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On the Peculiar Connection between Systemic Racism and Feminism: 2

In the previous post of this series, I wrote about how feminism started and thrives in countries with a strong previous legacy of pedestalling white women due to a desire for maintaining racial purity- which is another way of saying that feminism (as we know it today) has always been strongly associated with, and grown out of, colonialism and racism. I first noticed this connection almost two decades ago due to an interesting combination of circumstances. As some readers might know, that is when I moved here to do graduate school. Anyway.. since scientific research is a multi-national endeavor, I quickly noticed an interesting pattern namely, that the willingness of a guy to debase himself for women was not universal- even among white men.

For example- it was unusual to see men of eastern European or Mediterranean origins fawning over women (even attractive ones) at anywhere near the levels displayed by ‘local’ men for borderline ugly women. And let us be clear about something, science does not attract ‘alpha’ men- but even there the difference between those from Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian countries vs rest of Europe and the World was very obvious. I also noticed something else which, at first, was peculiar. Local men in these now-declining Anglo-Saxon (A-S) countries do not ascribe agency to women, or do so in an unusual manner. Now, let me explain that sentence in some detail. See.. men from most countries around the world see women as being capable of making their own decisions- whether those turn out to be good, bad, sad or just plain stupid.

However men from A-S counties are desperate to rationalize any bad, sad or stupid decision made by a woman as not her decision. These men always ascribe external agency to a woman’s bad decisions while always invoking her own agency to explain the good ones. In other words, every stupid, bad and self-destructive decision made by a white woman is not her fault, while every OK decision is proof of her competence. Some of you might say that this is further proof of feminism brainwashing those men. I, however, disagree. The whole trope of “women are always right and never responsible for bad decisions” has a much longer history in A-S countries than feminism. In fact, the idea that white women (but not black or brown women) are not responsible for their bad decisions can be found in English literature as far back as mid 1800s, decades before feminism was even a thing. In other words, it preceded feminism.

Don’t believe me? Read a few novel, novellas and short stories from that period- especially those which also contain non-white female characters. You will quickly see that white women are always portrayed as pure, kind and good while non-white women are shown as evil, conniving and animalistic. Contrast this to the depiction of women in the mythology and folklore of other cultures. Were women depicted as always good in ancient Greek or Roman mythology, folklore or literature? What about Chinese, Japanese or Korean mythology and folklore? What about Indian or middle-eastern mythology and folklore? Heck.. even continental European folklore and stories, such as the Brothers Grimm collection did not depict women as inherently good. My point is that most cultures throughout human history never saw women as inherently pure, good, faultless etc. But after early 1800s this became the default view in A-S and later Scandinavian countries.

But what does this have to do with the world of 2019- at least as it exists in A-S countries? Well.. let me ask you another set of questions- would laws favoring women in divorce and child-custody etc exist without a large number of white men stupid enough to willingly believe and support hilarious myths such as the inherent “purity”, “goodness”, “desirability” etc of white women? Would all that talk about how women make less than men and deserve affirmative action exist without a large percentage of white men (in those countries) willing to believe in the myth of white women being inherently deserving and virtuous? And why is the myth that all men are sexual deviants with an interest in children almost exclusive to A-S and Scandinavian countries.

Conversely, why are men from other parts of the world far more willing to acknowledge that gold-digging and other forms of parasitic behavior is common among women? Why are they also far more willing to acknowledge that women can be as screwed up in the head as men- and often more so. Why are they far less inclined to obsessively seek female approval for their behavior and decisions? Are you starting to see a trend? In case you aren’t, let me spell it out for you- a lot of the behavioral patterns displayed by white men in A-S and Scandinavian countries are older than feminism, though they do arise from the same toxic pond of colonialism and racism. It is these patterns which enabled and supported the rise of feminism in those countries.

A lot of behavior displayed by men in these countries, traditionally ascribed to evolutionary psychology bullshit such as eggs being more expensive than sperm, is in reality largely restricted to those countries. The thing is.. outside of these countries, the world is a very different place. This is not say that other countries do not have legal equality of the sexes. Indeed, one can argue than east-European communist countries had far more real sexual equality than A-S countries. However this equality never led to university departments of women studies, atrocious divorce and child-custody laws, hordes of SJWs, constant empty talk of “empowerment” and men being seen as innate sexual predators. Any you why.. because those countries did not have the pre-existing legacy of colonialism-derived racism.

In the next part of this series, I will write about why most white men in A-S and Scandinavian countries still willingly and diligently keep polishing the turd of white women supremacy aka feminism.

