Terms
Cohen, Daniel, 1936-
Cohen, Susan.
Cohen, Theodora.
Syracuse University -- History.
Syracuse University.
Associated Titles
Pan Am 103: The Bombing, the
Betrayals, and a Bereaved Family's Search for Justice.
Pan Am Flight 103 Bombing Incident, 1988.
Terrorism -- Government Policy -- United States -- Case Studies.
Terrorism -- Government Policy -- United States -- History.
Terrorism -- Government Policy -- United States.
Terrorism -- History -- 20th Century.
Lockerbie (Scotland)
Types of material
Audiovisual materials.
Clippings files.
Manuscripts for publication.
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Administrative Information
Preferred Citation
Theodora Cohen Family Papers,
Pan Am Flight 103/Lockerbie Air Disaster Archives
Syracuse University Libraries
Acquisition Information
The Theodora Cohen Family Papers was donated by Daniel and Susan Cohen in several
additions, between 2004 and 2014.
Processing Information
The Theodora Cohen Family Papers are fully processed and housed in acid-free folders and
archival boxes.
Finding Aid Information
Created by: Vanessa L. St.Oegger-Menn and Jenna Bossert
Date: March 2015
Revision history: 2016 December - Inventory added, contents refoldered, organized and processed
collection (JNB)
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All series are arranged by subseries and chronologically or alphabetically when
applicable. Correspondence is arranged by person, subject, or organization when
significant. Clippings are organized by subject when significant.
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Audiovisual Materials |
Box 1 |
“Riverwalk” Cassette Tapes Information 1989 |
Box 1 |
“Riverwalk” F/V 2975 1989 |
Box 1 |
“Riverwalk” F/V 2976 1989 |
Box 1 |
“Riverwalk” F/V 2979 1989 |
Box 1 |
“Riverwalk” F/V 2980 1989 |
Box 1 |
“Riverwalk” F/V 2982 1989 |
Box 1 |
Theodora Cohen – National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS)
Performance – April 9, 1988 F/V 2978
Box 1 |
Theodora Cohen – Shaw Dormitory 4th floor in Thornden Park Singing – Spring
1987 F/V 2969A
Box 1 |
“'Theo’ in Fond Remembrance”: Theodora E. Cohen Memorial Service at First
Presbyterian Church of Port Jervis – Dec. 29. 1988 F/V 2962B
Clippings |
Box 2 |
December 1988
(3 folders)
Box 2 |
(4 folders)
Box 3 |
January-June 1990
(2 folders)
Box 3 |
July-December 1990
(2 folders)
Box 3 |
(2 folders)
Box 3 |
(2 folders)
Box 4 |
(2 folders)
Box 4 |
(2 folders)
Box 4 |
(2 folders)
Box 4 |
(2 folders)
Box 5 |
Box 5 |
(2 folders)
Box 5 |
Box 5 |
(2 folders)
Box 5 |
Box 6 |
Box 6 |
Box 6 |
(2 folders)
Box 6 |
Broadcast Transcripts 1989-2000 |
Box 6 |
Clippings about Pan Am 103: The Bombing, the Betrayals,
and a Bereaved Family’s Search for Justice 2000-2001
Box 6 |
Libya 1990-1995 |
Box 6 |
Written by the Cohens 1988-2001 |
Correspondence |
Susan and Daniel Cohen
Condolences |
Box 1, 7 |
December 1988
(7 folders)
Box 7, 8 |
January 1989
(4 folders)
Box 8 |
Box 8 |
Circa 1988-1989
Box 8 |
Box 8 |
Floral Tributes 1988 |
Box 8 |
Government Officials 1988 |
Box 8 |
Hadassah Condolences and Tributes 1988-1990 |
Box 8, 9 |
Mass Enrollment 1988
(2 folders)
Box 9 |
Families of Pan Am Flight 103/Lockerbie Victims 1989-1990 |
Box 9 |
Port Jervis Community Tributes 1989-1989 |
Box 9 |
Religious Tributes 1988 |
Box 9 |
Schools 1988-1990
(2 folders)
Box 9 |
Syracuse University and Community 1988-1990
(2 folders)
Box 9 |
Trees for Israel Tributes 1988-1989 |
Box 9 |
Ambassadors to Foreign Country Embassies and the EU 1994-2000 |
Box 9 |
Bruce Smith 1989 1995 |
Box 10 |
President George H. W. Bush 1989-1991 |
Box 10 |
President Bill Clinton 1992-1999 |
Box 10 |
Clinton Administration 1992-2000 |
Box 10 |
