Here are all recent donations. THIS IS GOING ANONYMOUS NOW.
Anonymous sent $25.25 USD, thanks! Anonymous sent: $100 AUD, $250 USD, and $1000 USD, thanks! And if you would like to donate and make sure it made it, add pennies to the end of the dollar amount so you'll have more recognizable digits to prove it made it. Many thanks!
An unofficial proposal by God knows who:
Probably the next FBI patsy.

It appears that the efforts to get it unstuck are lackluster and for show. This ship should have been offloaded by now and a dredge should be there. Nothing of the sort is being done. About Green Screen's speech today:
All the media people were there, it HAD TO be real . . . . . and the election was not stolen. Yes, they'd cover for this. The all know the election was stolen as they sit there and lie, they were pivotal in the steal and after that, anything will be done. Some people are saying he looked OK because he was drugged, others are saying it was an actor, and I SAY GREEN SCREEN. It's all the same any way you cut it, this government is a coup, it is NOT LEGIT so who cares about how they fake it once that is established? That said, it did not look like Biden at the presser at all. It looked like a double, and at that age it seems every one they come up with is expired. Maybe they dolled the wrinkles and age out a bit and made a few other things for a more appealing green screen, who knows. But it simply did not look like him. Close, but not.
The Pentagon knows the election was stolen, all the way from whoever cleans the toilets to whoever watches the nukes to whoever gives the orders to kill people and break things. THEY ALL KNOW, this election theft was not a secret and that makes the Pentagon the enemy of the American people as they sit there and not only do nothing about the fraud, they take orders from it!
I warned everyone repeatedly that if you don't keep it at home, you don't have it.
"Secure silver storage" or other precious metals storage outfits IMMEDIATELY sell your physical silver for cash when you hand it to them and they only keep a minimal amount on hand for the occasional individual who might go in and get it. But for all practical purposes, your precious metals will not be there, they sold it and ran their own investment schemes with it and/or stole it outright with what was in reality a front. When you use such places for your "safety" all you do is hand your precious metals to thieves who immediately cash it out. The "fractional banking" ruse works for as long as no more than 10 or so percent of the people ask for their metals back, AND HERE YOU GO:

First come, first served!!!
You'll do far better with a medium sized safe that cost $150 placed on your concrete slab or in your basement, loaded down with 400 pounds of buck shot with the best weight you can put in it being the ability to hide it and keep a secret. Only a prepared thief would get it. No casual thief is ever going to get that or cut into it and the buck shot will never be worthless.
Iran DID NOT fire a missile at an Israeli cargo ship
Iran would not be that stupid, no matter what the headlines say.
Here is a REAL headline (When you hear THIS ONE, believe it:)
Iran smuggled a powerful cruise missile into Israel and scored a direct hit on the Knesset, 135 top government officials dead, including Nut Yahoo.
THAT would be a real headline. For as long as it is bottle rockets and hits on cargo ships, it is not real. Israel can comfortably fake those.
Ship still not loose
Last night I came across an MSM report that said they got it loose and it was underway. I called that rumor because I did not believe it, AAAND, this morning it is still stuck. They are claiming it grounded accidentally due to wind, but that's a lie, this is the first time this ever happened in the entire history of the canal, no ship EVER wedged sideways like this EVER and the cock and balls screwing a butt trajectory it took proves this was no accident. If you did not see this, scroll down, the ship literally drew that in the water and immediately after doing so went on a straight line into the canal and blocked it like this.
I have noticed a lot of reports trying to downplay this event by stating only 10 percent of the world's shipping goes through this canal, but the reality is that the ships are huge, carry 30 percent of the world's cargo, and a high percentage of that cargo is oil. You know - ALL THE OIL. If the oil tankers headed for Europe don't want to go around the horn of africa (nasty place and way out of the way) they have to go all the way across the pacific, through the panama canal, across the atlantic, and then to Europe.
It is no coincidence at all that green screen attacked American oil, "they" did not want American oil stopping crisis when they planned it. Who knows how long they'll play this out.
If they start sending goons around taking guns, DO THIS:
Take a motion activated yard light and screw in a bulb base that has a power outlet on it. Run an extension cord to a light by your bed. A BRIGHT LIGHT. Make sure that light does not false trigger and only goes off when it should. Don't have a switch on that light, wire it direct. When they come to kick your door in, a light will already be on in your room before a boot touches the door. That will give you both light AND the precious seconds you need to grab your gun and at least get a few rounds into them. An AR will not be ideal, they'll have body armor. Use: .308, .270, 30.06 or at the very weakest, a 30/30. A .223 has 1300 foot pounds at the muzzle. A 30/30, which is a kid's gun, has 1,902 and a .270 starts at about 2,800 and can have over 3,200. A .270 is far more powerful at 500 yards than a .223 right at the muzzle. If you have a .270 or 30.06 use them.
The .223 is for un-armored targets. You want to win, right??? Obviously if a .223 is all you have, USE IT, they are not shabby. Just not the best goon slaying option.
It might also pay to hook that motion sensor light up to a UPS in case they get wise and start cutting people's power first, and also, it might be wise to drill through the wall behind the light and pass the "switch" back that way because they might just pull the extension cord out (but by then it would have switched on) so the UPS is probably more important.
When they go around taking guns, they'll be kicking in doors during the dead of night, ambushing sleeping people. You WILL NOT wake up and grab the gun on time. But if you get woke up by a light and then have the light already on, you absolutely WILL be able to react on time to teach them about what is proper behavior.
If the light keeps false triggering, don't switch it off, ADJUST THE FALSE TRIGGERING PROBLEM AND MAKE IT WORK. Your wake up light should not have a switch on it AT ALL.
Here are all recent donations. THIS IS GOING ANONYMOUS NOW.
Anonymous sent: $100 AUD, $250 USD, and $1000 USD, thanks! And if you would like to donate and make sure it made it, add pennies to the end of the dollar amount so you'll have more recognizable digits to prove it made it. Many thanks!
RUMOR: Biden is going to ban guns by executive order
That's a plausible rumor. But having them actually get turned in is not plausible.
Take a motion activated yard light and screw in a bulb base that has a power outlet on it. Run an extension cord to a light by your bed. A BRIGHT ONE. Make sure that light does not false trigger and only goes off when it should. When they come to kick your door in, the lights will already be on in your room before a boot touches the door. That will give you both light AND the precious seconds you need to grab your gun and at least get a few rounds into them. Don't bother with an AR, they'll have body armor. Use: .308, .270, 30.06 or at the very worst, a 30/30
RUMOR: The ship stuck in the Suez canal has been pulled loose UPDATE: THAT ENDED UP BEING RUMOR
LIE: The ship was pushed aground by strong crosswinds. If so, why did it do such pretty art work on the way into the canal, and why did no other ships experience trouble? If that was plausible, ships would ground in that canal all the time!
9th circuit states you can't carry a gun in public??!!??
That's ludicrous, they state the only place you can have a gun is in your home. Forget the car, and you can forget hunting and everything else too. Let's see if SCOTUS upholds this. I would not be surprised if they did. Then what? your guns will be declared illegal, (that's what) and they have already stated 100 million of them are. With nothing to support that claim AT ALL.
Whatever the commie says, is whatever it will be for as long as the people allow it.

CONFIRMED: They are going to be causing all kinds of intentional mayhem to wreck the world economy. Jamming this ship is a prime example of this and no one can tell me this was accidental if it drew a cock and butt before getting stuck in the canal!!!
This ship is probably wedged in INCREDIBLY well, they probably full throttle jammed it in and grounded it solid on purpose. If you have ever seen pictures of perfectly floatable ships stranded on islands and abandoned, it is because if they ground with any speed at all, no one can ever get them un-stuck even if they are successfully unloaded.
Egypt should rightfully seize this ship and take every last thing on it. And if they have to, then cut it up and scrap it with zero apologies. This grounding was, without question, an act of war. If they get it un-stuck they should take it anyway.
AAAAND here we go: The FBI set up the Colorado shooting
You have to have experience and be able to read between the lines.
It is perfectly clear when THIS REPORT is sent through my fact-tabulator that the FBI sought out another simple minded patsy, provided him with a gun, and sent him out on a shooting spree. The FBI does this ALL THE TIME. It is how they make "progress".
All the elements are there: SIX days before the shooting, a "mentally unstable" guy who was known to be unstable by everyone, on top of being ROCK STUPID and easy to fool, SIX days (6) Did I say SIIXX?? days before the shooting he gets his gun with no background check (he can't pass that) and then goes out and does a shoot up.
You know, the usual.
"It is not known where he purchased the weapon". Obviously, because he could not pass a background check. That's where the FBI stepped in after being his influential "friend" for a little time and "sold it" to him for $8 fully loaded while he showed them how he could ride a bike with no handlebars.
You know that's the case, because mommy took the gun away while he was playing with it. She did not hide it good enough I guess or so the story goes.
Proof of communist revolution:
Take a look at this report on Revolver.
If you ever attended a Donald Trump campaign rally, any other similar rally, OR, if you ever expressed doubt in the official narrative, OR you ever tweeted Q-anon, OR, you ever said Russia was a hoax, the election was stolen and a plethora of other things, OR if you believe there are 2 genders, a God, or read the bible and they find out, you will soon be banned from holding ANY government position.
Because obviously, since you know the election was stolen and do not agree with what is going on now, you are a threat to the TOTALLY NEW government that is not the government of the United States. No communist government anywhere tolerates Christianity or any other competing beliefs, if people don't stand up and fight (and they won't, as long as they can eat) it will be GAME OVER.
YES, Michael Moore really did tweet this.
He's more than just disgusting to look at.
