Ok Google: please publish your DKIM secret keys

Ok Google: please publish your DKIM secret keys

The Internet is a dangerous place in the best of times. Sometimes Internet engineers find ways to mitigate the worst of these threats, and sometimes they fail. Every now and then, however, a major Internet company finds a solution that actually makes the situation worse for just about everyone. Today I want to talk about one of those cases, and how a big company like Google might be able to lead the way in fixing it.

This post is about the situation with Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM), a harmless little spam protocol that has somehow become a monster. My request is simple and can be summarized as follows:

Dear Google: would you mind rotating and publishing your DKIM secret keys on a periodic basis? This would make the entire Internet quite a bit more secure, by removing a strong incentive for criminals to steal and leak emails. The fix would cost you basically nothing, and would remove a powerful tool from hands of thieves.

That’s the short version. Read on for the long.

What the heck is DKIM, and how does it protect my email?

Electronic mail was created back in the days when the Internet was still the ARPANET. This was a gentler time when modern security measures — and frankly, even the notion that the Internet would need security — was a distant, science-fiction future.

The early email protocols (like SMTP) work on the honor system. Emails can arrive at your mail server directly from a sender’s mail server, or they can pass through intermediaries. In either case, when an email says it comes from your friend Alice, you trust that it comes from Alice. What possible reason would there be for anyone to lie?

The mainstream adoption of email showed that this attitude was pretty badly miscalibrated. In the space of a few years, Internet users discovered that there were plenty of people who would lie about who they were. Most of these were email spammers, who were thrilled that SMTP allowed them to impersonate just about any sender — your friend Alice, your boss, the IRS, a friendly Nigerian prince. Without a reliable mechanism to prevent that spamming, email proved hilariously vulnerable to spoofing.

To their great credit, email providers quickly realized that email without sender authenticity was basically unworkable. To actually filter emails properly, they needed to be able to verify at least which server an email had originated from. This property has a technical name; it’s called origin authenticity.

The solution to the origin authenticity, like all fixes to core Internet protocols, is kind of a band-aid. Email providers were asked to bolt on an (optional) new cryptographic extension called Domain Keys Identified Mail, or DKIM. DKIM bakes digital signatures into every email sent by a participating mail server. When a recipient mail server obtains a DKIM-signed email claiming to originate from, say, Google: it first looks up Google’s public key using the Domain Name System (DNS). The recipient can now verify a signature to ensure that the email is authentic and unmodified — the signature covers the content and most of the headers — and they can then use that knowledge as an input to spam filtering. (A related protocol called ARC offers a similar guarantee.)

Of course, this approach isn’t perfect. Since DKIM is optional, malicious intermediaries can “strip off” the DKIM signatures from a given email in an effort to convince recipients that the email was never DKIM-signed. A related protocol, DMARC, uses DNS to allow mail senders to broadcast preferences that enforce the checking of signatures on their email messages. These two protocols, when used together, should basically wipe out spoofing on the Internet.

Example DKIM signature on some automated email I received today.

What’s the problem with DKIM/ARC/DMARC, and what’s “deniability”?

As an anti-spam measure there’s nothing really wrong with DKIM, ARC and DMARC. The problem is that DKIM signing has an unexpected side effect that goes beyond its initial spam-filtering purpose. Put simply:

DKIM provides a life-long guarantee of email authenticity that anyone can use to cryptographically verify the authenticity of stolen emails, even years after they were sent.

This new non-repudiation feature was not part of DKIM’s design goals. The designers didn’t intend it, nobody discussed whether it was a good idea, and it seems to have largely taken them by surprise. Worse, this surprise feature has some serious implications: it makes us all more vulnerable to extortion and blackmail.

To see the problem, it helps to review the goals of DKIM.

The key design goal of DKIM was to prevent spammers from forging emails while in transit. This means that receiving servers really do need to be able to verify that an email was sent by the claimed origin mail server, even if that email transits multiple untrusted servers on the way.

However, once mail transmission is complete, the task of DKIM is complete. In short: the authenticity guarantee only needs to hold for a short period of time. Since emails generally take only a few minutes (or hours, in unusual cases) to reach their destination, the authenticity guarantee does not need to last for years, nor do these signatures need to be exposed to users. And yet here we are.

Until a few years ago, nobody thought much about this. In fact, in the early DKIM configurations were kind of a joke: mail providers chose DKIM signing keys that were trivial for motivated attackers to crack. Back in 2012 a security researcher named Zachary Harris pointed out that Google and several other companies were using using 512-bit RSA to sign DKIM. He showed that these keys could be “cracked” in a matter of hours on rented cloud hardware, and then used these keys to forge emails from Larry and Sergey.

Providers like Google reacted to the whole “Larry and Sergey” embarassment in the way you’d expect. Without giving the implications any serious thought, they quickly ramped up their keys to 1024-bit or 2048-bit RSA. This stopped the forgeries, but inadvertently turned a harmless anti-spam protocol into a life-long cryptographic authenticity stamp — one that can be used to verify the provenance of any email dump, regardless of how it reaches the verifier.

You’re crazy. Nobody uses DKIM to authenticate emails.

For better or for worse, the DKIM authenticity stamp has been widely used by the press, primarily in the context of political email hacks. It’s real, it’s important, and it’s meaningful.

The most famous example is also one of the most divisive: back in 2016, Wikileaks published a batch of stolen emails stolen from John Podesta’s Google account. Since the sourcing of these emails was murky, WikiLeaks faced a high burden in proving to readers that these messages were actually authentic. DKIM provided an elegant solution: every email presented on Wikileaks’ pages publicly states the verification status of the attached DKIM signatures, something you can see today. The site also provides a helpful resource page for journalists, explaining how DKIM proves that the emails are real.

But the Podesta emails weren’t the end of the DKIM story. In 2017, ProPublica used DKIM to verify the authenticity of emails allegedly sent to a critic by President Trump’s personal lawyer Mark Kasowitz. In 2018, the Associated Press used it once again to verify leaked emails tying a Russian lawyer to Donald Trump Jr. And it happened again this year, when the recipients of an alleged “Hunter Biden laptop” provided a single 2015 email to Rob Graham for DKIM verification, in an effort to overcome journalistic skepticism at the sourcing of their information.

Some will say that DKIM verification doesn’t matter, and that leaked emails will be believed or rejected based on their content alone. Yet multiple news organizations’ decision to rely on DKIM clearly demonstrates how wrong that assumption is. News organizations, including Wikileaks, implicitly admit that questionable sourcing of emails creates doubt: perhaps so much so that credible publication in a national news organization is impossible. DKIM short-circuits this problem, and allows anyone to leap right over that hurdle.

The Associated Press even provides a DKIM verification tool.

In short, an anti-spam protocol originally designed to provide short-lived authenticity for emails traveling between email servers has mutated — without any discussion or consent from commercial mail customers — into a tool that provides cryptographically undeniable authentication of every email in your inbox and outbox. This is an amazing resource for journalists, hackers, and blackmailers.

But it doesn’t benefit you.

So what can we do about this?

DKIM was never intended to provide long-lived authenticity for your emails. The security guarantees it provides are important, but need only exist for a period of hours (perhaps days on the outside) from the moment a mail server transmits your email. The fact that DKIM can be used to prove authenticity of stolen email from as long ago as 2015 is basically a screwup: the result of misuse and misconfiguration by mail providers who should know better.

Fortunately there’s an easy solution.

DKIM allows providers to periodically “rotate”, or replace, the keys that they use to sign outgoing emails. The frequency of this rotation is slightly limited by the caching behavior of the DNS infrastructure, but these limits aren’t very tight. Even a big provider like Google can easily replace its signing keys at least every few weeks without disrupting email transit. This sort of key replacement is good practice in any case, and it represents part of the solution.

Of course, merely replacing DKIM keypairs does nothing by itself: smart people on the Internet routinely archive DKIM public keys. This is, in fact, how a 2015 Google email was verified in 2020: the key that Google used for verifying DKIM emails during that long-ago time period (a single key was used from 2012-2016, seriously Google, this is just malpractice!) is no longer in use, but has been cached in various places on the Internet.

Solving this problem requires only a small additional element: Google needs to publish the secret key portion of its keypairs once they’ve been rotated out of service. They should post this secret key in an easily-accessible public location so that anyone can use it to forge alleged historical emails from any Google user. The public availability of Google’s signing key would make any new email leak cryptographically deniable. Since any stranger would have been able to forge a DKIM signature, DKIM signatures become largely worthless as evidence of authenticity.

(People who run their own mail servers can achieve the same thing automatically by using this awesome script.)

Google could launch the process right now by releasing its ancient 2016-era private keys. Since the secrecy of these serves literally no security purpose at this point, except for allowing third parties to verify email leaks, there’s no case for keeping these values secret at all. Just dump them.

(A paranoid reader might also consider the possibility that motivated attackers might already have stolen Google’s historical secret DKIM keys. After all, DKIM signing keys aren’t exactly the crown jewels of Google’s ecosystem, and are unlikely to receive Google’s strongest security efforts. By keeping its keys secret in that case, Google is simply creating a situation where specific actors can counterfeit emails with impunity.)

But DKIM authenticity is great! Don’t we want to be able to authenticate politicians’ leaked emails?

Modern DKIM deployments are problematic because they incentivize a specific kind of crime: theft of private emails for use in public blackmail and extortion campaigns. An accident of the past few years is that this feature has been used primarily by political actors working in a manner that many people find agreeable — either because it suits a partisan preference, or because the people who got “caught” sort of deserved it.

But bad things happen to good people too. If you build a mechanism that incentivizes crime, sooner or later you will get crimed on.

Email providers like Google have made the decision, often without asking their customers, that anyone who guesses a customer’s email password — or phishes one of a company’s employees — should be granted a cryptographically undeniable proof that they can present to anyone in order to prove that the resulting proceeds of that crime are authentic. Maybe that proof will prove unnecessary for the criminals’ purposes. But it certainly isn’t without value. Removing that proof from criminal hands is an unalloyed good.

The fact that we even have to argue about this makes me really sad.

Timestamping, better crypto, and other technical objections

Every time I mention this idea of dumping old secret keys, I get a batch of technical objections from people who make really good points but are thinking about a stronger threat model than the one we generally face.

The most common objection is that publication of secret keys only works if the signed emails were obtained after the secret keys were published. By this logic, which is accurate, any emails stolen and published before the DKIM secret key is published are not deniable. For example, if someone hacks your account and immediately publishes any email you receive in real-time, then cryptographic verifiability is still possible.

Some even pose a clever attack where recipients (or hackers who have persistent access to your email account) use a public timestamping service, such as a blockchain, to verifiably “stamp” each email they receive with the time of receipt. This allows such recipients to prove that they had the signed email before the DKIM secret key became public — and checkmate.

This is a nice theoretical hack and it’s clever, but it’s also basically irrelevant in the sense that it addresses a stronger threat model. The most critical issue with DKIM today is that DKIM signatures sit around inside your archived mailbox. This means that a hacker who breaches my Gmail account today can present DKIM signatures on emails I sent/received years ago. Publishing old DKIM secret keys would take care of this problem instantly. Fixing the theoretical “real-time hacker” scenario can wait until later.

Another objection I receive sometimes is that cryptographic authentication is a useful feature. And I agree with that, in some settings. The problem with DKIM is that no customers asked for this feature as a default in their commercial mail account. If people want to cryptographically authenticate their emails, there exists a lovely set of tools they can use for this purpose.

Finally, there’s a question of whether the DKIM deniability problem can be fixed with exciting new cryptography. As a cryptographic researcher, I’m enthusiastic about that direction. In fact: my co-authors Mike Specter and Sunoo Park and I recently wrote a paper about how a long-term fix to DKIM might work. (Mike wrote a great blog post about it.) I don’t claim that our solution is necessarily the best approach, but I’m hoping that it will inspire more work in the future.

But sometimes the best solution is the obvious one. And right now, Google as the largest commercial mail provider, could make a huge impact (and protect their customers against future leaks) by doing something very simple. It’s a mystery to me why they won’t.

Attack of the week: Voice calls in LTE

Attack of the week: Voice calls in LTE

I haven’t written an “attack of the week” post in a while, and it’s been bumming me out. This is not because there’s been a lack of attacks, but mostly because there hasn’t been an attack on something sufficiently widely-used that it can rouse me out of my blogging torpor.

But today brings a beautiful attack called ReVoLTE, on a set of protocols that I particularly love to see get broken: namely, cellular protocols. And specifically, the (voice over) LTE standards. I’m excited about these particular protocols — and this new attack — because it’s so rare to see actual cellular protocols and implementations get broken. This is mostly because these standards are developed in smoke-filled rooms and written up in 12,000 page documents that researchers never have the energy to deal with. Moreover, implementing the attacks requires researchers to mess with gnarly radio protocols.

And so, serious cryptographic vulnerabilities can spread all over the world, presumably only exploited by governments, before a researcher actually takes a look at them. But every now and then there’s an exception, and today’s attack is one of them.

The attack itself is by David Rupprecht, Katharina Kohls, Thorsten Holz, and Christina Pöpper at RUB and NYU Abu Dhabi. It’s a lovely key re-installation attack on a voice protocol that you’re probably already using, assuming you’re one of the older generation who still make phone calls using a cellular phone.

Let’s start with some background.

What is LTE, and what is VoLTE?

The basis for our modern cellular telephony standards began in Europe back in the 1980s, with a standard known as Global System for Mobile. GSM was the first major digital cellular telephony standard, and it introduced a number of revolutionary features such as the use of encryption to protect phone calls. Early GSM was designed primarily for voice communications, although data could be sent over the air at some expense.

As data became more central to cellular communications, the Long Term Evolution (LTE) standards were devised to streamline this type of communication. LTE builds on a group of older standards such as GSM, EDGE and HSPA to make data communication much faster. There’s a lot of branding and misbranding in this area, but the TL;DR is that LTE is a data communications system that serves as a bridge between older packet data protocols and future 5G cellular data technologies.

Of course, history tells us that once you have enough (IP) bandwidth, concepts like “voice” and “data” start to blur together. The same is true with modern cellular protocols. To make this transition smoother, the LTE standards define Voice-over-LTE (VoLTE), which is an IP-based standard for transmitting voice calls directly over the data plane of the LTE system, bypassing the circuit-switched portion of the cellular network entirely. As with standard VoIP calls, VoLTE calls can be terminated by the cellular provider and connected to the normal phone network. Or (as is increasingly common) they can be routed directly from one cellular customer to another, even across providers.

Like standard VoIP, VoLTE is based on two popular IP-based protocols: Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for call establishment, and Real Time Transport Protocol (which should be called RTTP but is actually called RTP) to actually handle voice data. VoLTE also adds some additional bandwidth optimizations, such as header compression.

Ok, what does this have to do with encryption?

Like GSM before it, LTE has a standard set of cryptographic protocols for encrypting packets while they travel over the air. These are mainly designed to protect your data while it travels between your handset (called the “User Equipment”, or UE) and the cellular tower (or wherever your provider decides to terminate the connection.) This is because cellular providers view outside eavesdroppers as the enemy, not themselves. Obviously.

(However, the fact that VoLTE connections can occur directly between customers on different provider networks does mean that the VoLTE protocol itself has some additional and optional encryption protocols that can happen at higher network layers. These aren’t relevant to the current paper except insofar as they could screw things up. We’ll talk about them briefly further below.)

Historical GSM encryption had many weaknesses: bad ciphers, protocols where only the handset authenticated itself to the tower (meaning an attacker could impersonate a tower, giving rise to the “Stingray“) and so on. LTE fixed many of the obvious bugs, while keeping a lot of the same structure.

Let’s start with the encryption itself. Assuming key establishment has already happened — and we’ll talk about that in just a minute — each data packet is encrypted using a stream cipher mode using some cipher called “EEA” (which in practice can be implemented with things like AES). The encryption mechanism is basically CTR-mode, as shown below:

Since the encryption algorithm itself (EEA) can be implemented using a strong cipher like AES, it’s unlikely that there’s any direct attack on the cipher itself, as there was back in the GSM days. However, even with a strong cipher, it’s obvious that this encryption scheme is a giant footgun waiting to go off.

Specifically: the LTE standard uses an (unauthenticated) stream cipher with a mode that will be devastatingly vulnerable should the counter — and other inputs, such as ‘bearer’ and ‘direction’ — ever be re-used. In modern parlance the term for this concept is “nonce re-use attack“, but the potential risks here are not modern. They’re well-known and ancient, going back to the days of hair-metal and even disco.

In fairness, the LTE standards says “don’t re-use these counters, please“. But the LTE standards are also like 7,000 pages long, and anyway, this is like begging toddlers not to play with a gun. Inevitably, they’re going to do that and terrible things will happen. In this case, the discharging gun is a keystream re-use attack in which two different confidential messages get XORed with the same keystream bytes. This is known to be utterly devastating for message confidentiality.

So what’s ReVoLTE?

The ReVoLTE attack paper points out that, indeed, this highly vulnerable encryption construction is in fact, misused by real equipment in the wild. Specifically, the authors analyze actual VoLTE calls made using commercial equipment, and show that they can exploit something called a “key re-installation attack”. (Much credit for the basic observation goes to Raza and Lu, who first pointed out the potential vulnerability. But the ReVoLTE research turns it into a practical attack.)

Let me give a quick overview of the attack here, although you should really read the paper.

You might assume that once LTE sets up a packet data connection, voice-over-LTE is just a question of routing voice packets over that connection alongside all of your other data traffic. In other words, VoLTE would be a concept that exists only above Layer 2. This isn’t precisely the case.

In fact, LTE’s data link layer introduces the concept of a “bearer“. Bearers are separate session identifiers that differentiate various kinds of packet traffic. Normal Internet traffic (your Twitter and Snapchat) goes over one bearer. SIP signalling for VoIP goes over another, and voice traffic packets are handled on a third. I don’t have much insight into the RF and network routing mechanisms of LTE, but I presume this is done because LTE networks want to enable quality of service mechanisms to ensure that these different packet flows are treated with different priority levels: i.e., your crummy TCP connections to Facebook can be prioritized at a lower level than your real-time voice calls.

This isn’t exactly a problem, but it raises an issue. Keys for LTE encryption are derived separately each time a new “bearer” is set up. In principle this should happen afresh each time you make a new phone call. This would result in a different encryption key for each call, thus eliminating the possibility that the same key will be re-used to encrypt two different sets of call packets. Indeed, the LTE standard says something like “you should use a different key each time you set up a new bearer to handle a new phone call.” But that doesn’t mean it happens.

In fact, in real implementations, two different calls that happen in close temporal proximity will end up using the exact same key — despite the fact that new (identically-named) bearers are configured between them. The only practical change that happens between those calls is that the encryption counter will reset back to zero. In the literature, this is sometimes called a key reinstallation attack. One can argue that this is basically an implementation error, although in this case the risks seem largely set up by the standard itself.

In practice, this attack leads to keystream re-use where an attacker can obtain the encrypted packets C_1 = M_1 \oplus KS and C_2 = M_2 \oplus KS, which allows her to compute C_1 \oplus C_2 = M_1 \oplus M_2. Even better, if the attacker knows one of M_1 or M_2, she can immediately recover the other. This gives her a strong incentive to know one of the two plaintexts.

This brings us to the complete and most powerful attack scenario. Consider an attacker who can eavesdrop the radio connection between a target phone and the cellular tower, and who somehow gets “lucky enough” to record two different calls where the second happens immediately subsequent to the other. Now imagine she can somehow can guess the plaintext contents of one of the calls. In this eventuality, our attacker can completely decrypt the first call, using a simple XOR evaluation between the two sets of packets.

And of course, as it happens — luck has nothing to do with it. Since phones are designed to receive calls, an attacker who can eavesdrop that first call will be able to initiate a second call at exactly moment the first call ends. This second call, should it re-use the same encryption key with a counter set back to zero, will enable plaintext recovery. Even better, since our attacker actually controls the data in the second call, she may be able to recover the contents of the first one — pending a whole lot of implementation-specific details all breaking in her favor.

Here’s a picture of the overall attack, taken from the paper:

So does the attack actually work?

At one level, this is really the entire question for the ReVoLTE paper. All of the ideas above sound great in theory, but they leave a ton of questions. Such as:

  1. Is it feasible for (academic researchers) to actually sniff VoLTE connections?
  2. Do real LTE systems actually re-install keys?
  3. Can you actually initiate that second call quickly and reliably enough to make a handset and tower re-use a key?
  4. Even if systems do re-install keys, can you actually know the digital plaintext of the second call — given that things like codecs and transcoding may totally change the (bitwise) contents of that second call, even if you have access to the “bits” flowing out of your attacker phone?

The ReVoLTE paper answers several of these questions in the affirmative. The authors are able to use a commercial software-defined radio downlink sniffer called Airscope in order to eavesdrop the downlink side of a VoLTE call. (As is typical with academic research, I expect that simply getting hold of the software and figuring out how to work it took months off some poor graduate students’ lives.)

