Ansible Tower: License FAQ

Updated -


This article contains a list of frequently asked questions about Ansible Tower licenses.

How do I activate an Ansible Tower subscription?

​License keys are not currently available for download on Instead, the license key files are sent out to the contact person for the purchase. License key files are then imported into the Ansible Tower UI to validate the subscription.
See the following article for more information.

What if the contact person for the license key is no longer managing Ansible Tower or with the company?

If the license key file needs to be sent to an alternate person, please reach out to your account representative to coordinate having the key resent.

Can I split the node count on my license automatically?

No, you need to engage your account representative to request the split along with the exact details. For example, I've purchased a 1000 node license and would like 750 for prod and 250 for dev.

Can I import two licenses into Tower?

​No, licenses are not cumulative and only one license file can be valid at any time in a given Tower cluster.

If I have two licenses, how do I combine them together to be able to import them into Tower?

Licenses purchased on different dates must be co-termed in order to be combined. The earlier of the license key expiration dates will be used. If you need your licenses merged, please reach out to your account representative.

Is it possible to associate a set of licenses to an organization?

As of 3.5, it is now possible to set a max hosts number on the organization page to set a limit per organization.

What happens to an Ansible Tower installation after the subscription/license has expired?

Please see the following article for more information.

How do I obtain a license for trying out enterprise features of Ansible Tower?

Please see the following article for more information.

How do I upload my Ansible Tower license from the command line instead of through the UI?

Please see the following article for more information.


How to procure Ansible Tower Trail License?

I am (desperately) trying to obtain a license through the interface provided when you first log in to Ansible Tower... A crazy amount of details is asked in the form... Then you submit it and... Nothing! Not an email to confirm your request has been received... Not an answer 24 hours later... And, by the way, it is not like if we weren't Red Hat customer already... The Ansible Tower license request process is an absolute shame. Complicated, unclear, undocumented.

similar to other people here, I have requested a licence (twice now) and still no contact from RH/Ansible marketing team to trail Tower

Thank you as this was most helpful! I would have hoped this detail about (in my case) combining two separate licence files, would have had some example on the official TOWER documentation.

How to check license usage for each organization in tower?

"What happens to an Ansible Tower installation after the subscription/license has expired?"

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