The Dark Side: 1
I have briefly described one aspect of my life prior to 20, some stuff about ‘N’ and some general problems in my early to mid 20s. I could have taken a chronological approach and described my interactions with women from 20-23, but that is a topic best left for another day. In any case, if things were so great I would not have been getting long BJs from and fucking escorts.
OT: ‘Paid’ women have given me the most memorable BJs. There is actually a subcategory of escorts that are BJ experts. They know how to tease you silly and keep you on the edge for 30-40 minutes at a time. 1- 1.5 hours with them ensures that you will be very relaxed afterwards (like the last sunday and the one before it). Oops.. I got a boner even thinking about those experiences. It is funny to have to adjust your boner in starbucks with a hot chick looking at you.
Anyway, back to the subject at mouth.. hand :D. So at 23.. had finished my M.Sc, after choosing to not follow that particular field further. I was in a pretty bad situation, without a stable decent job and barely scraping by. Nobody including my close relatives were willing to help me. I did not have enough money to go out often or even socialize. I could not find a decent gal to get laid with.. It was awful.
I would have fared better with women if I was white.
That is when I started to find desperate young gals who wanted enough money for food, basics and some safety. I did avoid druggies and gals who had been on the street for more than a few weeks, and with a few exceptions never brought them where I lived (safety considerations).
So I started looking around and found gals who had either moved out of a bad situation or were just drifting along with larger groups. I found that a little kindness, money and decent restaurant dinners made them very eager to please. Initially I saw this as survival sex, until a decent gal wanted to sleep with me. However, I soon realized that a gal who was grateful for money, food and comfort was just as good in bed as one who “dated” you.
I dismissed the few initial good encounters as luck, but a disturbing pattern started to emerge. As long as the women were not druggies or chronically homeless, the sex was as good and often better than my flings and “dates”.
This realization was one of the most disturbing that I ever had. Until then I had believed that “paid” sex could never match “unpaid” sex, but it was not possible to ignore the obvious evidence. Therefore I changed my views on that subject.
The worst part was that such gals were cheaper per fuck than gals I had previously dated or picked up in bars. I felt betrayed and misled.. and this is in retrospect where I first experienced total loss of faith in women.
Natasha came into my life at about this point, but I could not give up my habit. After all the shit I had been subjected to by women till then, I just could not give up option B… and then something else happened that cemented my view on “paying” for sex- to be continued in the next part. I find that people lose interest once the post goes past 600-700 words, and this is a long and twisted story.
PS: I made all these gals shave it bald so that I would not get crabs. Shaved gals also cannot hide overt warts, discharges and rashes. I also always used condoms for penetrative sex.
I do not sleep with gals who are not shaved bald, front and back. I can tolerate a little mohawk or a very close trim in LTRs, but that is it.
That is a revalation. Total utilitarian viewpoint.
As I said regarding my own life, I pay jackshit for ‘unpaid’ girls. Until the figure goes up above £200 per tap, I won’t need ‘paid’ services. Once it does though, £350 gets you 2-3 hours with a 9+ outside of London.
Also: “I would have fared better with women if I was white.” I thought you were whiter than white. Well, shit me.
I would have fared better with women if I was white
How about women from your own ethnic background?
Coming from the guy with ‘yellow fever’? Look, I like non-snotty women who aim to please, and my ethnic group has too many spoilt princesses who won’t lose their panties easily.
Yellow fever is a new thing to me. I’m most attracted to women with my own phenotype, but that just happens to be rare in most parts of the world.
dude, dont blame it on not being white.
Girls of all races are ethnocentric, besides the asian ones. Blame it on evolution, and tribalism.
Hell, there was an indian chick liked. Using the same level of game, i would of nailed a girl who was white like me.
That is not my problem. Explainations that do not lead to change or improvement are inherently worthless.
as for yellow fever. For me, thats mainly because of personality. Much nicer, and smarter too, the asians are.
No, that is because you are seen as high value. It has nothing to do with what you are, but how much they can improve their status by sleeping with you.
nah man. The only people that fall into the “sweet and nice” category, are some religious girls, and asian girls.
Its not necessarily “improve their status” if it was, they would brag about sleeping with a dude.
Its more succombing to the awesomeness of the guy.