New Developments: Hammer and Scorecard, The Plot to Steal the Presidency

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What is Hammer and Scorecard?

In the tense aftermath of the 2020 presidential election, there are massive amounts of information circling around. One of the hot topics that people are talking about is the ‘Hammer and Scorecard’ software. What is this software? Where did it come from and why is it important?

Dennis Montgomery a former CIA/DOD/DHS/NSA/FBI contractor turned whistleblower designed and built the software called “The Hammer.” According to an article by The American Report in 2019, this software was designed as a “foreign surveillance tool” with many safeguards in place in order to prevent it from being used as a domestic spy tool. However, the “whistleblower tapes” leaked in 2015 cover 47 leaked hard drives and testimony that reveal this software was in fact used to spy and surveille U.S. citizens, namely President Donald Trump a “zillion times.”  

This software is a CIA spy program designed to use on protected networks (like voting machines) without detection. It is important to note that Montgomery claims that in 2009, under then-President Barak Obama, this software was “commandeered and repurposed” by John Brenan and James Clapper into a “private and parallel domestic surveillance system.”

How Can This Software Effect Voting Machines?

While Hammer is the software that enables access to voting machines without being detected, the more important part of this equation is the software that works with Hammer to change vote tallies during the data transfer part of reporting the tabulation totals. Scorecard is designed to change only a 3% total of votes in order to go undetected during the transfer of totals.

Kirk Wiebe, a former senior analyst at the NSA from 1975-2001, explains that Scorecard is designed to change votes “on the fly.” He says that data is grabbed in real-time and changed in microseconds. It happens so quickly that no one notices the delay. Kirk mentioned Sydney Powell’s interview with Lou Dobbs regarding the current election.

Sydney Powell spoke on Lou Dobbs’ show and stated that they have some “excellent witnesses on the issue” regarding the 2020 election. There is forensic evidence showing what data was changed, where it came from, and where it was going to. A record is kept of the original data prior to the changes made by the software.

How This Effects the 2020 Presidential Election

Given all this information, and there is a lot to go through, the ramification concerning this election could be huge. As we saw in Michigan, there was a “glitch” that occurred. It was discovered that 6000 votes were incorrectly tabulated for Joe Biden that were cast for President Trump. Once the numbers were manually corrected, it flipped the county back in favor of the President. This was just one occurrence in one state.

In Spalding County Georgia, another “glitch” caused the voting systems to go offline for several hours on Election Day resulting in voting times being extended to 9:00 pm. Politico reports that Marcia Ridley, elections supervisor at Spalding County Board of Elections said that the problems with the machines were due to an “upload to the machines by one of their technicians overnight.” Ridley continued “That is something that they don’t ever do. I’ve never seen them update anything the day before the election” and that she “did not know what the upload contained.”

Could these “glitches” be a small look into what is possibly massive changes made to the voter tallies by the software Scorecard? Given that there is “forensic evidence” of changes occurring, we could be seeing one of the largest attempted coups in history. An attempted coup on the highest office in America.

Widespread Voter Fraud

It is largely touted by the Democrats that “widespread” voter fraud does not exist. However, combined with massive amounts of mail-in ballots which are uniquely susceptible to fraud, as reported by the New York Times in 2012 and the fact that according to an article by The Guardian in 2019 that “no matter who owns them, voting machines are more vulnerable to insider malfeasance than any other sector of the election industry” it is certainly a possibility.

The integrity of our elections is a cornerstone of this country. Without clear and transparent election results there will be massive civil unrest. No matter what the final results of the election are, the citizens of the United States of America deserve to know the truth.

New Developments Regarding Vote Switching

Since publishing this article, New Right Network has become aware of new evidence of potential use of CIA developed software Hammer and Scorecard in the 2020 presidential election.

In the above video, what you are seeing is CNN’s live election coverage. If you watch it happening live, there does not seem to be anything wrong. However, because the change happens so fast, they were not able to update the vote tallies on the banner fast enough to match what is shown in the left-hand corner of the screen. When the update to the vote tallies load, if you watch frame by frame, you see a 560 vote increase for Andy Beshear. By itself, there is nothing strange. What is odd is that at the exact same time, in microseconds, Matt Bevins vote total is decreased by exactly, you guessed it, 560 votes.

