“And also In Addition, and also In Addition, and also Moreover, and some More of My Jokes, and Writings, and Books, and Literature, and Tabloids, and Entertainment.
“Written, and Authored, and Published by Brandon Ryan Katrena(B.R.K.).
“And also Furthermore, and also In Addition, and also Moreover, and some More of My Jokes, and Writings, and Books, and Literature, and Tabloids, and Entertainment., that Man, and that Person, and that Individual said, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing, and Abbreviating, “HHhhhhhhMMmmmmmmmmmm. And While Laughing and Giggling, and Joking, and Maybe also Very Entertaining, and Maybe also Very Interesting, and Maybe those, ‘so-called, allegedly so-called, Prolonged Long Duration Mi. and Im. Prolonged Long Duration Pre., about then, approximately then, to be those so-called,
CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.SMAL. and their allegedly Prolonged Ext. Long Duration so-called Re.Te. so-called Ext. Prolonged Long Duration so-called Alt. Univ. from about ’83 to about ’20. And CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.SMAL. allegedly Prolonged Long Duration ‘Ba.’ And ‘D.U.’ ac.
“And also Furthermore, and also In Addition, and also Moreover, and some More of My Jokes, and Writings, and Books, and Literature, and Tabloids, and Entertainment., that Man, and that Person, and that Individual said, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing, and Abbreviating, “HHhhhhhhMMmmmmmmmmmm. And While Laughing and Giggling, and Joking, and Maybe also Very Entertaining, and Maybe also Very Interesting, and Maybe those, ‘so-called, allegedly so-called, Prolonged Long Duration Mi. and Im. Prolonged Long Duration Pre., about then, approximately then, to be those so-called,
CCCCCCMMMMMMMMMMMMMMcccccccccccccccmmmmmmmmm.MBAMS, and their allegedly Prolonged Long Duration, ‘OYK,’ and ‘Re.’ And Their Allegedly Prolonged Long Duration, ‘SmLVPT’.
“And also Furthermore, and also In Addition, and also Moreover, and some More of My Jokes, and Writings, and Books, and Literature, and Tabloids, and Entertainment., that Man, and that Person, and that Individual said, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing, and Abbreviating, “HHhhhhhhMMmmmmmmmmmm. And While Laughing and Giggling, and Joking, and Maybe also Very Entertaining, and Maybe also Very Interesting, and Maybe those, ‘so-called, allegedly so-called, Prolonged Long Duration Mi. and Im. Prolonged Long Duration Pre., about then, approximately then, to be those so-called,
CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.LGBM, and their allegedly Prolonged Long duration so-called Aw.Se.C, and Aw.Se.BaIdet.’ ”.
“And also Furthermore, and also In Addition, and also Moreover, and some More of My Jokes, and Writings, and Books, and Literature, and Tabloids, and Entertainment., that Man, and that Person, and that Individual said, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing, and Abbreviating, “HHhhhhhhMMmmmmmmmmmm. And While Laughing and Giggling, and Joking, and Maybe also Very Entertaining, and Maybe also Very Interesting, and Maybe those, ‘so-called, allegedly so-called, Prolonged Long Duration Mi. and Im. Prolonged Long Duration Pre., about then, approximately then, to be those so-called,
CCCCCCCMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmBGAlt. And their allegedly, for example, KofLD, shortly aft. so-called, allegedly so-called, Prolonged Long Duration Mi. and Im. Prolonged Long Duration Pre., about then, approximately then, to be those so-called, CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.LGBM with L.D.C.A. with F.C.A.