What do you think? Comments?

  1. April 2, 2019 at 7:19 pm

    next you are gonna start calling us “white vagina worshipping nationalists” like this horrid fellow:


    I gott a tell ya though, we broke outta that mentality by worshiping norse godz and having a bunch of gay sex at the Wolves of Vineland…

    See Hail !!

    14 eighty (not)str8 !!!

  2. P Ray
    April 2, 2019 at 8:19 pm

    I’m going to have to start saving more of the images I see online, the biggest example of the connection between systemic racism and feminism is the peculiar view that:

    “In an economic collapse, women will go on their own like Katniss Everdeen,
    when in reality
    they’ll probably just become streetwalkers”

    • P Ray
      March 21, 2020 at 4:58 am

    • P Ray
      March 21, 2020 at 5:00 am

      This picture:

    • P Ray
      April 1, 2020 at 5:50 am

      Already happening, I love being right:

  3. P Ray
    April 2, 2019 at 8:27 pm

    Anyhow, we are back in the days of
    “Black men lynched for talking to white women”
    except now it’s
    “Social media judgement for (regular/ugly)men of colour talking to white women” – long death by 0 jobs and of course shunning.

    Of course, if you point this out, you are “spoiling the feminist’s game” and are probably “a dangerous man that police need to speak to”.

    • P Ray
      April 2, 2019 at 8:39 pm

      Observe what she said “He didn’t pick up on any of my social cues.”

      She didn’t say “I told him I didn’t want to talk to him, and to leave me alone.”

      In other words, women would prefer to be seen as bitchy and moody than say “No”, because saying “No” cuts off their pool of assistants, orbiters and simps who provide her with favours and/or money.

      For awhile Gunwitch actually did a good routine: “Make the Ho say No” …
      what is happening now is that women actually want:
      an attractive man to persistently pursue her … while being too stupid to understand that an attractive man doesn’t have to pursue!

      A showerthought I’ve had is I figure a reason why they play up the Terminator movie – how so many women and children suffer – is that they ignore how … many Terminators died trying to understand female logic, they decided it was simply better to wipe them out.

    • AAB
      April 29, 2019 at 11:52 pm

      “Brown men get mocked for just talking to white women”

      Sure, that’s why tens of thousands of young white women in the UK have been ‘groomed’ and gang raped and beaten and killed, while the police, social services and govt hushed it up to avoid accusations of ‘racism’, because white women are venerated by society…

      You stupid fucking mong.

      • P Ray
        April 30, 2019 at 4:38 am

        Must be hard trying to be “non-racist” but then saying “hurr durr those are our women”.
        You want the participation of people of colour, you just don’t want them to breed.
        That kind of thinking doesn’t work.
        Also, if the new arrivals only breed among themselves since locals are going to be racist,
        enjoy higher taxes that you pay as a result of having to support offspring with conditions caused from inbreeding.
        Again how much racism can a white country afford?

      • Luther Burgsvik
        April 30, 2019 at 4:46 am

        How can you be so dense? I pointed out your mistake that white women are venerated uber alles and brown men are treated like shit by providing real life examples of thousands of girls and women being gang raped and beaten by brown men and it getting buried by the police, media and govt, and you come back with ‘tax income’? Seriously?

      • P Ray
        April 30, 2019 at 5:02 am

        I pointed out your mistake that white women are venerated uber alles and brown men are treated like shit by providing real life examples of thousands of girls and women being gang raped and beaten by brown men and it getting buried by the police, media and govt, and you come back with ‘tax income’? Seriously?

        If you can’t see the connection between racism (to ensure that “those guys don’t get our women”) and inbreeding (so the only women they can be with are with those that share their ethnicity), you are a strange person indeed.

        I should also add that maybe guys turn gay (yes, not all gays are gay from birth) because they couldn’t get any love from women.
        Of course, women will screech that it’s not their fault.

        Anyhow, do refute the Missing White Woman Syndrome if you can, that’s the first place do remove the idea that White women are venerated.
        Also remember, years after the crime, the incidents are reopened and investigated. Sounds like privilege to me!

      • Luther Burgsvik
        April 30, 2019 at 5:08 am

        Let me explain it to you very simply:
        Your claim: brown men can’t speak to white women without being publically shamed.
        Reality: brown men rape under age and young girls in the UK (google Rotherham) and it gets covered up by the govy, police and media for fear offending brown people.
        Thus reality disproves your claim.

        Do you understand?

        Have you heard of Rotherham rape gangs?