In order for key re-use to happen, the researchers discovered that a second call has to occur very rapidly after the termination of the first one, but not too rapidly — about ten seconds for the providers they experimented with. Fortunately, it doesn’t really matter if the target picks the call up within that time — the “ringing”, i.e., SIP communication itself causes the provider to re-use the same key.

Many of the gnarliest issues thus revolve around issue (4), obtaining all of the plaintext bits for the attacker-initiated call. This is because a lot of things can happen to your plaintext as it travels from your attacker handset out to the victim’s phone and through the cellular network. These include nastiness such as transcoding of encoded audio data, which makes the audio sound the same but totally changes the binary representation of the audio. LTE networks also use RTP header compression that can substantially change big portions of the RTP packet.

Finally, packets sent by the attacker need to roughly line up with packets that happened in the first phone call. This can be problematic, as silent patches in a phone call result in shorter messages (called comfort noise), which may not overlap well with the original call.

The “real world attack” section of the paper is worth reading for all the details. It addresses many of the above concerns — specifically, the authors find that some codecs are not transcoded, and that roughly 89% of the binary representation of the target call can be recovered, for at least two European providers that the attackers tested.

This is an astonishingly high level of success, and frankly much better than I anticipated when I started the paper.

So what can we do to fix this?

The immediate answer to this question is straightforward: since the vulnerability is a key re-use (re-installation) attack, just fix this attack. Make sure to derive a new key for each phone call, and never allow your packet counter to reset back to zero with the same key. Problem solved!

Or maybe not. Getting this right will require upgrading a lot of equipment, and frankly the fix itself isn’t terribly robust. It would be nice if standards could find a cleaner way to implement their encryption modes that isn’t instantly and catastrophically vulnerable to these nonce-reuse issues.

One possible direction is to use modes of encryption where nonce-misuse doesn’t result in catastrophic outcomes. This might be too expensive for some current hardware, but it’s certainly a direction that designers should be thinking about for the future, particular as the 5G standards are about to take over the world.

This new result also raises a general question about why the same damned attacks keep cropping up in standard after standard, many of which use very similar designs and protocols. At a certain point when you’ve had this same key re-installation issue happen in multiple widely-deployed protocols such as WPA2, maybe it’s time to make your specifications and testing procedures more robust to it? Stop treating implementers as thoughtful partners who will pay attention to your warnings, and treat them as (inadvertent) adversaries who are inevitably going to implement everything incorrectly.

Or alternatively, we can do what the Facebooks and Apples of the world are increasingly doing: make voice call encryption happen at a higher level of the OSI network stack, without relying on cellular equipment manufacturers to get anything right. We could even promote end-to-end encryption of voice calls, as WhatsApp and Signal and FaceTime do, assuming the US government would just stop trying to trip us up. Then (with the exception of some metadata) many of these problems would go away. This solution is particularly pertinent in a world where governments aren’t even sure if they trust their equipment providers.

Alternatively, we could just do what our kids have already done: and just stop answering those annoying voice calls altogether.

Why is Signal asking users to set a PIN, or “A few thoughts on Secure Value Recovery”

Why is Signal asking users to set a PIN, or “A few thoughts on Secure Value Recovery”

Over the past several months, Signal has been rolling out a raft of new features to make its app more usable. One of those features has recently been raising a bit of controversy with users. This is a contact list backup feature based on a new system called Secure Value Recovery, or SVR. The SVR feature allows Signal to upload your contacts into Signal’s servers without — ostensibly — even Signal itself being able to access it.

The new Signal approach has created some trauma with security people, due to the fact that it was recently enabled without a particularly clear explanation. For a shorter summary of the issue, see this article. In this post, I want to delve a little bit deeper into why these decisions have made me so concerned, and what Signal is doing to try to mitigate those concerns.

What’s Signal, and why does it matter?

For those who aren’t familiar with it, Signal is an open-source app developed by Moxie Marlinkspike’s Signal Technology Foundation. Signal has received a lot of love from the security community. There are basically two reasons for this. First: the Signal app has served as a sort of technology demo for the Signal Protocol, which is the fundamental underlying cryptography that powers popular apps like Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp, and all their billions of users.

Second, the Signal app itself is popular with security-minded people, mostly because the app, with its relatively smaller and more technical user base, has tended towards a no-compromises approach to the security experience. Wherever usability concerns have come into conflict with security, Signal has historically chosen the more cautious and safer approach — as compared to more commercial alternatives like WhatsApp. As a strategy for obtaining large-scale adoption, this is a lousy one. If your goal is to build a really secure messaging product, it’s very impressive.

Let me give an example.

Encrypted messengers like WhatsApp and Apple’s iMessage routinely back up your text message content and contact lists to remote cloud servers. These backups undo much of the strong security offered by end-to-end encryption — since they make it much easier for hackers and governments to obtain your plaintext content. You can disable these backups, but it’s surprisingly non-obvious to do it right (for me, at least). The larger services justify this backup default by pointing out that their less-technical users tend be more worried about lost message history than by theoretical cloud hacks.

Signal, by contrast, has taken a much more cautious approach to backup. In June of this year, they finally added a way to manually transfer message history from one iPhone to another, and this transfer now involves scanning QR codes. For Android, cloud backup is possible, if users are willing to write down a thirty-digit encryption key. This is probably really annoying for many users, but it’s absolutely fantastic for security. Similarly, since Signal relies entirely on phone numbers in your contacts database (a point that, admittedly, many users hate), it never has to back up your contact lists to a server.

What’s changed recently is that Signal has begun to attract a larger user base. As users with traditional expectations enter the picture, they’ve been unhappy with Signal’s limitations. In response, the signal developers have begun to explore ways by which they can offer these features without compromising security. This is just plain challenging, and I feel for the developers.

One area in which they’ve tried to square the circle is with their new solution for contacts backup: a system called “secure value recovery.”

What’s Secure Value Recovery?

Signal’s Secure Value Recovery (SVR) is a cloud-based system that allows users to store encrypted data on Signal’s servers — such that even Signal cannot access it — without the usability headaches that come from traditional encryption key management. At the moment, SVR is being used to store users’ contact lists and not message content, although that data may be on the menu for backup in the future.

The challenge in storing encrypted backup data is that strong encryption requires strong (or “high entropy”) cryptographic keys and passwords. Since most of us are terrible at selecting, let alone remembering strong passwords, this poses a challenging problem. Moreover, these keys can’t just be stored on your device — since the whole point of backup is to deal with lost devices.

The goal of SVR is to allow users to protect their data with much weaker passwords that humans can actually can memorize, such as a 4-digit PIN. With traditional password-based encryption, such passwords would be completely insecure: a motivated attacker who obtained your encrypted data from the Signal servers could simply run a dictionary attack — trying all 10,000 such passwords in a few seconds or minutes, and thus obtaining your data.

Signal’s SVR solves this problem in an age-old way: it introduces a computer that even Signal can’t hack. More specifically, Signal makes use of a new extension to Intel processors called Software Guard eXtensions, or SGX. SGX allows users to write programs, called “enclaves”, that run in a special virtualized processor mode. In this mode, enclaves are invisible to and untouchable by all other software on a computer, including the operating system. If storage is needed, enclaves can persistently store (or “seal”) data, such that any attempt to tamper with the program will render that data inaccessible. (Update: as a note, Signal’s SVR does not seal data persistently. I included this in the draft thinking that they did, but I misremembered this from the technology preview.)

Signal’s SVR deploys such an enclave program on the Signal servers. This program performs a simple function: for each user, it generates and stores a random 256-bit cryptographic secret “seed” along with a hash of the user’s PIN. When a user contacts the server, it can present a hash of its PIN to the enclave and ask for the cryptographic seed. If the hash matches what the enclave has stored, the server delivers the secret seed to the client, which can mix it together with the PIN. The result is a cryptographically strong encryption key that can be used to encrypt or decrypt backup data. (Update: thanks to Dino Dai Zovi for correcting some details in here.)

The key to this approach is that the encryption key now depends on both the user’s password and a strong cryptographic secret stored by an SGX enclave on the server. If SGX does its job, then even a user who hacks into the Signal servers — and here we include the Signal developers themselves, perhaps operating under duress — will be unable to retrieve this user’s secret value. The only way to access the backup encryption key is to actually run the enclave program and enter the user’s hashed PIN. To prevent brute-force guessing, the enclave keeps track of the number of incorrect PIN-entry attempts, and will only allow a limited number before it locks that user’s account entirely.

This is an elegant approach, and it’s conceptually quite similar to systems already deployed by Apple and Google, who use dedicated Hardware Security Modules to implement the trusted component, rather than SGX.

The key weakness of the SVR approach is that it depends strongly on the security and integrity of SGX execution. As we’ll discuss in just a moment, SGX does not exactly have a spotless record.

What happens if SGX isn’t secure?

Anytime you encounter a system that relies fundamentally on the trustworthiness of some component — particularly a component that exists in commodity hardware — your first question should be: “what happens if that component isn’t actually trustworthy?”

With SVR that question takes on a great deal of relevance.

Let’s step back. Recall that the goal of SVR is to ensure three things:

  1. The backup encryption key is based, at least in part, on the user’s chosen password. Strong passwords mean strong encryption keys.
  2. Even with a weak password, the encryption key will still have cryptographic strength. This comes from the integration of a random seed that gets chosen and stored by SGX.
  3. No attacker will be able to brute-force their way through the password space. This is enforced by SGX via guessing limits.

Note that only the first goal is really enforced by cryptography itself. And this goal will only be achieved if the user selects a strong (high-entropy) password. For an example of what that looks like, see the picture at right.

The remaining goals rely entirely on the integrity of SGX. So let’s play devil’s advocate, and think about what happens to SVR if SGX is not secure.

If an attacker is able to dump the memory space of a running Signal SGX enclave, they’ll be able to expose secret seed values as well as user password hashes. With those values in hand, attackers can run a basic offline dictionary attack to recover the user’s backup keys and passphrase. The difficulty of completing this attack depends entirely on the strength of a user’s password. If it’s a BIP39 phrase, you’ll be fine. If it’s a 4-digit PIN, as strongly encouraged by the UI of the Signal app, you will not be.

(The sensitivity of this data becomes even worse if your PIN happens to be the same as your phone passcode. Make sure it’s not!)

Similarly, if an attacker is able to compromise the integrity of SGX execution: for example, to cause the enclave to run using stale “state” rather than new data, then they might be able to defeat the limits on the number of incorrect password (“retry”) attempts. This would allow the attacker to run an active guessing attack on the enclave until they recover your PIN. (Edit: As noted above, this shouldn’t be relevant in SVR because data is stored only in RAM, and never sealed or written to disk.)

A final, and more subtle concern comes from the fact that Signal’s SVR also allows for “replication” of the backup database. This addresses a real concern on Signal’s part that the backup server could fail — resulting in the loss of all user backup data. This would be a UX nightmare, and understandably, Signal does not want users to be exposed to it.

To deal with this, Signal’s operators can spin up a new instance of the Signal server on a cloud provider. The new instance will have a second copy of the SGX enclave software, and this software can request a copy of the full seed database from the original enclave. (There’s even a sophisticated consensus protocol to make sure the two copies stay in agreement about the state of the retry counters, once this copy is made.)

The important thing to keep in mind is that the security of this replication process depends entirely on the idea that the original enclave will only hand over its data to another instance of the same enclave software running on a secure SGX-enabled processor. If it was possible to trick the original enclave about the status of the new enclave — for example, to convince it to hand the database over to a system that was merely emulating an SGX enclave in normal execution mode — then a compromised Signal operator would be able to use this mechanism to exfiltrate a plaintext copy of the database. This would break the system entirely.

Prevention against this attack is accomplished via another feature of Intel SGX, which is called “remote attestation“. Essentially, each Intel processor contains a unique digital signing key that allows it to attest to the fact that it’s a legitimate Intel processor, and it’s running a specific piece of enclave software. These signatures can be verified with the assistance of Intel, which allows enclaves to verify that they’re talking directly to another legitimate enclave.

The power of this system also contains its fragility: if a single SGX attestation key were to be extracted from a single SGX-enabled processor, this would provide a backdoor for any entity who is able to compromise the Signal developers.

With these concerns in mind, it’s worth asking how realistic it is that SGX will meet the high security bar it needs to make this system work.

So how has SGX done so far?

Not well, to be honest. A list of SGX compromises is given on Wikipedia here, but this doesn’t really tell the whole story.

The various attacks against SGX are many and varied, but largely have a common cause: SGX is designed to provide virtualized execution of programs on a complex general-purpose processor, and said processors have a lot of weird and unexplored behavior. If an attacker can get the processor to misbehave, this will in turn undermine the security of SGX.

This leads to attacks such as “Plundervolt“, where malicious software is able to tamper with the voltage level of the processor in real-time, causing faults that leak critical data. It includes attacks that leverage glitches in the way that enclaves are loaded, which can allow an attacker to inject malicious code in place of a proper enclave.

The scariest attacks against SGX rely on “speculative execution” side channels, which can allow an attacker to extract secrets from SGX — up to and including basically all of the working memory used by an enclave. This could allow extraction of values like the seed keys used by Signal’s SVR, or the sealing keys (used to encrypt that data on disk.) Worse, these attacks have not once but twice been successful at extracting cryptographic signing keys used to perform cryptographic attestation. The most recent one was patched just a few weeks ago. These are very much live attacks, and you can bet that more will be forthcoming.

This last part is bad for SVR, because if an attacker can extract even a single copy of one processor’s attestation signing keys, and can compromise a Signal admin’s secrets, they can potentially force Signal to replicate their database onto a simulated SGX enclave that isn’t actually running inside SGX. Once SVR replicated its database to the system, everyone’s secret seed data would be available in plaintext.

But what really scares me is that these attacks I’ve listed above are simply the result of academic exploration of the system. At any given point in the past two years I’ve been able to have a beer with someone like Daniel Genkin of U. Mich or Daniel Gruss of TU Graz, and know that either of these professors (or their teams) is sitting on at least one catastrophic unpatched vulnerability in SGX. These are very smart people. But they are not the only smart people in the world. And there are smart people with more resources out there who would very much like access to backed-up Signal data.

It’s worth pointing out that most of the above attacks are software-only attacks — that is, they assume an attacker who is only able to get logical access to a server. The attacks are so restricted because SGX is not really designed to defend against sophisticated physical attackers, who might attempt to tap the system bus or make direct attempts to unpackage and attach probes to the processor itself. While these attacks are costly and challenging, there are certainly agencies that would have no difficulty executing them.

Finally, I should also mention that the security of the SVR approach assumes Intel is honest. Which, frankly, is probably an assumption we’re already making. So let’s punt on it.

So what’s the big deal?

My major issue with SVR is that it’s something I basically don’t want, and don’t trust. I’m happy with Signal offering it as an option to users, as long as users are allowed to choose not to use it. Unfortunately, up until this week, Signal was not giving users that choice.

More concretely: a few weeks ago Signal began nagging users to create a PIN code. The app itself didn’t really explain well that setting this PIN would start SVR backups. Many people I spoke to said they believed that the PIN was for protecting local storage, or to protect their account from hijacking.

And Signal didn’t just ask for this PIN. It followed a common “dark pattern” born in Silicon Valley of basically forcing users to add the PIN, first by nagging them repeatedly and then ultimately by blocking access to the entire app with a giant modal dialog.

This is bad behavior on its merits, and more critically: it probably doesn’t result in good PIN choices. To make it go away, I chose the simplest PIN that the app would allow me to, which was 9512. I assume many other users simply entered their phone passcodes, which is a nasty security risk all on its own.

Some will say that this is no big deal, since SVR currently protects only users’ contact lists — and those are already stored in cleartext on competing messaging systems. This is, in fact, one of the arguments Moxie has made.

But I don’t buy this. Nobody is going to engineer something as complex as Signal’s SVR just to store contact lists. Once you have a hammer like SVR, you’re going to want to use it to knock down other nails. You’ll find other critical data that users are tired of losing, and you’ll apply SVR to back that data up. Since message content backups are one of the bigger pain points in Signal’s user experience, sooner or later you’ll want to apply SVR to solving that problem too.

In the past, my view was that this would be fine — since Signal would surely give users the ability to opt into or out of message backups. The recent decisions by Signal have shaken my confidence.

Addendum: what does Signal say about this?

Originally this post had a section that summarized a discussion I had with Moxie around this issue. Out of respect for Moxie, I’ve removed some of this at his request because I think it’s more fair to let Moxie address the issue directly without being filtered through me.

So in this rewritten section I simply want to make the point that now (following some discussion on Twitter), there is a workaround to this issue. You can either choose to set a high-entropy passcode such as a BIP39 phrase, and then forget it. This will not screw up your account unless you turn on the “registration lock” feature. Or you can use the new “Disable PIN” advanced feature in Signal’s latest beta, which does essentially the same thing in an automated way. This seems like a good addition, and while I still think there’s a discussion to be had around consent and opt-in, this is a start for now.

Does Zoom use end-to-end encryption?

Does Zoom use end-to-end encryption?

TL;DR: It’s complicated.

Yesterday Zoom (the videoconferencing company, not the defunct telecom) put out a clarification post describing their encryption practices. This is a nice example of a company making necessary technical clarifications during a difficult time, although it comes following widespread criticism the company received over their previous, and frankly slightly misleading, explanation.

Unfortunately, Citizenlab just put out a few of their own results which are based on reverse-engineering the Zoom software. These raise further concerns that Zoom isn’t being 100% clear about how much end-to-end security their service really offers.

This situation leaves Zoom users with a bit of a conundrum: now that everyone in the world is relying on this software for so many critical purposes, should we trust it? In this mostly non-technical post I’m going to talk about what we know, what we don’t know, and why it matters.

End-to-end encryption: the world’s shortest explainer

The controversy around Zoom stems from some misleading marketing material that could have led users to believe that Zoom offers “end-to-end encryption”, or E2E. The basic idea of E2E encryption is that each endpoint — e.g., a Zoom client running on a phone or computer — maintains its own encryption keys, and sends only encrypted data through the service.

In a truly E2E system, the data is encrypted such that the service provider genuinely cannot decrypt it, even if it wants to. This ensures that the service provider can’t read your data, nor can anyone who hacks into the service provider or its cloud services provider, etc. Ideally this would include various national intelligence agencies, which is important in the unlikely event that we start using the system to conduct sensitive government business.

While end-to-end encryption doesn’t necessarily stop all possible attacks, it represents the best path we have to building secure communication systems. It also has a good track record in practice. Videoconferencing like Apple’s FaceTime, and messaging apps like WhatsApp and Signal already use this form of encryption routinely to protect your traffic, and it works.

Zoom: the good news

The great news from the recent Zoom blog post is that, if we take the company at its word, Zoom has already made some progress towards building a genuinely end-to-end encrypted videoconferencing app. Specifically, Zoom claims that:

[I]n a meeting where all of the participants are using Zoom clients, and the meeting is not being recorded, we encrypt all video, audio, screen sharing, and chat content at the sending client, and do not decrypt it at any point before it reaches the receiving clients.

Note that the emphasis is mine. These sections represent important caveats.

Taken at face value, this statement seems like it should calm any fears about Zoom’s security. It indicates that the Zoom client — meaning the actual Zoom software running on a phone or desktop computer — is capable of encrypting audio/video data to other Zoom clients in the conversation, without exposing your sensitive data to Zoom servers. This isn’t a trivial technical problem to solve, so credit to Zoom for doing the engineering work.

Unfortunately the caveats matter quite a bit. And this is basically where the good news ends.

The “unavoidably bad”

The simplest caveats are already present in Zoom’s statement above. Zoom provides a number of value-added services, including “cloud recording” and support for dial-in telephony conferencing. Unfortunately, each of these features is fundamentally incompatible with end-to-end encryption.

Zoom supports these services in a fairly rational way. When those services are active, they provide a series of “endpoints” within their network. These endpoints act like normal Zoom clients, meaning that they participate in your group conversation, and they obtain the keys to decrypt and access the audio/video data: either to record it, or bridge to normal phones.

In theory this isn’t so bad. Even an end-to-end encrypted system can optionally allow these features: a user (e.g., the conference host) could simply send its encryption keys to a Zoom endpoint, allowing it to participate in the call. This would represent a potential loss of security, but at least users would be making the decision themselves.

Unfortunately, in Zoom’s system the decision to share keys may not be entirely left up to the users. And this is where Zoom gets a little scary.

The “pretty-damn-bad”, AKA key management

The real magic in an end-to-end encrypted system is not necessarily the encryption. Rather, it’s the fact that decryption keys never leave the endpoint devices, and are therefore never available to the service provider.

(If you need a stupid analogy here, try this one: availability of keys is like the difference between me when I don’t have access to a cheescake, and me when a cheesecake is sitting in my refrigerator.)

So the question we should all be asking is: does Zoom have access to the decryption keys? On this issue, Zoom’s blog post becomes maddeningly vague:

Zoom currently maintains the key management system for these systems in the cloud. Importantly, Zoom has implemented robust and validated internal controls to prevent unauthorized access to any content that users share during meetings, including – but not limited to – the video, audio, and chat content of those meetings.

In other words: it sounds an awful lot like Zoom has access to decryption keys.