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) 1991-1996 |
Box 10 |
Allan Frankovich 1993-1994 |
Box 10 |
Holiday Cards 1988 |
Box 10 |
International Government Officials 1990-2002 |
Box 10 |
Kreindler and Kreindler 1989-2004 |
Box 10, 11 |
Reporters and Media Executives 1989-2004 2010
(4 folders)
Box 11 |
U.S. Department of Justice and the Office of Victims of Crime
(OVC) 1989-2003
Box 11 |
U.S. Department of State 1989-2004 |
Box 11 |
U.S. Government Officials 1989-2002
(2 folders)
Box 11 |
Fredda Weiss 1989 |
Outgoing |
Box 11 |
Box 11 |
Box 11 |
President George W. Bush 2004 |
Box 11 |
Letters to the Editor 1992-1998 |
Box 11 |
U.S. Mission and Libyan Mission to the U.N. 1992-1999 |
Incoming |
Box 12 |
Box 12 |
Box 12 |
Box 12 |
Box 12 |
Box 12 |
Box 12 |
Box 12 |
Beirut Remembered 1994 |
Box 12 |
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) 1991-1992 |
Box 12 |
Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal's Office 1990-1991 |
Box 12 |
Department of the Army 1995 |
Box 12 |
Families of Pan Am Flight 103/Lockerbie Victims 1989-2002 |
Box 12 |
Senator Edward "Ted" Kennedy 1994-2002 |
Box 12 |
Lockerbie Air Disaster Appeal Fund 1989 |
Box 12 |
Lord Advocate's Chambers 2000 |
Box 12 |
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company 1992 |
Box 12 |
Port Jervis Community 1989 |
Box 12 |
Syracuse University Community 1989-1993 2003-2004 |
Others (Non-Cohen)
Box 13 |
(2 folders)
Box 13 |
Air Incident Research 1993-1994 |
Box 13 |
President George H. W. Bush 1989-1992 |
Box 13 |
President Bill Clinton 1993-1998 |
Box 13 |
Families of Pan Am Flight 103/Lockerbie Victims 1988-2002
(2 folders)
Box 13 |
Family and Friends of the Cohens 1989 |
Box 13 |
International Government Officials 1994-2003 |
Box 13 |
Senator Edward "Ted" Kennedy 1992-1998 |
Box 13 |
Reporters and Media Executives 1989-2000 |
Box 13 |
U.S. Department of Justice 1990 1996-2003 |
Box 13 |
U.S. Department of State 1989-2002 |
Box 13 |
U.S. Governmental Officials 1989-1999 |
Manuscripts |
Susan and Daniel Cohen
Book Manuscripts of Pan Am 103: The Bombing, The
Betrayals, and a Bereaved Family’s Search for Justice
Box 14 |
Justice Denied – Initial Draft of Pan Am 103: The
Bombing, the Betrayals, and a Bereaved Family’s Search for Justice –
Partial Manuscript 2000
(2 folders)
Box 14 |
First Draft 2000
(2 folders)
Box 14 |
First Draft – Loose Pages and Edits 2000 |
Box 14 |
Copy Edited Draft 2000
(2 folders)
Box 14 |
Feb. 25- NAL Promotional "Sampler" and Content 2000 |
Box 15 |
April 4 Draft 2000
(3 folders)
Box 15 |
April 4 Draft – Loose Pages and Edits 2000 |
Box 15 |
April 6 Copy Edit Draft 2000
(2 folders)
Box 15 |
April 7– Folio Graphics, Inc. Manuscript 2000
(2 folders)
Box 16 |
April 13 Draft 2000
(2 folders)
Box 16 |
April 14 Copy Edit Draft 2000
(2 folders)
Other Susan and Daniel Cohen Writings |
Box 16 |
Draft of “Lockerbie Families Speak” Response Article to Cockburn Piece,
The Nation 2001
Box 16 |
“Pan Am 103 and Libya, Coincidences and Contradictions” 1990-1991 |
Box 16 |
Reflection on Civil Suits and Default Judgment 1997 |
Box 16 |
Reflection on Clinton Administration Response to Pan Am Flight
103 circa 1993-2000
Box 16 |
Reflection on Hafez Assad circa 1990-2000 |
Box 16 |
Reflection on Sixth Anniversary of Pan Am Flight 103 1994 |
Box 16 |
“The Europeans are Having a Stroke” 1996 |
Box 16 |
Unpublished “Two Cheers” Reflection on Civil Suits 1995 |
Box 16 |
Alikhani, Hossein, Book Jacket for In the Claw of The
Eagle, London: Centre for Business Studies (1995)
Box 16 |
Bar-Illan, David, “Milton Viorst: The Master of the Doable Standard,” With
Friends Like These: The Jewish Critics of Israel, in The
Jewish Wars, ed. Edward Alexanders, New York: SPI Books (1993), pp.