Right when Trump was talking about setting up his own platform -
Facebook started talking about un-banning him. You know - so they can continue to hold the ban hammer over his head. Considering how ridiculously STUPID Trump has been so far with this type of thing, he'll probably fall for it. Let's face it folks, Trump can be suckered BIG TIME, especially when he puts his trust where it does not belong.
THIS is stuck in the Suez Canal REAL GOOD,
If this is a manufactured crisis, it could trigger $10 gas. FILL UP EVERYTHING NOW BEFORE THE RESULTS OF THIS GO BONKERS.
Was this done on purpose to create a crisis? It sure looks that way, how on earth would they ever get it sideways SO PERFECT by accident?
This is stuck so bad it could trigger a global supply chain crisis. I don't know what gets used more, the Suez canal or the Panama canal, but if they don't get this un-stuck it's gonna be bad. Count how many containers tall that thing is stacked. It's a monster, WAY bigger than a Nimitz class aircraft carrier.
This ship is 59 meters wide and 400 meters long. A Nimitz class aircraft carrier is 333 meters long. That pretty much sums up how huge this problem is.

This is a serious obstacle with no easy way to manage. Nothing can get past it. There's already a massive traffic jam. I am fairly certain they can't get it moving again because they poked a hole in it and it's firmly planted on the bottom. BIG PROBLEM.
Prediction: They will up "mass shootings" to several times a week
They might just AI blue screen them all, like they did Biden,
And all of them will: (Pick one per shooting:)
1. Promote the Covid agenda by making it look like gun nuts are anti-mask/anti-vaccine "fruitcakes."
2. Promote the race hatred agenda.
3. Support a war on the Arab world.
4. Promote banning of all guns. A variety of weapons will be used, they will diversify away from assault weapons to "justify" banning all of them. If they get down to air guns, there will be mass shootings with those.
All of this will be fronted by the FBI, or at a bare minimum, never be called out by the FBI which will know they are all either totally fake, or totally staged with brain wiped patsies.
Watch it happen. They'll hatch such a trail of damning B.S. that even avid gun owners will cry for it to stop. only it won't really be happening at all, we do, after all, have a blue screen "president".
With all shootings that are too convenient, nothing is to be fully trusted
As the story goes now, the "Colorado shooter" had a facebook page they made sure got deleted before they let his name out. I don't know exactly where they want to take the story now, but the deleted facebook page now proves he was a Muslim who hated Trump. However, they don't need "white supremacist" to accomplish a gun ban, they just need a shooting, so I am skeptical, it appears instead this shooting was entirely fake and that this facebook for the patsy either did not jive with what they wanted so they deleted it, or it is fake too. You decide I guess, either way they'll get their gun bans even if it was totally crisis acted.

To be ignored until . . . . Florida base jumper dies when chute fails to open
I ignored this at first because I figured it was just a chute failure the way the MSM makes it sound. Then I actually read the report and saw it was a case of bad reporting, combined with raw stupidity.
Here are the basics of base jumping: If a building does not have at least 30 LONG stories (not short stories and there's a big difference) and you can't jump from the top, DO NOT BASE JUMP.
Short stories can be as little as 8 feet and are used in hotels and apartments. Usually they are about 10 feet.
Long stories have, on each floor, above the space below, an additional level on the same floor that's in the ceiling that allows people to go up there and install things that are used in the office below. That space is typically about 4 feet but sometimes it is tall enough to walk around. That's a long story. Those are usually about 12-15 feet per floor.
This "base jumper" jumped from the 14th floor of a HOTEL because it "looked high" and was obviously stupid for 2 reasons:
1. He never read up on how long a parachute actually is once it opens.
2. He never read up on how fast he had to be going before wind speed would open a parachute, let alone how long after opening would be needed to slow him down.
The minimum is right around 400 feet if you don't have the wind speed from an airplane to help, even if you have experience. THERE WAS NO CHUTE FAILURE. Saying "the chute failed to open" the way the MSM is saying sure ignores the laws of physics.
After Biden GREEN SCREEN got "embarrassed" by the migrant situation, he -
Gave 86 MILLION to a "non profit" to provide 1,286 hotel rooms to migrant families for six months. How much per night does that work out to? $371.00 PER NIGHT.
That "nonprofit" is NOT a "nonprofit" though I'd have to say that if it was the Clinton foundation, that would be a remarkably good use of the funds compared to normal.
Here's reality: They probably got a contract with Motel 6, are probably paying around $80 per night and they pocketed $56 million with their "nonprofit". FIVE (5) new synagogues got built to the highest standards in prime areas.
Yahoo is lying about Sidney Powell
They claim she said "no one with a brain would believe her" after Dominion filed a lawsuit. Here is what she actually said:
"reasonable people would not accept such statements as fact but view them only as claims that await testing by the courts through the adversary process"
That's lawyer talk. And it in no way states "anyone who could think reasonably would not have believed her". She's only stating that the claims are so phenomonal they would be hard to believe without being proven in court. But you know where the left takes things.
We all know the election was rigged. We all know Dominion made it possible at the level it happened. We all know there was a coup, and now that the enemy is in charge, that enemy HAS TO go back over the fields they burned and plow them under so they can deny it ever happened. That's precisely what they are doing now.
We all know the election was rigged. We all know Dominion made it possible at the level it happened. We all know there was a coup, and now that the enemy is in charge, that enemy HAS TO go back over the fields they burned and plow them under so they can deny it ever happened. That's precisely what they are doing now. Only, this time it won't work. And they know it. They are doing their damndest to FORCE people to accept the fraud so strongly they begin to deny the fraud, but THIS TIME that's going to take a genocide. It was too blatant. Nobody believes their crap, including their allies.
Woke math: This is not a joke -
Oregon has claimed math is "white supremacist" and that an answer, such as 2+2=22 is a correct answer because minorities have difficulty with math because whites made it difficult on purpose, to shut minorities out. Obviously we are at war, and the goal is to destroy the sciences so technology gets crushed. The people doing these things know what they are doing. They know they can't get away with bombs, so they subverted and moved straight to victory without them. The end goal of any war is to totally annihilate the people you are targeting, you don't necessarily want to kill them all outright.
Boulder shooting, all you need to know in one line:
Boulder had an assault weapons ban that was in place for two years and a lower court judge struck it down. It was then challenged and to be put before the Colorado supreme court. 4 days after that happened, and before it went before the supreme court, "assault weapons were used in a mass shooting".
Like clockwork. It's another fake shooting to influence the courts. Predictable. It could not possibly be more predictable.
No one would magically come up with an assault weapon complete with ammo during an ammo shortage and shoot'em up in four short days, when most people would not even know a judge ruled in their favor. Most likely this is another case of crisis actors.
There are many con job reports about the "side effects of the Covid vax"
These reports list ridiculous side effects claims, and are specifically intended to make anyone who claims to have been damaged by the vax look like nutcases. After all, they have already succeeded in screwing over a major portion of the British population and all they need is one more deceptive push making people look like fools to, for the most part, get them all.
I have seen many such reports lately, but today I hit one that was such a prime example of public manipulation to get people to go in for the shot that it really took the cake. It is here. Here are a few example quotes of the kind of manipulation being done:
"Physical effects that were more closely related to medical issues but seem extremely unlikely to be linked to a Covid vaccine included excessive blinking (one), eyes changing colour (four), growing teeth (six) and losing teeth (one).
Thirty-nine people said they lost weight after the vaccine compared to three gaining weight.
And 102 people reported flatulence - passing wind - as a potential side effect, while 558 simply said they had been "feeling abnormal" but did not explain how."
My comment: So if you think the vax did anything to you, you're just complaining about your farts! HOW CUTE.
And now, in comment sections, whenever people "complain about the vax" they Always say, "I am fine now, and it was WORTH IT." Without fail. I am seeing that everywhere. Tell that to Tiffany Dover and Marvelous Marvin. I am buying NONE OF IT.
They show migrants being treated so much worse under Biden, (green screen) in a facility BIDEN (Green screen) HAD BUILT that it is indescribably worse than anything under either Trump OR Obama. "Kids in cages" was PARADISE compared to this crap. Totally unbelievable. This must stink to high heaven.
No blankets, only sheets of clear plastic AND mattresses in plastic, packed in like sardines - like you just threw people like trash on the floor. THIS IS WHAT VOTE FRAUD LOOKS LIKE. This is what it looks like when criminals (truly,) are running a country. How much are they bilking the taxpayer for this level of horrific treatment? I'd bet it is something like $300 per day per kid for treatment that should cost less than $5, food included.
"Kamala cannot be president" is making the rounds after Biden's 3d render glitch
Here are the facts regarding Kamala: She really cannot be president. Both her parents were non citizen foreigners and her dad was Jamaican, which automatically, according to Jamaican law, made Kamala Jamaican at birth.
Here are the facts regarding the world we now live in: There's no such thing as law. Thieves and thugs have seized the federal government. They are so tasteless and unqualified that when in front of top world leaders they appear like club scene stoners with dyed hair. That belongs at Shanique's salon, NOT AT A GLOBAL CONFERENCE. We are being insulted by those who stole the election.
Here is the reality we live in: We have a trans and obviously evil assistant secretary of health, making decisions about children. We have an election that was run on broken law, where in all important areas the entire foundation was fraudulent, and then the fraudulent foundation was used to steal it and the courts would not even acknowledge that the entire foundation it was run from was fraudulent, with rules put in place that happened totally outside the legal process. For that alone, it's not a legit election, and THAT is what blue screen Biden, not qualified to fill the role Kamala, Miss Purple Hair on the world stage and the trans secretary of health rode in on. It's all fake, and all a fraud.
