Jojo anime (9)

1 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2012-10-26 00:09 ID:nv9nyr1m This thread was merged from the former /anime/ board. You can view the archive here.

Thoughts so far?

2 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2012-10-26 23:32 ID:3g2AgBzt

I hate it

3 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2012-10-27 12:13 ID:fF4tPTAt

I love it

4 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2012-10-29 17:55 ID:OB1I2X1X

唐澤貴洋 コーラン 燃やす ムハンマド

5 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2012-11-19 23:44 ID:FHevnnBl

best subs are DUWANG

6 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2021-02-17 10:35 ID:iAoFPYC4


>Needing subs

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: il vento d'oro (Golden Wind)

7 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2021-02-17 20:04 ID:OeAYvUZC

why is Jojo such a meme thing

8 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2021-02-23 21:23 ID:Heaven

Because it pretty much is the big "My first action anime" now.

9 Name: Anonymous Otaku : 2021-03-27 11:46 ID:nH5vEimL

The Netflix adaptation meme is true. Netflix censored it.

  1. Manga: Good, it spawned some old 4chan meme(s) I think
  2. Anime: Good animations but crappy renamings of characters
  3. Netflix version: same as the original anime but blood/gore and possibly-perceived-as-politics is censored -

P.S. I found this Spanish subtitles of "The Light Of Tsukimi Manor" manga: DDG search > > > >

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