Box 16 |
Chomsky, Noam and Herman, Edward, Excerpt from Letters from Lexington: Reflections on Propaganda, Monroe, ME: Common
Courage Press (1993), pp. 116-124
Box 16 |
Coleman, Lester, and Goddard, Donald, Afterword for Trail of the Octopus from Beirut to Lockerbie: Inside the DIA,
Signet/Penguin (1996), pp. 427-445
Box 17 |
Davis, Stephen, Excerpt from Apartheid’s
Rebels, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press (1987), pp.
Box 17 |
Geffner, Robert, PhD, “The Trauma of Terrorism: Sharing Knowledge and
Shared Care, an International Handbook," Journal of
Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma, Vol. 9, Numbers 1/2 (2004), The
Haworth Maltreatment and Trauma Press
Box 17 |
Goddard, Donald, Book Jacket and Title Page for The
Insider and Book Jacket for Trail of the Octopus from
Beirut to Lockerbie: Inside the DIA 1992-1993
Box 17 |
Gowland-Debbas, Vera, “The Relationship between the International Court of
Justice and the Security Council in Light of the Lockerbie Case,” The American Journal of International Law, Vol. 88, No. 4
(1994), pp. 643-677
Box 17 |
Herman, Edward and O’Sullivan, Gerry, Excerpt from The Terrorism Industry, New York: Pantheon (1989), pp. 116-117
Box 17 |
Hudson, Paul S., "The Crime Victim and the Criminal Justice System: Time
for a Change", Pepperdine Law Review, Vol. 11, No. 5
(1984), pp. 23-62
Box 17 |
Kash, Douglas, Esq., “Libyan Involvement and Legal
Obligations in Connection with the Bombing of Pan Am Flight 103,” Studies in
Conflict and Terrorism, Vol. 17 (1994), pp. 23-38
Box 17 |
Katz, Samuel M., Israel versus Jibril: The Thirty
Year War against a Master Terrorist, New York: Paragon House (1993), pp.