IN THIS SITUATION, DO YOU REALLY THINK KAMALA NOT BEING QUALIFIED TO BE EVEN VICE PRESIDENT WILL BE BLOCKED FROM BECOMING PRESIDENT? I don't think so, because the law has already been 100 percent broken, it will be whatever those who staged the coup want. Kamala CANNOT be even Vice President because that position may require you to become president and you HAVE TO qualify for that. You can forget the American gun owner making a difference too. Evidently all we are going to see as far as action from gun owners is more FBI fronted fakery with their paid goons to justify taking the guns.
Obviously Green Screen wants war with Russia. Probably because green screen wants to solidify it's position and I think green screen is probably Soros. Funding predominantly from Soros and Gates paid for this election. I don't think Soros likes to share, and I think Gates is fine with that, as long as he gets to corrupt the entire genome. America is being run by cartoon level super villains. Do you think they'll do nuclear war, to destroy the country Soros absolutely hates, and made it clear he did? All the way back in the 90's he openly stated he wanted to destroy the United States. Who's really in charge if Biden is not, and they want to fake him on green screen? Who's taking action that could end in the total destruction of the country? I'll leave it at that.
FACT: The Pfizer CEO has not had any Corona vax yet, let alone the Pfizer shot. All for thee, and none for me!!! I won't even eat cake.
A few quick, but very important items
First of all, we have exhibit A which appears to be some sort of biological creation from a lab. looks for all the world like the first crude yet successful attempt to build a truly mobile man made life form that's not totally a chimera. Obviously I could be getting punked with this, but I don't think so, after studying this video fairly closely everything adds up, including the fact that it does not move in a way anything of this size that is natural does, this looks like it uses the type of mechanism a spider uses to move (spiders are hydraulic) combined with what looks like a squid. This would be the easiest way to make "your first crawling life form". I bet they did.

Everyone walked out after exhibit A, there will be no exhibit B today.
RUMOR: Russia to go to war soon Russia has opened it's bomb shelters, which, unlike America's bomb shelters (which have mostly been bulldozed by now) can hold the ENTIRE Russian population AND feed them for a lengthy time frame. Obviously if the DOD has spent trillions WE at least get a hole in the ground with food, RIGHT? Actually, NOPE. The leftists made damn good and sure that money went elsewhere. Funny thing: The leftists are the ones who are going to die without them, "the rest of us" are smart enough to either get out of the way, BE out of the way, and prep.
Toyota has warned, and is continuing to warn the world not to switch to electric cars too fast
Toyota is stating straight up that there's no way the electrical infrastructure is going to be able to handle having everyone driving electric cars, especially with leftists shutting down as much generating capacity as they possibly can. Toyota is also stating that electric cars are going to continue to be expensive into the forseeable future. And Toyota is also pointing out that only 2 percent of the U.S. car fleet is electric at this time, so real problems are being totally obscured by this.
I believe Toyota is absolutely right. I'll add to that "what if it is a trap, and once all the cars are electric, they'll just pull a Texas on us?" But there is one thing that is making things not look so bad - cheap solar panels.
In Mexico, you can get 400 watt panels brand new on the (real) market, (not Home Depot) for about $130 USD. At home depot, even in Mex, that same panel costs over $600 from the exact same manufacturer. So it will be key to not get ripped off for this -
Let's say you buy an electric car for $30,000 because the price dropped a bit. IF you then turned around and bought $3000 worth of panels that were priced fairly, you'd get 10,000 watts of generating capacity and your car itself would be the battery, you could skip that cost. Such a solar array could be arranged to provide whatever DC voltage the car was set up to accept (and that can be done, very easily.) With such a setup, you'd get about 45 miles of driving from one hour of charge at Tesla's ratings, and there are other electric cars that would go farther. These panels would not be on the car, obviously. But if you pushed that out to an entire day of charging under good conditions, you'd get the equivalent of about 6 hours of full sun, and put hundreds of miles of range on the car in one whack for nothing but a small additional expense at time of purchase.
Additionally, if your car was in use during prime charging time, you could put a grid tie inverter on those panels and send the power out during peak hours and then take it all back at night, for free. Solar panels may become a standard add on to any electric car purchase in the near future. If you can skip the storage part of the solar equation and use the car for that, solar (can be) very cheap to do.
Trump just made a very important statement
He says it clearly here in a way that can't be refuted even if the courts refused to hear the case - the election is not valid, and it does not matter if the courts refused to hear the case, it was not valid anyway.

Investigators looked at the data in the car's computer and it shows the brake was never pushed and the gas remained pushed, all the way to the time of impact. I don't think Woods was suicidal, nor do I believe he could have fallen asleep within two minutes on a windy road.
Someone has something to hide. They are not telling the truth. If they had succeeded in killing him, the story would have been the usual: He got drunk and crashed.
Woods has likely stated what actually happened, but in a world where the president passes through microphones you'll never hear it.
The volcano in Iceland just blew. The magma is super hot
WAY hotter than Kiluea. Much much brighter color. And it's all happening within 25 miles of my servers there. They say there's no cause for concern at this time but I am a little bit nervous, especially since Iceland chose to be the world's last great outpost of free speech.
Wishing them the best for more reasons than my own, I hope they get 500 square miles of new land in the best direction possible.
The eruption is supposedly VERY noxiously gassy, which means Thunberg will soon be complaining about how diesel trucks are choking spotted owls. They don't care about how things correlate, if they can hatch a story about global air quality and never mention this eruption, you can safely bet they will. This one, despite being a rather mild (yet high volume) eruption is a very stinky one.
There have been changes since I last posted to what the real story is with this eruption (overnight it went from a "once every 14,000 year eruption" that will "probably persist for hundreds of years" to "A probably benign once every 6000 years (there's that number again)" eruption. Wait and see I guess.
SOMEONE GOT THE TRUTH OUT, you know - that BIDEN VID I have posted above and as a result -
Many major social media platforms have been shut down to stop that from spreading. But I am going to make damn good and sure THAT PROBLEM is persistent. RIGHT CLICK TO SAVE, BABY!!!!
A few random items
"White supremacist shooting" of asians - This is pure B.S., if there actually was a shooting it was done by intelligence services to divide the Oriental Asians from white people after leftists grouped them with white people and started bashing them the same way. They don't want asians and whites united under the same cause, so they'll pull this crap as much as they have to to prevent it. Having flags flown at half mast over this patent bullshit was the icing on the cake, we need the entire DC metro from Arlington to Baltimore CRATERED.
Biden "stumbled on the stairs to air force one????" Not hardly. After their fake of Biden they just got busted for, they need to convincingly humanize the corpse so they released a "poke fun" video of him tripping to "prove he's actally not spawning amoebas". AND PEOPLE GOT SUCKERED BY IT. I don't believe the Biden tripping video is anything other than an AI generating it, the microphones told the WHOLE story without picking up a voice or noise at all. How could they? They were just bytes off a hard drive.
Breaking: The states that had the highest COVID vaccination rates are now getting outbreaks of COVID more than the states with the lowest vaccination rates. I'm sure they will find a way to push that one away, they lie about everything.
A judge has ruled the details of Ghislaine Maxwell are too sensational and unpure to reveal to the public. Because that's a secret after all, we have absolutely NO RIGHT TO KNOW. In a world where an enormous segment of the population plays video games where they realistically spread guts everywhere, we can't get the details about Ghislaine because they are too "unpure". HOW CUTE. Like I said, we need a crater so deep starting just south of Arlington and ending just south of Baltimore - SO DEEP we get a nice new expanse of ocean. That's the only way to solve "we can't give you the details" while the FBI goes around shooting up asians and blaming whitie. How about THAT for "sensational" and "unpure"??? They'll certainly air THAT all day.
I am hearing LOTS of social media posts about prices skyrocketing in the U.S. HERE IS REALITY:
Check the USD to PESO exchange rate. It has been hovering right around 20 since before COVID. Since that ratio is stable, if there was a legit reason for prices in the U.S. to skyrocket it should reflect with the ratio of pesos to dollars dropping. That ratio is not dropping.
Prices in Mexico are STABLE. They are not going up, not even on American brands. I like to shop at HEB for the American brands and Soriana (a Mexican chain) for the meats. Both of those are TOTALLY STABLE for what I want. HEB raised meat prices horribly but Soriana stayed stable, so that's just HEB gouging. All other items, from bicycles to tires to microwaves to TV's to yoghurt to rice to Ramen to fresh tomatoes to YOU NAME IT are the same in Mex as they always were. If the prices are going up in the U.S., someone is SCREWIN YA. There's no reason for this at all, COVID cannot be blamed.
Death toll in Iraq now an admitted 2.3 million
This all happened before I was doing this site, but I was still online screaming about the official lie. The U.S. MSM was claiming U.S. forces were doing only precision strikes and only killed a few thousand (or hundreds of) Iraqis, depending on the day and who was lying. That was not the case AT ALL. Here is what really happened in Iraq:
The U.S. went in and carpet bombed and killed hundreds of thousands of people at a time. The worst example of this was the city of Najaf, where the U.S. military sealed off the city and attempted to kill every single man there. They totally leveled sections of that city so badly that absolutely nothing was recognizable, it was rendered to dust. In that ONE city and ONE assault alone, they killed a minimum of 270,000 people.
Now, years later, the truth about how brutal the U.S. forces were is starting to creep out. They were, in reality, horrific beyond belief. Punish a single soldier for doing "un-needed killings there"? Like what was in the news when Trump did a pardon? THAT'S BULLSHIT, all done for optics to maintain an illusion of righteousness. The reality was that they butchered wholesale and those that were not killed were, at an extremely high ratio maimed while depleted uranium (the preferred choice for American combat there) poisoned the ground so badly that future generations are now dealing with extremely high rates of birth defects.
