In a hastily called press conference at Wrigley Field Tuesday, Baseball Commissioner Peter Ueberroth called ''inaccurate'' statements attributed to him Monday that postseason games of the Cubs would be played at the North Side ballpark.
A wire story from Benton Harbor, Mich., where Ueberroth spoke Monday night before the Economic Club of Southwest Michigan, reported that the commissioner told the audience during a question-and-answer session that if the Cubs reach the World Series this year they will play all their home games at Wrigley Field, despite a potential loss in television revenue of $7 million to $15 million per game.
''Certain quotes attributed to me last night were inaccurate,'' said Ueberroth Tuesday in a prepared statement. ''No decision has been made regarding Chicago Cubs` postseason games for 1987. Major league baseball would like to see the City of Chicago and Cubs resolve this situation.''
The Cubs have not participated in the World Series since 1945.
In the spring of 1986, the Cubs said the National League informed them that the team would have to play all home playoff games at Busch Stadium in St. Louis. The issue became moot, however, since the Cubs never challenged for the division championship in 1986.
A tape of the question-and-answer session obtained by WGN-radio revealed that Ueberroth told the audience in Benton Harbor that the Cubs would ''probably'' play their home playoff games during the day.
As for the World Series, the commissioner hedged somewhat, saying he anticipated that ''it`ll cost between $7 million and $15 million per game to change the World Series (to day games). We`re working on trying to get maybe one daytime game or two, because we think it`s a good investment for the kids of America to be sure not to have them up so late like they`ve been in the
''But I`ll tell you the truth. I`ll probably be forced into a bad position because I`m not going to throw away $15 million a game. . . . I may have to face that problem, and when we do, I know what my decision will be. I`m not about to tell you. (Laughter.) You can either get mad or cheer or get ticked off. Let`s hope they win some games.''
Ueberroth also told the group that he did not negotiate the current television contract and that when the new contract is drawn up after the 1989 season, he will see to it that ''provisions'' are made concerning the need for daytime games if the World Series is to be played in Wrigley Field, the only ballpark in the majors without lights.
At his press conference Tuesday, Ueberroth said the decision to play day games at Wrigley Field in the World Series is the network`s and not the commissioner of baseball`s.
''Actually, a decision needs to be made in conjunction with television,'' said Ueberroth, adding that as of yet ''no decision has been made.''
Ueberroth declined to comment further on the lights issue, stating that ''I`m not going to cause additional problems . . . you don`t want to mislead any fans.''
The commissioner attended the ballgame with Tribune Co. executives and said that he was in town to ''review improvements in the ballpark'' before heading to St. Louis to watch the Cardinals host the Pittsburgh Pirates.
When asked if the commissioner of baseball has the power to overrule television on behalf of the Cubs, if the networks decide not to amend the current contract calling for night games for all World Series games, Ueberroth again declined to answer.
''That`s hypothetical,'' he said. ''I`ll let the lawyers answer that. You can answer that two different ways, so I`ll let the lawyers answer that one.''
Don Grenesko, executive vice president of business operations for the Cubs, said the club would make no comment on the lights issue.
In Springfield, meanwhile, State Rep. John Cullerton (D., Chicago)
introduced legislation to permit installation of lights in Wrigley Field, but only for league playoffs, World Series games and All-Star contests.
Specifically, the bill would amend a state noise pollution law that bans night games at Wrigley. The City of Chicago also has an ordinance that bans night games there.
Cullerton said he remains opposed to regular-season night games but that he wants to prevent the Cubs from ''threatening'' the public by claiming that without lights they will have to hold their postseason games in another city.
''This is our answer to their threat of going elsewhere,''
Cullerton said. ''It`s a compromise on the part of the community. If we didn`t pass this and we got to the playoffs, public opinion would be such that they`d give them what they wanted.''
Cullerton`s bill, which is given a good chance of passage by legislative observers, is not what the Cubs want.
''We`re still not going to put lights in with these restrictions,'' said Grenesko.
The Cubs want permission to play at least 18 games at night, and claim that postseason games would not justify the $5 million expense of installing lights.