Newsbreak 108: Jim Harrison, Natural Family Foundation Says “Grassroots Action Needed if We Want to Avert Mandates and Protect our Freedoms”

Report & Video Link | Ramola D | Feb 16, 2021

In a focused and solutions-oriented conversation on Friday, February 14, the National Director of the Natural Family Foundation, and member of Friends of Liberty United, Jim Harrison highlighted the urgent need for people all over the USA to take some basic grassroots action today to reach public officials at the local level and ensure that American rights and freedoms are protected. The concern that American liberties are in danger of course comes from the steady tide of government moves across the country hinting at forced vaccinations and vaccine passports for any kind of “return to normalcy, ” a worrying situation which might ramp up in intensity over the next few months, he suggests.

Countering all such possibilities however of course are the people already standing up and opposing government encroachment into free American spaces, such as Pamela Popper, founder of Make Americans Free Again who is suing the CDC, HHS, and other organizations for information on a virus (which has not been isolated) which has been fraudulently used to project escalated numbers of positives and deaths, whereas it has become increasingly clear the numbers of deaths “with COVID” were counted laxly and wrongly (co-morbidities ignored), and the numbers of cases were highly exaggerated because they were reliant on false positives from a faultily-run PCR test.

Question Local Officials, Inform Them of the Facts

Asking questions is a great strategy, he notes, and suggests that people concerned about the loss of our rights and freedoms bring meaningful information to local officials while first asking them questions to determine what they know about the virus, the vaccine, and the issue of medical or health freedom for all. Mr. Harrison who is in Ohio discusses how Ohio was the first state to plunge into tyranny as masks were mandated and lockdowns instituted; it is also where Pamela Popper is based and also Dr. Sherri Tenpenny.

If people do not do anything to push back the over-reaching arm of governments issuing rules and mandates about personal health matters, says Jim, things will only go from bad to worse. The time is now to take action of some kind to let officials know your thoughts and ensure that no draconian laws mandating vaccines, tests, or travel passports are passed.

For more information on state concerns regarding mandates, please see the brochures at Friends of Liberty United and visit Natural Family Foundation.

NewsBreak 108 | Feb 15, 2021 | Jim Harrison, Natural Family Foundation & Friends of Liberty United: Need for Grassroots Local Action to Avert Vaccine and Test Mandates, Recoup Constitutional Rights and Freedoms


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