The U.S. was doing THIS KIND OF BULLSHIT: They attached magnets to the jet rotors and coils to the cowlings to form enormous generators that were then used to power extremely nasty microwave transmitters they'd swoop down on people with, and turn the liquid inside their eyeballs into opaque and permanent cataracts. I was getting posts from American soldiers laughing about how small animals would instantly burst into flames when hit by that.
But for me, that's a 15 year old rant. Bush was responsible for that and he used 911 that HE DID as an excuse. Nice guy he was. On to the next atrocity I guess, which is shaping up to be the COVID vax.
So now we are supposed to believe green screen Biden said Putin is a killer with no soul. That's quite a claim, when the Biden presented has no heart, no spleen, no left or right hands and NO BRAIN. He's probably got a trillion amoebas and perhaps a few grubs burrowing through him by now.
Hey, there's a Russian sub missing now. One nicely placed if it can get through the strait of Gibraltar undetected. HEY PUTIN, GIVE AMERICA A NICE 4th of July show. If the American gun owner is nothing but a scaredy cat that can have it's treat taken, maybe Putin can do the job the American gun owner obviously won't do with a whole bunch of 10 megaton corrections on the 4th of July. Too bad a sub can't launch Tsar Bomba. Putin knows we did not ask for this sh*t. Let's all hope the guy has enough of a heart to do us all a favor.
PLEASE DO NOT USE KILOTONS!!!! Do not waste your efforts. For god's sake and ours, DO NOT USE KILOTONS.
No multiple warhead missiles, PUT THE SINGLE BIG ONES ON. America does not need suggestions, America needs results. A crater from just south of Arlington to just south of Baltimore. I have lately thought we need a whole lot more ocean there.
The best possible outcome to the Deagel report would be:
Russia nukes every leftist sh*thole to oblivion and leaves the American heartland intact to recover the nation. That would be the best possible outcome, but with 200+ million dead (according to that report) and only about 30 million true intellectual parasites eliminated, the price would be awful damn steep. And the disease is in the heartland also, every law office, judge, school administrator, most doctors, and every synagogue and mason lodge would have to be dealt with as after-the-matter cleanup.
If the Deagel report instead worked out like the Ukraine genocide and the heartland was targeted by the left and wiped out, the entire underpinning of America would be destroyed and in the end, within a year or two, there would be NOTHING AT ALL left. 100 million losers and parasites would wear the graces of China thin in a damn hurry and "learning to code" would not be a way out of it.
The following was posted AFTER the hacks, but it might cause more:
I am going to tell Russia straight up, with NSA experience, how to jam America's submarine detectors in the straits of Gibraltar. HERE IS HOW YOU DO IT.
You get an unstable and noisy AM reciever that can at least do a fairly good job of locking onto a distant AM music station and, with POOR sound quality that has good frequency response play that loudly through submerged speakers. That is the ONE THING the NSA and no listening device can counter, the incoming signal is too unpredictable with static and noise for them to use anything to effectively filter it out. By the time they are done "filtering" your submarine noises will be gone too.
Might as well start shitcanning it all, rather than support this PATHETIC TREASONOUS NOT ELECTED REGIME.
Don't even bother with digital noise makers or any other noise makers, they can handle that and phase cancel all of them perfectly. What they cannot handle is a shitty AM station. They simply can't predict and filter that. It is hopeless. It is the only thing that will work.
The best method would probably be to set up a very shitty AM transmitter on the same ship as the reciever at very low power (a few milliwatts) use a very powerful but not too stable receiver and then intentionally have it not pick up well. Have the signal get mixed with a bunch of switch clicks or whatever else, perhaps there will be enough trash in the environment for you to do nothing like that (the NSA never bothered with that, the environment was always enough) Play a bunch of polkas and old country tunes. Make sure they are good and staticky but still partially understandable. Pipe them through underwater speakers. It'l screw all efforts to hear small noises.
This is a factual bona-fide method the NSA used to bury all efforts to intercept audio in unusual situations that had a large area where listening devices could be a problem. It is not suitable for small rooms because the radio would have to be talked over. The radio has to be loud but far away and possible to talk under. Your sub will definitely "talk under". The ocean is perfect. Absolutely perfect. The AM radio method works far better than any commercial jammer because no matter what the advertising says, the NSA will figure out a way around it. AM radio is different. It is a big secret. It is what works. AM noise and distortion with poor signal is simply too unpredictable for anything in existence to handle. You DO want your polkas and old country tunes, don't just use AM noise.
You'd probably want to use thousands of watts and point the speakers down on a mountain or other rough surface to ramdomize it all and foil directional sensors.
A MESSAGE TO THE PENTAGON: If you are going to sit on your asses and support a regime you know is out to destroy us, I want you to lose. To hell with you.
The plotters behind non-existent Biden SERIOUSLY want war with Russia - Nord Stream 2 canceled???
They have ordered ALL European partners to the Nord Stream 2 project to pull out immediately. That's probably because they need to be gone before they can be captured.
The Nord Stream 2 project was a pipeline project to get natural gas from Russia to Europe. It was a VERY IMPORTANT PROJECT for both Europe's stability and Russia's economy, if the United States succeeds in getting this project deleted, it could mean a hot war with Russia is on the way.
A nuclear war might make the Deagel report reality.

And lots of news sources are reporting this, it is not spurious. This is what war with Russia looks like.
The assassination of vote witnesses post was removed because an effective side story to debunk it was released
Do I think that side story is true? NOT AT ALL but I can't counter it.
The early headlines which I ignored claimed Putin only recalled one. That's not newsworthy. But there is now news surfacing that following major insults from "Biden" - the man who is not - Putin recalled ALL AMBASSADORS to the United States. That's a prelude to war.
So here we have a "president" so phony he only exists in a computer. Trolls are trying desperately to call anyone who notices the green screen error "crazy", "delusional" "stupid" "too simple to see what really happened" and everything else possible which means THAT was a legitimate blooper, they did not want that getting out as some have claimed. Confirmed: BIDEN IS NOT PRESIDENT, SO WHO IS REALLY INSULTING PUTIN?
RUMOR: Trump dropped 30 pounds. PROBABLE REALITY: he took the body armor off.
County Circuit Court Judge Brett Blomme, who oversaw child abuse cases has been arrested for violent child porn. This judge also was the one who ran and pushed Drag Queen Story Hour.
Surprisingly the state took his adopted kids (he was in a gay partnership with someone) and the state actually gave him kids. That's not surprising, the fact they actually took action on this is the surprise. Anyone with a lick of sense knows the state is not about protecting kids, Brett must have done something "wrong" or they would have just taken those kids to Molech instead.
So I have a question:
How does a guy who owned the organization that sent drag queens to libraries all over the country for "drag queen story hour" end up being a circuit court judge that oversees child abuse cases? The media never said who was behind drag queen story hour, it only reported when this was done at libraries, and now we know the truth.
IMPORTANT NOTE: No other msm sources touched this story, GEE, I WONDER WHY.
Want to see a classic slick communist con job? HERE IT IS. Yep, she's cute, and that makes her innocent.
SLICK, CUTE CON ARTIST pushes the CDC lie: NO ONE has died from the COVID vax. When a cute "innocent" face makes you want to vomit.
BE FOREWARNED: THIS IS HOW COMMUNISTS GET THE JOB DONE. They front the best looking faces they possibly can to push a lie. If this so-called doctor (she probably is just an actor), if this so-called "doctor" really was a doctor, she'd know that it is impossible for ANY shot to be 100 percent non-lethal, which makes her claim completely fraudulent at the most basic medical level
Myanmar is now arresting Open Society goons
Yesterday Myanmar froze the bank accounts for the Soros NGO, and today the arrests have started. Funny thing how the MSM calls the legit government of Myanmar a "regime" while the Soros stealth infection is given a free pass. All a matter of "perspective" and "truth" I guess.
Just in case you missed it, Captain America is now gay.
I'd post the Kermit "offer" again but it is too disgusting despite only being a puppet. I'll let that one roll off the page . . . .
Take a look at this capture off Drudge - I was taken aback by how vapid it was, and how stupid people would have to be to go along with this crap.

If that's where the MSM is at after Biden was just proven to be AI generated (with faulty programming I'll add) it is totally obvious that the coup is complete and they don't care about what we think of them anymore.
OH, AND I HAVE BEEN FORGETTING: is Trump AI too? How on earth could any legit "TRUMP" push the vaccine the way he has? Something is smelly with that, he went into his presidency as an anti-vaxxer, how did that change????
I am suspicious to say the least, if they'll deep fake Biden, why not Trump? He might in reality be sitting under the street in a drain pipe on 5th and main. Try to prove he's not. It's ALL FAKE FOLKS!!!
All the REAL OLD timers who would disseminate that video use Network Solutions. I don't know how well that will work when my server alone that's on a totally different path has 400 people watching it simultaneously. It's handling it fine but I'll probably have to push it off on another server by the end of the day. All of those (simultaneous) views are my fault, I put that everywhere I could and it snowballed with other people. Very good. We need this OUT THERE.
Actually, upon checking, given the length of the video there's probably 6-700 simultaneous views because my server will send it out faster than it can be viewed.
As it turns out now, Minnesota and Virginia have both uncovered COVID shots that are given to regular people and areonly saline solution. They are trying to say it was an oops, but it can't be. That does not happen, PERIOD. What is obviously going on then is that they have the actual kill shots mixed in with the saline shots, and they have a way to track it so you don't get the wrong booster. Just because "Your room mate was OK" does not mean anything, because a certain percentage of the shots are fake by default, to cover up how badly the people who get the real shot get damaged.