Thankfully we don’t have to wait for Zoom to clarify their answers to this question. Bill Marczak and John Scott-Railton over at CitizenLab have done it for us, by reverse-engineering and taking a close look at the Zoom protocol in operation. (I’ve worked with Bill and his speed at REing things amazes me.)

What they found should make your hair curl:

By default, all participants’ audio and video in a Zoom meeting appears to be encrypted and decrypted with a single AES-128 key shared amongst the participants. The AES key appears to be generated and distributed to the meeting’s participants by Zoom servers  ….

In addition, during multiple test calls in North America, we observed keys for encrypting and decrypting meetings transmitted to servers in Beijing, China.

In short, Zoom clients may be encrypting their connections, but Zoom generates the keys for communication, sometimes overseas, and hands them out to clients. This makes it easy for Zoom to add participants and services (e.g., cloud recording, telephony) to a conversation without any user action.

It also, unfortunately, makes it easy for hackers or a government intelligence agency to obtain access to those keys. This is problematic.

The good news

From the limited information in the Zoom and Citizenlab posts, the good news is that Zoom has already laid much of the groundwork for building a genuinely end-to-end encrypted service. That is, many of the hard problems have already been solved.

(NB: Zoom has some other cryptographic flaws, like using ECB mode encryption, eek, but compared to the key management issues this is a minor traffic violation.)

What Zoom needs now is to very rapidly deploy a new method of agreeing on cryptographic session keys, so that only legitimate participants will have access to them. Fortunately this “group key exchange” problem is relatively easy to solve, and an almost infinite number of papers have been written on the topic.

(The naive solution is simply to obtain the public encryption keys of each participating client, and then have the meeting host encrypt a random AES session key to each one, thus cutting Zoom’s servers out of the loop.)

This won’t be a panacea, of course. Even group key exchange will still suffer from potential attacks if Zoom’s servers are malicious. It will still be necessary to authenticate the identity and public key of different clients who join the system, because a malicious provider, or one compelled by a government, can simply modify public keys or add unauthorized clients to a conversation. (Some Western intelligence agencies have already proposed to do this in practice.) There will be many hard UX problems here, many of which we have not solved even in mature E2E systems.

We’ll also have to make sure the Zoom client software is trustworthy. All the end-to-end encryption in the world won’t save us if there’s a flaw in the endpoint software. And so far Zoom has given us some reasons to be concerned about this.

Still: the perfect is the enemy of the good, and the good news is that Zoom should be able to get better.

Are we being unfair to Zoom?

I want to close by saying that many people are doing the best they can during a very hard time. This includes Zoom’s engineers, who are dealing with an unprecedented surge of users, and somehow managing to keep their service from falling over. They deserve a lot of credit for this. It seems almost unfair to criticize the company over some hypothetical security concerns right now.

But at the end of the day, this stuff is important. The goal here isn’t to score points against Zoom, it’s to make the service more secure. And in the end, that will benefit Zoom as much as it will benefit all of the rest of us.



EARN IT is a direct attack on end-to-end encryption

EARN IT is a direct attack on end-to-end encryption

Yesterday a bipartisan group of U.S. Senators introduced a new bill called the EARN IT act. On its face, the bill seems like a bit of inside baseball having to do with legal liability for information service providers. In reality, it represents a sophisticated and direct governmental attack on the right of Americans to communicate privately.

I can’t stress how dangerous this bill is, though others have tried. In this post I’m going to try to do my best to explain why it scares me.

“Going Dark”, and the background behind EARN IT

Over the past few years, the U.S. Department of Justice and the FBI have been pursuing an aggressive campaign to eliminate end-to-end encryption services. This is a category that includes text messaging systems like Apple’s iMessage, WhatsApp, Telegram, and Signal. Those services protect your data by encrypting it, and ensuring that the keys are only available to you and the person you’re communicating with. That means your provider, the person who hacks your provider, and (inadvertently) the FBI, are all left in the dark.

The government’s anti-encryption campaign has not been very successful. There are basically two reasons for this. First, people like communicating privately. If there’s anything we’ve learned over the past few years, it’s that the world is not a safe place for your private information. You don’t have to be worried about the NSA spying on you to be worried that some hacker will steal your messages or email. In fact, this kind of hack occurs so routinely that there’s a popular website you can use to check if your accounts have been compromised.

The second reason that the government has failed to win hearts and minds is that providers like Facebook and Google and Microsoft also care very much about encryption. While some firms (*cough* Facebook and Google) do like to collect your data, even those companies are starting to realize that they hold way too much of it. This presents a  risk for them, and increasingly it’s producing a backlash from their own customers. Companies like Facebook are realizing that if they can encrypt some of that data — such that they no longer have access to it — then they can make their customers happier and safer at the same time.

Governments have tried to navigate this impasse by asking for “exceptional access” systems. These are basically “backdoors” in cyrptographic systems that would allow providers to occasionally access user data with a warrant, but only when a specific criminal act has occurred. This is an exceptionally hard problem to get right, and many experts have written about why this is. But as hard as that problem is, it’s nothing compared to what EARN IT is asking for.

What is EARN IT, and how is it an attack on encryption?

Because the Department of Justice has largely failed in its mission to convince the public that tech firms should stop using end-to-end encryption, it’s decided to try a different tack. Instead of demanding that tech firms provide access to messages only in serious criminal circumstances and with a warrant, the DoJ and backers in Congress have decided to leverage concern around the distribution of child pornography, also known as child sexual abuse material, or CSAM.

I’m going to be a bit more blunt about this than I usually would be, but only because I think the following statement is accurate. The real goal here is to make it financially impossible for providers to deploy encryption.

Now let me be clear: the existence of CSAM is despicable, and represents a real problem for many providers. To address it, many file sharing and messaging services voluntarily perform scanning for these types of media. This involves checking images and videos against a database of known “photo hashes” and sending a report to an organization called NCMEC when one is found. NCMEC then passes these reports on to local authorities.

End-to-end encryption systems make CSAM scanning more challenging: this is because photo scanning systems are essentially a form of mass surveillance — one that’s deployed for a good cause — and end-to-end encryption is explicitly designed to prevent mass surveillance. So photo scanning while also allowing encryption is a fundamentally hard problem, one that providers don’t yet know how to solve.

All of this brings us to EARN IT. The new bill, out of Lindsey Graham’s Judiciary committee, is designed to force providers to either solve the encryption-while-scanning problem, or stop using encryption entirely. And given that we don’t yet know how to solve the problem — and the techniques to do it are basically at the research stage of R&D —  it’s likely that “stop using encryption” is really the preferred goal.

EARN IT works by revoking a type of liability called Section 230 that makes it possible for providers to operate on the Internet, by preventing the provider for being held responsible for what their customers do on a platform like Facebook. The new bill would make it financially impossible for providers like WhatsApp and Apple to operate services unless they conduct “best practices” for scanning their systems for CSAM.

Since there are no “best practices” in existence, and the techniques for doing this while preserving privacy are completely unknown, the bill creates a government-appointed committee that will tell technology providers what technology they have to use. The specific nature of the committee is byzantine and described within the bill itself. Needless to say, the makeup of the committee, which can include as few as zero data security experts, ensures that end-to-end encryption will almost certainly not be considered a best practice.

So in short: this bill is a backdoor way to allow the government to ban encryption on commercial services. And even more beautifully: it doesn’t come out and actually ban the use of encryption, it just makes encryption commercially infeasible for major providers to deploy, ensuring that they’ll go bankrupt if they try to disobey this committee’s recommendations.

It’s the kind of bill you’d come up with if you knew the thing you wanted to do was unconstitutional and highly unpopular, and you basically didn’t care.

So why is EARN IT a terrible idea?

At the end of the day, we’re shockingly bad at keeping computer systems secure. This has expensive, trillion dollar costs to our economy, More than that, our failure to manage the security of data has intangible costs for our ability to function as a working society.

There are a handful of promising technologies that could solve this problem. End-to-end encryption happens to be one of those. It is, in fact, the single most promising technology that we have to prevent hacking, loss of data, and all of the harm that can befall vulnerable people because of it.

Right now the technology for securing our infrastructure isn’t mature enough that we can appoint a government-appointed committee to dictate what sorts of tech it’s “ok” for  firms to provide. Maybe some day we’ll be there, but we’re years from the point where we can protect your data and also have Washington DC deciding what technology we can use to do it.

This means that yes, some technologies, like CSAM scanning, will have to be re-imagined and in some cases their effectiveness will be reduced. But tech firms have been aggressive about developing this technology on their own (see here for some of the advanced work Google has been doing using Machine Learning), and they will continue to do so. The tech industry has many problems, in many areas. But it doesn’t need Senators to tell it how to do this specific job, because people in California have kids too.

Even if you support the goals of EARN IT, remember: if the U.S. Senate does decide to tell Silicon Valley how to do their job — at the point of a liability gun — you can bet the industry will revert to doing the minimum possible. Why would the tech firms continue to invest in developing more sophisticated and expensive technology in this area, knowing that they could be mandated to deploy any new technology they invent, regardless of the cost?

And that will be the real outcome of this bill.

On cynicism

Over the past few years there has been a vigorous debate about the value of end-to-end encryption, and the demand for law enforcement to have access to more user data. I’ve participated in this debate, and while I’ve disagreed with many on the other side of it, I’ve always fundamentally respected their position.

EARN IT turns all of this on its head. It’s extremely difficult to believe that this bill stems from an honest consideration of the rights of child victims, and that this legislation is anything other than a direct attack on the use of end-to-end encryption.

My hope is that the Internet community and civil society will treat this proposal with the seriousness it deserves, and that we’ll see Senators rally behind a bill that actually protects children from abuse, rather than using those issues as a cynical attempt to bring about a “backdoor ban” on encryption.

What is the random oracle model and why should you care? (Part 5)

What is the random oracle model and why should you care? (Part 5)

This is part five of a series on the Random Oracle Model.  See here for the previous posts:

Part 1: An introduction
Part 2: The ROM formalized, a scheme and a proof sketch
Part 3: How we abuse the ROM to make our security proofs work
Part 4: Some more examples of where the ROM is used

About eight years ago I set out to write a very informal piece on a specific cryptographic modeling technique called the “random oracle model”. This was way back in the good old days of 2011, which was a more innocent and gentle era of cryptography. Back then nobody foresaw that all of our standard cryptography would turn out to be riddled with bugs; you didn’t have to be reminded that “crypto means cryptography“. People even used Bitcoin to actually buy things.

That first random oracle post somehow sprouted three sequels, each more ridiculous than the last. I guess at some point I got embarrassed about the whole thing — it’s pretty cheesy, to be honest — so I kind of abandoned it unfinished. And that’s been a major source of regret for me, since I had always planned a fifth, and final post, to cap the whole messy thing off. This was going to be the best of the bunch: the one I wanted to write all along.

To give you some context, let me briefly remind you what the random oracle model is, and why you should care about it. (Though you’d do better just to read the series.)

The random oracle model is a bonkers way to model (reason about) hash functions, in which we assume that these are actually random functions and use this assumption to prove things about cryptographic protocols that are way more difficult to prove without such a model. Just about all the “provable” cryptography we use today depends on this model, which means that many of these proofs would be called into question if it was “false”.

And to tease the rest of this post, I’ll quote the final paragraphs of Part 4, which ends with this:

You see, we always knew that this ride wouldn’t last forever, we just thought we had more time. Unfortunately, the end is nigh. Just like the imaginary city that Leonardo de Caprio explored during the boring part of Inception, the random oracle model is collapsing under the weight of its own contradictions. 

As promised, this post will be about that collapse, and what it means for cryptographers, security professionals, and the rest of us.

First, to make this post a bit more self-contained I’d like to recap a few of the basics that I covered earlier in the series. You can feel free to skip this part if you’ve just come from there.

In which we (very quickly) remind the reader what hash functions are, what random functions are, and what a random oracle is.

As discussed in the early sections of this series, hash functions (or hashing algorithms) are a standard primitive that’s used in many areas of computer science. They take in some input, typically a string of variable length, and repeatably output a short and fixed-length “digest”. We often denote these functions as follows:

{\sf digest} \leftarrow H({\sf message})

Cryptographic hashing takes this basic template and tacks on some important security properties that we need for cryptographic applications. Most famously these provide  well-known properties like collision resistance, which is needed for applications like digital signatures. But hash functions turn up all over cryptography, sometimes in unexpected places — ranging from encryption to zero-knowledge protocols — and sometimes these systems demand stronger properties. Those can sometimes be challenging to put into formal terms: for example, many protocols require a hash function to produce output that is extremely “random-looking”.*

In the earliest days of provably security, cryptographers realized that the ideal hash function would behave like a “random function”. This term refers to a function that is uniformly sampled from the set of all possible functions that have the appropriate input/output specification (domain and range). In a perfect world your protocol could, for example, randomly sample one of vast number of possible functions at setup, bake the identifier of that function into a public key or something, and then you’d be good to go.

Unfortunately it’s not possible to actually use random functions (of reasonably-sized domain and range) in real protocols. That’s because sampling and evaluating those functions is far too much work.

For example, the number of distinct functions that consume a piddly 256-bit input and produce a 256-bit digest is a mind-boggling (2^{256})^{2^{256}}. Simply “writing down” the identity of the function you chose would require memory that’s exponential in the function’s input length. Since we want our cryptographic algorithms to be efficient (meaning, slightly more formally, they run in polynomial time), using random functions is pretty much unworkable.

So we don’t use random functions to implement our hashing. Out in “the real world” we use weird functions developed by Belgians or the National Security Agency, things like like SHA256 and SHA3 and Blake2. These functions come with blazingly fast and tiny algorithms for computing them, most of which occupy few dozen lines of code or less. They certainly aren’t random, but as best we can tell, the output looks pretty jumbled up.

Still, protocol designers continue to long for the security that using  truly random function could give their protocol. What if, they asked, we tried to split the difference. How about we model our hash functions using random functions — just for the sake of writing our security proofs —  and then when we go to implement (or “instantiate”) our protocols, we’ll go use efficient hash functions like SHA3? Naturally these proofs wouldn’t exactly apply to the real protocol as instantiated, but they might still be pretty good.

A proof that uses this paradigm is called a proof in the random oracle model, or ROM. For the full mechanics of how the ROM works you’ll have to go back and read the series from the beginning. What you do need to know right now is that proofs in this model must somehow hack around the fact that evaluating a random function takes exponential time. The way the model handles this is simple: instead of giving the individual protocol participants a description of the hash function itself — it’s way too big for anyone to deal with — they give each party (including the adversary) access to a magical “oracle” that can evaluate the random function H efficiently, and hand them back a result.

This means that any time one of the parties wants to compute the function H({\sf message}) they don’t do it themselves. They instead calling out to a third party, the “random oracle” who keeps a giant table of random function inputs and outputs. At a high level, the model looks like sort of like this:

Since all parties in the system “talk” to the same oracle, they all get the same hash result when they ask it to hash a given message. This is a pretty good standin for what happens with a real hash function. The use of an outside oracle allows us to “bury” the costs of evaluating a random function, so that nobody else needs to spend exponential time evaluating one. Inside this artificial model, we get ideal hash functions with none of the pain.

This seems pretty ridiculous already…

It absolutely is!

However — I think there are several very important things you should know about the random oracle model before you write it off as obviously inane:

1. Of course everyone knows random oracle proofs aren’t “real”. Most conscientious protocol designers will admit that proving something secure in the random oracle model does not actually mean it’ll be secure “in the real world”. In other words, the fact that random oracle model proofs are kind of bogus is not some deep secret I’m letting you in on.

2. And anyway: ROM proofs are generally considered a useful heuristic. For those who aren’t familiar with the term, “heuristic” is a word that grownups use when they’re about to secure your life’s savings using cryptography they can’t prove anything about.

I’m joking! In fact, random oracle proofs are still quite valuable. This is mainly because they often help us detect bugs in our schemes. That is, while a random oracle proof doesn’t imply security in the real world, the inability to write one is usually a red flag for protocols. Moreover, the existence of a ROM proof is hopefully an indicator that the “guts” of the protocol are ok, and that any real-world issues that crop up will have something to do with the hash function.

3. ROM-validated schemes have a pretty decent track record in practice. If ROM proofs were kicking out absurdly broken schemes every other day, we would probably have abandoned this technique. Yet we use cryptography that’s proven (only) in the ROM just about ever day — and mostly it works fine.

This is not to say that no ROM-proven scheme has ever been broken, when instantiated with a specific hash function. But normally these breaks happen because the hash function itself is obvious broken (as happened when MD4 and MD5 both cracked up a while back.) Still, those flaws are generally fixed by simply switching to a better function. Moreover, the practical attacks are historically more likely to come from obvious flaws, like the discovery of hash collisions screwing up signature schemes, rather than from some exotic mathematical flaw. Which brings us to a final, critical note…

4. For years, many people believed that the ROM could actually be saved. This hope was driven by the fact that ROM schemes generally seemed to work pretty well when implemented with strong hash functions, and so perhaps all we needed to do was to find a hash function that was “good enough” to make ROM proofs meaningful. Some theoreticians hoped that fancy techniques like cryptographic obfuscation could somehow be used to make concrete hashing algorithms that behaved well enough to make (some) ROM proofs instantiable.**

So that’s kind of the state of the ROM, or at least — it was the state up until the late 1990s. We knew this model was artificial, and yet it stubbornly refused to explode or produce totally nonsense results.

And then, in 1998, everything went south.

CGH98: an “uninstantiable” scheme

For theoretical cryptographers, the real breaking point for the random oracle model came in the form of a 1998 STOC paper by Canetti, Goldreich and Halevi (henceforth CGH). I’m going to devote the rest of this (long!) post to explaining the gist of what they found.

What CGH proved was that, in fact, there exist cryptographic schemes that can be proven perfectly secure in the random oracle model, but that — terrifyingly — become catastrophically insecure the minute you instantiate the hash function with any concrete function.

This is a really scary result, at least from the point of view of the provable security community. It’s one thing to know in theory that your proofs might not be that strong. It’s a different thing entirely to know that in practice there are schemes that can walk right past your proofs like a Terminator infiltrating the Resistance, and then explode all over you in the most serious way.

Before we get to the details of CGH and its related results, a few caveats.

First, CGH is very much a theory result. The cryptographic “counterexample” schemes that trip this problem generally do not look like real cryptosystems that we would use in practice, although later authors have offered some more “realistic” variants. They are, in fact, designed to do very artificial things that no “real” scheme would ever do. This might lead readers to dismiss them on the grounds of artificiality.

The problem with this view is that looks aren’t a particularly scientific way to judge a scheme. Both “real looking” and “artificial” schemes are, if proven correct, valid cryptosystems. The point of these specific counterexamples is to do deliberately artificial things in order to highlight the problems with the ROM. But that does not mean that “realistic” looking schemes won’t do them.

A further advantage of these “artificial” schemes is that they make the basic ideas relatively easy to explain. As a further note on this point: rather than explaining CGH itseld, I’m going to use a formulation of the same basic result that was proposed by Maurer, Renner and Holenstein (MRH).

A signature scheme

The basic idea of CGH-style counterexamples is to construct a “contrived” scheme that’s secure in the ROM, but totally blows up when we “instantiate” the hash function using any concrete function, meaning a function that has a real description and can be efficiently evaluated by the participants in the protocol.

While the CGH techniques can apply with lots of different types of cryptosystem, in this explanation, we’re going to start our example using a relatively simple type of system: a digital signature scheme.

You may recall from earlier episodes of this series that a normal signature scheme consists of three algorithms: key generation, signing, and verification. The key generation algorithm outputs a public and secret key. Signing uses the secret key to sign a message, and outputs a signature. Verification takes the resulting signature, the public key and the message, and determines whether the signature is valid: it outputs “True” if the signature checks out, and “False” otherwise.

Traditionally, we demand that signature schemes be (at least) existentially unforgeable under chosen message attack, or UF-CMA. This means that that we consider an efficient (polynomial-time bounded) attacker who can ask for signatures on chosen messages, which are produced by a “signing oracle” that contains the secret signing key. Our expectation of a secure scheme is that, even given this access, no attacker will be able to come up with a signature on some new message that she didn’t ask the signing oracle to sign for her, except with negligible probability.****

Having explained these basics, let’s talk about what we’re going to do with it. This will involve several steps:

Step 1: Start with some existing, secure signature scheme. It doesn’t really matter what signature scheme we start with, as long as we can assume that it’s secure (under the UF-CMA definition described above.) This existing signature scheme will be used as a building block for the new scheme we want to build.*** We’ll call this scheme S.

Step 2: We’ll use the existing scheme S as a building block to build a “new” signature scheme, which we’ll call {\bf S_{\sf broken}}. Building this new scheme will mostly consist of grafting weird bells and whistles onto the algorithms of the original scheme S.

Step 3: Having described the working of {\bf S_{\sf broken}} in detail, we’ll argue that it’s totally secure in the ROM. Since we started with an (assumed) secure signature scheme S, this argument mostly comes down to showing that in the random oracle model the weird additional features we added in the previous step don’t actually make the scheme exploitable.