“And also Furthermore, and also In Addition, and also Moreover, and some More of My Jokes, and Writings, and Books, and Literature, and Tabloids, and Entertainment., that Man, and that Person, and that Individual said, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing, and Abbreviating, “HHhhhhhhMMmmmmmmmmmm. And While Laughing and Giggling, and Joking, and Maybe also Very Entertaining, and Maybe also Very Interesting, and Maybe those, ‘so-called, allegedly so-called, Prolonged Long Duration Mi. and Im. Prolonged Long Duration Pre., about then, approximately then, to be those so-called,
CCCCCCCMMMMMMMMMMMcccccccccMMMMMM.EotM. and about 12 to 13K y. and then about 100 to 200 y(about 2/2) Ext. all. At. W. ag. That so-called Fe.Is. a. t. t. o. H.(about 2 out of 2). And also H. and Ei. at, about then, thei. All. So-called S.W.W.H. And also Ext. al., for example, Prolonged Long Duration, ‘Di.Mu.’ dis. And Ta.”
“And also Furthermore, and also In Addition, and also Moreover, and some More of My Jokes, and Writings, and Books, and Literature, and Tabloids, and Entertainment., that Man, and that Person, and that Individual said, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing, and Abbreviating, “HHhhhhhhMMmmmmmmmmmm. And While Laughing and Giggling, and Joking, and Maybe also Very Entertaining, and Maybe also Very Interesting, and Maybe those, ‘so-called, allegedly so-called, Prolonged Long Duration Mi. and Im. Prolonged Long Duration Pre., about then, approximately then, to be those so-called,
CCCCCMMMMMMWGBFRJ, and their allegedly, for example, AlKC.A., and CBC.A., and LCAC.A. about the ye. ’61, ‘62, to about ’20.
And Maybe for example. And Maybe also Very Entertaining, and Maybe also Very Interesting. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). At that Time (ATT). At those Times (ATT). At this Time (ATT). At these Times (ATT). About then. Not about then. Not approximately then. Approximately then. And Maybe for example. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). A lot (AL). A little (AL). Some. Somewhat. Much. Many. Often. Sometimes. Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important. Not. Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). And for example. And for example. And for example [ ]. For example. For example. For example [ ]. So-called (SC). And [ ]. In addition [ ]. Furthermore [ ]. So-called. And Maybe for example. And Maybe Not about. And Maybe about. And Maybe approximately then. And Maybe Not approximately then. And Perhaps for example. And Perhaps for instance. And Maybe, ‘So-called’ ”.
“And also In Addition, and also In Addition, and also Moreover, and some More of My Jokes, and Writings, and Books, and Literature, and Tabloids, and Entertainment.
“Written, and Authored, and Published by Brandon Ryan Katrena(B.R.K.).
“And also Furthermore, and also In Addition, and also Moreover, and some More of My Jokes, and Writings, and Books, and Literature, and Tabloids, and Entertainment., that Man, and that Person, and that Individual said, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing, and Abbreviating, “HHhhhhhhMMmmmmmmmmmm. And While Laughing and Giggling, and Joking, and Maybe also Very Entertaining, and Maybe also Very Interesting, and Maybe those, ‘so-called, allegedly so-called, Prolonged Long Duration Mi. and Im. Prolonged Long Duration Pre., about then, approximately then, to be those so-called,
CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.SMAL. and their allegedly Prolonged Ext. Long Duration so-called Re.Te. so-called Ext. Prolonged Long Duration so-called Alt. Univ. from about ’83 to about ’20. And CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.SMAL. allegedly Prolonged Long Duration ‘Ba.’ And ‘D.U.’ ac.
“And also Furthermore, and also In Addition, and also Moreover, and some More of My Jokes, and Writings, and Books, and Literature, and Tabloids, and Entertainment., that Man, and that Person, and that Individual said, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing, and Abbreviating, “HHhhhhhhMMmmmmmmmmmm. And While Laughing and Giggling, and Joking, and Maybe also Very Entertaining, and Maybe also Very Interesting, and Maybe those, ‘so-called, allegedly so-called, Prolonged Long Duration Mi. and Im. Prolonged Long Duration Pre., about then, approximately then, to be those so-called,
CCCCCCMMMMMMMMMMMMMMcccccccccccccccmmmmmmmmm.MBAMS, and their allegedly Prolonged Long Duration, ‘OYK,’ and ‘Re.’ And Their Allegedly Prolonged Long Duration, ‘SmLVPT’.