LET ME GUESS: All but a few people who went in for their shots that day, (to get a record of it happening) were supposed to get only saline, but the records showed that a few people, in rare circumstance, got lucky and went in and got their shot while this was being done. Records show someone who should have been destroyed got saline, so they made an announcement everyone except the future victim knows should be ignored.

Google to monitor . . . . . . sleeping???
You know from this report what their intentions are. Obviously at this point they are not using tweaked DNA and the 5G network to do this, but from this you know they would.
"We have to do a no knock on the Andersons to take their guns at 3AM. Is the system reporting they will be deep in REM sleep when we kick the door in????"
Trump responsible for border situation??!!??
FACT: If the election was not overturned by a coup, there would be no border crisis now. Trump is NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYTHING now that Biden has finished wiping him out.
EXCLUSIVE: I came across a headline from 2055: "Trump policies still killing babies." Anything at all to put the blame for the abject failure of communism, OR any pain that causes on someone else. They are going to scapegoat Trump for EVERYTHING they do to destroy the country from this point forward. THEY will be perfect, every communist needs a scapegoat to hang their crimes on.
And as a result, the legit government seized the bank accounts being used by George's "Open Societies foundation"
Notice how the linked source states the accounts were seized by the "REGIME". HA HA, that's soros talk. Learn it and apply. If it is a "regime" it is not cooperating with Soros.
REPORT ON ANDROID AUTO-DELETING PHOTOS DOWN THE PAGE A WAYS - I am really mad about Google's attitude towards auto deleting images off android phones if THEY want the memory space, so since Google is Jewish and Joy Behar is Jewish, POS JOY BEHAR CALLS ANTIFA A "CONSPIRACY THEORY" THAT "DOES NOT EXIST".
Alex got this right. Joy Behar expects us to be such gullible short term reality ANIMALS that they can now just claim "there's no such thing as ANTIFA". Of all the gall. OF ALL THE RIDICULOUS ROTTEN GALL.
I think I know the end game with the vaccinations, and it is "impossibly bad," I am probably right, here it is:
The end game is to turn people into living computers that can interface with 5G, and it is not far fetched at all. Here is how it can happen:
First of all, to interface remotely, you need an antenna. Anyone with any common sense knows there's nothing in the body that can be used as an antenna that can transmit, RIGHT? Well, common sense would indeed imply that, but as it turns out, human DNA is in 23 pairs for a total of 46 strings that are all bundled up in a neat little antenna, which if stretched out is 1.695 inches in length. The actual length of all the strands is 78 inches if you put them end to end, but that's not how an antenna based on DNA would work, it will work on the actual length of the individual DNA strands that are all wound up together. That's 1.695 inches long, JUST RIGHT FOR 5G.
So there is something in the human body that can act as an antenna - DNA itself.
What else in the system is missing? To interface people you need a processor, RIGHT? That can't be done, can it?
Actually, YES, and it has already been done. In a report I posted yesterday, researchers managed to manipulate DNA well enough with CRSPR to force a cell to turn itself into a dual core microprocessor. That's something I never thought we'd see, but yes, it is indeed possible to command a cell to create structures that can be used for computing. That is, by conventional logic, not possible. And it has been done, it is not the future.
But there's no software you could run on that, RIGHT? How would that work?
Actually, everyone has seen the reports by now where AstraZeneca openly admitted their version of the corona vax is an operating system. That's month old news that has been around long enough to turn bread moldy. Literally, that's how fast things are moving now, - the life span of a loaf of bread is long enough for all new horrors to come to fruition -
AND, finally, ALL the vax manufacturers are admitting that their vaccines work by tweaking the genetic makeup of cells. FIGURE IT OUT. HERE IT IS, ALL ADDED UP:
Via a DNA tweak in a corona shot that they ALL ADMIT, ALL MANUFACTURERS ADMIT, functions by causing genetic changes, they will soon, (if not now) be able to cause cells to create within themselves microprocessors via a shot (they already have done this, whether or not they can via a shot is the only question) - and those microprocessors have a cute little 5G antenna right there inside the cells they can use - the DNA itself. We have AstraZeneca being honest, stating they already have an operating system.
They don't have to broadcast far, - only to the next street light, because there are going to be so damn many 5G antennas installed. They can't justify 5G even existing, because 4G was already so powerful it was impossible to exhaust the bandwidth with a typical customer base, why did they suddenly need MANY TIMES more bandwidth? EASY ANSWER: They want everyone connected to a system no one can escape from by leaving their cell phone at home.
5G was forced on us when almost everyone said they did not want it. Why? why would they then proceed to force a totally unneccesary system on us, with 4G being enough to truly connect everyone very well? EASY ANSWER: FREQUENCY. They needed the 5G frequencies to make it possible to install a system that could receive signals that were broadcast directly from strands of DNA. And from there, they have their perfect inescapable 666 system, as outlined in the Bible. Lots of people said "They'd never be able to do that" but now we know exactly how that could indeed happen, and it is probably happening now. The vaccines are devastating people because let's face it, you are not made to be a transmitter.
The big question: Can they do this NOW? I'd say under controlled conditions, absolutely. And the only question is whether or not any of the corona shots are advanced enough to get your cells to accept it. If they are not to that level yet, they surely will be, and my guess is that when it comes to cellular tweaking, "Moore's law" is probably now the "life span of a loaf of bread" law.
The stale bread law.
Mexicans are too smart for the jab
Last night I saw a pathetic and disgusting fear mongering (enemy mind control) newscast - (Mexico's media really went terrible in the last couple years and Diez En Punto and others are total crap now) - anyway, I caught a newscast and it was nothing but Corona B.S. with a small spicing of "violence against women" which face it - does not happen because if it did at the rate that this newscast claimed, all the women at Wal Mart would have one eye, a concussion and a broken leg and you NEVER SEE THAT, EVER, NEVER EVER EVER, NOT EVEN ONE BLACK EYE EVER. So you know they are pushing a man destroying agenda - Anyway -
So they ran this ENORMOUS damn near wall to wall hour long Corona fear mongering newscast that was SO BAD they showed a world map of all the corona closures that happened while playing horror music from a knife ripper movie, it was SO OVER THE TOP - and then the greatest thing happened -
They then went over all the corona vaxes and what brands got issued where and when to go in for your second jab, the whole 9 yards and they outlined every single state, said the vax was available for everyone and then (probably mistakenly) published the real numbers, and despite all their fear pushing the actual corona vax compliance in mex was .00413. They did not say it that way though, they said Mexico has already had 640,000 corona vaccinations and I was like - "Mexico's population is what? 145 million? That's a LOT LESS than one percent!!!
So no matter what they do, people are not buying it.
So then they had lots of dis-favorable coverage of Obrador mixed in with the corona crap and Claudia's dad said "Obrador really is not liked" and I said "Obrador is the reason why Mexico is still alive, he fought those bastards off, and that's why you were able to go to the park today".
A while ago Obrador said he was going to make sure Mexico did not comply with the lockdown demands coming from abroad and that Mexico would stay open. He said corona was being used by evil people to allow them to grab power by shutting everyone down and he was not going to allow it. So the newscasts which are owned by the enemy are shredding him to the max extent possible under Mexican law, I don't normally watch Mex news anymore because it turned to TOTAL TRASH that provides no legit content and makes my blood boil. Why waste my time and get mad to boot?
Only two years ago Mex news was less biased and more accurate than (that's not saying much) American news. "Corona" certainly fixed THAT problem.
Continuing the above: Update to below: I put some software on Claudia's computer that will hopefully work to recover the photos, and I repeat: Google is clearly responsible for this, they made a deliberate decision to "include as a feature" clearing up memory by deleting "any photos that have not been accessed for 60 days". Becase obviously, a photo album you have not picked up for 2 months is not important, RIGHT??? Maybe if you are some sort of short term memory animal that would be true, and according to how they flip the news cycles that's apparently what the tribe believes is the case. you had better check your bank deposit box, the same tribe that made the decision with your photos is holding your valuables, and about 10 years ago they made laws that if you did not request the keys to that box for six months, everything in it was automatically theirs, even if it was paid for.
"If you did not want US to delete your images off your phone, you should have uploaded them to skydrive (or similar cloud storage system) I KID YOU NOT, Google really did say that!!!
This is going to sound impossible, but it did happen
TO BE CLEAR: The photos were NOT DELETED BY US, they were perfectly browsable and Android auto-deleted them when we hit "clean up memory space" without giving us a bit of notice that it would simply because we did not view them for 60 days. They did not land in the trash either, they are GONE.
We probably got special treatment because of who we are -
Claudia never had any apps loaded to her phone, and Windows scan said the phone is virus free yet the memory kept diminishing. She had about 300 megs of photos that we DID WANT. Finally the phone got to where, despite having no apps, someone had something on it (we suspect Google) that consumed all the memory and it would not function. So we hit "clean up" and the ONLY THING IT DID was delete all the photos. 300 megs showed up as available, absolutely none of the internet cache was cleared (and we can't clear it) and there were no apps to un-install. The phone has 16 gigs, it's not a totally limited device. And then the most ridiculous thing happened -
It said "If you want your images preserved longer than 60 days, you should upload them to a cloud storage network."
I got so pissed off when I saw that that my optic nerves picked up what was probably notification of a stroke for a few minutes (the macular central portion of my field of view started flashing).
Apparently the geniuses at Google decided to put "auto delete" on all photos older than 60 days, and that's why "clean up" killed them. There was absolutely no notification whatsoever that ANY IMAGES AT ALL would be deleted. No screen whatsoever came up for that. That's like, the most important reason to even have an android phone, RIGHT???