With what we have learned about Scorecard, it appears this could be the software working in real-time. Scorecard changes the vote tallies after they have been cast, in real-time, as they are sent out to be reported. It is during this transfer of data that we would see the changes occurring, as seen in the clip from CNN’s live coverage.

This vote tally change, increasing the total for one candidate while simultaneously decreasing the total for another candidate, is similar to what we saw in Michigan where 6000 votes cast for President Trump were incorrectly tabulated for Joe Biden.

More Voting Anomalies

In addition to the “glitches” and real-time tally inconsistencies, there are other reported “voting anomalies.” An anomaly is defined as “something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected.” What is increasingly strange is the number of ballots cast where the voter voted for the presidential race.

As the numbers are being more closely inspected, there are tens of thousands of ballots that did not vote for any race down-ballot. According to Sydney Powell, attorney for General Flynn, there have been reports of this happening in states like Pennsylvania (98,000), Georgia (80-90,000), Arizona (42,000), Michigan (up to 115,000), and Wisconsin (62,000). While this does happen at a very low percentage historically, in 2020 the margin of this occurring is huge.

One theory on this, combined with potential inference with the Hammer and Scorecard software, is that ballots were entered real-time to make up for the deficits in needed votes in real-time. Although this is just a theory, it is worth exploring. Could it be possible that an attempted coup was set in motion prior to election day with Scorecard, that changes only 3% of the vote in the favor of whatever it is programmed to change, only to realize that it was not enough?

Once it was realized that a 3% change would not overcome the sheer amount of votes cast for President Trump, could voting have been paused to regroup and then commit fraud in real-time? If so what could this look like? We have seen whistleblowers come forward alleging that the United States Postal Office was directing postal carriers to gather ballots and bring them back to the postal office to be hand stamped with the date needed for them to count for the elections. We have also heard reports of boxes of ballots showing up in the middle of the night to key locations post-election day.

While nothing is concrete right now, there is overwhelming evidence that election meddling has occurred. The President’s personal lawyer, Rudy Guiliani, announced in a press conference on Saturday that lawsuits are set to being on Monday, November 9. As a nation, we deserve an answer and confidence that this was a fair and free election.

29 thoughts on “New Developments: Hammer and Scorecard, The Plot to Steal the Presidency

  1. Hey, great article!

    Do you know the company that owns/controls this technology now?

    The one that “commandeered and repurposed” it into a “private and parallel domestic surveillance system.”

    Thanks for the work you’re doing!

      1. Dominion is the machines and the software that run on those machines. Scytl is a company in Barcelona that “stores” all of the votes processed in the US. All the above make up a sizable portion of the entire voting system in the US. Hammer, HAMR and Scorecard were developed under the auspices of the CIA/NSA designed to exploit vulnerabilities in voting systems without themselves being detected. This video will explains things best…

        1. It’s not as easy as you all think to manipulate these systems. Just as it’s hard to fake scientific data. Manipulation of the data shows up in huge discrepancies that most any statistician can identify. The fact that you believe all this, and are repeating what’s seen in a bunch of poorly researched articles is sad, really. Faked or manipulated values show up as huge spikes that can not be explained. I dare Rose or any of these conservative blog authors to talk to a mathemetician/statistician. According to these puff pieces, Dominion is in 30+ states. If there was a systemic issue, we would have seen enormous wins for the opposition all over the place. As well, if they were really manipulating the vote, wouldn’t you have seen the Democrats win overwhelmingly in the Senate and House balance as well? You’re telling me that the Democrats had some honor, and only wanted to manipulate the Presidential vote?

          You people here ever heard of confirmation bias? Look it up.

          Finally, Rose, if you want any credibility as a journalist, please learn to spell and double-check your work. It’s “affect” not “effect”. Learn the difference.