Step 4: Finally, we’ll demonstrate that {\bf S_{\sf broken}} is totally broken when you instantiate the random oracle with any concrete hash function, no matter how “secure” it looks. In short, we’ll show that one you replace the random oracle with a real hash function, there’s a simple attack that always succeeds in forging signatures.

We’ll start by explaining how {\bf S_{\sf broken}} works.

Building a broken scheme

To build our contrived scheme, we begin with the existing secure (in the UF-CMA sense) signature scheme S. That scheme comprises the three algorithms mentioned above: key generation, signing and verification.

We need to build the equivalent three algorithms for our new scheme.

To make life easier, our new scheme will simply “borrow” two of the algorithms from S, making no further changes at all. These two algorithms will be the key generation and signature verification algorithms So two-thirds of our task of designing the new scheme is already done.

Each of the novel elements that shows up in {\bf S_{\sf broken}} will therefore appear in the signing algorithm. Like all signing algorithms, this algorithm takes in a secret signing key and some message to be signed. It will output a signature.

At the highest level, our new signing algorithm will have two subcases, chosen by a branch that depends on the input message to be signed. These two cases are given as follows:

The “normal” case: for most messages M, the signing algorithm will simply run the original signing algorithm from the original (secure) scheme S. This will output a perfectly nice signature that we can expect to work just fine.

The “evil” case: for a subset of (reasonably-sized) messages that have a different (and very highly specific) form, our signing algorithm will not output a signature. It will instead output the secret key for the entire signature scheme. This is an outcome that cryptographers will sometimes call “very, very bad.”

So far this description still hides all of the really important details, but at least it gives us an outline of where we’re trying to go.

Recall that under the UF-CMA definition I described above, our attacker is allowed to ask for signatures on arbitrary messages. When we consider using this definition with our modified signing algorithm, it’s easy to see that the presence of these two cases could make things exciting.

Specifically: if any attacker can construct a message that triggers the “evil” case, her request to sign a message will actually result in her obtaining the scheme’s secret key. From that point on she’ll be able to sign any message that she wants — something that obviously breaks the UF-CMA security of the scheme. If this is too theoretical for you: imagine requesting a signed certificate from LetsEncrypt, and instead obtaining a copy of LetsEncrypt’s signing keys. Now you too are a certificate authority. That’s the situation we’re describing.

The only way this scheme could ever be proven secure is if we could somehow rule out the “evil” case happening at all.

More concretely: we would have to show that no attacker can construct a message that triggers the “evil case” — or at least, that their probability of coming up with such a message is very, very low (negligible). If we could prove this, then our scheme {\bf S_{\sf broken}} basically just reduces to being the original secure scheme. Which means our new scheme would be secure.

In short: what we’ve accomplished is to build a kind of “master password” backdoor into our new scheme {\bf S_{\sf broken}}. Anyone who knows the password can break the scheme. Everything now depends on whether an attacker can figure out that password.

So what is the “backdoor”?

The message that breaks the scheme {\bf S_{\sf broken}} isn’t a password at all, of course. Because this is computer science and nothing is ever easy, the message will actually be a computer program. We’ll call it P.

More concretely, it will be some kind of program that can decoded within our new signing algorithm, and then evaluated (on some input) by an interpreter that we will also place within that algorithm.

If we’re being formal about this, we’d say the message contains an encoding of a program for a universal Turing machine (UTM), along with a unary-encoded integer t that represents the number of timesteps that the machine should be allowed to run for. However, it’s perfectly fine with me if you prefer to think of the message as containing a hunk of Javascript, an Ethereum VM blob combined with some maximum “gas” value to run on, a .tgz encoding of a Docker container, or any other executable format you fancy.

What really matters is the functioning of the program P.

A program P that successfully triggers the “evil case” is one that contains an efficient (e.g., polynomial-sized) implementation of a hash function. And not just any hash function. To actually trigger the backdoor, the algorithm P must a function that is identical to, or at least highly similar to, the random oracle function H.

There are several ways that the signing algorithm can verify this similarity. The MRH paper gives a very elegant one, which I’ll discuss further below. But for the purposes of this immediate intuition, let’s assume that our signing algorithm verifies this similarity probabilistically. Specifically: to check that P matches H, it won’t verify the correspondence at every possible input. It might, for example, simply verify that P(x) = H(x) for some large (but polynomial) number of random input values x.

So that’s the backdoor.

Let’s think briefly about what this means for security, both inside and outside of the random oracle mode.

Case 1: in the random oracle model

Recall that in the random oracle model, the “hash function” H is modeled as a random function. Nobody in the protocol actually has a copy of that function, they just have access to a third party (the “random oracle”) who can evaluate it for them.

If an attacker wishes to trigger the “evil case” in our signing scheme, they will somehow need to download a description of the random function from the oracle. then encode it into a program P, and send it to the signing oracle. This seems fundamentally hard.

To do this precisely — meaning that P would match H on every input — the attacker would need to query the random oracle on every possible input, and then design a program P that encodes all of these results. It suffices to say that this strategy would not be practical: it would require an exponential amount of time to do any of these, and the size of P would also be exponential in the input length of the function. So this attacker would seem virtually guaranteed to fail.

Of course the attacker could try to cheat: make a small function P that only matches H on a small of inputs, and hope that the signer doesn’t notice. However, even this seems pretty challenging to get away with. For example, to perform a probabilistic check, the signing algorithm can simply verify that P(x) = H(x) for a large number of random input points x. This approach will catch a cheating attacker with very high probability.

(We will end up using a slightly more elegant approach to checking the function and arguing this point further below.)

The above is hardly an exhaustive security analysis. But at a high level our argument should now be clear: in the random oracle model, the scheme {\bf S_{\sf broken}} is secure because the attacker can’t know a short enough backdoor “password” that breaks the scheme. Having eliminated the “evil case”, the scheme {\bf S_{\sf broken}} simply devolves to the original, secure scheme S.

Case 2: In the “real world”

Out in the real world, we don’t use random oracles. When we want to implement a scheme that has a proof in the ROM, we must first “instantiate” the scheme by substituting in some real hash function in place of the random oracle H.

This instantiated hash function must, by definition, be efficient to evaluate and describe. This means implicitly that it possesses a polynomial-size description and can be evaluated in expected polynomial time. If we did not require this, our schemes would never work. Moreover, we must further assume that all parties, including the attacker, possess a description of the hash function. That’s a standard assumption in cryptography, and is merely a statement of Kerckhoff’s principle.

With these facts stipulated, the problem with our new signature scheme becomes obvious.

In this setting, the attacker actually does have access to a short, efficient program P that matches the hash function H. In practice, this function will probably be something like SHA2 or Blake2. But even in a weird case where it’s some crazy obfuscated function, the attacker is still expected to have a program that they can efficiently evaluate. Since the attacker possesses this program, they can easily encode it into a short enough message and send it to the signing oracle.

When the signing algorithm receives this program, it will perform some kind of test of this function P against its own implementation of H, and — when it inevitably finds a match between the two functions with high probability — it will output the scheme’s secret key.

Hence, out in the real world our scheme {\bf S_{\sf broken}} is always and forever, totally broken.

A few boring technical details (that you can feel free to skip)

If you’re comfortable with the imprecise technical intuition I’ve given above, feel free to skip this section. You can jump on to the next part, which tries to grapple with tough philosophical questions like “what does this mean for the random oracle model” and “I think this is all nonsense” and “why do we drive on a parkway, and park in a driveway?

All I’m going to do here is clean up a few technical details.

One of the biggest pieces that’s missing from the intuition above is a specification of how the signing algorithm verifies that the program P it receives from the attacker actually “matches” the random oracle function H. The obvious way is to simply evaluate P(x) = H(x) on every possible input x, and output the scheme’s secret key if every comparison succeeds. But doing this exhaustively requires exponential time.

The MRH paper proposes a very neat alternative way to tackle this. They propose to test the functions on a few input values, and not even random ones. More concretely, they propose checking that P(x) = H(x) for values of x \in \{1, \dots, q\} with the specific requirement that q is an integer such that q = 2|P| + k. Here |P| represents the length of the encoding of program P in bits, and k is the scheme’s adjustable security parameter (for example, k=128).

What this means is that to trigger the backdoor, the attacker must come up with a program P that can be described in some number of bits (let’s call it n) , and yet will be able to correctly match the outputs of H at e.g., q=2n+128 different input points. If we conservatively assume that H produces (at least) a 1-bit digest, that means we’re effectively encoding at least 2n+128 bits of data into a string of length n.

If the function H is a real hash function like SHA256, then it should be reasonably easy for the attacker to find some n-bit program that matches H at, say, q=2n+128 different points. For example, here’s a Javascript implementation of SHA256 that fits into fewer than 8,192 bits. If we embed a Javascript interpreter into our signing algorithm, then it simply needs to evaluate this given program on q = 2(8,192)+128 = 16,512 different input points, compare each result to its own copy of SHA256, and if they all match, output the secret key.

However, if H is a random oracle, this is vastly harder for the attacker to exploit. The result of evaluating a random oracle at q distinct points should be a random string of (at minimum) q bits in length. Yet in order for the backdoor to be triggered, we require the encoding of program P to be less than half that size. You can therefore think of the process by which the attacker compresses a random string into that program P to be a very effective compression algorithm, one takes in a random string, and compresses it into a string of less than half the size.

Despite what you may have seen on Silicon Valley (NSFW), compression algorithms do not succeed in compressing random strings that much with high probability. Indeed, for a given string of bits, this is so unlikely to occur that the attacker succeeds with at probability that is at most negligible in the scheme’s security parameter k. This effectively neutralizes the backdoor when H is a random oracle.


So what does this all mean?

Judging by actions, and not words, the cryptographers of the world have been largely split on this question.

Theoretical cryptographers, for their part, gently chuckled at the silly practitioners who had been hoping to use random functions as hash functions. Brushing pipe ash from their lapels, they returned to more important tasks, like finding ways to kill off cryptographic obfuscation.

Applied academic cryptographers greeted the new results with joy — and promptly authored 10,000 new papers, each of which found some new way to remove random oracles from an existing construction — while at the same time making said construction vastly slower, more complicated, and/or based on entirely novel made-up and flimsy number-theoretic assumptions. (Speaking from personal experience, this was a wonderful time.)

Practitioners went right on trusting the random oracle model. Because really, why not?

And if I’m being honest, it’s a bit hard to argue with the practitioners on this one.

That’s because a very reasonable perspective to take is that these “counterexample” schemes are ridiculous and artificial. Ok, I’m just being nice. They’re total BS, to be honest. Nobody would ever design a scheme that looks so ridiculous.

Specifically, you need a scheme that explicitly parses an input as a program, runs that program, and then checks to see whether the program’s output matches a different hash function. What real-world protocol would do something so stupid? Can’t we still trust the random oracle model for schemes that aren’t stupid like that?

Well, maybe and maybe not.

One simple response to this argument is that there are examples of schemes that are significantly less artificial, and yet still have random oracle problems. But even if one still views those results as artificial — the fact remains that while we only know of random oracle counterexamples that seem artificial, there’s no principled way for us to prove that the badness will only affect “artificial-looking” protocols. In fact, the concept of “artificial-looking” is largely a human judgement, not something one can realiably think about mathematically.

In fact, at any given moment someone could accidentally (or on purpose) propose a perfectly “normal looking” scheme that passes muster in the random oracle model, and then blows to pieces when it gets actually deployed with a standard hash function. By that point, the scheme may be powering our certificate authority infrastructure, or Bitcoin, or our nuclear weapons systems (if one wants to be dramatic.)

The probability of this happening accidentally seems low, but it gets higher as deployed cryptographic schemes get more complex. For example, people at Google are now starting to deploy complex multi-party computation and others are launching zero-knowledge protocols that are actually capable of running (or proving things about the execution of) arbitrary programs in a cryptographic way. We can’t absolutely rule out the possibility that the CGH and MRH-type counterexamples could actually be made to happen in these weird settings, if someone is a just a little bit careless.

It’s ultimately a weird and frustrating situation, and frankly, I expect it all to end in tears.

Photo by Flickr user joyosity.


* Intuitively, this definition sounds a lot like “pseudorandomness”. Pseudorandom functions are required to be indistinguishable from random functions only in a setting where the attacker does not know some “secret key” used for the function. Whereas hash functions are often used in protocols where there is no opporunity to use a secret key, such as in public key encryption protocols.

** One particular hope was that we could find a way to obfuscate pseudorandom function families (PRFs). The idea would be to wrap up a keyed PRF that could be evaluated by anyone, even if they didn’t actually know the key. The result would be indistinguishable from a random function, without actually being one.

*** It might seem like “assume the existence of a secure signature scheme” drags in an extra assumption. However: if we’re going to make statements in the random oracle model it turns out there’s no additional assumption. This is because in the ROM we have access to “secure” (at least collision-resistant, [second] pre-image resistant) hash function, which means that we can build hash-based signatures. So the existence of signature schemes comes “free” with the random oracle model.

**** The “except with negligible probability [in the adjustable security parameter of the scheme]” caveat is important for two reasons. First, a dedicated attacker can always try to forge a signature just by brute-force guessing values one at a time until she gets one that satisfies the verification algorithm. If the attacker can run for an unbounded number of time steps, she’ll always win this game eventually. This is why modern complexity-theoretic cryptography assumes that our attackers must run in some reasonable amount of time — typically a number of time steps that is polynomial in the scheme’s security parameter. However, even a polynomial-time bounded adversary can still try to brute force the signature. Her probability of succeeding may be relatively small, but it’s non-zero: for example, she might succeed after the first guess. So in practice what we ask for in security definitions like UF-CMA is not “no attacker can ever forge a signature”, but rather “all attackers succeed with at most negligible probability [in the security parameter of the scheme]”, where negligible has a very specific meaning.

Can end-to-end encrypted systems detect child sexual abuse imagery?

Can end-to-end encrypted systems detect child sexual abuse imagery?

A few weeks ago, U.S. Attorney General William Barr joined his counterparts from the U.K. and Australia to publish an open letter addressed to Facebook. The Barr letter represents the latest salvo in an ongoing debate between law enforcement and the tech industry over the deployment of end-to-end (E2E) encryption systems — a debate that will soon be moving into Congress.

The latest round is a response to Facebook’s recent announcement that it plans to extend end-to-end encryption to more of its services. It should hardly come as a surprise that law enforcement agencies are unhappy with these plans. In fact, governments around the world have been displeased by the increasing deployment of end-to-end encryption systems, largely because they fear losing access to the trove of surveillance data that online services and smartphone usage has lately provided them. The FBI even has a website devoted to the topic.

If there’s any surprise in the Barr letter, it’s not the government’s opposition to encryption. Rather, it’s the new reasoning that Barr provides to justify these concern. In past episodes, law enforcement has called for the deployment of “exceptional access” mechanisms that would allow law enforcement access to plaintext data. As that term implies, such systems are designed to treat data access as the exception rather than the rule. They would need to be used only in rare circumstances, such as when a judge issued a warrant.

The Barr letter appears to call for something much more agressive.

Rather than focusing on the need for exceptional access to plaintext, Barr focuses instead on the need for routine, automated scanning systems that can detect child sexual abuse imagery (or CSAI). From the letter:

More than 99% of the content Facebook takes action against – both for child sexual exploitation and terrorism – is identified by your safety systems, rather than by reports from users. …

We therefore call on Facebook and other companies to take the following steps:

Embed the safety of the public in system designs, thereby enabling you to continue to act against illegal content effectively with no reduction to safety, and facilitating the prosecution of offenders and safeguarding of victims;

To many people, Barr’s request might seem reasonable. After all, nobody wants to see this type of media flowing around the world’s communications systems. The ability to surgically detect it seems like it could do some real good. And Barr is correct that true that end-to-end encrypted messaging systems will make that sort of scanning much, much difficult.

What’s worrying in Barr’s letter is the claim we can somehow square this circle: that we can somehow preserve the confidentiality of end-to-end encrypted messaging services, while still allowing for the (highly non-exceptional) automated scanning for CSAI. Unfortunately, this turns out to be a very difficult problem — given the current state of our technology.

In the remainder of this post, I’m going to talk specifically about that problem. Since this might be a long discussion, I’ll briefly list the questions I plan to address:

  1. How do automated CSAI scanning techniques work?
  2. Is there a way to implement these techniques while preserving the security of end-to-end encryption?
  3. Could these image scanning systems be subject to abuse?

I want to stress that this is a (high-level) technical post, and as a result I’m going to go out of my way not to discuss the ethical questions around this technology, i.e., whether or not I think any sort of routine image scanning is a good idea. I’m sure that readers will have their own opinions. Please don’t take my silence as an endorsement.

Let’s start with the basics.

How do automated CSAI scanning techniques work?

Facebook, Google, Dropbox and Microsoft, among others, currently perform various forms of automated scanning on images (and sometimes video) that are uploaded to their servers. The goal of these scans is to identify content that contains child sexual abuse imagery (resp. material), which is called CSAI (or CSAM). The actual techniques used vary quite a bit.

The most famous scanning technology is based on PhotoDNA, an algorithm that was developed by Microsoft Research and Dr. Hany Farid. The full details of PhotoDNA aren’t public — this point is significant — but at a high level, PhotoDNA is just a specialized “hashing” algorithm. It derives a short fingerprint that is designed to closely summarize a photograph. Unlike cryptographic hashing, which is sensitive to even the tiniest changes in a file, PhotoDNA fingerprints are designed to be robust even against complex image transformations like re-encoding or resizing.

The key benefit of PhotoDNA is that it gives providers a way to quickly scan incoming photos, without the need to actually deal with a library of known CSAI themselves. When a new customer image arrives, the provider hashes the file using PhotoDNA, and then compares the resulting fingerprint against a list of known CSAI hashes that are curated by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC). If a match is found, the photo gets reported to a human, and ultimately to NCMEC or law enforcement.

The obvious limitation of the PhotoDNA approach is that it can only detect CSAI images that are already in the NCMEC database. This means it only finds existing CSAI, not anything new. (And yes, even with that restriction it does find a lot of it.)

To address that problem, Google recently pioneered a new approach based on machine learning techniques. Google’s system is based on a deep neural network, which is trained on a corpus of known CSAI examples. Once trained — a process that is presumably  ongoing and continuous — the network can be applied against fresh images in to flag  media that has similar characteristics. As with the PhotoDNA approach, images that score highly can be marked for further human review. Google even provides an API that authorized third parties can use for this purpose.

Both of these approaches are very different. But they have an obvious commonality: they only work if providers to have access to the plaintext of the images for scanning, typically at the platform’s servers. End-to-end encrypted (E2E) messaging throws a monkey wrench into these systems. If the provider can’t read the image file, then none of these systems will work.

For platforms that don’t support E2E — such as (the default mode) of Facebook Messenger, Dropbox or Instagram — this isn’t an issue. But popular encrypted messaging systems like Apple’s iMessage and WhatsApp are already “dark” to those server-side scanning technologies, and presumably future encrypted systems will be too.

Is there some way to support image scanning while preserving the ability to perform E2E encryption?

Some experts have proposed a solution to this problem: rather than scanning images on the server side, they suggest that providers can instead push the image scanning out to the client devices (i.e., your phone), which already has the cleartext data. The client device can then perform the scan, and report only images that get flagged as CSAI. This approach removes the need for servers to see most of your data, at the cost of enlisting every client device into a distributed surveillance network.

The idea of conducting image recognition locally is not without precedent. Some device manufacturers (notably Apple) have already moved their neural-network-based image classification onto the device itself, specifically to eliminate the need to transmit your photos out to a cloud provider.

Unfortunately, while the concept may be easy to explain, actually realizing it for CSAI-detection immediately runs into a very big technical challenge. This is the result of a particular requirement that seems to be present across all existing CSAI scanners. Namely: the algorithms are all secret.

While I’ve done my best to describe how PhotoDNA and Google’s techniques work, you’ll note that my descriptions were vague. This wasn’t due to some lack of  curiosity on my part. It reflects the fact that all the details of these algorithms — as well as the associated data they use, such as the database of image hashes curated by NCMEC and any trained neural network weights — are kept under strict control by the organizations that manage them. Even the final PhotoDNA algorithm, which is ostensibly the output of an industry-academic collaboration, is not public.

While the organizations don’t explicitly state this, the reason for this secrecy seems to be a simple one: these technologies are probably very fragile.

Presumably, the concern is that criminals who gain free access to these algorithms and  databases might be able to subtly modify their CSAI content so that it looks the same to humans but no longer triggers detection algorithms. Alternatively, some criminals might just use this access to avoid transmitting flagged content altogether.

This need for secrecy makes client-side scanning fundamentally much more difficult. While it might be possible to cram Google’s neural network onto a user’s phone, it’s hugely more difficult to do so on a billion different phones, while also ensuring that nobody obtains a copy of it.

Can fancy cryptography help here?

The good news is that cryptographers have spent a lot of time thinking about this exact sort of problem: namely, finding ways to allow mutually-distrustful parties to jointly compute over data that each, individually, wants to keep secret. The name for this class of technologies is secure multi-party computation, or MPC for short.