Claudia was not mad at me because she was RIGHT THERE, looking at everything I did with total attention and at no point ever did the phone indicate it was going to wipe all the photos.
Supposedly there are ways to get the images back with second party software but why TF should we have to do that? Why did Google decide OUR IMAGES had to go, rather than their stored web history on us? If they could store the pictures to the cloud, why the hell did they not store the history themselves, on their shit, if it was SO IMPORTANT our stuff had to be deleted FIRST???
Claudia was not an app installer. This did not happen because any CRAP got on the phone, this lands squarely on Google and their nosy self centered butt holes wanting EVERYTHING you want to keep put on THEIR cloud. Probably for some sort of screwed up profit based analysis.
Anyone who believes old school digital cameras are outdated is kidding themselves, if that's Google's attitude your phone has NO CAMERA AT ALL. A camera is something that is supposed to keep precious moments, RIGHT? NOT ACCORDING TO GOOGLE. It's all just expendable trashable bits and bytes to them. THEY ARE THE ONES THAT WIPED THEM and they did it completely without notice (gosh, I was supposed to read a 500 page manual and "be smart" and automatically know total wipe was set to 60 days I guess.) Not on your life. A folder is a folder and a camera is a G__ D___ CAMERA.
Probably true. Story - he has been arrested for fraud, extortion, money laundering, and other serious offenses including putting pressure on his wife to place the worst COVID policies in North America on the people of Toronto.
The obvious goal was to abuse a city position to make life such hell for Canadians that they would submit to the vax, and they, as a couple, would cash in.
But, But, the doctor is ANTI SCIENCE!!! The CDC has PROVEN the vax has killed NO ONE!!!!
This is the kind of whistleblowing we need! How is the CDC going to say no to that?
The trolls are desperate over this one. They are actively slamming it so hard they are keeping legit people buried. Telling.
Remember the post by Astrazeneca admitting the vax was an operating system? GUESS WHAT
"Tapping into these natural processes to build logic circuits is a key goal of synthetic biology. In this case, the ETH Zurich team found a way to slot dual-core processors into human cells by first modifying the CRISPR gene-editing tool. Normally, this system uses guide RNA sequences to target specific DNA segments in the genome, then make precise edits. For this project though, the team created a special version of the Cas9 enzyme that can act as a processor."
There was another thing I blew off because it seemed too far fetched: That the vaccine enables "remote control of functions". I am not too sure of that even after seeing the above, but it is CLEAR AS DAY where they are taking this. A dual core computer inside a cell???? No, I don't want the shot, even if it is equal to a "Model T" at this poit in time. It is fairly clear where they are taking this - once you get the shot, you're an always connected to 5G biological computer. Maybe that's why they wanted so freaking much additional bandwidth when 4g was not even close to maxed out yet.
I am actually stunned by this. Multi core processing inside a single cell with a DNA tweak? NOT IN MY BODY.
OOPS: A communist slips up and states real purpose of the lockdown, and it is not a pandemic, it is to enforce the vaccine
"The Carrot" needs to be a LEGIT pandemic and a LEGIT vaccine. If either were legit, that, by itself, would be the carrot! Instead, she's proposing slavery, confimements, and economic punishment as the "carrot" to force people to accept *god knows what* is in that shot!!!

Idiotic mayor of London: "We need to fix the problem of too many whites in science and engineering!
HA HA, whata moron. OK, he can hire whoever he wants and enjoy the bridge collapses. You can "politically correct" your way into an office job without devastating consequences so it has all worked so far, but JUST WAIT for what happens if he really does oust white engineers just because they are white and puts in others who grew up where cow crap was the main fuel!!! If they could have done better, that would NEVER have been a reality ANYWHERE. You can't use orientals as an example of acceptable "non white" engineering, because THEY CAN, and BECAUSE THEY CAN they are "white" now too!!!
If Kahn's real goal is to destroy society, he's going to have to exclude oriental Asians from the engineering jobs also, and I bet he will.
Fat chance any headline would ever say it like it is, but it does not take much brilliance to see right through what is going on with this. Lots of leaders have no time for Biden.
Last week I mentioned how Bill Gates will likely get a majority of the $5 billion "covid relief" for farmers -
Today it has been revealed that Gates is going to get a MINIMUM, (no less than) $3.5 billion in "covid relief aid" paid directly to one of his foundations. Go to page 613 here, it is right at the top of the page. Wait for the page numbers to stabilize (it took about two minutes on my computer)
They ought to have a fixed number on that, right? why the "minimum" of $3.5 billion? I first thought that perhaps the answer was in the final tabulation of what that farm aid will come out to, and they don't know that yet, but as it turns out over 9 billion has been made available "as needed".
Lovely YUM. Just YUMMY. This is what vote fraud looks like.
It would be one thing if he was just a fool that wanted to steal it and use it to buy stuff. But nope, he's an arch villain who will use that to destroy as much as he possibly can. You can safely bet he'll be efficient, THAT MUCH money could buy five bullets for every brain on earth. How much does that vax cost, REALLY? Let me hint: If all you want to do is destroy people, you could EASILY, for $3.5 billion inject EVERYONE with enough rat poison to do it. If those shots took out Marvelous Marvin, could it all be that simple? Perhaps. Poison is cheap and it won't take much via direct injection.
When I heard David Hogg was launching a pillow company . . . . .
I thought it was a joke so I ignored it. As it turns out David Hogg, the faker from Parkland, really did announce a plan to try to launch a pillow company to compete with MyPillow.
You can safely bet your David Hog pillow will be sufficiently "woke" and endorsed by Biden's new "secretary of health". Whatever it ends up being stuffed with will likely be permanently impregnated with enough female hormones to trans an entire NFL football team and these will slowly aerosolize over the ENTIRE life of the pillow.
What else would anyone expect from such a guy?
Don't worry, this will never come to fruition. A month on, and there's NADA. If Hogg ever did anything to this effect, it would end at the "what will the pillow look like" stage and go no further, not one patch of fabric would ever hit the market Because unlike Mike Lindell, Hogg is a communist, and communists simply cannot either think or do the work it would take to survive against capitalist competition.
How did China succeed then? By being capitalist. Yes, there's a communist framework in China but ALL THE GOODS, EVERY LAST PRODUCT COMING OUT OF CHINA IS PRODUCED BY CAPITALISTS. Most people know that. Hogg is probably clueless.
What I don't like: 1. Total lack of style. 2. The actual 3d printed part looks weird and could have obviously been rapidly beaten with conventional molds. 3. It only does one floor, so you have to stick build the rest. That's worthless. In reality, all this 3d printer did was pour an above ground basement, and without extensive finishing work that would make the 3d printed part palatable, - EXPENSIVE HAND FINISHED WORK, no one will buy this except for the novelty of owning it.
4. If you look down the page a ways, you'll see a development render that shows what the 3d printer can do on it's own, with minimal work from people. The finished results look exactly like slaves quarters from a dystopian movie.
I am not impressed.
A man who has lived in DC his whole life who was RIGHT THERE when they claimed Biden was speaking in the rose garden walks from the window, where he can see it to the TV, on which they are showing Biden speaking there LIVE, and there's no one actually there. No media, no security, empty parking, empty rose garden, the whole 9 yards. No security, even on top of the white house and all of it is clearly visible.
FACT: The Covid 19 shot is the Jewish Bolshevik victory jab, IF they are really getting vaccinated in Israel and IF they really are doing the lockdowns there, it is all for show so people don't blame them for this and remember: NOT ALL SHOTS WILL BE CREATED EQUAL.
Middleweight boxing champion "Marvelous Marvin" dead from COVID jab
ALL the con job news sources are saying "no one knows why he died" but the Daily Fail at least printed the reason and I got the exact details of how it happened. The Daily Fail, (which is ending up to be more accurate than the rest of the media I'll call the daily con) was totally wrong about the details but at least there's this part of the truth

Here is what actually happened:
Marvin Hagler died TWO WEEKS ago minutes after the covid jab, he went over like Dover before he even left the hospital and died on the spot. The Daily Fail is making it look like he just died yesterday, but that's not what happened at all, he died in February at the vaccination site and the MSM buried it for as long as possible. Obviously you go from the vaccination area to the ICU before you are declared dead.
He's so famous they can't hide his disappearance any longer, so they are now finally saying it, and claiming they don't know why he died. THAT would be a BIG FAT LIE (at least the daily fail admitted it), they know, and they can't have the death of such an icon be reported accurately because if it is, even the brain dead won't get their victory jab.
FACT: Anything that will kill a champion boxer will kill YOU TOO.
The car that runs on water
This topic has come up again, and as usual, the same garbage that obscures the truth about this is being told. I'll once again put this straight.
Water is basically inert. It does not matter how much "energy is stored in the bonds" between the hydrogen and oxygen because ZERO energy is stored in the bonds, Water is stable because the energy that made those bonds was released while making them. And electrolosis does not cut it as a viable way to put that energy back. But there IS a way to get a car to run with water as a component of the process, and this is what the Pogue carburetor was about. It seems no one ever mentions the Pogue carburetor had a water inlet. And I figured this process out before I even heard of the pogue carburetor.
Here is how you make a car "run on water", (only, not really, it still runs on fuel) and there are MANY WAYS, not just one.
To make a car "run on water" you utilize the expansion characteristics of water. Once water hits 700 farenheit it is automatically at 3,000 PSI vapor pressure and THAT can drive a LOT. Water expands enormously when transitioning from a liquid to a gas, and at 700F it has so much pressure it is outside the realm of what most people consider running in a gasoline engine. Get water in a diesel and see what happens, a diesel will actually vaporize the water and put it to 3,000 PSI and then BOOM, with far less than needed to hydrolock. So you set up your gasoline engine to take advantage of this. There are MANY WAYS to do it.