      • P Ray
        April 30, 2019 at 5:12 am

        Let me explain it to you very simply:
        Your claim: brown men can’t speak to white women without being publically shamed.
        Reality: brown men rape under age and young girls in the UK (google Rotherham) and it gets covered up by the govy, police and media for fear offending brown people.
        Thus reality disproves your claim.
        Do you understand?
        Have you heard of Rotherham rape gangs?

        If we’re going by those statistics, then women in white countries say that 1 in 5 of them get sexually assaulted at university, does that mean I can call all white people rapists?

        Maybe the fact that not all those rapists get arrested means governments in white countries don’t want to offend white people?
        Thus reality disproves your claim.
        Do you understand?

      • Luther Burgsvik
        April 30, 2019 at 5:24 am

        1. UK stats aren’t US stats.
        2. Accusations from Yank universities have nothing to do with criminal actions in the UK that leave girls with cigarette burns on them, forced abortions, and the trauma of having a tongue nailed to a table. Accusations are accusations. They don’t leave you dead or traumatised by physical violence.

        Have you heard of UK grooming gangs? Yes or no. No bullshit about taxes or gays or any other American predelictions.

      • P Ray
        April 30, 2019 at 5:31 am

        Are you trying to win Internet points here?
        It’s not really a secret that white countries routinely try to thumb down people of colour that are qualified.
        For the UK I have this good article:
        White countries have a good grasp on crime, when the crimes go unrecorded, good eh?

        Since I haven’t done those crimes that you are so eager to make me have an opinion on, I decline comment.

        You should know the UK tries to send their pedophiles – after they have committed crimes overseas – to their own prisons, and not where they committed the crimes, how about justice for those people, eh?

        P.S. I’m not American, but thanks for letting me know my grasp of English lets me get away with being mistaken for one.

      • Luther Burgsvik
        April 30, 2019 at 5:36 am

        Ok, so you can’t answer basic questions… What a fucking joke.

      • P Ray
        April 30, 2019 at 6:02 am

        Your arguments sound very similar to those of “white MGTOW” that likes to claim:
        – sex with Asian women, paid or unpaid, is “part of the MGTOW lifestyle”,
        whereas for an “Asian MGTOW”
        – sex with White women, paid or unpaid, is “rape, prostitution, human trafficking”

        Did I get your position right?

      • P Ray
        May 9, 2019 at 8:10 am

        AAB: You stupid fucking mong, see what happens when ethnic men just pass by the “White Princess”:

        Utah Man Dies After False Sexual Assault Claim Sparks Fatal Revenge Attack
        May 8, 2019 Updated: May 8, 2019 Share

        A Utah man has died after being struck shortly after being accused of a sexual assault aboard a city bus.

        The Logan Police Department said in a news release that Michael Fife of Logan died on April 27 at the McKay-Dee Hospital, where he was being treated for injuries sustained in a revenge attack.

        Fife was accused of sexually assaulting a 16-year-old aboard a Cache Valley Transit District bus in Logan at around 3 p.m. on April 23, according to police.

        Shortly after the alleged incident on the bus, the 16-year-old girl called her 17-year-old brother and claimed Fife had sexually assaulted her.

        Minutes later, as Fife got off the bus, he was met by the 17-year-old brother of the alleged victim. The teenager struck Fife, according to police. Fife fell and suffered head injuries when he hit the sidewalk.

        The 17-year-old suspect fled the scene on foot as Fife lay on the ground unconscious.

        Someone called 911 and paramedics rushed Fife to the hospital.

        “His injuries were so bad that he was transferred to McKay-Dee Hospital in Ogden, UT where they performed emergency surgery on his skull to relieve the swelling of his brain,” said Brandie Callahan, the organizer of a GoFundMe campaign to cover funeral expenses.

        The Logan City Police Department announced on May 7, “Early Saturday morning, April 27, 2019, Mr. Michael Fife died of his injuries.”

        When detectives reviewed surveillance footage of the alleged sexual assault, they said that “the video showed Mr. Fife walking past the girl, but no sexual assault occurred.”

        The police have not released the names of the 16-year-old accuser or her 17-year-old brother, the assault suspect.

        P.S. Tommy Robinson and the English Defense League put paid to the idea that “there is no racial mate-guarding in England”.

    • P Ray
      May 4, 2020 at 5:46 am

      Even almost 28 years ago women are especially repulsed by Asian males trying to approach them … even by letter. Found this in a stash of scanned magazines, yay for PDF, preserving the words of racists.