CSAI scanning is exactly the sort of application you might look to MPC to implement. In this case, both client and service provider have a secret. The client has an image it wants to keep confidential, and the server has some private algorithms or neural network weights.* All the parties want in the end is a “True/False” output from the detection algorithm. If the scanner reports “False”, then the image can remain encrypted and hidden from the service provider.

So far this seems simple. The devil is in the (performance) details.

While general MPC (and two-party, or 2PC) techniques have long existed, some recent papers have investigated the costs of implementing secure image classification via neural networks using these techniques. (This approach is much more reminiscent of the Google technique, rather than PhotoDNA, which would have its own complexities. See notes below.***)

The papers in question (e.g., CryptoNets, MiniONN, Gazelle, Chameleon and XONN) employ sophisticated cryptographic tools such as leveled fully-homomorphic encryption, partially-homomorphic encryption, and circuit garbling, in many cases making specific alterations to the neural network structure in order to allow for efficient evaluation. The tools are also interactive: a client and server must exchange data in order to perform the classification task, and the result appears only after this exchange of data.

All of this work is remarkable, and really deserves a much more in-depth discussion. Unfortunately I’m only here to answer a basic question — are these techniques practical yet? To do that I’m going to do a serious disservice to all this excellent research. Indeed, the current state of the art can largely be summarized by following table from one of the most recent papers:

What this table shows is the bandwidth and computational cost of securely computing a single image classification using several of the tools I mentioned above. A key thing to note here is that the images to be classified are fairly simple — each is a 32×32-bit pixel color thumbnail. And while I’m no judge of such things, the neural networks architectures used for the classification also seem relatively simple. (At very least, it’s hard to imagine that a CSAI detection neural network is going to be that much less complex.)

Despite the relatively small size of these problem instances, the overhead of using MPC turns out to be pretty spectacular. Each classification requires several seconds to minutes of actual computation time on a reasonably powerful machine — not a trivial cost, when you consider how many images most providers transmit every second. But the computational costs pale next to the bandwidth cost of each classification. Even the most efficient platform requires the two parties to exchange more than 1.2 gigabytes of data.**

Hopefully you’ve paid for a good data plan.

Now this is just one data point. And the purpose here is certainly not to poo-poo the idea that MPC/2PC could someday be practical for image classification at scale. My point here is simply that, at present, doing this sort of classification efficiently (and privately) remains firmly in the domain of “hard research problems to be solved”, and will probably continue to be there for at least several more years. Nobody should bank on using this technology anytime soon. So client-side classification seems to be off the table for the near future.

But let’s imagine it does become efficient. There’s one more question we need to consider.

Are (private) scanning systems subject to abuse?

As I noted above, I’ve made an effort here to dodge the ethical and policy questions that surround client-side CSAI scanning technologies. I’ve done this not because I back the idea, but because these are complicated questions — and I don’t really feel qualified to answer them.

Still, I can’t help but be concerned about two things. First, that today’s CSAI scanning infrastructure represents perhaps the most powerful and ubiquitous surveillance technology ever to be deployed by a democratic society. And secondly, that the providers who implement this technology are so dependent on secrecy.

This raises the following question. Even if we accept that everyone involved today has only the best intentions, how can we possibly make sure that everyone stays honest?

Unfortunately, simple multi-party computation techniques, no matter how sophisticated, don’t really answer this question. If you don’t trust the provider, and the provider chooses the (hidden) algorithm, then all the cryptography in the world won’t save you.

Abuse of a CSAI scanning system might range from outsider attacks by parties who generate CSAI that simply collides with non-CSAI content; to insider attacks that alter the database to surveil specific content. These concerns reach fever pitch if you imaginea corrupt government or agency forcing providers to alter their algorithms to abuse this capability.  While that last possibility seems like a long shot in this country today, it’s not out of bounds for the whole world. And systems designed for surveillance should contemplate their own misuse.

Which means that, ultimately, these systems will need some mechanism to ensure that service providers are being honest. Right now I don’t quite know how to do this. But someone will have to figure it out, long before these systems can be put into practice.


* Most descriptions of MPC assume that the function (algorithm) to be computed is known to both parties, and only the inputs (data) is secret. Of course, this can be generalized to secret algorithms simply by specifying the algorithm as a piece of data, and computing an algorithm that interprets and executes that algorithm. In practice, this type of “general computation” is likely to be pretty costly, however, and so there would be a huge benefit to avoiding it.

** It’s possible that this cost could be somewhat amortized across many images, though it’s not immediately obvious to me that this works for all of the techniques.

*** Photo hashing might or might not feasible to implement using MPC/2PC. The relatively limited information about PhotoDNA describes is as including a number of extremely complex image manipulation phases, followed by a calculation that occurs on subregions of the image. Some sub-portions of this operation might be easy to move into an MPC system, while others could be left “in the clear” for the client to compute on its own. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to know which portions of the algorithm the designers would be willing to reveal, which is why I can’t really speculate on the complexity of such a system.

How safe is Apple’s Safe Browsing?

How safe is Apple’s Safe Browsing?

This morning brings new and exciting news from the land of Apple. It appears that, at least on iOS 13, Apple is sharing some portion of your web browsing history with the Chinese conglomerate Tencent. This is being done as part of Apple’s “Fraudulent Website Warning”, which uses the Google-developed Safe Browsing technology as the back end. This feature appears to be “on” by default in iOS Safari, meaning that millions of users could potentially be affected.

As is the standard for this sort of news, Apple hasn’t provided much — well, any — detail on whose browsing history this will affect, or what sort of privacy mechanisms are in place to protect its users. The changes probably affect only Chinese-localized users (see Github commits, courtesy Eric Romang), although it’s difficult to know for certain. However, it’s notable that Apple’s warning appears on U.S.-registered iPhones.

Regardless of which users are affected, Apple hasn’t said much about the privacy implications of shifting Safe Browsing to use Tencent’s servers. Since we lack concrete information, the best we can do is talk a bit about the technology and its implications. That’s what I’m going to do below.

What is “Safe Browsing”, and is it actually safe?

Several years ago Google noticed that web users tended to blunder into malicious sites as they browsed the web. This included phishing pages, as well as sites that attempted to push malware at users. Google also realized that, due to its unique vantage point, it had the most comprehensive list of those sites. Surely this could be deployed to protect users.

The result was Google’s “safe browsing”. In the earliest version, this was simply an API at Google that would allow your browser to ask Google about the safety of any URL you visited. Since Google’s servers received the full URL, as well as your IP address (and possibly a tracking cookie to prevent denial of service), this first API was kind of a privacy nightmare. (This API still exists, and is supported today as the “Lookup API“.)

To address these concerns, Google quickly came up with a safer approach to, um, “safe browsing”. The new approach was called the “Update API”, and it works like this:

  1. Google first computes the SHA256 hash of each unsafe URL in its database, and truncates each hash down to a 32-bit prefix to save space.
  2. Google sends the database of truncated hashes down to your browser.
  3. Each time you visit a URL, your browser hashes it and checks if its 32-bit prefix is contained in your local database.
  4. If the prefix is found in the browser’s local copy, your browser now sends the prefix to Google’s servers, which ship back a list of all full 256-bit hashes of the matching  URLs, so your browser can check for an exact match.

At each of these requests, Google’s servers see your IP address, as well as other identifying information such as database state. It’s also possible that Google may drop a cookie into your browser during some of these requests. The Safe Browsing API doesn’t say much about this today, but Ashkan Soltani noted this was happening back in 2012.

It goes without saying that Lookup API is a privacy disaster. The “Update API” is much more private: in principle, Google should only learn the 32-bit hashes of some browsing requests. Moreover, those truncated 32-bit hashes won’t precisely reveal the identity of the URL you’re accessing, since there are likely to be many collisions in such a short identifier. This provides a form of k-anonymity.

The weakness in this approach is that it only provides some privacy. The typical user won’t just visit a single URL, they’ll browse thousands of URLs over time. This means a malicious provider will have many “bites at the apple” (no pun intended) in order to de-anonymize that user. A user who browses many related websites — say, these websites — will gradually leak details about their browsing history to the provider, assuming the provider is malicious and can link the requests. (Updated to add: There has been some academic research on such threats.)

And this is why it’s so important to know who your provider actually is.

What does this mean for Apple and Tencent?

That’s ultimately the question we should all be asking.

The problem is that Safe Browsing “update API” has never been exactly “safe”. Its purpose was never to provide total privacy to users, but rather to degrade the quality of browsing data that providers collect. Within the threat model of Google, we (as a privacy-focused community) largely concluded that protecting users from malicious sites was worth the risk. That’s because, while Google certainly has the brainpower to extract a signal from the noisy Safe Browsing results, it seemed unlikely that they would bother. (Or at least, we hoped that someone would blow the whistle if they tried.)

But Tencent isn’t Google. While they may be just as trustworthy, we deserve to be informed about this kind of change and to make choices about it. At very least, users should learn about these changes before Apple pushes the feature into production, and thus asks millions of their customers to trust them.

We shouldn’t have to read the fine print

When Apple wants to advertise a major privacy feature, they’re damned good at it. As an example:  this past summer the company announced the release of the privacy-preserving “Find My” feature at WWDC, to widespread acclaim. They’ve also been happy to claim credit for their work on encryption, including technology such as iCloud Keychain.

But lately there’s been a troubling silence out of Cupertino, mostly related to the company’s interactions with China. Two years ago, the company moved much of iCloud server infrastructure into mainland China, for default use by Chinese users. It seems that Apple had no choice in this, since the move was mandated by Chinese law. But their silence was deafening. Did the move involve transferring key servers for end-to-end encryption? Would non-Chinese users be affected? Reporters had to drag the answers out of the company, and we still don’t know many of them.

In the Safe Browsing change we have another example of Apple making significant modifications to its privacy infrastructure, largely without publicity or announcement. We have learn about this stuff from the fine print. This approach to privacy issues does users around the world a disservice.

It increasingly feels like Apple is two different companies: one that puts the freedom of its users first, and another that treats its users very differently. Maybe Apple feels it can navigate this split personality disorder and still maintain its integrity.

I very much doubt it will work.


Looking back at the Snowden revelations

Looking back at the Snowden revelations

Edward Snowden recently released his memoirs. In some parts of the Internet, this has rekindled an ancient debate: namely, was it all worth it? Did Snowden’s leaks make us better off, or did Snowden just embarass us and set back U.S. security by decades? Most of the arguments are so familiar that they’re boring at this point. But no matter how many times I read them, I still feel that there’s something important missing.

It’s no coincidence that this is a cryptography blog, which means that I’m not concerned with the same things as the general public. That is, I’m not terribly interested in debating the value of whistleblower laws (for some of that, see this excellent Twitter thread by Jake Williams). Instead, when it comes to Snowden’s leaks, I think the question we should be asking ourselves is very different. Namely:

What did the Snowden leaks tell us about modern surveillance capabilities? And what did we learn about our ability to defend against them?

And while the leaks themselves have receded into the past a bit — and the world has continued to get more complicated — the technical concerns that Snowden alerted us to are only getting more salient.

Life before June 2013

It’s difficult to believe that the Snowden revelations began over six years ago. It’s also easy to forget how much things have changed in the intervening years.

Six years ago, vast portions of our communication were done in plaintext. It’s hard to believe how bad things were, but back in 2013, Google was one of the only major tech companies who had deployed HTTPS in its services by default, and even there they had some major exceptions. Web clients were even worse. These graphs (source and source) don’t cover the whole time period, but they give some of the flavor:

Outside of HTTPS, the story was even worse. In 2013 the vast majority of text messages were sent via unencrypted SMS/MMS or poorly-encrypted IM services, which were a privacy nightmare. Future developments like the inclusion of default end-to-end encryption in WhatsApp were years away. Probably the sole (and surprising) exception to was Apple, which had been ahead of the curve in deploying end-to-end encryption. This was largely counterbalanced by the tire fire that was Android back in those days.

But even these raw facts don’t tell the full story.

What’s harder to present in a chart is how different attitudes were towards surveillance back before Snowden. The idea that governments would conduct large-scale interception of our communications traffic was a point of view that relatively few “normal people” spent time thinking about — it was mostly confined to security mailing lists and X-Files scripts. Sure, everyone understood that government surveillance was a thing, in the abstract. But actually talking about this was bound to make you look a little silly, even in paranoid circles.

That these concerns have been granted respectability is one of the most important things Snowden did for us.

So what did Snowden’s leaks really tell us?

The brilliant thing about the Snowden leaks was that he didn’t tell us much of anything. He showed us. Most of the revelations came in the form of a Powerpoint slide deck, the misery of which somehow made it all more real. And despite all the revelation fatigue, the things he showed us were remarkable. I’m going to hit a few of the highlights from my perspective. Many are cryptography-related, just because that’s what this blog is about. Others tell a more basic story about how vulnerable our networks are.

“Collect it all”

Prior to Snowden, even surveillance-skeptics would probably concede that, yes, the NSA collects data on specific targets. But even the most paranoid observers were shocked by the sheer scale of what the NSA was actually doing out there.

The Snowden revelations detailed several programs that were so astonishing in the breadth and scale of the data being collected, the only real limits on them were caused by technical limitations in the NSA’s hardware. Most of us are familiar with the famous examples, like nationwide phone metadata collection. But it’s the bizarre, obscure leaks that really drive this home. For example:

“Optic Nerve”. From 2008-2010 the NSA and GCHQ collected millions of still images from every Yahoo! Messenger webchat stream, and used them to build a massive database for facial recognition. The collection of data had no particular rhyme or reason — i.e., it didn’t target specific users who might be a national security threat. It was just… everything. Don’t believe me? Here’s how we know how indiscriminate this was: the program didn’t even necessarily target faces. It got… other things:

MYSTIC/SOMALGET. In addition to collecting massive quantities of Internet metadata, the NSA recorded the full audio every cellular call made in the Bahamas. (Note: this is not simply calls to the Bahamas, which might be sort of a thing. They abused a law enforcement access feature in order to record all the mobile calls made within the country.) Needless to say, the Bahamian government was not party to this secret.

MUSCULAR. In case anyone thought the NSA avoided attacks on American providers, a series of leaks in 2014 documented that the NSA had tapped the internal leased lines used to connect Google and Yahoo datacenters. This gave the agencies access to vast and likely indiscriminate access to torrents of data on U.S. and European users, information was likely above and beyond the data that these companies already shared with the U.S. under existing programs like PRISM. This leak is probably most famous for this slide:

Yahoo!, post-Snowden. And in case you believe that this all ended after Snowden’s leaks, we’ve learned even more disturbing things since. For example, in 2015, Yahoo got caught installing what has been described as a “rootkit” that scanned every single email in its database for specific selectors, at the request of the U.S. government. This was so egregious that the company didn’t even tell it’s CISO, who left the next week. In fact, we know a lot more about Yahoo’s collaboration during this time period, thanks to Snowden.

These examples are not necessarily the worst things we learned from the Snowden leaks. I chose them only to illustrate how completely indiscriminate the agency’s surveillance really was. And not because the NSA was especially evil, but just because it was easy to do. If you had any illusions that this data was being carefully filtered to exclude capturing data belonging to U.S. citizens, or U.S. companies, the Snowden leaks should have set you straight.

SIGINT Enabling

The Snowden leaks also helped shatter a second illusion: the idea that the NSA was on the side of the angels when it comes to making the Internet more secure. I’ve written about this plenty on this blog (with sometimes exciting results), but maybe this needs to be said again.

One of the most important lessons we learned from the Snowden leaks was that the NSA very much prioritizes its surveillance mission, to the point where it is willing to actively insert vulnerabilities into encryption products and standards used on U.S. networks. And this kind of thing wasn’t just an occasional crime of opportunity — the agency spent $250 million per year on a program called the SIGINT Enabling Project. Its goal was, basically, to bypass our commercial encryption at any cost.

This kind of sabotage is, needless to say, something that not even the most paranoid security researchers would have predicted from our own intelligence agencies. Agencies that, ostensibly have a mission to protect U.S. networks.

The Snowden reporting not only revealed the existence of these overall programs, but they uncovered a lot of unpleasant specifics, leading to a great deal of follow-up investigation.

For example, the Snowden leaks contained specific allegations of a vulnerability in a NIST standard called Dual EC. The possibility of such a vulnerability had previously been noted by U.S. security researchers Dan Shumow and Niels Ferguson a few years earlier. But despite making a reasonable case for re-designing this algorithm, those researchers (and others) were basically brushed off by the “serious” people at NIST.

The Snowden documents changed all that. The leaks were a devastating embarassment to the U.S. cryptographic establishment, and led to some actual changes. Not only does it appear that the NSA deliberately backdoored Dual EC, it seems that they did so (and used NIST) in order to deploy the backdoor into U.S. security products. Later investigations would show that Dual EC was present in software by RSA Security (allegedly because of a secret contract with the NSA) and in firewalls made by Juniper Networks.

(Just to make everything a bit more horrifying, Juniper’s Dual EC backdoor would later be hijacked and turned against the United States by unknown hackers — illustrating exactly how reckless this all was.)

And finally, there are the mysteries. Snowden slides indicate that the NSA has been decrypting SSL/TLS and IPsec connections at vast scale. Even beyond the SIGINT Enabling-type sabotage, this raises huge questions about what the hell is actually going on here. There are theories. These may or may not be correct, but at least now people are thinking about them. At very least, it’s clear that something is very, very wrong.


Have things improved?

This is the $250 million question.

Some of the top-level indicators are surprisingly healthy. HTTPS adoption has taken off like a rocket, driven in part by Google’s willingness to use it as a signal for search rankings — and the rise of free Certificate Authorities like LetsEncrypt. It’s possible that these things would have happened eventually without Snowden, but it’s less likely.

End-to-end encrypted messaging has also taken off, largely due to adoption by WhatsApp and a host of relatively new apps. It’s reached the point where law enforcement agencies have begun to freak out, as the slide below illustrates.

Does Snowden deserve credit for this? Maybe not directly, but it’s almost certain that concerns over the surveillance he revealed did play a role. (It’s worth noting that this adoption is not evenly distributed across the globe.)

It’s also worth pointing out that at least in the open source community the quality of our encryption software has improved enormously, largely due to the fact that major companies made well-funded efforts to harden their systems, in part as a result of serious flaws like Heartbleed — and in part as a response to the company’s own concerns about surveillance.

It might very well be that the NSA has lost a significant portion of its capability since Snowden.

The future isn’t American

I’ve said this before, as have many others: even if you support the NSA’s mission, and believe that the U.S. is doing everything right, it doesn’t matter. Unfortunately, the future of surveillance has very little to do with what happens in Ft. Meade, Maryland. In fact, the world that Snowden brought to our attention isn’t necessarily a world that Americans have much say in.

As an example: today the U.S. government is in the midst of forcing a standoff with China over the global deployment of Huawei’s 5G wireless networks around the world. This is a complicated issue, and financial interest probably plays a big role. But global security also matters here. This conflict is perhaps the clearest acknowledgement we’re likely to see that our own government knows how much control of communications networks really matters, and our inability to secure communications on these networks could really hurt us. This means that we, here in the West, had better get our stuff together — or else we should be prepared to get a taste of our own medicine.

If nothing else, we owe Snowden for helping us to understand how high the stakes might be.

How does Apple (privately) find your offline devices?

How does Apple (privately) find your offline devices?

At Monday’s WWDC conference, Apple announced a cool new feature called “Find My”. Unlike Apple’s “Find my iPhone“, which uses cellular communication and the lost device’s own GPS to identify the location of a missing phone, “Find My” also lets you find devices that don’t have cellular support or internal GPS — things like laptops, or (and Apple has hinted at this only broadly) even “dumb” location tags that you can attach to your non-electronic physical belongings.

The idea of the new system is to turn Apple’s existing network of iPhones into a massive crowdsourced location tracking system. Every active iPhone will continuously monitor for BLE beacon messages that might be coming from a lost device. When it picks up one of these signals, the participating phone tags the data with its own current GPS location; then it sends the whole package up to Apple’s servers. This will be great for people like me, who are constantly losing their stuff: if I leave my backpack on a tour bus in China in my office, sooner or later someone else will stumble on its signal and I’ll instantly know where to find it.

(It’s worth mentioning that Apple didn’t invent this idea. In fact, companies like Tile have been doing this for quite a while. And yes, they should probably be worried.)

If you haven’t already been inspired by the description above, let me phrase the question you ought to be asking: how is this system going to avoid being a massive privacy nightmare?

Let me count the concerns:

  • If your device is constantly emitting a BLE signal that uniquely identifies it, the whole world is going to have (yet another) way to track you. Marketers already use WiFi and Bluetooth MAC addresses to do this: Find My could create yet another tracking channel.
  • It also exposes the phones who are doing the tracking. These people are now going to be sending their current location to Apple (which they may or may not already be doing). Now they’ll also be potentially sharing this information with strangers who “lose” their devices. That could go badly.
  • Scammers might also run active attacks in which they fake the location of your device. While this seems unlikely, people will always surprise you.

