Anonymous asked in Food & DrinkCooking & Recipes · 1 decade ago

Black Pudding in the USA?

Can you get "Black Pudding" in the USA and if so, is it known by the same name?

(Black pudding is well seasoned pigs blood cooked inside a sausage skin....sounds dreadful know, but it is quite delicious!)


Some FANTASTIC answers there....thank you to everone. It will be difficult to choose a BEST answer!

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I had the opposite problem when I lived in the UK. I was craving a Pennsylvania product called scrapple, which was totally unavailable there. However, I discovered that black pudding tasted quite similar.

    If you're in Pennsylvania or one of the surrounding states, scrapple can be bought in the grocery store. If not, it can be ordered here:

    Slice it and fry it in oil or fat until crisp.

    ...Show more
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1lt (1¾ pints) Blood (Pig, Lamb or Goose)

    340g (12oz) Shredded Suet

    300ml (½ pint) Milk

    50g (2oz) Oatmeal

    3 Medium Onions, chopped

    1 tbsp Salt

    ½ tsp Mixed Herbs

    ½ tsp Cayenne Pepper

    Pinch Nutmeg

    Pre-heat oven to 160°C: 300°F: Gas 2.

    Mix all of the ingredients together thoroughly, making sure that the seasonings are evenly distributed.

    Next fill the large sausage cases, see: Sausage Making Basics for advice on doing so.

    Place into an ovenproof dish with a cover, standing in a larger dish half filled with water.

    Bake for 1½ hours.

    Allow to cool.

    OR TRY...

    Black Pudding

    Yield: 8 Servings

    1 lb Pig's liver

    1 1/2 lb Unrendered lard, chopped

    120 fl Pig's blood

    2 lb Breadcrumbs

    4 oz Oatmeal

    1 Medium onion, chopped

    1 ts Salt

    1/2 ts Allspice

    1 Beef casings

    Servings: 8

    (Always served with an Irish "fry". The preparation of this pudding may be

    impracticalthese days due to the difficulty of procuring fresh pig's blood

    and casings.) . Stew liver in boiling salted water until tender. Remove

    liver, and mince. Reserve cooking liquor. Mix all ingredients in large

    bowl. Stir thoroughly until blended. Fill casings with mixture. Tie off in

    one-foot loops. Steam for 4-5 hours. Leave until cold. Cut into 1/2 inch

    slices as required and fry in hot fat on both sides until crisped.

    ...Show more
    Source(s): You can buy it online @
  • 1 decade ago

    You'll be able to find similar products in various areas of the US. In Dutch immigrant areas it'll be called Bloedworst, in German areas Blutwurst, in Creole or Cajun areas you'll need to ask for Boudin Noir and in Hispanic areas you could try Morcilla. Also anything generally labelled as Blood sausage will be equivalent.

    Unfortunately all these variants will be slightly differently spiced to UK Black Pudding and may not be suitable for what you are cooking ( for example Morcilla is heavily spiced with paprika ).

    ...Show more
  • 6 years ago

    In south New Jersey in Haddonfield is a British restaurant that serves it with their brunch menu: The British Chip Shop in Haddonfield, NJ Menus | New Jersey's Restaurant, Fine Dining and Entertainment Guide | via @sharethis

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  • 1 decade ago

    I believe you can find it under the name Blood Pudding in the US. You will probably have to look into an ethnic grocery store.

  • 1 decade ago

    black pudding is a meat dish I would

    like to try some of it

    Source(s): thank you robert jackson
  • 1 decade ago

    There is a shop, near Dulles Airport...Virginia, actually the town is nearer to Middleburg, if you live anywhere near there. It is a British shop that sells all the most wonderful things! Also, check online, there are plenty of things available through there.

  • 1 decade ago

    Half of my family is from the deep south where virtually anything from a pig is considered delicious so no it's not that dreadful but you will have a hard time finding it any where in the U.S aside from ordering it on line. not as good as home cooked but it is an option. try Amazon.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm in Las Vegas, I think you will have trouble finding it in town. Just check out the web. I have to buy my H&P sauce on line.

  • Mary
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    For the best answers, search on this site

    Join the club!!!! It probably one of the only items on a cooked breakfast i would never touch!!!

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