184-232, 259-264
Box 17 |
Katzman, Kenneth, “Terrorism: Middle Eastern Groups and State Sponsors,
1999,” Congressional Research Service (CRS) Report for Congress, The Library of
Box 17 |
Leppard, David, On the Trail of Terror,
London: Jonathan Cape (1991), pp. 4-15, 211-212
Box 17 |
Middle East Insider Special Report, “Pan Am 103: Autopsy of a Coverup,”
S.R. number 2, March 1990
Box 17 |
Salinger, Pierre, P.S., A Memoir, New York:
St. Martin's Press (1995), pp. 272-284
Box 17 |
Schuler, G. Henry M., “A Policy for Breaking the Libyan-American
Stalemate,” Center for Strategic and International
Studies, April 15, 1994
Box 17 |
Smith, Ellen M., “Winter Solstice and the White Birds," Dec. 22-23,
Box 17 |
Speer, Laurel, Cookies, Tunnel, NY: The Geryon
Press (1999)
Memorials |
Box 17 |
"Dark Elegy" 1994-1996 |
Box 17 |
Dedication of the Memorial Cairn at Arlington National Cemetery 1995 |
Box 17 |
Flower Tribute at St. Alfred’s Episcopal Church, Palm Harbor, FL 1989 |
Box 17 |
Lockerbie Memorial Service - First Anniversary 1989 |
Box 17 |
Memorial Service for Theodora Cohen 1988 |
Box 17 |
Memorial Service at First Presbyterian Church of Port Jervis 1989 |
Box 17 |
Memorial Vigil at Lafayette Park, Washington, DC – Apr. 3, 1989 1989 |
Box 17 |
Memorial Night at the Mac-Haydn Theatre, Chatham, NY – June 3,
1989 1989
Box 17 |
No Greater Love Candlelight Ceremonies at Holy Trinity Church, Washington,
DC 1989-1993
Box 17 |
Remembrance Scholar Convocation Packet and Sketch 1989 |
Box 18 |
Syracuse University Memorial Book for Theodora Cohen 1989 |
Box 18 |
Syracuse University Memorial Services 1989-1990 |
Box 18 |
Tenth Anniversary Memorial Service at Arlington National Cemetery 1998 |
Box 18 |
"The Day of the Longest Night" Memorial Service at St. George’s Episcopal
Church, NYC 1989
Personal Effects |
Theodora Cohen
Box 8 |
College Documents and Activities/Productions 1986-1988 |
Box 18 |
High School Productions 1984-1986
Photograph of Theo Cohen and Friends Performing "Thriller" Dance
Photograph of Theo Cohen and Stefan Siwik in Unknown Production |
Box 6 |
NY State Legislative Resolution honoring the memory of Theodora Cohen,
Feb. 7, 1989
Box 19 |
Personal Effects - Returned from Lockerbie, Scotland |
RESTRICTED: The contents of this box are restricted for use and may not be viewed, cited, or
Box 18 |
Syracuse University Certificate of Student Achievement 1988 |
Box 18 |
Syracuse University DIPA Documents and Information 1988 |
Box 18 |
Voter Registration Card 1986 |
Susan and Daniel Cohen
Box 18 |
Estate of Theodora Cohen 1989-1991 |
Box 18 |
Lockerbie Trial ID Cards and Lockerbie Trial Families Project
Information 2000-2001
Box 18 |
New American Standard New Testament Old Testament Prophecy
Edition 1975
Box 18 |
Notes regarding Pan Am Flight 103 1992-2000 |
Box 18 |
Susan Cohen's Planner 2004 |
Box 20 |
Pan Am Flight 103 Pins 1989 |
Photographs |
Theodora Cohen
Box 20 |
Theodora Cohen and Lauren Henry on Halloween circa 1986-1988 |
Box 20 |
Peace Time Memorial Plaque at Our Lady of Fatima Assembly 1989 |
Subject Files |
Organizations and Individuals
Box 20 |
Beirut Connection 1991 |
Box 20 |
International Association of Ultrarunners 1989 |
Box 20 |
Lester Coleman 1995-1997 |
Box 20 |
Libya Sanctions Review Committee 1997 |
Box 20 |
Lockerbie Air Disaster Trust 1989-1991 |
Box 20 |
Lockerbie Friendship Group 1989 |
Box 20 |
National Center for Victims of Crime 2000 |
Box 20 |
Simon Wiesenthal Center 1987-1990 |
Box 20 |
Terrorism Watch: Pan Am Flight 103 1997 |
Box 20 |
United States Mission to the United Nations 1998 |
Government and trial documents
Box 21 |
General January 1989-December
(8 folders)
Box 22 |
General January 1992-December
(5 folders)
Box 23 |
General 1993-1995
(7 folders)
Box 24 |
General 1996-1999
(6 folders)
Box 25 |
General 1999-2003, undated
(9 folders)
FC 2-3 |
Resolution no. 222 of 2009, Resolution of Orange County, New York
legislature opposition to release of Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi 2009
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