“And also Furthermore, and also In Addition, and also Moreover, and some More of My Jokes, and Writings, and Books, and Literature, and Tabloids, and Entertainment., that Man, and that Person, and that Individual said, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing, and Abbreviating, “HHhhhhhhMMmmmmmmmmmm. And While Laughing and Giggling, and Joking, and Maybe also Very Entertaining, and Maybe also Very Interesting, and Maybe those, ‘so-called, allegedly so-called, Prolonged Long Duration Mi. and Im. Prolonged Long Duration Pre., about then, approximately then, to be those so-called,
CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.LGBM, and their allegedly Prolonged Long duration so-called Aw.Se.C, and Aw.Se.BaIdet.’ ”.
“And also Furthermore, and also In Addition, and also Moreover, and some More of My Jokes, and Writings, and Books, and Literature, and Tabloids, and Entertainment., that Man, and that Person, and that Individual said, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing, and Abbreviating, “HHhhhhhhMMmmmmmmmmmm. And While Laughing and Giggling, and Joking, and Maybe also Very Entertaining, and Maybe also Very Interesting, and Maybe those, ‘so-called, allegedly so-called, Prolonged Long Duration Mi. and Im. Prolonged Long Duration Pre., about then, approximately then, to be those so-called,
CCCCCCCMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmBGAlt. And their allegedly, for example, KofLD, shortly aft. so-called, allegedly so-called, Prolonged Long Duration Mi. and Im. Prolonged Long Duration Pre., about then, approximately then, to be those so-called, CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.LGBM with L.D.C.A. with F.C.A.
“And also Furthermore, and also In Addition, and also Moreover, and some More of My Jokes, and Writings, and Books, and Literature, and Tabloids, and Entertainment., that Man, and that Person, and that Individual said, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing, and Abbreviating, “HHhhhhhhMMmmmmmmmmmm. And While Laughing and Giggling, and Joking, and Maybe also Very Entertaining, and Maybe also Very Interesting, and Maybe those, ‘so-called, allegedly so-called, Prolonged Long Duration Mi. and Im. Prolonged Long Duration Pre., about then, approximately then, to be those so-called,
CCCCCCCMMMMMMMMMMMcccccccccMMMMMM.EotM. and about 12 to 13K y. and then about 100 to 200 y(about 2/2) Ext. all. At. W. ag. That so-called Fe.Is. a. t. t. o. H.(about 2 out of 2). And also H. and Ei. at, about then, thei. All. So-called S.W.W.H. And also Ext. al., for example, Prolonged Long Duration, ‘Di.Mu.’ dis. And Ta.”
“And also Furthermore, and also In Addition, and also Moreover, and some More of My Jokes, and Writings, and Books, and Literature, and Tabloids, and Entertainment., that Man, and that Person, and that Individual said, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing, and Abbreviating, “HHhhhhhhMMmmmmmmmmmm. And While Laughing and Giggling, and Joking, and Maybe also Very Entertaining, and Maybe also Very Interesting, and Maybe those, ‘so-called, allegedly so-called, Prolonged Long Duration Mi. and Im. Prolonged Long Duration Pre., about then, approximately then, to be those so-called,
CCCCCMMMMMMWGBFRJ, and their allegedly, for example, AlKC.A., and CBC.A., and LCAC.A. about the ye. ’61, ‘62, to about ’20.
And Maybe for example. And Maybe also Very Entertaining, and Maybe also Very Interesting. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). At that Time (ATT). At those Times (ATT). At this Time (ATT). At these Times (ATT). About then. Not about then. Not approximately then. Approximately then. And Maybe for example. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). A lot (AL). A little (AL). Some. Somewhat. Much. Many. Often. Sometimes. Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important. Not. Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). And for example. And for example. And for example [ ]. For example. For example. For example [ ]. So-called (SC). And [ ]. In addition [ ]. Furthermore [ ]. So-called. And Maybe for example. And Maybe Not about. And Maybe about. And Maybe approximately then. And Maybe Not approximately then. And Perhaps for example. And Perhaps for instance. And Maybe, ‘So-called’ ”.