The good news is that Apple claims that their system actually does provide strong privacy, and that it accomplishes this using clever cryptography. But as is typical, they’ve declined to give out the details how they’re going to do it. Andy Greenberg talked me through an incomplete technical description that Apple provided to Wired, so that provides many hints. Unfortunately, what Apple provided still leaves huge gaps. It’s into those gaps that I’m going to fill in my best guess for what Apple is actually doing.

A big caveat: much of this could be totally wrong. I’ll update it relentlessly when Apple tells us more.

Some quick problem-setting

To lay out our scenario, we need to bring several devices into the picture. For inspiration, we’ll draw from the 1950s television series “Lassie”.

A first device, which we’ll call Timmy, is “lost”. Timmy has a BLE radio but no GPS or connection to the Internet. Fortunately, he’s been previously paired with a second device called Ruth, who wants to find him. Our protagonist is Lassie: she’s a random (and unknowing) stranger’s iPhone, and we’ll  assume that she has at least an occasional Internet connection and solid GPS. She is also a very good girl. The networked devices communicate via Apple’s iCloud servers, as shown below:

Since this is a security system, the first question you should ask is: who’s the bad guy? The answer in this setting is unfortunate: everyone is potentially a bad guy. That’s what makes this  problem so exciting.

Keeping Timmy anonymous

The most critical aspect of this system is that we need to keep unauthorized third parties from tracking Timmy, especially when he’s not lost. This precludes some pretty obvious solutions, like having the Timmy device simply shout “Hi my name is Timmy, please call my mom Ruth and let her know I’m lost.” It also precludes just about any unchanging static identifier, even an opaque and random-looking one.

This last requirement is inspired by the development of services that abuse static identifiers broadcast by your devices (e.g., your WiFi MAC address) to track devices as you walk around. Apple has been fighting this — with mixed success — by randomizing things like MAC addresses. If Apple added a static tracking identifier to support the “Find My” system, all of these problems could get much worse.

This requirement means that any messages broadcast by Timmy have to be opaque — and moreover, the contents of these messages must change, relatively frequently, to new values that can’t be linked to the old ones. One obvious way to realize this is to have Timmy and Ruth agree on a long list of random “pseudonyms” for Timmy, and have Timmy pick a different one each time.

This helps a lot. Each time Lassie sees some (unknown) device broadcasting an identifier, she won’t know if it belongs to Timmy: but she can send it up to Apple’s servers along with her own GPS location. In the event that Timmy ever gets lost, Ruth can ask Apple to search for every single one of Timmy‘s possible pseudonyms. Since neither nobody outside of Apple ever learns this list, and even Apple only learns it after someone gets lost, this approach prevents most tracking.

A slightly more efficient way to implement this idea is to use a cryptographic function (like a MAC or hash function) in order to generate the list of pseudonyms from a single short “seed” that both Timmy and Ruth will keep a copy of. This is nice because the data stored by each party will be very small. However, to find Timmy, Ruth must still send all of the pseudonyms — or her “seed” — up to Apple, who will have to search its database for each one.

Hiding Lassie’s location

The pseudonym approach described above should work well to keep Timmy‘s identity hidden from Lassie, and even from Apple (up until the point that Ruth searches for it.) However, it’s got a big drawback: it doesn’t hide Lassie‘s GPS coordinates.

This is bad for at least a couple of reasons. Each time Lassie detects some device broadcasting a message, she needs to transmit her current position (along with the pseudonym she sees) to Apple’s servers. This means Lassie is constantly telling Apple where she is. And moreover, even if Apple promises not to store Lassie‘s identity, the result of all these messages is a huge centralized database that shows every GPS location where some Apple device has been detected.

Note that this data, in the aggregate, can be pretty revealing. Yes, the identifiers of the devices might be pseudonyms — but that doesn’t make the information useless. For example: a record showing that some Apple device is broadcasting from my home address at certain hours of the day would probably reveal when I’m in my house.

An obvious way to prevent this data from being revealed to Apple is to encrypt it — so that only parties who actually need to know the location of a device can see this information. If Lassie picks up a broadcast from Timmy, then the only person who actually needs to know Lassie‘s GPS location is Ruth. To keep this information private, Lassie should encrypt her coordinates under Ruth’s encryption key.

This, of course, raises a problem: how does Lassie get Ruth‘s key? An obvious solution is for Timmy to shout out Ruth’s public key as part of every broadcast he makes. Of course, this would produce a static identifier that would make Timmy‘s broadcasts linkable again.

To solve that problem, we need Ruth to have many unlinkable public keys, so that Timmy can give out a different one with each broadcast. One way to do this is have Ruth and Timmy generate many different shared keypairs (or generate many from some shared seed). But this is annoying and involves Ruth storing many secret keys. And in fact, the identifiers we mentioned in the previous section can be derived by hashing each public key.

A slightly better approach (that Apple may not employ) makes use of  key randomization. This is a feature provided by cryptosystems like Elgamal: it allows any party to randomize a public key, so that the randomized key is completely unlinkable to the original. The best part of this feature is that Ruth can use a single secret key regardless of which randomized version of her public key was used to encrypt.

All of this  leads to a final protocol idea. Each time Timmy broadcasts, he uses a fresh pseudonym and a randomized copy of Ruth‘s public key. When Lassie receives a broadcast, she encrypts her GPS coordinates under the public key, and sends the encrypted message to Apple. Ruth can send in Timmy‘s pseudonyms to Apple’s servers, and if Apple finds a match, she can obtain and decrypt the GPS coordinates.

Does this solve all the problems?

The nasty thing about this problem setting is that, with many weird edge cases, there just isn’t a perfect solution. For example, what if Timmy is evil and wants to make Lassie reveal her location to Apple? What if Old Man Smithers tries to kidnap Lassie?

At a certain point, the answer to these question is just to say that we’ve done our best: any remaining problems will have to be outside the threat model. Sometimes even Lassie knows when to quit.

Attack of the week: searchable encryption and the ever-expanding leakage function

A few days ago I had the pleasure of hosting Kenny Paterson, who braved snow and historic cold (by Baltimore standards) to come talk to us about encrypted databases.

Kenny’s newest result is with first authors Paul Grubbs, Marie-Sarah Lacharité and Brice Minaud (let’s call it GLMP). It isn’t so much about building encrypted databases, as it is about the risks of building them badly. And — for reasons I will get into shortly — there have been a lot of badly-constructed encrypted database schemes going around. What GLMP point out is that this weakness isn’t so much a knock against the authors of those schemes, but rather, an indication that they may just be trying to do the impossible.

Hopefully this is a good enough start to get you drawn in. Which is excellent, because I’m going to need to give you a lot of background.

What’s an “encrypted” database, and why are they a problem?

Databases (both relational and otherwise) are a pretty important part of the computing experience. Modern systems make vast use of databases and their accompanying query technology in order to power just about every software application we depend on.

Because these databases often contain sensitive information, there has been a strong push to secure that data. A key goal is to encrypt the contents of the database, so that a malicious database operator (or a hacker) can’t get access to it if they compromise a single machine. If we lived in a world where security was all that mattered, the encryption part would be pretty easy: database records are, after all, just blobs of data — and we know how to encrypt those. So we could generate a cryptographic key on our local machine, encrypt the data before we upload it to a vulnerable database server, and just keep that key locally on our client computer.

Voila: we’re safe against a database hack!

The problem with this approach is that encrypting the database records leaves us with a database full of opaque, unreadable encrypted junk. Since we have the decryption key on our client, we can decrypt and read those records after we’ve downloaded them. But this approach completely disables one of the most useful features of modern databases: the ability for the database server itself to search (or query) the database for specific records, so that the client doesn’t have to.

Unfortunately, standard encryption borks search capability pretty badly. If I want to search a database for, say, employees whose salary is between $50,000 and $100,000, my database is helpless: all it sees is row after row of encrypted gibberish. In the worst case, the client will have to download all of the data rows and search them itself — yuck.

This has led to much wailing and gnashing of teeth in the database community. As a result, many cryptographers (and a distressing number of non-cryptographers) have tried to fix the problem with “fancier” crypto. This has not gone very well.

It would take me a hundred years to detail all of various solutions that have been put forward. But let me just hit a few of the high points:

  • Some proposals have suggested using deterministic encryption to encrypt database records. Deterministic encryption ensures that a given plaintext will always encrypt to a single ciphertext value, at least for a given key. This enables exact-match queries: a client can simply encrypt the exact value (“John Smith”) that it’s searching for, and ask the database to identify encrypted rows that match it.
  • Of course, exact-match queries don’t support more powerful features. Most databases also need to support range queries. One approach to this is something called order revealing encryption (or its weaker sibling, order preserving encryption). These do exactly what they say they do: they allow the database to compare two encrypted records to determine which plaintext is greater than the other.
  • Some people have proposed to use trusted hardware to solve these problems in a “simpler” way, but as we like to say in cryptography: if we actually had trusted hardware, nobody would pay our salaries. And, speaking more seriously, even hardware might not stop the leakage-based attacks discussed below.

This summary barely scratches the surface of this problem, and frankly you don’t need to know all the details for the purpose of this blog post.

What you do need to know is that each of the above proposals entails has some degree of “leakage”. Namely, if I’m an attacker who is able to compromise the database, both to see its contents and to see how it responds when you (a legitimate user) makes a query, then I can learn something about the data being queried.

What some examples of leakage, and what’s a leakage function?

Leakage is a (nearly) unavoidable byproduct of an encrypted database that supports queries. It can happen when the attacker simply looks at the encrypted data, as she might if she was able to dump the contents of your database and post them on the dark web. But a more powerful type of leakage occurs when the attacker is able to compromise your database server and observe the query interaction between legitimate client(s) and your database.

Take deterministic encryption, for instance.

Deterministic encryption has the very useful, but also unpleasant feature that the same plaintext will always encrypt to the same ciphertext. This leads to very obvious types of leakage, in the sense that an attacker can see repeated records in the dataset itself. Extending this to the active setting, if a legitimate client queries on a specific encrypted value, the attacker can see exactly which records match the attacker’s encrypted value. She can see how often each value occurs, which gives and indication of what value it might be (e.g., the last name “Smith” is more common than “Azriel”.) All of these vectors leak valuable information to an attacker.

Other systems leak more. Order-preserving encryption leaks the exact order of a list of underlying records, because it causes the resulting ciphertexts to have the same order. This is great for searching and sorting, but unfortunately it leaks tons of useful information to an attacker. Indeed, researchers have shown that, in real datasets, an ordering can be combined with knowledge about the record distribution in order to (approximately) reconstruct the contents of an encrypted database.

Fancier order-revealing encryption schemes aren’t quite so careless with your confidentiality: they enable the legitimate client to perform range queries, but without leaking the full ordering so trivially. This approach can leak less information: but a persistent attacker will still learn some data from observing a query and its response — at a minimum, she will learn which rows constitute the response to a query, since the database must pack up the matching records and send them over to the client.

If you’re having trouble visualizing what this last type of leakage might look like, here’s a picture that shows what an attacker might see when a user queries an unencrypted database vs. what the attacker might see with a really “good” encrypted database that supports range queries:


So the TL;DR here is that many encrypted database schemes have some sort of “leakage”, and this leakage can potentially reveal information about (a) what a client is querying on, and (b) what data is in the actual database.

But surely cryptographers don’t build leaky schemes?

Sometimes the perfect is the enemy of the good.

Cryptographers could spend a million years stressing themselves to death over the practical impact of different types of leakage. They could also try to do things perfectly using expensive techniques like fully-homomorphic encryption and oblivious RAM — but the results would be highly inefficient. So a common view in the field is researchers should do the very best we can, and then carefully explain to users what the risks are.

For example, a real database system might provide the following guarantee:

“Records are opaque. If the user queries for all records BETWEEN some hidden values X AND Y then all the database will learn is the row numbers of the records that match this range, and nothing else.”

This is a pretty awesome guarantee, particularly if you can formalize it and prove that a scheme achieves it. And indeed, this is something that researchers have tried to do. The formalized description is typically achieved by defining something called a leakage function. It might not be possible to prove that a scheme is absolutely private, but we can prove that it only leaks as much as the leakage function allows.

Now, I may be overdoing this slightly, but I want to be very clear about this next part:

Proving your encrypted database protocol is secure with respect to a specific leakage function does not mean it is safe to use in practice. What it means is that you are punting that question to the application developer, who is presumed to know how this leakage will affect their dataset and their security needs. Your leakage function and proof simply tell the app developer what information your scheme is (provably) going to protect, and what it won’t.

The obvious problem with this approach is that application developers probably don’t have any idea what’s safe to use either. Helping them to figure this out is one goal of this new GLMP paper and its related work.

So what leaks from these schemes?

GLMP don’t look at a specific encryption scheme. Rather, they ask a more general question: let’s imagine that we can only see that a legitimate user has made a range query — but not what the actual queried range values are. Further, let’s assume we can also see which records the database returns for that query, but not their actual values.

How much does just this information tell us about the contents of the database?

You can see that this is a very limited amount of leakage. Indeed, it is possibly the least amount of leakage you could imagine for any system that supports range queries, and is also efficient. So in one sense, you could say authors are asking a different and much more important question: are any of these encrypted databases actually secure?

The answer is somewhat worrying.

Can you give me a simple, illuminating example?

Let’s say I’m an attacker who has compromised a database, and observes the following two range queries/results from a legitimate client:

Query 1: SELECT * FROM Salaries BETWEEN ⚙️ and 🕹    Result 1: (rows 1, 3, 5)
Query 2: SELECT * FROM Salaries BETWEEN 😨 and 🎱    Result 2: (rows 1, 43, 3, 5)

Here I’m using the emoji to illustrate that an attacker can’t see the actual values submitted within the range queries — those are protected by the scheme — nor can she see the actual values of the result rows, since the fancy encryption scheme hides all this stuff. All the attacker sees is that a range query came in, and some specific rows were scooped up off disk after running the fancy search protocol.

So what can the attacker learn from the above queries? Surprisingly: quite a bit.

At very minimum, the attacker learns that Query 2 returned all of the same records as Query 1. Thus the range of the latter query clearly somewhat overlaps with the range of the former.  There is an additional record (row 43) that is not within the range of Query 1. That tells us that row 43 must must be either the “next” greater or smaller record than each of rows (1, 3, 5). That’s useful information.

Get enough useful information, it turns out that it starts to add up. In 2016, Kellaris, Kollios, Nissim and O’Neill showed that if you know the distribution of the query range endpoints — for example, if you assumed that they were uniformly random — then you can get more than just the order of records. You can reconstruct the exact value of every record in the database.

This result is statistical in nature. If I know that the queries are uniformly random, then I can model how often a given value (say, Age=34 out of a range 1-120) should be responsive to a given random query results. By counting the actual occurrences of a specific row after many such queries, I can guess which rows correlate to specific record values. The more queries I see, the more certain I can be.The Kellaris et al. paper shows that this takes O(N^4~log~N) queries, where is the number of possible values your data can take on (e.g., the ages of your employees, ranging between 1 and 100 would give N=100.) This is assuming an arbitrary dataset. The results get much better if the database is “dense”, meaning every possible value occurs once.

In practice the Kellaris et al. results mean that database fields with small domains (like ages) could be quickly reconstructed after observing a reasonable number of queries from a legitimate user, albeit one who likes to query everything randomly.

So that’s really bad!

The main bright spot in this research —- at least up until recently — was that many types of data have much larger domains. If you’re dealing with salary data ranging from, say, $1 to $200,000, then N=200,000 and this dominant N^4 tends to make Kellaris et al. attacks impractical, simply because they’ll take too long. Similarly, data like employee last names (encoded as a form that can be sorted and range-queries) gives you even vaster domains like N=26^{12}, say, and so perhaps we could pleasantly ignore these results and spend our time on more amusing engagements.

I bet we can’t ignore these results, can we?

Indeed, it seems that we can’t. The reason we can’t sit on our laurels and hope for an attacker to die of old age recovering large-domain data sets is due to something called approximate database reconstruction, or \epsilon-ADR.

The setting here is the same: an attacker sits and watches an attacker make (uniformly random) range queries. The critical difference is that this attacker isn’t trying to get every database record back at its exact value: she’s willing to tolerate some degree of error, up to an additive \epsilon N. For example, if I’m trying to recover employee salaries, I don’t need them to be exact: getting them within 1% or 5% is probably good enough for my purposes. Similarly, reconstructing nearly all of the letters in your last name probably lets me guess the rest, especially if I know the distribution of common last names.

Which finally brings us to this new GLMP paper, which puts \epsilon-ADR on steroids. What it shows is that the same setting, if one is willing to “sacrifice” a few of the highest and lowest values in the database, an attacker can reconstruct nearly the full database in a much smaller (asymptotic) number of queries, specifically: O(\epsilon^{-2} log~\epsilon^{-1}) queries, where \epsilon is the error parameter.

The important thing to notice about these results is that the value N has dropped out of the equation. The only term that’s left is the error term \epsilon. That means these results are “scale-free”, and (asymptotically, at least), they work just as well for small values of N as large ones, and large databases and small ones. This is really remarkable.

Big-O notation doesn’t do anything for me: what does this even mean?

Big-O notation is beloved by computer scientists, but potentially meaningless in practice. There could be huge constants in these terms that render these attacks completely impractical. Besides, weird equations involving epsilon characters are impossible for humans to understand.

Sometimes the easiest way to understand a theoretical result is to plug some actual numbers in and see what happens. GLMP were kind enough to do this for us, by first generating several random databases — each containing 1,000 records, for different values of N. They then ran their recovery algorithm against a simulated batch of random range queries to see what the actual error rate looked like as the query count increased.

Here are their results:

Experimental results (Figure 2) from Grubbs et al. (GLMP, 2019). The Y-axis represents the measured error between the reconstructed database and the actual dataset (smaller is better.) The X-axis represents the number of queries. Each database contains 1,000 records, but there are four different values of N tested here. Notice that the biggest error occurs around the very largest and smallest values in the dataset, so the results are much better if one is willing to “sacrifice” these values.

Even after just 100 queries, the error in the dataset has been hugely reduced, and after 500 queries the contents of the database — excluding the tails — can be recovered with only about a 1-2% error rate.

Moreover, these experimental results illustrate the fact that recovery works at many scales: that is, they work nearly as well for very different values of N, ranging from 100 to 100,000. This means that the only variable you really need to think about as an attacker is: how close do I need my reconstruction to be? This is probably not very good news for any real data set.

How do these techniques actually work?

The answer is both very straightforward and deeply complex. The straightforward part is simple; the complex part requires an understanding of Vapnik-Chervonenkis learning theory (VC-theory) which is beyond the scope of this blog post, but is explained in the paper.

At the very highest level the recovery approach is similar to what’s been done in the past: using response probabilities to obtain record values. This paper does it much more efficiently and approximately, using some fancy learning theory results while making a few assumptions.

At the highest level: we are going to assume that the range queries are made on random endpoints ranging from 1 to N. This is a big assumption, and more on it later! Yet with just this knowledge in hand, we learn quite a bit. For example: we can compute the probability that a potential record value (say, the specific salary $34,234) is going to be sent back, provided we know the total value lies in the range 1-N (say, we know all salaries are between $1 and $200,000).

If we draw the resulting probability curve in freehand, it might look something like the chart below. This isn’t actually to scale or (probably) even accurate, but it illustrates a key point: by the nature of (random) range queries, records near the center are going to have a higher overall chance of being responsive to any given query, since the “center” values are more frequently covered by random ranges, and records near the extreme high- and low values will be chosen less frequently.

I drew this graph freehand to mimic a picture in Kenny’s slides. Not a real plot!

The high-level goal of database reconstruction is to match the observed response rate for a given row (say, row 41) to the number of responses we’d expect see for different specific concrete values in the range. Clearly the accuracy of this approach is going to depend on the number of queries you, the attacker, can observe — more is better. And since the response rates are lower at the highest and lowest values, it will take more queries to guess outlying data values.

You might also notice that there is one major pitfall here. Since the graph above is symmetric around its midpoint, the expected response rate will be the same for a record at .25*N and a record at .75*N — that is, a $50,000 salary will be responsive to random queries at precisely same rate as a $150,000 salary. So even if you get every database row pegged precisely to its response rate, your results might still be “flipped” horizontally around the midpoint. Usually this isn’t the end of the world, because databases aren’t normally full of unstructured random data — high salaries will be less common than low salaries in most organizations, for example, so you can probably figure out the ordering based on that assumption. But this last “bit” of information is technically not guaranteed to come back, minus some assumptions about the data set.

Thus, the recovery algorithm breaks down into two steps: first, observe the response rate for each record as random range queries arrive. For each record that responds to such a query, try to solve for a concrete value that minimizes the difference between the expected response rate on that value, and the observed rate. The probability estimation can be made more efficient (eliminating a quadratic term) by assuming that there is at least one record in the database within the range .2N-.3N (or .7N-.8N, due to symmetry). Using this “anchor” record requires a mild assumption about the database contents.