      Sinclair User August 1992 page 30/52 “Suck Up For Software”
      School Bully Amiga Style
      Dear SU, As I was walking to my next class in school an Amiga lover jumpbed me (sorry for the use of bad language) and kicked me in because he knows I have a Spectrum (hooray!)
      In the process he severely lacerated my right hand when he put it through a window.
      My doctor has advised me to play computer games which involve lots of different moves, so please could you send me WWF WRESTLEMANIA and DOUBLE DRAGON 3 to aid my recovery.
      P.S. I fancy Yvette (Nicholls), could you give me her phone number.
      Sunil Bellur, Fife, Scotland.
      – Well, commiserations for the hand and you must really feel pretty naffed off at having to share your education with an Amiga lover.
      You do really deserve some kind of compensation, but unfortunately your quack has got it all wrong, the best advice to help your hand recover (and your mind) is to just keep on turning the pages of your favourite speccy mag and stay away from WWF, it’s too violent.
      P.S. Yvette’s reply to your request for her phone number is:
      Dial 999, ask for police and say “I’m a sad man, can you do anything for me.”

      Postscript, I have a strong suspicion this Sunil Bellur … is now Sunil Hutchin-Bellur … and became a sphincter-stabber.
      Women with the way they react to courtship by men, create a lot of the homosexuals that they say they support, yet use the term as an insult against men who won’t play their games.

  4. April 3, 2019 at 1:24 pm

    You know, it’s that mentality that also stemmed from slavery — i.e., a white plantation owner can go around and fuck everything in sight, but the white woman is “off limits” to everyone else. Plantation owners lusted and “loved” black women more than white women, but they put white pussy on pedestals as a tease, a trojan horse AND to preserve the “purity” of white wombs to give birth to white babies, to keep the scam of white “civil-LIE-zation” going. This is also the reason why black, brown and yellow women were always seen as evil, conniving and duplicitous – whereas white women are supposedly “pure as the driven snow”.

    We all know the latter is bullshit (except self-hating black and brown men who think white women are “better for you”), whereas the truth is ALL women are capable of betrayal or whatever else.

    You won’t EVER hear me complain about women’s choices and I believe they should make their own choices like any other human. But you are correct that white men make excuses for women’s choices and coddle to them like babies when they make “bad” choices. Oh, “blame the black brute”… or blame Playboy magazines for women exchanging “traditional roles” (i.e., breeders, mothers and wives) for a life of “sluthood” and all that bullshit.

    I concur about how other races of men (especially black and brown men) are capable of understanding and even accepting women’s true sexual nature. This is also why I believe rap music (similar to pornography and very, very few books written about female sexuality) are the only mediums that discuss the dark, true nature of female nature – as Thugtician said, “there are no virgins or queens in rap music”.

    • Yusef
      April 4, 2019 at 1:31 pm

      Many men in Europe and especially Britain placed their wives on pedestals only to find them sexually-unappealing and so turned to poor white women “bad girls” for sex and pleasure. These white “bad girl” women they may have respected more than black, brown, and yellow women, but they definitely didn’t respect them. I think what’s missing from AD’s analysis is the relationship between feminism and class, which is more far reaching than between feminism and race. When we’re talking about feminists we are nearly always thinking of a certain kind of upper class and privileged woman. (True, these are virtually always white women.) Working class women never seem to figure into the feminist narrative. You’d think the 2016 blowback from this, HRC, the epitome of the kind of woman I’m talking about, losing because her bourgeois, imperialist, war-mongering “feminism” didn’t ring right to so many, would cause a reevaluation. Nope, these women are smart, well-educated, and “sensitive” in conceit, only.

    • April 4, 2019 at 3:44 pm

      “You won’t EVER hear me complain about women’s choices and I believe they should make their own choices like any other human.”

      Agreed, agreed.

      “But you are correct that white men make excuses for women’s choices and coddle to them like babies when they make “bad” choices. Oh, “blame the black brute”… or blame Playboy magazines for women exchanging “traditional roles” (i.e., breeders, mothers and wives) for a life of “sluthood” and all that bullshit.”

      …and, BINGO.

      My wife and six (all adult) kids sometimes say to each other, “You know how Dad talks about his “Rabid Dog Syndrome?…”

      Which is…nope, I don’t blame any dog for having rabies — the dumb thing certainly didn’t ask to get it. But, fact is, it has rabies. And, while I understand the dog is a victim of rabies through no choice to have it, a dog with rabies is a potential threat to me. When any dog exhibits crazed and dangerous rabies behaviors, I won’t justify its actions, won’t excuse them, won’t coddle the dog nor “oh, poor baby” it, won’t try to reason with it — I’ll treat it as the risk to my well-being and life it poses and eliminate the threat as necessary.

