Scalper AvtomatFX Expert Advisor robot implements an algorithm for opening orders based on the analysis of the tick flow of Ask and Bid prices. This Expert Advisor is fully automated and does not require any manual adjustments. But for experienced traders, there is a capability to intervene or trade manually.
The EA works best when the price moves in a range. This free forex EA manages to cover losses from orders still in the market with a profit from closed orders. But if you leave orders not closed, then this will lead to the consumption of all profit by orders in the market. Therefore, the Scalper AvtomatFX implements the “Earnings in the TIME INTERVAL” algorithm.
How “Earnings in the TIME INTERVAL” algorithm works
- The Expert Advisor puts a timestamp; in the info panel called Time_Point, it’s the beginning of the time interval.
- The EA calculates the profit from closed orders by EA setting after this time.
- The EA calculates profit/loss from open BUY and SELL orders every tick.
- The advisor analyzes the amount of profit from “closed orders in EA time interval” + “profit/loss from open orders” and when this value exceeds the planned TP in money, the advisor closes all open orders and, after closing, rearranges Time_Point to the current time, thereby starting a new time interval.
- When “SUM Profit Cycle =” is greater than “Destination Profit =” all orders will be closed and a new cycle (time interval) will begin.
- Works best on EURUSD, USDCHF, GBPUSD (but can be traded on virtually any charts.)
- 200$ Cent Account
- Work best on M5 Time Frames.
- Low spread broker recommended. (Trusted FOREX Brokers Here)
- Recommend running this EA 24/5 on a VPS (Reliable and Trusted FOREX VPS – FXVM)
Many brokers limit the maximum number of orders opened in the terminal. As a rule, now many brokers have 200 orders. So, if you have 200 open orders and you want to open another one, the terminal will not open and return error 148. This Scalper AvtomatFX EA can open 200 orders in the process. Therefore the advisor has an integrated algorithm for analyzing orders opened by other advisors or settings of this advisor.
- If at least one order is opened with this setting, then the advisor will open subsequent ones and accompany them until they are closed by the “Planned TP”, it will not close it itself at a loss in terms of the total profit in the “Interval time “.
- At the time allowed for trading, the advisor receives “permission” to open the “first-order”.
- Pressing the button “Open first order” – leads to the opening of the first order, regardless of the prohibiting settings (setting the working time or there are orders from other advisors in the market).
- When you close all of the trades, EA will stop trading until the next trading time. The only way to start trading again is restarting the MT4/EA or manually starting it by clicking “Open first Order.”
modify error, can not fix, administrator pls give it a look.
Hello. I have download all the ea on this site. But i dont have 1 who is good. Can you say me what are your best and favourite ea for e smal account? Thank you all for your input and also thank you for this internetsite.
Theres a problem with this EA, we dunno how much the max sliipage is allowed inside the ordersend function….it can be very devastating…
I would appreciate the source code or can u juste tell me whats the sllipage parameter insinde ordersend function please?
Could you crack EA MPGO?
This EA is very good.
Nope……. Not A good ea
Do you have king gold ea?
ciao, qualcuno mi sa dire cosa signifano:
Turn on filter FSC
Coefficient of slow ..
period lion
time close BU (start interval)
time close BU (finish interval)
grazi mille
el león es un indicador
tienes que ir al sitio del ruso que hace estos expertos y verás que te los da
buscar en telegramm
ellos solo apestan
como se puede obtener el indicador lion?
who have this indicators that ea use?
Lion indi,and what is filter fsc?
thank you
el león está dentro de otro paquete experto “lion
no sé cómo colocar el indicador aquí
todos estos expertos apestan
como obtener el indicador lion?
Could you recommend start and finish time?
Is Open market time of NY or London good start time?
Or Do I just take server time 9:00 as a start time?
Anyone here using this EA – I used for few days on DEMo EU pair M1 – gave a good profit
It does input signals that give profit but, it inputs trades buy and sell trades at the same time whichi results in losses
I´ve been working on this EA for some time..![🙂]()
First thing first !!!
It can bring you a lot of profit if you are willling to stay on top of it, i´ve backtested the shit out of this and there is a lot of potential on M5 or whatever you want
My problem unsovled at this time is that it keeps closing down at thursday instead of friday, My configuration at this time gives about 800-1000$ in 4 days but has plenty of drawdown … If anyone can help out im all ears ??
The trick is not to backtest it in months and years but as we would run it…..In weeks !!! Thats where the profit is
Start running it on monday and close it down thursday night/friday morning
Hi, I am running this EA on short intervals. Once it hits my intended target (as displayed @ SUM PROFIT CYCLE), I will close it and depending on the (local) time, I will either run it again or go to bed (I am in Asia). I apply this method to preserve the small cent account that I am starting with. So far it has been good. Running M5 timeframe.
Can you explain @ SUM PROFIT CYCLE
Sorry new to this..
What broker did u used? Hope it didn’t complain regarding high numbers of open orders. Maybe thats the reason why its triggered in timely basis and time most probably asia time to avoid high volatility.
it’s good but only if you have 10000$ account. with 100$ or 1000$ the profits are not very good. I was able to profit around 2500$ in 1 month with a 10000$ test but in 100$ or 1000$ no more than 80$ . maybe i need to change some settings. someone here to share some ideas about that?
it’s good but only if you have 10000$ account. with 100$ or 1000$ the profits are not very good. I was able to profit around 2500$ in 1 month with a 10000$ test but in 100$ or 1000$ no more than 80$ . maybe i need to change some settings. someone here to share some ideas about that?
I have been testing it for few days now on a $100 account and though i know it’s a short period to conclude, it has actually given me over 800% in profit. I use it on a standard account, however, I reduced the tp to $1 using a 0.01 lot size. And set the first start trade time to 5 and stop trade at 9.
2nd trade start is at 17 and stops at 21. I think the trick is to avoid volatile market period on EURUSD as that is the only currency i trade. So 24/7 trading is a bad idea
Hi, pls, upload new version