What remains is to show that the resulting attack is efficient. You can do this by simply implementing it — as illustrated by the charts above. Or you can prove that it’s efficient. The GLMP paper uses some very heavy statistical machinery to do the latter. Specifically, they make use of a result from Vapnik-Chervonenkis learning theory (VC-theory), which shows that the bound can be derived from something called the VC-dimension (which is a small number, in this case) and is unrelated to the actual value of N. That proof forms the bulk of the result, but the empirical results are also pretty good.

Is there anything else in the paper?

Yes. It gets worse. There’s so much in this paper that I cannot possibly include it all here without risking carpal tunnel and boredom, and all of it is bad news for the field of encrypted databases.

The biggest additional result is one that shows that if all you want is an approximate ordering of the database rows, then you can do this efficiently using something called a PQ tree. Asymptotically, this requires O(\epsilon^{-1} log~\epsilon^{-1}) queries, and experimentally the results are again even better than one would expect.

What’s even more important about this ordering result is that it works independently of the query distribution. That is: we do not need to have random range queries in order for this to work: it works reasonably well regardless of how the client puts its queries together (up to a point).

Even better, the authors show that this ordering, along with some knowledge of the underlying database distribution — for example, let’s say we know that it consists of U.S. citizen last names — can also be used to obtain approximate database reconstruction. Oy vey!

And there’s still even more:

  • The authors show how to obtain even more efficient database recovery in a setting where the query range values are known to the attacker, using PAC learning. This is a more generous setting than previous work, but it could be realistic in some cases.
  • Finally, they extend this result to prefix and suffix queries, as well as range queries, and show that they can run their attacks on a dataset from the Fraternal Order of Police, obtaining record recovery in a few hundred queries.

In short: this is all really bad for the field of encrypted databases.

So what do we do about this?

I don’t know. Ignore these results? Fake our own deaths and move into a submarine?

In all seriousness: database encryption has been a controversial subject in our field. I wish I could say that there’s been an actual debate, but it’s more that different researchers have fallen into different camps, and nobody has really had the data to make their position in a compelling way. There have actually been some very personal arguments made about it.

The schools of thought are as follows:

The first holds that any kind of database encryption is better than storing records in plaintext and we should stop demanding things be perfect, when the alternative is a world of constant data breaches and sadness.

To me this is a supportable position, given that the current attack model for plaintext databases is something like “copy the database files, or just run a local SELECT * query”, and the threat model for an encrypted database is “gain persistence on the server and run sophisticated statistical attacks.” Most attackers are pretty lazy, so even a weak system is probably better than nothing.

The countervailing school of thought has two points: sometimes the good is much worse than the perfect, particularly if it gives application developers an outsized degree of confidence of the security that their encryption system is going to provide them.

If even the best encryption protocol is only throwing a tiny roadblock in the attacker’s way, why risk this at all? Just let the database community come up with some kind of ROT13 encryption that everyone knows to be crap and stop throwing good research time into a problem that has no good solution.

I don’t really know who is right in this debate. I’m just glad to see we’re getting closer to having it.


On Ghost Users and Messaging Backdoors

On Ghost Users and Messaging Backdoors

The past few years have been an amazing time for the deployment of encryption. In ten years, encrypted web connections have gone from a novelty into a requirement for running a modern website. Smartphone manufacturers deployed default storage encryption to billions of phones. End-to-end encrypted messaging and phone calls are now deployed to billions of users.

While this progress is exciting to cryptographers and privacy advocates, not everyone sees it this way. A few countries, like the U.K. and Australia, have passed laws in an attempt to gain access to this data, and at least one U.S. proposal has made it to Congress. The Department of Justice recently added its own branding to the mix, asking tech companies to deploy “responsible encryption“.

What, exactly, is “responsible encryption”? Well, that’s a bit of a problem. Nobody on the government’s side of the debate has really been willing to get very specific about that. In fact, a recent speech by U.S. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein implored cryptographers to go figure it out.

With this as background, a recent article by GCHQ’s Ian Levy and Crispin Robinson reads like a breath of fresh air. Unlike their American colleagues, the British folks at GCHQ — essentially, the U.K.’s equivalent of NSA — seem eager to engage with the technical community and to put forward serious ideas. Indeed, Levy and Robinson make a concrete proposal in the article above: they offer a new solution designed to surveil both encrypted messaging and phone calls.

In this post I’m going to talk about that proposal as fairly as I can — given that I only have a high-level understanding of the idea. Then I’ll discuss what I think could go wrong.

A brief, illustrated primer on E2E

The GCHQ proposal deals with law-enforcement interception on messaging systems and phone calls. To give some intuition about the proposal, I first need to give a very brief (and ultra-simplified) explanation of how those systems actually work.

The basic idea in any E2E communication systems is that each participant encrypts messages (or audio/video data) directly from one device to the other. This layer of encryption reduces the need to trust your provider’s infrastructure — ranging from telephone lines to servers to undersea cables — which gives added assurance against malicious service providers and hackers.

If you’ll forgive a few silly illustrations, the intuitive result is a picture that looks something like this:


If we consider the group chat/call setting, the picture changes slightly, but only slightly. Each participant still encrypts data to the other participants directly, bypassing the provider. The actual details (specific algorithms, key choices) vary between different systems. But the concept remains the same.


The problem with the simplified pictures above is that there’s actually a lot more going on in an E2E system than just encryption.

In practice, one of the most challenging problems in encrypted messaging stems is getting the key you need to actually perform the encryption. This problem, which is generally known as key distribution, is an age-old concern in the field of computer security. There are many ways for it to go wrong.

In the olden days, we used to ask users to manage and exchange their own keys, and then select which users they wanted to encrypt to. This was terrible and everyone hated it. Modern E2E systems have become popular largely because they hide all of this detail from their users. This comes at the cost of some extra provider-operated infrastructure.

In practice, systems like Apple iMessage, WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger actually look more like this:

Encrypted calling with an “identity system” looking up keys. The Apple represents Apple’s back-end servers.

The Apple at the top of the picture above stands in for Apple’s “identity service”, which is a cluster of servers running in Apple’s various data centers. These servers perform many tasks, but most notably: they act as a directory for looking up the encryption key of the person you’re talking to. If that service misfires and gives you the wrong key, the best ciphers in the world won’t help you. You’ll just be encrypting to the wrong person.

These identity services do more than look up keys. In at least some group messaging systems like WhatsApp and iMessage, they also control the membership of group conversations. In poorly-designed systems, the server can add and remove users from a group conversation at will, even if none of the participants have requested this. It’s as though you’re having a conversation in a very private room — but the door is unlocked and the building manager controls who can come enter and join you.

(A technical note: while these two aspects of the identity system serve different purposes, in practice they’re often closely related. For example, in many systems there is little distinction between “group” and “two-participant” messaging. For example, in systems that support multiple devices connected to a single account, like Apple’s iMessage, every single device attached to your user account is treated as a separate party to the conversation. Provided either party has more than one device on their account [say, an iPhone and an iPad] , you can think of every iMessage conversation as being a group conversation.)

Most E2E systems have basic countermeasures against bad behavior by the identity service. For example, client applications will typically alert you when a new user joins your group chat, or when someone adds a new device to your iMessage account. Similarly, both WhatsApp and Signal expose “safety numbers” that allow participants to verify that they received the right cryptographic keys, which offers a check against dishonest providers.

But these countermeasures are not perfect, and not every service offers them. Which brings me to the GCHQ proposal.

What GCHQ wants

The Lawfare article by Levy and Robinson does not present GCHQ’s proposal in great detail. Fortunately, both authors have spent most of the touring the U.S., giving several public talks about their ideas. I had the privilege of speaking to both of them earlier this summer when they visited Johns Hopkins, so I think I have a rough handle on what they’re thinking.

In its outlines, the idea they propose is extremely simple. The goal is to take advantage of existing the weaknesses in the identity management systems of group chat and calling systems. This would allow law enforcement — with the participation of the service provider — to add a “ghost user” (or in some cases, a “ghost device”) to an existing group chat or calling session. In systems where group membership can be modified by the provider infrastructure, this could mostly be done via changes to the server-side components of the provider’s system.

I say that it could mostly be done server-side, because there’s a wrinkle. Even if you modify the provider infrastructure to add unauthorized users to a conversation, most existing E2E systems do notify users when a new participant (or device) joins a conversation. Generally speaking, having a stranger wander into your conversation is a great way to notify criminals that the game’s afoot or what have you, so you’ll absolutely want to block this warning.

While the GCHQ proposal doesn’t go into great detail, it seems to follow that any workable proposal will require providers to suppress those warning messages at the target’s device. This means the proposal will also require changes to the client application as well as the server-side infrastructure.

(Certain apps like Signal are already somewhat hardened against these changes, because group chat setup is handled in an end-to-end encrypted/authenticated fashion by clients. This prevents the server from inserting new users without the collaboration of at least one group participant. At the moment, however, both WhatsApp and iMessage seem vulnerable to GCHQ’s proposed approach.)

Due to this need for extensive server and client modifications, the GCHQ proposal actually represents a very significant change to the design of messaging systems. It seems likely that the client-side code changes would need to be deployed to all users, since you can’t do targeted software updates just against criminals. (Or rather, if you could rely on such targeted software updates, you would just use that capability instead of the thing that GCHQ is proposing.)

Which brings us to the last piece: how do get providers to go along with all of this?

While optimism and cooperation are nice in principle, it seems unlikely that communication providers are going to to voluntarily insert a powerful eavesdropping capability into their encrypted services, if only because it represents a huge and risky modification. Presumably this means that the UK government will have to compel cooperation. One potential avenue for this is to use Technical Capability Notices from the UK’s Investigatory Powers Act. Those notices mandate that a provider offer real-time decryption for sets of users ranging from 1-10,000 users, and moreover, that providers must design their systems to ensure this such a capability remains available.

And herein lies the problem.

Providers are already closing this loophole

The real problem with the GCHQ proposal is that it targets a weakness in messaging/calling systems that’s already well-known to providers, and moreover, a weakness that providers have been working to close — perhaps because they’re worried that someone just like GCHQ (or probably, much worse) will try to exploit it. By making this proposal, the folks at GCHQ have virtually guaranteed that those providers will move much, much faster on this.

And they have quite a few options at their disposal. Over the past several years researchers have proposed several designs that offer transparency to users regarding which keys they’re obtaining from a provider’s identity service. These systems operate by having the identity service commit to the keys that are associated with individual users, such that it’s very hard for the provider to change a user’s keys (or to add a device) without everyone in the world noticing.

As mentioned above, advanced messengers like Signal have “submerged” the group chat management into the encrypted communications flow, so that the server cannot add new users without the digitally authenticated approval of one of the existing participants. This design, if ported to in more popular services like WhatsApp, would seem to kill the GCHQ proposal dead.

Of course, these solutions highlight the tricky nature of GCHQ’s proposal. Note that in order to take advantage of existing vulnerabilities, GCHQ is going to have to require that providers change their system. And of course, once you’ve opened the door to forcing providers to change their system, why stop with small changes? What stops the UK government from, say, taking things a step farther, and using the force of law to compel providers not to harden their systems against this type of attack?

Which brings us to the real problem with the GCHQ proposal. As far as I can see, there are two likely outcomes. In the first, providers rapidly harden their system — which is good! — and in the process kill off the vulnerabilities that make GCHQ’s proposal viable (which is bad, at least for GCHQ). The more interest that governments express towards the proposal, the more likely this first outcome is. In the second outcome, the UK government, perhaps along with other governments, solve this problem by forcing the providers to keep their systems vulnerable. This second outcome is what I worry about.

More concretely, it’s true that today’s systems include existing flaws that are easy to exploit. But that does not mean we should entomb those flaws in concrete. And once law enforcement begins to rely on them, we will effectively have done so. Over time what seems like a “modest proposal” using current flaws will rapidly become an ossifying influence that holds ancient flaws in place. In the worst-case outcome, we’ll be appointing agencies like GCHQ as the ultimate architect of Apple and Facebook’s communication systems.

That is not a good outcome. In fact, it’s one that will likely slow down progress for years to come.

Let’s talk about PAKE

The first rule of PAKE is: nobody ever wants to talk about PAKE. The second rule of passwordPAKE is that this is a shame, because PAKE — which stands for Password Authenticated Key Exchange — is actually one of the most useful technologies that (almost) never gets used. It should be deployed everywhere, and yet it isn’t.

To understand why this is such a damn shame, let’s start by describing a very real problem.

Imagine I’m operating a server that has to store user passwords. The traditional way to do this is to hash each user password and store the result in a password database. There are many schools of thought on how to handle the hashing process; the most common recommendation these days is to use a memory-hard password hashing function like scrypt or argon2 (with a unique per-password salt), and then store only the hashed result. There are various arguments about which hash function to use, and whether it could help to also use some secret value (called “pepper“), but we’ll ignore these for the moment.

Regardless of the approach you take, all of these solutions have a single achilles heel:

When the user comes back to log into your website, they will still need to send over their (cleartext) password, since this is required in order for the server to do the check. 

This requirement can lead to disaster if your server is ever persistently compromised, or if your developers make a simple mistake. For example, earlier this year Twitter asked all of its (330 million!) users to change their passwords — because it turned out that company had been logging cleartext (unhashed) passwords.

Now, the login problem doesn’t negate the advantage of password hashing in any way. But it does demand a better solution: one where the user’s password never has to go to the server in cleartext. The cryptographic tool that can give this to us is PAKE, and in particular a new protocol called OPAQUE, which I’ll get to at the end of this post.

What’s a PAKE?

A PAKE protocol, first introduced by Bellovin and Merritt, is a special form of cryptographic key exchange protocol. Key exchange (or “key agreement”) protocols are designed to help two parties (call them a client and server) agree on a shared key, using public-key cryptography. The earliest key exchange protocols — like classical Diffie-Hellman — were unauthenticated, which made them vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks. The distinguishing feature of PAKE protocols is the client will authenticate herself to the server using a password. For obvious reasons, the password, or a hash of it, is assumed to be already known to the server, which is what allows for checking.

If this was all we required, PAKE protocols would be easy to build. What makes a PAKE truly useful is that it should also provide protection for the client’s password. A stronger version of this guarantee can be stated as follows: after a login attempt (valid, or invalid) both the client and server should learn only whether the client’s password matched the server’s expected value, and no additional information. This is a powerful guarantee. In fact, it’s not dissimilar to what we ask for from a zero knowledge proof.

Ideal representation of a PAKE protocol. The two parties’ inputs also include some randomness, which isn’t shown. An eavesdropper should not learn the strong shared secret key K, which should itself be random and not simply a function of the password.

Of course, the obvious problem with PAKE is that many people don’t want to run a “key exchange” protocol in the first place! They just want to verify that a user knows a password.

The great thing about PAKE is that the simpler “login only” use-case is easy to achieve. If I have a standard PAKE protocol that allows a client and server to agree on a shared key K if (and only if) the client knows the right password, then all we need add is a simple check that both parties have arrived at the same key. (This can be done, for example, by having the parties compute some cryptographic function with it and check the results.) So PAKE is useful even if all you’ve got in mind is password checking.

SRP: The PAKE that Time Forgot

The PAKE concept seems like it provides an obvious security benefit when compared to the naive approach we use to log into servers today. And the techniques are old, in the sense that PAKEs have been known since way back in 1992! Despite this, they’ve seen from almost no adoption. What’s going on?

There are a few obvious reasons for this. The most obvious has to do with the limitations of the web: it’s much easier to put a password form onto a web page than it is to do fancy crypto in the browser. But this explanation isn’t sufficient. Even native applications rarely implement PAKE for their logins. Another potential explanation has to do with patents, though most of these are expired now. To me there are two likely reasons for the ongoing absence of PAKE: (1) there’s a lack of good PAKE implementations in useful languages, which makes it a hassle to use, and (2) cryptographers are bad at communicating the value of their work, so most people don’t know PAKE is even an option.

Even though I said PAKE isn’t deployed, there are some exceptions to the rule.

One of the remarkable ones is a 1998 protocol designed by Tom Wu [correction: not Tim Wu] and called “SRP”. Short for “Secure Remote Password“, this is a simple three-round PAKE with a few elegant features that were not found in the earliest works. Moreover, SRP has the distinction of being (as far as I know) the most widely-deployed PAKE protocol in the world. I cite two pieces of evidence for this claim:

  1. SRP has been standardized as a TLS ciphersuite, and is actually implemented in libraries like OpenSSL, even though nobody seems to use it much.
  2. Apple uses SRP extensively in their iCloud Key Vault.

This second fact by itself could make SRP one of the most widely used cryptographic protocols in the world, so vast is the number of devices that Apple ships. So this is nothing to sneer at.

Industry adoption of SRP is nice, but also kind of a bummer: mainly because while any PAKE adoption is cool, SRP itself isn’t the best PAKE we can deploy. I was planning to go into the weeds about why I feel so strongly about SRP, but it got longwinded and it distracted from the really nice protocol I actually want to talk about further below. If you’re still interested, I moved the discussion onto this page.

In lieu of those details, let me give a quick and dirty TL;DR on SRP:

  1. SRP does some stuff “right”. For one thing, unlike early PAKEs it does not require you to store a raw password on the server (or, equivalently, a hash that could be used by a malicious client in place of the password). Instead, the server stores a “verifier” which is a one-way function of the password hash. This means a leak of the password database does not (immediately) allow the attacker to impersonate the user — unless they conduct further expensive dictionary attacks. (The technical name for this is “asymmetric” PAKE.)
  2. Even better, the current version of SRP (v4 v6a) isn’t obviously broken!
  3. However (and with no offense to the designers) the SRP protocol design is completely bonkers, and earlier versions have been broken several times — which is why we’re now at revision 6a. Plus the “security proof” in the original research paper doesn’t really prove anything meaningful.
  4. SRP currently relies on integer (finite field) arithmetic, and for various reasons (see point 3 above) the construction is not obviously transferable to the elliptic curve setting. This requires more bandwidth and computation, and thus SRP can’t take advantage of the many efficiency improvements we’ve developed in settings like Curve25519.
  5. SRP is vulnerable to pre-computation attacks, due to the fact that it hands over the user’s “salt” to any attacker who can start an SRP session. This means I can ask a server for your salt, and build a dictionary of potential password hashes even before the server is compromised.
  6. Despite all these drawbacks, SRP is simple — and actually ships with working code. Plus there’s working code in OpenSSL that even integrates with TLS, which makes it relatively easy to adopt.

Out of all these points, the final one is almost certainly responsible for the (relatively) high degree of commercial success that SRP has seen when compared to other PAKE protocols. It’s not ideal, but it’s real. This is something for cryptographers to keep in mind.

OPAQUE: The PAKE of a new generation

When I started thinking about PAKEs a few months ago, I couldn’t help but notice that most of the existing work was kind of crummy. It either had weird problems like SRP, or it required the user to store the password (or an effective password) on the server, or it revealed the salt to an attacker — allowing pre-computation attacks.

Then earlier this year, Jarecki, Krawczyk and Xu proposed a new protocol called OPAQUE. Opaque has a number of extremely nice advantages:

  1. It can be implemented in any setting where Diffie-Hellman and discrete log (type) problems are hard. This means that, unlike SRP, it can be easily instantiated using efficient elliptic curves.
  2. Even better: OPAQUE does not reveal the salt to the attacker. It solves this problem by using an efficient “oblivious PRF” to combine the salt with the password, in a way that ensures the client does not learn the salt and the server does not learn the password.
  3. OPAQUE works with any password hashing function. Even better, since all the hashing work is done on the client, OPAQUE can actually take load off the server, freeing an online service up to use much strong security settings — for example, configuring scrypt with large RAM parameters.
  4. In terms of number of messages and exponentiations, OPAQUE is not much different from SRP. But since it can be implemented in more efficient settings, it’s likely to be a lot more efficient.
  5. Unlike SRP, OPAQUE has a reasonable security proof (in a very strong model).

There’s even an Internet Draft proposal for OPAQUE, which you can read here. Unfortunately, at this point I’m not aware of any production quality implementations of the code (if you know of one, please link to it in the comments and I’ll update). (Update: There are several potential implementations listed in the comments — I haven’t looked closely enough to endorse any, but this is great!) But that should soon change.

The full OPAQUE protocol is given a little bit further below. In the rest of this section I’m going to go into the weeds on how OPAQUE works.

Problem 1: Keeping the salt secret. As I mentioned above, the main problem with earlier PAKEs is the need to transmit the salt from a server to a (so far unauthenticated) client. This enables an attacker to run pre-computation attacks, where they can build an offline dictionary based on this salt.

The challenge here is that the salt is typically fed into a hash function (like scrypt) along with the password. Intuitively someone has to compute that function. If it’s the server, then the server needs to see the password — which defeats the whole purpose. If it’s the client, then the client needs the salt.

In theory one could get around this problem by computing the password hashing function using secure two-party computation (2PC). In practice, solutions like this are almost certainly not going to be efficient — most notably because password hashing functions are designed to be complex and time consuming, which will basically explode the complexity of any 2PC system.

OPAQUE gets around this with the following clever trick. They leave the password hash on the client’s side, but they don’t feed it the stored salt. Instead, they use a special two-party protocol called an oblivious PRF to calculate a second salt (call it salt2) so that the client can use salt2 in the hash function — but does not learn the original salt.

