About the Association

The Sake Brewers Association of North America (SBANA) is a 501(c)(6) trade association for the sake industry in North America, headquartered in Washington DC. We are the first and only sake industry trade association outside of Japan.

We have brought together sake breweries across the United States, Canada, Mexico (and beyond), distributors, retailers, rice farmers, governments, enthusiasts, and a wide array of the allied trade to form one of the strongest sake organizations in the world.

Upcoming Sake Events

March 2: The Rules of the Brew: Sake Regulations & the Future of the Sake Industry (register)
March 9-10: Craft Beverage Expo & Distribution Conference (learn more)
March 21: Level 3 WSET Sake (learn more)
March 23: The Beauty of the Brew: A Video Journey & Conversation Celebrating Sake and Sake Making (register)
April 4-24: Sake Professional Course (learn more)
June 21-22: Craft Beverage Expo & Distribution Conference (learn more)

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North American Sake News

Sake Resources

SBANA Membership

We're Proud to Represent the Sake Industry

Bonding over the Brew

This engaging exploration of sake shines a spotlight on the launch of the North America-Japan Sake Dialogue, an initiative designed to foster cooperation and information-sharing between sake brewers on both sides of the Pacific about common challenges and opportunities in the industry. Featuring an all-star lineup of some of the most dynamic innovators in the sake industry in Japan and the United States in a discussion moderated by sake expert Justin Potts of Sake On Air and with introductory remarks by Kosuke Kuji, master brewer and president of Nanbu Bijin. Dialogue participants include:

Japanese sake representatives:

North American sake representatives:

Our Mission

To promote and protect sake brewers, their sake, and the community of brewing enthusiasts.

We accomplish this through three tiers of services:

1. Consumer Education: broad external communication initiatives
2. Brewery Development: networking, access to brewing knowledge, techniques, materials, suppliers, and seminars; brewers-only forum
3. Legislative Support: building legal landscape study; drafting and proposing model legislations; working closely with lawmakers to improve regulations related to the sake industry

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Latest North American Sake News

Everything in Moderation: Asheville beverage experts explore the world of sake

Mountain XPress | January 2, 2021

There’s a lot more to sake than the clear, hot beverage served in sushi restaurants. While the ancient Japanese spirit is made in a manner similar to beer (it’s brewed), it can have an alcoholic content of 15%-20%, a level comparable to fortified wines. And there’s an impressive — almost bewildering — array of styles to explore…

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