this is an English version of the documentary which aired on NHK last year. Highly recommended for folks who are interested in Covid-19 impacts on gender inequality in comparative perspective
Our abstract got accepted to RC28 in Turku. Looking forward to attending, even virtually!
RC28 Turku
The review process for 2021 ISA RC28 Spring Meeting is finished and the decision letters are out! We received a huge amount of great abstracts. We still strive towards holding a hybrid conference, as the planned archipelago tour works better on-site.
important work that extends the diverging destinies thesis to non-Western contexts
Demographic Research
New paper by Hyunjoon Park: In South Korea, the increase in childcare time from 1999 to 2014 has been more substantial for parents with university education than parents with high school or less education. @kmillennials…
this thread makes me realize I have missed so many films I would be interested in
Allison Alexy
What are your favorite films about Japanese families?
I'm trying to broaden my perspectives beyond films I already know, for instance the Kore-eda collection そして父になる [Like Father, Like Son], Shoplifters, Our Little Sister, etc.
Do you feel you lost a year from 2020?
The average US life expectancy will likely drop 1.1 year due to covid-19, and more for Black and Latino populations…
Grimes Gave Her And Elon Musk's Baby A Viking Haircut
Bloomberg Quicktake
More than 300,000 Hong Kong residents expected to flee to the U.K.
Point guards Rajon Rondo and Russell Westbrook both received technical fouls after a heated exchange during the first half of Friday night's Hawks-Washington matchup