PORT JERVIS — Port Jervis school district officials are monitoring the wet weather situation, and they have announced the amended schedule they will follow if high water threatens to flood the septic system at the Route 209 complex that houses Port Jervis High School and Anna S. Kuhl Elementary School.
Although the rainfall amounts appear to be less than originally projected region-wide, the storm could flood small streams and areas with poor drainage, including the septic system.
If water levels are normal at 6 a.m. Friday, all schools will operate as normal and the High School Regents exams will be administered as scheduled. If there is localized flooding, the district will activate its emergency phone system and school news notifier to inform students’ households of the schedule changes. The information will also be posted on the district’s Facebook page and website, www.pjschools.org.
If the general area is not impacted but the water levels force the district to shut down the septic system at the Route 209 complex, then the district’s elementary schools will close but the high school and middle school will be open. The middle school, and BOCES students, will follow their regular schedule; the high school Regents will be given at Hamilton Bicentennial Elementary School, and students taking exams will be picked up at their regular stop and bussed to and from Hamilton for the exams.
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