
(ターミナルE 専用手荷物検査入口)
AFで4月10日からオープンしたパリ新ラウンジEのレッドカーペットサービス。 誰にも会わずに乗継完了です。
ラウンジ内には、アラン.デュカスのレストラン。そこで働いている日本人シェフIzumiさんが挨拶に出向いてくれました。同じ名前に2人とも忘れませねとニコニコ。 出発が遅れて、夜中の12時となりましたが、おいしい夕食とワインをラウンジでゆっくりと味わい、飛行機の中ではお水だけを飲んで熟睡し、香港に到着しました。
I could not use mileage points accumulated by airlines, but recently there are many empty seats, so I can get a seat easily according to the change of my schedule. I guess passengers in business and first class decreased. Air France introduced Red-Carpet service in their new lounge from April 10. The limousine came and picked me up right under the airplane upon arrival at Paris from Milan.
The limousine took me through the airport to the lounge. The lounge has immigration, and famous restaurants like Alan, Ducas inside. Japanese chef – Izumi san, came and greeted to me. “We have the same name so we never forget each other” smiled together. Departure delayed until 12midnight but I was relaxing with delicious dinner and wine in the lounge, and had a good sleep with only water inflight when arriving at Hong Kong.
I am in good shape at the HK office this morning.