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※申込み締切: 2/21 (日) 23:00 まで
メルカリは、テクノロジーで人々の課題を解決ことができる世界トップクラスのテックカンパニーとなり、メルカリのミッションである 「新たな価値を生みだす世界的なマーケットプレイスを創る」ことを目指してエンジニア組織の強化を行っています。エンジニア組織としては現状どのような体制で、どのような挑戦をしていく必要があるのか、これまで直面してきた課題と交えて赤裸々にお話したいと思っております。
当日はEngineering Managerが複数名参加予定です!
メルカリのEngineering組織では、「変化と挑戦を繰り返し続ける」「協力しあえる、共創できる」「多様性があり、自由度の高い選択肢がある」「オーナーシップを持ち、自ら決断をして進めることができる」組織を作り、常に大きな成果を生み出し続けることを目指しています。チーム一丸となり、Go Boldにオーナーシップを発揮して、メルカリのミッションの実現に向けた挑戦をし続けていきます。
1.Engineering Culture and Structure
2.Product Camps
3.Foundation Camps
4.Platform Camps
Carlos Donderis: Engineering Culture and Structure
I joined Mercari in 2019 as an Engineering Manager for the Backend teams. Since then I have been working on creating strong and independent engineering teams and contributing to making Mercari the best workplace in Tokyo. I grew up in Spain, lived in Latin America for a couple of years I have been currently living in Tokyo for 10+ years where I had the chance of working on several tech startups. In my spare time, I enjoy reading, practice Karate and take care of my daughter.
Diogo Silva: Product Camps
I joined Mercari in February 2020 as a Backend Software Engineer for the Product Catalog team. Here I help design, plan, and deliver product features to improve the selling and buying experience. I just completed my first year in Japan after coming from Brazil.
Mohan Bhatkar: Foundation camps in Mercari
I joined Mercari in April 2019 as an Engineering Manager for the Backend teams. Since then I have been constantly working to create stable teams in Mercari’s continuously evolving environment. Other than team management I have focussed my efforts to improve the incident management process for the entire Mercari group backed by data-driven decisions. I grew up in India and this year I have completed 10 years living in Japan. I have worked as Software Engineer, Team Lead, and engineering manager in these years and very interested to learn different organization management styles.
Vishal Banthia: Microservices Platform at Mercari
Currently, I am wearing Tech Lead and Engineering Manager hats for Platform Infra Team. Throughout my career, I have worked extensively on developer productivity improvement. At Mercari, I am supporting backend developers by providing a seamless developer experience to manage and operate microservices through our internal platform. Recently, I moved to Singapore and working remotely full time. I miss Japan’s winter and Snowboarding!
主催 株式会社メルカリ: https://about.mercari.com/about/about-us/
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