Added on 12/20/2019 by Someone Random
Average of all functions by votes
Type by functions: INTJ
INTJ (59)
8w9 (32)
so/sx (2)
835 (1)
LIE (1)
Lawful Evil (5)
Neutral Evil (4)
Choleric-Phlegmatic (6)
Choleric [Dominant] (1)
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INTJ - 8w9 - Lawful Evil - Choleric-Phlegmatic
“There is no personality database in Ba Sing Se”
Okay, but is anyone who voted on this actually an INTJ??? INTJ do not manipulate that well. Actually, no XNTJ's do. For example, Azula uses fear, not manipulation, to get her way. Look at how she gets Ty Lee to join her: it's not through guilt, it's through the direct action of putting her in danger until Ty Lee agrees to join. (Azula does trick the Earth King, but that was achieved with makeup, not emotional manipulation.) Gaslighting seems to be a Fe-based technique. I would guess that, based on the way he manipulates people's feelings, Long Feng is actually an INFJ- a twisted one.
Climbing the ranks by himself without being a noble, planning the long game on protecting Ba Sing Se from getting into civil war by his methods ( Ni and Te working together )
Defending himself against Sokka and Earth King primarily based on facts and logic ( Te ), using loyalty and feeling as weapon ( unhealthy Ni )
Overall, Long Feng was not a bad person, but his methods are bad indeed, which mean unhealthy Ni-Te on evil boundaries.
INTJ - 8w9
That ONE INTJ in the whole series