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Iowa suffers when schools consolidate

William Sherman, Des Moines
Letter to the Editor

The issue of school consolidation has had and will continue to have a profound impact on Iowa’s culture and well-being. Each time we consolidate schools in small towns, rural Iowa suffers. Community social centers are removed and education is altered. For the most part, this issue has been under the radar except for those directly affected.

An unprecedented effort by Des Moines Register editors, reporters and photographers has brought this issue front and center. As a result, Iowans can better understand how school consolidation is changing the fabric of our state. The partnership The Register developed with Iowa Public Television will further broaden awareness.

A DVD of the “Lost Schools” documentary and supporting articles could be made available to each school district in our state. These resources could be used in high school history classes and community meetings.

Students and residents in urban areas viewing the DVD could better understand problems in rural Iowa. Perhaps the Register and IPTV could produce media packages focusing on Iowa urban school problems.

A required “Lost Schools” showing for the governor and Iowa legislators might also be fruitful. They determine if schools obtain enough resources to reduce consolidation and the devastating impact it is having on rural Iowa.

Some further school consolidation in Iowa may be necessary. But schools with a student enrollment of at least 350 students, or 25 per grade, can deliver a quality educational experience if they are given enough funding to employ capable staff and have the support of their communities.

— William Sherman, Des Moines