Business Operators, etc., Engaging in Specially Permitted Businesses for Qualified Institutional Investors, etc.
Business Operators, etc., Engaging in Specially Permitted Businesses for Qualified Institutional Investors, etc.
Following notified matters of Specially Permitted Businesses for Qualified Institutional Investors, etc. (hereinafter “SPBQII”) are provided for public inspection under the provision of Paragraph (5), Article 63 of Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (“FIEA”).
All business operators, etc., of SPBQII are, in principle, posted on one of the list of I to III below. Those Notifiers whose Notification of Abolition or Notification of Dissolution under the provision of Article 63-2 of FIEA was duly accepted are deleted from all the lists.
I.届出者リスト (The List of Notifiers of SPBQII, etc.)
(令和2年12月31日現在、As of December 31, 2020)
II.業務廃止命令を発出した届出者リスト (The List of Notifiers of SPBQII, etc., whom our Authority issued Order for Abolition of Business Operation)
(令和3年1月31日現在、As of January 31, 2020)
III.連絡が取れない届出者リスト (The List of Notifiers of SPBQII, etc., whom our Authority cannot make contact nor able to identify the location of business office)
<ご注意>※English Cautions and Reminders for above lists are under this Japanese Guidance.
「※旧届出書(第8面)提出義務違反」:平成24年4月に提出が義務付けられたファンド(集団投資スキーム)の名称や当該ファンドの持分を取得する適格機関投資家の商号、名称又は氏名を記載した届出(旧届出書 (第8面))を提出しておりません。
●Despite notifications being accepted by competent Authority, the Financial Services Agency ("FSA") is in a position to neither endorse nor guarantee any credibility of each Notifier.
Listed Notifiers herewith basically do their business with, what is called, professional investors.
It is important to make a careful judgment on your own regarding the creditworthiness of each Notifier and to fully understand all transactions, even though transactions will deal with the business entities or persons who have submitted their notifications to competent Authority.
●When model-dependent characters (such as external characters) are included in the descriptions of Notification, such characters are replaced by other characters. Therefore, there might be cases that name, etc. of the representative, the corporate officers and employees specified under the Cabinet Order is written with characters different from those described in the Notification.
●“Article 63 or Article 63-3 of FIEA” denotes SPBQII (what is called, businesses operation for professional investors).
●“Article 48” (of the Supplementary Provisions of the Act for Partial Revision of the Securities Exchange Act, etc.) denotes Specially Permitted Investment Management Business (“SPIMB”) (These Notifiers have already finished private placement and maintain investment management only.)
I. The List of Notifiers of SPBQII, etc.
Informations published here are based on notified matters of the notifications accepted by our Authorities as of December 31, 2020 and are compiled into following 4 lists: (List of Notifiers),(List of Funds), (List of Officers and Employees Specified by a Cabinet Order) and (List of business offices or offices). As for latest situation, please consult with individual Notifier.
As for Financial Instruments Business Operators who operates SPBQII, the situation of officers, etc. are excluded from this list and indicated as “-”, as such publications are redundant to the Registers of Financial Instruments Business Operators which are available for public inspection at competent Local Finance Bureaus, etc.
“Situation of Administrative Dispositions, etc.” column of (List of Notifiers) is also indicating following administrative measures besides Order to Suspend Business and Order to Improve Business Operations.
○ “Did not comply with the Reporting Order issued by the Authorities” denotes that they have not replied to the reporting order (submission of answers to the Monitoring Questionnaire about Funds, etc.) based on the regulations under FIEA, etc.
○ “Refused or did not comply with the Inspection by the Authorities” denotes that they do not accept the inspection based on the regulations under FIEA.
○ “Violation against Obligation of Submission of former Notification (No. 8)” denotes that they did not submit page (No. 8) of former notification. Page (No. 8) is to notify the information of the name of funds (corrective investment scheme) and the trade name or name of Qualified Institutional Investors who have equity of the fund, and submission of which was required on April 2012.
○ “Have not submitted Amendment of Notification to change business office location” denotes that they did not submit Amendment of Notification based on the regulations under FIEA.
○ “Violation against Obligation of Submission of Additional Notification” denotes that they did not submit Additional Notification based on the regulations under FIEA.
Please note that there are possibilities that Notifiers without any statement in the “Situation of Administrative Dispositions, etc.” column of the list would have committed acts in violation of the provisions of FIEA such as unregistered sales activities and/or false notifications.
II. The List of Notifiers of SPBQII, etc., whom our Authority issued Order for Abolition of Business
As for those Notifiers whom our Authority issued order for abolition of business after November 30, 2020 , some of their names are published both in “I. The List of Notifiers of SPBQII, etc.” and this list.
III. The List of Notifiers of SPBQII, etc., whom our Authority cannot make contact nor able to identify the location of business office
With regard to those Notifiers listed on above list, competent Authority cannot make contact with them and is not able to identify the location of their business offices.
Those Notifiers whose names were published on this list are required to contact competent Local Finance Bureau, etc. immediately.
If no contacts were made to competent Authority, etc. though 30 days elapsed since the date of the publication of the name, competent Authority may, having performed the administrative procedures such as legal hearings, etc. under the provisions of FIEA, order the Notifier to abolish the SPBQII operation.
As for those Notifiers whom our Authority recognized the situation that competent Authority cannot make contact with them and is not able to identify the location of their business offices after November 30, 2020 , some of their names are published both in “I. The List of Notifiers of SPBQII, etc.” and this list.
As for those Notifiers who have submitted the notification before Revised FIEA of 2015 was enforced (March 1, 2016) but not yet submitted required Additional Notification, matters not available to enter in (List of Notifiers) are indicated as “-”; and those matters not available to enter in (List of Funds), (List of Officers and Employees Specified by a Cabinet Order), (List of business offices or offices) are not published on the lists.