  5. Yusef
    April 4, 2019 at 2:11 pm

    In fact, the idea that white women (but not black or brown women) are not responsible for their bad decisions can be found in English literature as far back as mid 1800s, decades before feminism was even a thing. In other words, it preceded feminism.

    What you are citing here is the idealization of femininity in the intellectual movement known as romanticism. You’re right this is not the same thing as feminism and pre-dates it, but you are wrong to compare this specific 19th Century (i.e. following the industrial revolution and all the radical changes accompanying it) with depictions of women in other cultures in much earlier times.

    Honestly, many feminists I might otherwise disagree with understand the negative effect of the romantic creation of the concept of “femininity” for it introduced something to what it is to be a woman foreign to anything they themselves recognize. If you want to see very negative depictions of the ruthlessness, depravity, and cruelty of women, check out the Bible some time. Women are not always depicted as evil, but there are quite a few blood-chilling episodes and enough to make anyone familiar with those stories very skeptical of what was happening to culture during the 19th century.

  6. P Ray
    April 6, 2019 at 4:53 am

    The end result of systemic racism and feminism. Pretty funny and ironic too!

    • P Ray
      April 28, 2019 at 9:19 pm

      Anyhow, as I said earlier …
      the way to collapse White Nationalist movements is to ask them:
      So, where is my guarantee that joining you I will be getting a slim, young, virginal, debt-free white woman?

      Proven here:
      White nationalists storm Washington D.C. bookstore chanting ‘this is our land’ to protest launch of book on politics of racial resentment
      About 10 white male protesters marched into the Politics and Prose bookstore in Washington D.C. on Saturday
      It took place as author Jonathan M. Metzl was discussing his new book on politics of racial resentment
      The group, who identified themselves as nationalists and identitarians, marched in with a megaphone and chanted ‘this is our land’
      Many who were there to listen to Metzl speak started booing loudly in response to the protesters
      PUBLISHED: 23:08 BST, 28 April 2019 | UPDATED: 23:08 BST, 28 April 2019

      ‘You would have the white working class trade their homeland for handouts,’ the man with the megaphone shouted.

      ‘But we, as nationalists and identitarians, can offer the workers of this country a homeland, their birthright, in addition to health care, good jobs and so forth.’
      Funny how they left out access/guarantees to the white women … as usual, white nationalists want free suckers. Too bad we have the Internet, that makes finding them harder.

  7. Dru McD
    April 12, 2019 at 7:22 pm

    I read an article where the author rants about “a large number of white men stupid enough to willingly believe and support hilarious myths such as the inherent “purity”, “goodness”, “desirability” etc of white women” and then notice that 99.99% of the author’s NSFW posts are of white women.


    That is what is most readily available online..

    • Dru McD
      April 13, 2019 at 9:38 pm

      I beg to differ but I have no illusion of changing your opinion.

      Look.. They are all remixes of stuff that I came across on various now defunct Tumblr blogs and collections on still OK sites such as ImageFap. I do not control the racial composition of those who pose.

      • Dru McD
        April 13, 2019 at 9:41 pm

        ** yet, not but. Oops.

    • P Ray
      April 13, 2019 at 11:38 pm

      “a large number of white men stupid enough to willingly believe and support hilarious myths such as the inherent “purity”, “goodness”, “desirability” etc of white women” and then notice that 99.99% of the author’s NSFW posts are of white women.

      Well … let’s be real and admit that Black Lives Matter would never have gotten much traction until Justine Damond got a dirt nap.

      There is even a specific wikipedia entry about how valued white women are, especially in relation to police attention: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Missing_white_woman_syndrome
      Missing white woman syndrome is a phenomenon noted by social scientists[1][2][3] and media commentators of the extensive media coverage, especially in television,[4] of missing person cases involving young, white, upper-middle-class women or girls. The phenomenon is defined as the Western media’s undue focus on upper-middle-class white women who disappear, with the disproportionate degree of coverage they receive being compared to cases of missing men or boys, women of color, and women of lower social classes.[5][6] Although the term was coined to describe disproportionate coverage of missing person cases, it is sometimes used to describe similar disparities in news coverage of other violent crimes. Instances have been cited in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and South Africa.[7] and Asia – emphasis mine

      Duterte was making crude jokes before the election in the Philippines, but nobody cared until he talked about a white nun getting taken hostage and killed and he said, what a waste, I should have had a chance to taste that

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