How about insulating your exhaust manifold so it is always at 700F or more, and while burning your gas in the engine, you pre-heat water with it and then have a separate set of injectors inject a little water that wants to go to 3,000 PSI instantly when released? How much boost could that possibly give you? Enough to crush the piston rods if you were not careful, but today we have computers they did not have in the 1800's so we can utilize the higher pressures where water is most efficient. They could not do that back then.
The pogue carburetor did something a little different - instead of preheating water it just separately atomized it and had it go into the cylinder along with the fuel, where it provided additional expansion when the explosion happened. That worked, it gave amazing fuel economy and that is why allied tanks went as well as they did. I'm sure some fool is going to rip this and post "the pogue carburetor" that does not do this, and I have one comment for those types: MAKE IT WORK THEN.
I am not going to go over 1,000 ways to do this right, there are MULTIPLE WAYS, I'll just say this:
Gas engines in automobiles take about 15 percent of the energy in gasoline and convert that to usable power, while the exhaust system and radiator throw away 85 percent. If you get rid of the radiator, if you get rid of the entire cooling system plus use the exhaust for pre-heating and then instead internally cool the engine with properly regulated water you could probably at least get an engine up to about 90 percent efficient. But TPTB don't want that, and here's why:
#1. Let's say you have a piston powered airplane that gets 30 mpg (and those exist). It has a range of 600 miles with the basic 20 gallon tank. All of a sudden you do a design change and have condensors in the exhaust system to re-capture and re-use water, and you run ONE gallon of water in a continuous cycle, while now getting 180 MPG with an engine that is now 6 times as efficient - now your little prop job with a range of 600 miles can go 3,600 miles and bomb the hell out of the bad guys from let's say Zimbabwe on a budget of practically $0. WAR IS EXPENSIVE. FIGHTING EVIL IS EXPENSIVE BECAUSE EVIL PROTECTED ITSELF BY BURYING GREAT TECHNOLOGIES LITTLE GUYS COULD USE TO STOP THE EVIL. THEY DO NOT WANT WAR TO BE CHEAP, SO THEY BURY ALL TECHNOLOGIES THAT COULD MAKE WAR CHEAP. THEN THEY JUST STEAL THE BILLIONS THEY NEED TO WAGE WAR THE EXPENSIVE WAY VIA TAXES.
A stealth piston powered prop job with totally self contained cooling would be FAR EASIER, and I mean 1,000+X as easy to design and build than a stealth jet, so what if you go slower. And obviously, for greater range you start out with a propeller plane that has a greater range. You'd match a 180 million dollar stealth jet for $50,000 no sweat and you would not even need an aircraft carrier and thousands of troops to support it, you'd simply take off, fly to your tyrant 5,000 miles away, turn around and fly home for the cost of ONE normal fill up in a shitty plane.
The ultimate would be a solid copper block engine with only oil channels, a high temp oil, a copper head, run it at about 450F and use the thermal stability copper would provide to keep it running perfectly controlled and perfectly smoothly. I am not going into the details on this because they are vast as to why copper would be the best for this, (with steel sleeves for the pistons and lightweight alloy pistons of course) - the high temperatures would be handled by simply having a simpler system and using different materials for the seals. No radiator, and if there was an overheat you'd just start injecting water only and when above 450 degrees, water alone would run it with steam expansion alone no, that's not a conventional steam engine!
And there is why we don't have "water powered engines - a bad label not 100 percent accurate) plus how to do it.
As a side note, you need to ceramic coat the tops of the pistons, the cylinder walls, the head and the valves because water at 700F at that concentration will eat the metal.
For a quick start on this idea, rip apart a $99 predator engine, ceramic coat all parts that face the combustion chamber, and then use a super high capacity fountain fogger to atomize the water and have the carburetor suck that in straight with no air filter. Turn the fountain fogger on AFTER the engine is good and hot. You need a REAL fountain fogger, not one for a bowl on the table. It would have to be able to atomize as much water as gas you'd normally use, water that would get re-claimed by a condensor in the exhaust system. That type of high capacity piezoelectric water fogger costs more than a penny. There is an extremely high chance this absolutely would work, it could be that simple, run the engine lean. I have considered setting this up but never got around to it. And the governor will probably not work once you do this, you need to have the engine loaded to prevent runaway.
Lawn mower engines are already partially ideal for this process, no computer to worry about (if you run straight fog rather than injection) and the solid head and block run hot and would balance the process a lot better than a car engine. If you get it to work, block the fan so there's no air cooling.
The best solution would be a fully computer controlled solid block engine with direct injection, but there's nothing even approximate to that in existence now.
And don't even bother with dreaming about "the water only engine", that's a hoax intended to derail critical thought. It can't work, that's why water is used to put out fires. the "water engine" does not burn water, it instead uses the expansion characteristics of water to make the combustion of FUEL drive a piston lot more efficiently.
NOT RUMOR: Iran is doing nationwide air raid siren tests.
How about that! Biden was not the good guy after all. At least with Trump in charge you could count on seeing your kids grow up!!!
PREDICTION: Webb telescope will be "shot down" on launch
Here's the scenario: They claim they have to launch it from French Guyana. That's a load of B.S, but the launch is going to be there anyway. They are hatching stories about pirates stealing it on the way there, the WHOLE 9 yards, because the damn thing is probably as fake as the mars probes and they don't want that revealed. They don't want it revealed that all the huge over-run money got stolen and the thing is just a bunch of prop mirrors (who would know the difference on the ground anyway) and other hokum, - so they need a disaster to happen to prevent launch.
PREDICTION: Either "Pirates are going to grab it and ruin it" or Venezuela, which is right by French Guyana is going to "shoot it down on launch", one way or another, if they are really seriously launching that thing from French Guyana when Elon Musk has the real credentials for launching such an item, there's a reason, and I am calling FRAUD COVER UP. It will never see space.
Flow chart for Webb telescope -
Pirates take it --> BLAME IRAN --> PEOPLE SUPPORT WAR.
It blows up on launch --> OOPS, sorry all those billions were "lost!"
People were suspicious of games so launch was "successful" --> It encounters space debris and is destroyed in space.
LEAST LIKELY - it actually got built, will launch successfully, and will take pretty pictures.
Elon could launch this on a BFR, send up extra fuel on a second launch, and do it 20 times cheaper than sending it to FRENCH GUYANA for launch! Oh, yes, where Jim Jones sent people to space too. GOT IT.
I just figured out why $5 billion was set aside for "minority farmers"
It is because Bill Gates bought up an ENORMOUS amount of farm land that probably exceeds by multiples the total farmland owned by actual minorities, who in general don't farm. And Jews are a "minority." Gates gets the cash.
The scamming MSM is singling out "blacks" as those who will be getting the $5 billion farm relief, but that's not at all what the legislation says, the legislation does not mention blacks, it mentions MINORITIES. Who's BY FAR the biggest "minority" farm owner now?
There is NOTHING good in the Covid relief bill, NOTHING. For a total charge of $17,500 per recipient, the recipients that will end up paying for that help get $1400. The rest of it goes straight into CON JOBS LIKE GATES.
Speaking of "I just figured out" and "con jobs" how about that curfiew being discussed in Wales?
HERE IS HOW THAT WILL GO, this is the plan, BET ON IT: WHITE MALES, and WHITE MALES ONLY will be subjected to curfiew after 6 PM to "make women safe on the streets". The curfiew won't apply to the other races Wales brought in to destroy the white race with, it will only apply to whites. So when the white women go out after the curfiew, they'll be out there with ONLY the people who caused the problem to begin with, and there won't be any white males to protect them. The white women will, as a result, stay home too while hoodlums rip the country apart.
That's exactly the kind of planning and setup those who want western civilization destroyed do, that's the end game on that curfiew, BET ON IT.
If you are in Oklahoma and your car gets attacked by Antifa, you can now legally just hit the gas.
Actually, you always could in every state, but corruption said NO. All Oklahoma did was say NO to at least this part of the corruption.
Very frustrating - nothing in the news AT ALL.
I'll go over the headlines and say why there is no news I guess.
Mike Lindell, (My pillow guy) is going to start a new social media platform so people can communicate. That would be cute back in the 90's when it would have a chance of taking off, but Myspace was probably the last actually wanted platform that did not come into existence just because the media and CIA pushed it and supported it, and with all the sabotage, a total lack of supportive hosting companies that won't kick you off as soon as they are asked to, plus DNS server sabotage and a whole slate of other obstacles I have mentioned repeatedy, Mike does not stand a chance no matter what his intentions are. MAYBE he'd make it if he decided to get hosted by Orangewebsite in Iceland but I sorta doubt even that, unless he does direct IP like this site and he won't. All his "experts" will say WHAT FOR? That's not included in Frontpage or Dreamweaver and POOF, he'll be gone. NOTACHANCE.
How many others tried this and failed? Lots of talented people tried this and failed, simply because they were FORCED OUT. How's a pillow guy who's not even IT centered going to do this? The first thing that's going to happen is parasites from the CIA will hire on as his "workers" and that's all she wrote. He probably never thought of that.
Biden supposedly just gave a big speech. Sorry, NOPE. All we'll ever get is a deep fake fronted by a massive criminal cartel that stole an election and then rammed the theft down our throats. Lefties are regretting "voting biden in" in droves now, but if they think they actually accomplished that, they fell asleep on the river and woke up hopelessly stuck in a back water mud pit. The election was SO RIGGED what would be the difference if they had to print up 15 percent more fake ballots and use Dominion algo's to steal a few percent more because not a single Dem voted? A dem vote was irrelevant. ALL VOTES WERE.