          1. @Zombie Zam
            Like most Leftists you make the very serious mistake of assuming conservatives are stupid or incapable of critical thinking. Most engineers and high level technical people are conservative. I know, I have worked with many of them for years.

          2. Those HUGE statisitical discrepancies DID show up and thats what clued a lot of people to the scam. DUhhhhhh

  2. As I wrote yesterday The voting software used in the contested states is directly and indirectly linked to the following people: Soros, Pelosi, Lord Malloch-Brown (former MInister to Gordon Brown, a former Labour PM in the UK), the Clinton Foundation and Chinese suppliers. And if you look at you will see the results of security and audit tests by experts which show how compromised this 10 year old product was. It had more holes than a swiss cheese. This software is known to have adversely affected elections in the Philippines and other countries, as well as Bernie Sanders own attempts to secure the Democratic nomination against Hillary Clinton. This is all in the public domain.

  3. As I wrote yesterday the voting software used in the contested states is directly and indirectly linked to the following people: Soros, Pelosi, Lord Malloch-Brown (former MInister to Gordon Brown, a former Labour PM in the UK), the Clinton Foundation and Chinese suppliers. And if you look at you will see the results of security and audit tests by experts which show how compromised this 10 year old product was. It had more holes than a swiss cheese. This software is known to have adversely affected elections in the Philippines and other countries, as well as Bernie Sanders own attempts to secure the Democratic nomination against Hillary Clinton. This is all in the public domain.

  4. Great article! Very sad that our electoral process is under attack. If we allows this to continue, this will become our LAST election EVER!

  5. I just hope you can get this to the people it matters to most, like President Trump. I knew this election was corrupt. The democracts will do anything and everything they can to get rid of our President. By now they probably removed that software from the voting machines

    1. The real question is precisely how much of this info is provable. I have to believe that Trump already knows all about this and much of this will move forward in the next few days. Should we be allowed discovery, this thing could blow up over the next few weeks. They gave Gore 37 days. We will be on day 7 when Giuliani and company go to court. The clock is ticking.

    2. Watch the vote-stealing software in action! If you’re not interested in the process behind it and you just want to see it happening right before your eyes on CNN, then skip directly to the 33 minute mark!

      Note: If you’re a cyber-security techie, you’ll probably want to start right at the very beginning. This is totally mind boggling! We’ve been cheated! #Trump2020

    1. There are reports that Pelosi and possibly Clinton are tied to ownership, we are currently investigating and will report what we find.

  6. If this doesn’t send a chill up every Patriotic Americans spine I don’t know what will. Our Liberties are being stolen under our noses.

  7. ScoreCard was caught happening in real-time on CNN. The numbers took votes away from Trump and placed on Biden. They cut away quickly, but the person that caught it, advanced it frame by frame and there was no doubt that’s exactly what happened. I don’t want to name the channel who showed this because he’s already been taken off of YouTube 2 weeks before election and the Patreon canceled his ability to receive donations. He’s on other sites and has his own website, but these censorship Marxists will chase him down and de-platform any truth tellers out there. There are a few good catches of this sort of fraud.

  8. I thought last election was bad but this mail in fraud is the worse our country has ever experienced. You better check how much Obama Biden were involved with China Federation Military Communism here. Who were the people hired to count the ballots, handle the transfer of ballot boxes. No security.
    Nor a surprise that Pelosi, Brown, Newsom, Clintons, Biden, Obamas and Soros involved. Muslims Brotherhood.
    Prayers for Our Country.

  9. i just learned about this today through Wendy Bell in Pittsburgh. I have always felt that elections were not fair. people have found all kinds of ways to add to the party they were voting for at the time. Was this information available during the 2016 election and the impeachment that the Democrats tried to pull off? I have worked for the polls in the past , but not in the last 5 years. I never saw anything
    illegal. The chief handled any questionable voters and called the office if necessary. Poll watchers were allowed with a sign in and were allowed to sit behind us where they could see the pollster and hear what was being said. Pennsylvania was way out of line and suspicious in the way they denied and tried to conceal what they were doing. This election was definitely not on the up and up.

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