Biden wants trans in the military 100 percent supported. That's not news, Obama did that too, but I will make a comment in this regard - What is going to happen to a trans "soldier" who gets captured? Do you think a majority of the people he was sent to blow up will help him get his meds and continue in his pathology? Hopefully he'll at least still have his d*ck. If not, WHOAH. What will they think about that????
Cuomo is facing being ousted Actually that's not a headline because he paid his dues to satan and won't be ousted as a result. I don't even bother with the headlines about how he's facing court, expulsion, sexual harassment cases, murder cases over how he handled COVID - I'm not even bothering with that because despite the fact it is all true and he is so clearly a slime ball YOU CANNOT FIRE SATAN, that boy, no matter how hated he is, will go NOWHERE BUT UP.
Even Whitmer is facing the heat over how Covid was managed, but just watch. NOTHING WILL HAPPEN, you cannot unseat these people.
The bottom line is that there is NOTHING in the headlines because:
We are smack dab in the middle of a communist revolution, where children in schools are being forced to denounce their identities or they fail (this is a base requirment of communist conversion), where math, the most precise un-emotional and machine like topic there is, is somehow "racist", - everything is being dissolved right before our eyes at a pace that is hard to believe, and there's nothing anyone can do to stop it because the corruption is too deep.
HERE IS THE REAL ISSUE WITH WHY THERE'S NOTHING IN THE NEWS: Because the news is supposed to inform the public well enough to prevent the public from allowing us to get to where we are now, and now that we are here, NOTHING MATTERS. What can headlines accomplish now, especially when they are all written by corrupted usurpers? We can't vote our way out of this, the election system is far beyond too corrupt for that and that corruption goes all the way through the entire system, including the courts. The news was supposed to stop us from ever getting here which is why it was taken down so long ago we never even got the truth about 911. If the news is to do any good at all, it has to be for real.
I have said repeatedly "this is what vote fraud looks like". But actually, all of this started with a phony media that aided and abetted the corruption until it became so implanted they could actually get away with an election theft as brazen as what we just witnessed. They spent decades rigging the news to make this happen. Do you really think that same news entity is EVER going to expose it's crowning achievement? Do you really think they'll ever expose anything at all?
Don't let COVID con artist trolls fool you about how they are fine after the jab, Here is a stunning list of adverse events compiled by a soon to have his licensed revoked doctor.
$5 billion "farm relief" in Covid bill excludes whites
You can't make this stuff up. Guess who gets the "relief?" JEWS. They claim it is all going to blacks and "other minorities" and GUESS WHO THAT MEANS. YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS STUFF UP.
Own Firearms? DO THIS NOW and thank me later
I am going to give you a suggestion, run with it if you like or ignore it totally. I am not providing legal advice, this is just me telling a story, so listen to my story or ignore it, your choice.
I suggest that you create an individual REVOCABLE TRUST for EACH FIREARM you own and assign ownership of a firearm into the given trust. This means each trust you create will own ONE firearm. If you have 10 firearms, you have 10 trusts. You can also assign ammo into the trust if you like.
They can even be named in numbered order:
OK Coral Firearms #1 Revocable Trust
OK Coral Firearms #2 Revocable Trust
OK Coral Firearms #3 Revocable Trust
You will need at least one Trustee (you) and a beneficiary.
Trusts cost NOTHING to form (unlike filing a LLC or corporation) and do NOT have to be part of any public record. To establish the date the trust was created so it can not be disputed later make sure your signature is NOTARIZED when you form the trust.
Now... once you do this you no longer technically own the firearm, the trust does. This means that if you wish to transfer that trust to anyone else in the future you simply add a Trustee to the trust and then you can resign from the trust. That is not a transfer or sale of the firearm.
The new trustee now has control of the trust, and the firearm, and no "transfer" has taken place.
Do this BEFORE it is signed into law, if it looks like that is going to happen. I predict it will happen.
My comment: You need to look into a non-revocable trust (if that matters) AND notaries are cheap. This is a legit loophole, USE IT NOW before they say you cannot, "grandfather clause" covers everything if you get it done before any action against it is taken.
Yes, it is legit. You really could transfer firearms in private this way totally legally and legitimately.
The House just passed a major gun grab bill
Safe to say it will fly through the senate and into law . . . . the corrupted supremes will not stop this.
So lots of people are saying "300 million of us own guns, let's see them take them". REALITY: They will use whatever forces they have to pick people off with SWAT teams one at a time, and no one will do jack.
IF this bill passes and they come for the guns, don't use the safe, use only the safety and KEEP THEM LOADED even with kids in the house and keep a small light on at night so you can see where the guns are to grab them if you have time to when the door gets kicked in, and shoot their asses. A few bad encounters like this, and the gun grab will be canceled. And don't let the courts, P-docs, and scamming x-es be the venue for this either.
PROCEDURE: You hear the door get kicked in. You have everyone ready for this. The kids DO NOT get out of bed. Door gets kicked in: Bobby, sally, are you in bed? YES, YES, - OK STAY THERE and Marelene, you lay low too. Then shoot every shadow that moves. Not with an AR, be ready with the 30-06 or .270 or .308 with penetrator rounds, the AR will be stopped by body armor. That's a sad reality of the AR.
Also, in close like a home, a nice compound bow is really naughty against body armor.
Compressed air blow guns, if done right, will also chew through body armor but you have to literally use an arrow in those. Start at 4 feet long and use an electric valve if you can arrange that.
How to do a compressed air blow gun right:
You have to use at least a 1/2 inch air hose so there is no obstruction to airflow. One inch is better. You don't put a nozzle on that, you run the hose direct. If your compressor just uses the small fitting that's a drawback but it might still work. The biggest problem is opening the valve fast enough. It has to be slammed open and doing it right takes practice. The best thing to use is an instant opening electric Parker brand air valve. Those open INSTANTLY. And you will launch arrows if you have that quite nicely, make the back of the arrow a blow gun cup.
No further directions, those who can do this will figure it out, but I will say that if you do this right, you won't recover your arrow, the range is about 1/2 mile and be ready for a 12 guage quality kick.
While screwing around on the night shift we did this and after experimenting and getting it perfect the arrows go completely through buildings, walls and all. Aaah yes, the night shift before 911. we kept losing the arrows because we expected them to stick in the wall of a neighboring building 200 yards away and then we figured out they were going all the way through. The arrows we used were solid steel shafts. My confession. That was NAUGHTY. Done by the A-team, (the best of the best) and no, we did not get caught.
I only posted that because it looks like there will be a civl war, and people need options.
Never under-estimate what compressed air will do. To launch like that we used 3/4 EMT conduit (just the thin stuff, you don't need more), a 1 inch air hose hooked up to an "infinite" supply, a one inch Parker electric valve, 120 PSI, a sharpened and ground 3/16 solid steel shaft about a foot long and to keep it going straight we just electrical taped (very professionally, with 3m tape) a perfectly fitting back end that we shimmed completely for a perfect seal with just the right amount of electrical tape. The conduit was about 8 feet long. It's nastier than a shotgun by a lot. You hit someone with something like that, and body armor is probably irrelevant. We shot lots of arrows and even after we figured out how we were losing them we only recovered ONE that stuck into a thick I-beam.
A step better than the blow gun:
(edited) (some friends) were equally naughty, (even more naughty than that at work) and their machine shop got involved and made a super thick guage solid steel spud gun powered by oxygen/acetylene. It was SO NASTY that even with nothing in it it would blow the top 10 feet off a 40 foot birch tree. I was there when they did that. They proved it was possible to contain that type of blast without destroying whatever was used to shoot it, oxyacetelene spud guns are going to work IF DONE RIGHT and I don't have the calcs for that. I don't even know if they pressurized the fuel mix and they might have. So if anyone is wondering, YES, that has been done successfully before. It will definitely beat a .50 cal. It is loud, SPECTACULARLY LOUD, a LOT louder than a 12 guage. It is also worse than the 21 gun salute cannons. The blast has a different character to it, there's no roar. It is very percussive.
If it comes down to a civil war, you are going to have to think like that folks, an ascetylene spud gun shooting a one inch steel shaft a foot long will be needed against an APC.
Don't even think about using an oxygen/acetylene mix in a PVC rig or even a schedule 80 steel rig no matter how great you think it is, if you don't have a metal lathe to do it right don't even consider it.
COMING SOON: If you don't hamster felch, you are a HOMOPHOBE BIGOT with tendencies towards DOMESTIC TERROR.
Wal Mart is beginning to end their mask madates in the U.S.
Now the sign at some locations says "mask suggested" and not "mask required". Wal Mart Mexico is not being so generous, you STILL can't go in with a kid, mask or not. But Soriana is still "family friendly", so I shop there . . . . and the meat department does not sell bottom tier crap. Soriana is the store that had that "chicken not so little" I posted a few years ago though.
So I bought 150 face masks in boxes of 50 yesterday, the triple filtration kind, for about $3.75 a box. That's where this all went to, at least masks are dirt cheap now.
After banning private animals such as cows and goats, Britain gassed all the chickens they could find and then . . . .
Now a high member of the british family, citing "domestic violence" (which many know by now is a political tool) - with domestic violence as the platform, she has stated that there needs to be a law banning all British men from "being out after 6PM."
It is just a continuation of the communist takeover after the Corona hoax wore thin. Quarantines are getting serious push back, so now they have to say all men are woman beaters to such an extent they have to be kept OUT of public places as much as possible. FINISH WORK AT 5, GET YOUR GRUEL, AND GO BACK TO YOUR STALL. Just be thankful your bed is more than a pile of grass, we could make it that way, don't you know, we did, after all, take your long bows!!!

Remote controlled Germanwings Airbus A320 crash? All evidence points to this.