The basic idea of such a function is that the server and client can jointly compute a function PRF(salt, password), where the server knows “salt” and the client knows “password”. Only the client learns the output of this function. Neither party learns anything about the other party’s input.

The gory details:

The actual implementation of the oblivious PRF relies on the idea that the client has the password P and the server has the salt, which is expressed as a scalar value s. The output of the PRF function should be of the form H(P)^s, where H:\{0,1\}^* \rightarrow {\mathcal G} is a special hash function that hashes passwords into elements of a cyclic (prime-order) group.

To compute this PRF requires a protocol between the client and server. In this protocol, the client first computes H(P) and then “blinds” this password by selecting a random scalar value r, and blinding the result to obtain C = H(P)^r. At this point, the client can send the blinded value C over to the server, secure in the understanding that (in a prime-order group), the blinding by r hides all partial information about the underlying password.

The server, which has a salt value s, now further exponentiates this calue to obtain R = C^s and sends the result R back to the client. If we write this out in detail, the result can be expressed as $R = H(P)^{rs}$. The client now computes the inverse of its own blinding value r and exponentiates one more time as follows: R' = R^{r^{-1}} = H(P)^s. This element R', which consists of the hash of the password exponentiated by the salt, is the output of the desired PRF function.

A nice feature of this protocol is that, if the client enters the wrong password into the protocol, she should obtain a value that is very different from the actual value she wants. This guarantee comes from the fact that the hash function is likely to produce wildly different outputs for distinct passwords.

Problem 2: Proving that the client got the right key K. Of course, at this point, the client has derived a key K, but the server has no idea what it is. Nor does the server know whether it’s the right key.

The solution OPAQUE uses based an old idea due to Gentry, Mackenzie and Ramzan. When the user first registers with the server, she generates a strong public and private key for a secure agreement protocol (like HMQV), and encrypts the resulting private key under K, along with the server’s public key. The resulting authenticated ciphertext (and the public key) is stored in the password database.

C = Encrypt(K, client secret key | server’s public key)

Full OPAQUE protocol, excerpted from the paper.

When the client wishes to authenticate using the OPAQUE protocol, the server sends it the stored ciphertext C. If the client entered the right password into the first phase, she can derive K, and now decrypt this ciphertext. Otherwise it’s useless. Using the embedded secret key, she can now run a standard authenticated key agreement protocol to complete the handshake. (The server verifies the clients’ inputs against its copy of the client’s public key, and the client does similarly.)

Putting it all together. All of these different steps can be merged together into a single protocol that has the same number of rounds as SRP. Leaving aside the key verification steps, it looks like the protocol above. Basically, just two messages: one from the client and one returned to the server.

The final aspect of the OPAQUE work is that it includes a strong security proof that shows the resulting protocol can be proven secure under the 1-more discrete logarithm assumption in the random oracle model, which is a (well, relatively) standard assumption that appears to hold in the settings we work with.

In conclusion

So in summary, we have this neat technology that could make the process of using passwords much easier, and could allow us to do it in a much more efficient way — with larger hashing parameters, and more work done by the client? Why isn’t this everywhere?

Maybe in the next few years it will be.





Why I’m done with Chrome

This blog is mainly reserved for cryptography, and I try to avoid filling it with random 512px-Google_Chrome_icon_(September_2014).svg“someone is wrong on the Internet” posts. After all, that’s what Twitter is for! But from time to time something bothers me enough that I have to make an exception. Today I wanted to write specifically about Google Chrome, how much I’ve loved it in the past, and why — due to Chrome’s new user-unfriendly forced login policy — I won’t be using it going forward.

A brief history of Chrome

When Google launched Chrome ten years ago, it seemed like one of those rare cases where everyone wins. In 2008, the browser market was dominated by Microsoft, a company with an ugly history of using browser dominance to crush their competitors. Worse, Microsoft was making noises about getting into the search business. This posed an existential threat to Google’s internet properties.

In this setting, Chrome was a beautiful solution. Even if the browser never produced a scrap of revenue for Google, it served its purpose just by keeping the Internet open to Google’s other products. As a benefit, the Internet community would receive a terrific open source browser with the best development team money could buy. This might be kind of sad for Mozilla (who have paid a high price due to Chrome) but overall it would be a good thing for Internet standards.

For many years this is exactly how things played out. Sure, Google offered an optional “sign in” feature for Chrome, which presumably vacuumed up your browsing data and shipped it off to Google, but that was an option. An option you could easily ignore. If you didn’t take advantage of this option, Google’s privacy policy was clear: your data would stay on your computer where it belonged.

What changed?

A few weeks ago Google shipped an update to Chrome that fundamentally changes the sign-in experience. From now on, every time you log into a Google property (for example, Gmail), Chrome will automatically sign the browser into your Google account for you. It’ll do this without asking, or even explicitly notifying you. (However, and this is important: Google developers claim this will not actually start synchronizing your data to Google — yet. See further below.)

Your sole warning — in the event that you’re looking for it — is that your Google profile picture will appear in the upper-right hand corner of the browser window. I noticed mine the other day:


The change hasn’t gone entirely unnoticed: it received some vigorous discussion on sites like Hacker News. But the mainstream tech press seems to have ignored it completely. This is unfortunate — and I hope it changes — because this update has huge implications for Google and the future of Chrome.

In the rest of this post, I’m going to talk about why this matters. From my perspective, this comes down to basically four points:

  1. Nobody on the Chrome development team can provide a clear rationale for why this change was necessary, and the explanations they’ve given don’t make any sense.
  2. This change has enormous implications for user privacy and trust, and Google seems unable to grapple with this.
  3. The change makes a hash out of Google’s own privacy policies for Chrome.
  4. Google needs to stop treating customer trust like it’s a renewable resource, because they’re screwing up badly.

I warn you that this will get a bit ranty. Please read on anyway.

Google’s stated rationale makes no sense

The new feature that triggers this auto-login behavior is called “Identity consistency between browser and cookie jar” (HN). After conversations with two separate Chrome developers on Twitter (who will remain nameless — mostly because I don’t want them to hate me), I was given the following rationale for the change:


To paraphrase this explanation: if you’re in a situation where you’ve already signed into Chrome and your friend shares your computer, then you can wind up accidentally having your friend’s Google cookies get uploaded into your account. This seems bad, and sure, we want to avoid that.

But note something critical about this scenario. In order for this problem to apply to you, you already have to be signed into Chrome. There is absolutely nothing in this problem description that seems to affect users who chose not to sign into the browser in the first place.

So if signed-in users are your problem, why would you make a change that forces unsignedin users to become signed-in? I could waste a lot more ink wondering about the mismatch between the stated “problem” and the “fix”, but I won’t bother: because nobody on the public-facing side of the Chrome team has been able to offer an explanation that squares this circle.

And this matters, because “sync” or not…

The change has serious implications for privacy and trust

The Chrome team has offered a single defense of the change. They point out that just because your browser is “signed in” does not mean it’s uploading your data to Google’s servers. Specifically:

While Chrome will now log into your Google account without your consent (following a Gmail login), Chrome will not activate the “sync” feature that sends your data to Google. That requires an additional consent step. So in theory your data should remain local.

This is my paraphrase. But I think it’s fair to characterize the general stance of the Chrome developers I spoke with as: without this “sync” feature, there’s nothing wrong with the change they’ve made, and everything is just fine.

This is nuts, for several reasons.

User consent matters. For ten years I’ve been asked a single question by the Chrome browser: “Do you want to log in with your Google account?” And for ten years I’ve said no thanks. Chrome still asks me that question — it’s just that now it doesn’t honor my decision.

The Chrome developers want me to believe that this is fine, since (phew!) I’m still protected by one additional consent guardrail. The problem here is obvious:

If you didn’t respect my lack of consent on the biggest user-facing privacy option in Chrome (and  didn’t even notify me that you had stopped respecting it!) why should I trust any other consent option you give me? What stops you from changing your mind on that option in a few months, when we’ve all stopped paying attention?

The fact of the matter is that I’d never even heard of Chrome’s “sync” option — for the simple reason that up until September 2018, I had never logged into Chrome. Now I’m forced to learn these new terms, and hope that the Chrome team keeps promises to keep all of my data local as the barriers between “signed in” and “not signed in” are gradually eroded away.

The Chrome sync UI is a dark pattern. Now that I’m forced to log into Chrome, I’m faced with a brand new menu I’ve never seen before. It looks like this:



Does that big blue button indicate that I’m already synchronizing my data to Google? That’s scary! Wait, maybe it’s an invitation to synchronize! If so, what happens to my data if I click it by accident? (I won’t give it the answer away, you should go find out. Just make sure you don’t accidentally upload all your data in the process. It can happen quickly.)

In short, Google has transformed the question of consenting to data upload from something affirmative that I actually had to put effort into — entering my Google credentials and signing into Chrome — into something I can now do with a single accidental click. This is a dark pattern. Whether intentional or not, it has the effect of making it easy for people to activate sync without knowing it, or to think they’re already syncing and thus there’s no additional cost to increasing Google’s access to their data.

Don’t take my word for it. It even gives (former) Google people the creeps.

Big brother doesn’t need to actually watch you. We tell things to our web browsers that we wouldn’t tell our best friends. We do this with some vague understanding that yes, the Internet spies on us. But we also believe that this spying is weak and probabilistic. It’s not like someone’s standing over our shoulder checking our driver’s license with each click.

What happens if you take that belief away? There are numerous studies indicating that even the perception of surveillance can significantly greatly magnify the degree of self-censorship users force on themselves. Will user feel comfortable browsing for information on sensitive mental health conditions — if their real name and picture are always loaded into the corner of their browser? The Chrome development team says “yes”. I think they’re wrong.

For all we know, the new approach has privacy implications even if sync is off. The Chrome developers claim that with “sync” off, a Chrome has no privacy implications. This might be true. But when pressed on the actual details, nobody seems quite sure.

For example, if I have my browser logged out, then I log in and turn on “sync”, does all my past (logged-out) data get pushed to Google? What happens if I’m forced to be logged in, and then subsequently turn on “sync”? Nobody can quite tell me if the data uploaded in these conditions is the same. These differences could really matter.

The changes make hash of the Chrome privacy policy

The Chrome privacy policy is a remarkably simple document. Unlike most privacy policies, it was clearly written as a promise to Chrome’s users — rather than as the usual lawyer CYA. Functionally, it describes two browsing modes: “Basic browser mode” and “signed-in mode”. These modes have very different properties. Read for yourself:

Untitled 2Untitled 3

In “basic browser mode”, your data is stored locally. In “signed-in” mode, your data gets shipped to Google’s servers. This is easy to understand. If you want privacy, don’t sign in. But what happens if your browser decides to switch you from one mode to the other, all on its own?

Technically, the privacy policy is still accurate. If you’re in basic browsing mode, your data is still stored locally. The problem is that you no longer get to decide which mode you’re in. This makes a mockery out of whatever intentions the original drafters had. Maybe Google will update the document to reflect the new “sync” distinction that the Chrome developers have shared with me. We’ll see.

Update: After I tweeted about my concerns, I received a DM on Sunday from two different Chrome developers, each telling me the good news: Google is updating their privacy policy to reflect the new operation of Chrome. I think that’s, um, good news. But I also can’t help but note that updating a privacy policy on a weekend is an awful lot of trouble to go to for a change that… apparently doesn’t even solve a problem for signed-out users.

Trust is not a renewable resource

For a company that sustains itself by collecting massive amounts of user data, Google has  managed to avoid the negative privacy connotations we associate with, say, Facebook. This isn’t because Google collects less data, it’s just that Google has consistently been more circumspect and responsible with it.

Where Facebook will routinely change privacy settings and apologize later, Google has upheld clear privacy policies that it doesn’t routinely change. Sure, when it collects, it collects gobs of data, but in the cases where Google explicitly makes user security and privacy promises — it tends to keep them. This seems to be changing.

Google’s reputation is hard-earned, and it can be easily lost. Changes like this burn a lot of trust with users. If the change is solving an absolutely critical problem for users , then maybe a loss of trust is worth it. I wish Google could convince me that was the case.


This post has gone on more than long enough, but before I finish I want to address two common counterarguments I’ve heard from people I generally respect in this area.

One argument is that Google already spies on you via cookies and its pervasive advertising network and partnerships, so what’s the big deal if they force your browser into a logged-in state? One individual I respect described the Chrome change as “making you wear two name tags instead of one”. I think this objection is silly both on moral grounds — just because you’re violating my privacy doesn’t make it ok to add a massive new violation — but also because it’s objectively silly. Google has spent millions of dollars adding additional tracking features to both Chrome and Android. They aren’t doing this for fun; they’re doing this because it clearly produces data they want.

The other counterargument (if you want to call it that) goes like this: I’m a n00b for using Google products at all, and of course they were always going to do this. The extreme version holds that I ought to be using lynx+Tor and DJB’s custom search engine, and if I’m not I pretty much deserve what’s coming to me.

I reject this argument. I think It’s entirely possible for a company like Google to make good, usable open source software that doesn’t massively violate user privacy. For ten years I believe Google Chrome did just this.

Why they’ve decided to change, I don’t know. It makes me sad.



Friday Dachshund Blogging

Friday Dachshund Blogging

For over a year this blog has failed to deliver on an essential promise — that there would someday be pictures of dachshunds. Today we deliver.

This is Callie (short for Calliope) working her way through a bit of summer crypto reading:


But sometimes that’s exhausting and you’ve gotta take a break.


A visit from a strange metallic dachshund:




And in memoriam, Zoe and Sophie, who helped me start this blog.


Wonk post: chosen ciphertext security in public-key encryption (Part 2)

Wonk post: chosen ciphertext security in public-key encryption (Part 2)

This continues the post from Part 1. Note that this is a work in progress, and may have some bugs in it 🙂 I’ll try to patch them up as I go along.

In the previous post I discussed the problem of building CCA-secure public key encryption. Here’s a quick summary of what we discussed in the first part:

  • We covered the definition of CCA2 security.
  • We described how you can easily achieve this notion in the symmetric encryption setting using a CPA-secure encryption scheme, plus a secure MAC.
  • We talked about why this same approach doesn’t work for standard public-key encryption.

In this post I’m going to discuss a few different techniques that actually do provide CCA security for public key encryption. We’ll be covering these in no particular order.

A quick note on security proofs. There are obviously a lot of different ways you could try to hack together a CCA2 secure scheme out of different components. Some of those might be secure, or they might not be. In general, the key difference between a “secure” and “maybe secure” scheme is the fact that we can construct some kind of security proof for it.

The phrase “some kind” will turn out to be an important caveat, because these proofs might require a modest amount of cheating.

The bad and the ugly

Before we get to the constructive details, it’s worth talking a bit about some ideas that don’t work to achieve CCA security. The most obvious place to start is with some of the early RSA padding schemes, particularly the PKCS#1v1.5 padding standard.

PKCS#1 padding was developed in the 1980s, when it was obvious that public key encryption was going to become widely deployed. It was intended as a pre-processing stage for messages that were going to be encrypted using an RSA public key.

This padding scheme had two features. First, it added randomness to the message prior to encrypting it. This was designed to defeat the simple ciphertext guessing attacks that come from deterministic encryption schemes like RSA. It can be easily shown that randomized encryption is absolutely necessary for any IND-CPA (and implicitly, IND-CCA) secure public key encryption scheme. Second, the padding added some “check” bytes that were intended to help detect mangled ciphertexts after decryption; this was designed (presumably) to shore the scheme up against invalid decryption attempts.

PKCS#1v1.5 is still widely used in protocols, including all versions of TLS prior to TLS 1.3. The diagram below shows what the padding scheme looks like when used in TLS with a 2048-bit RSA key. The section labeled “48 bytes PMS” (pre-master secret) in this example represents the plaintext being encrypted. The 205 “non-zero padding” consists of purely random bytes that exclude the byte “0”, because that value is reserved to indicate the end of the padding section and the beginning of the plaintext.


After using the RSA secret key to recover the padded message, the decryptor is supposed to parse the message and verify that the first two bytes (“00 02”) and the boundary “00” byte are all correct and in not violating any rules. The decryptor may optionally conduct other checks like verifying the length and structure of the plaintext, in case that’s known in advance.

One of the most immediate observations about PKCS#1v1.5 is that the designers kind of intuitively understood that chosen ciphertext attacks were a thing. They clearly added some small checks to make sure that it would be hard for an attacker to modify a given ciphertext (e.g., by multiplying it by a chosen value). It’s also obvious that these checks aren’t very strong. In the standardized version of the padding scheme, there are essentially three bytes to check — and one of them (the “00” byte after the padding) can “float” at a large number of different positions, depending on how much padding and plaintext there is in the message.

The use of a weak integrity check leads to a powerful CCA2 attack on the encryption scheme that was first discovered by Daniel Bleichenbacher. The attack is powerful due to the fact that it actually leverages the padding check as a way to learn information about the plaintext. That is: the attacker “mauls” a ciphertext and sends it to be decrypted, and relies on the fact that the decryptor will simply perform the decryption checks they’re supposed to perform — and output a noticable error if they fail. Given only this one bit of information per decryption, the attack can gradually recover the full plaintext of a specific ciphertext by (a) multiplying it with some value, (b) sending the result to be decrypted, (c) recording the success/failure result, (d) adaptively picking a new value and repeating step (a) many thousands or millions of times.

The PKCS#1v1.5 padding scheme is mainly valuable to us today because it provides an excellent warning to cryptographic engineers, who would otherwise continue to follow the “you can just hack together something that looks safe” school of building protocols. Bleichenbacher-style attacks have largely scared the crypto community straight. Rather than continuing to use this approach, the crypto community has (mostly) moved towards techniques that at least offer some semblance of provable security.

That’s what we’ll cover in just a moment.

A few quick notes on achieving CCA2-secure public key encryption

Before we get to a laundry list of specific techniques and schemes, it’s worth asking what types of design features we might be looking for in a CCA2 public key encryption scheme. Historically there have been two common requirements:

  • It would be super convenient if we could start with an existing encryption scheme, like RSA or Elgamal encryption, and generically tweak (or “compile”) that scheme into a CCA2-secure scheme. (Re-usable generic techniques are particularly useful in the event that someone comes up with new underlying encryption schemes, like post-quantum secure ones.)
  • The resulting scheme should be pretty efficient. That rules out most of the early theoretical techniques that use huge zero knowledge proofs (as cool as they are).

Before we get to the details, I also want to repeat the intuitive description of the CCA2 security game, which I gave in the previous post. The game (or “experiment”) works like this:

  1. I generate an encryption keypair for a public-key scheme and give you the public key.
  2. You can send me (sequentially and adaptively) many ciphertexts, which I will decrypt with my secret key. I’ll give you the result of each decryption.
  3. Eventually you’ll send me a pair of messages (of equal length) M_0, M_1 and I’ll pick a bit b at random, and return to you the encryption of M_b, which I will denote as C^* \leftarrow {\sf Encrypt}(pk, M_b).
  4. You’ll repeat step (2), sending me ciphertexts to decrypt. If you send me C^* I’ll reject your attempt. But I’ll decrypt any other ciphertext you send me, even if it’s only slightly different from C^*.
  5. You (the attacker) will output your guess b'. They “win” the game if b'=b.
  6. We say a scheme is IND-CCA2 secure if the attacker wins with probability “not much greater” than 1/2 (which is the best an attacker can do if they just guess randomly.)

A quick review of this definition shows that we need a CCA2-encryption scheme to provide at least two major features.

First off, it should be obvious that the scheme must not leak information about the secret key, even when I’m using it to decrypt arbitrary chosen ciphertexts of your choice. There are obvious examples of schemes that fail to meet this requirement: the most famous is the (textbook) Rabin cryptosystem — where the attacker’s ability to obtain the decryption of a single chosen ciphertext can leak the entire secret key.

More subtly, it seems obvious that CCA2 security is related to non-malleabilityHere’s why: suppose I receive a challenge ciphertext C^* at step (3). It must be the case that I cannot easily “maul” that ciphertext into a new ciphertext C' that contains a closely related plaintext (and that the challenger will be able and willing to meaingfully decrypt). It’s easy to see that if I could get away with this, by the rules of the game I could probably win at step (4), simply by sending C' in to be decrypted, getting the result, and seeing whether it’s more closely related to M_0 or M_1. (This is, in fact, a very weak explanation of what the Bleichenbacher attack does.)

It turns out that an even stronger property that helps achieve both of these conditions is something called plaintext awareness. There are various subtly-different mathematical formulations of this idea, but here I’ll try to give only the English-language intuition:

If the attacker is able to submit a (valid) ciphertext to be decrypted, it must be the case that she already knows the plaintext of that message.

This guarantee is very powerful, because it helps us to be sure that the decryption process doesn’t give the attacker any new information that she doesn’t already have. She can submit any messages she wants (including mauling the challenge ciphertext C^*) but if this plaintext-awareness property holds in the strongest sense, those decryptions won’t tell her anything she doesn’t already know.

Of course, just because your scheme appears to satisfy the above conditions does not mean it’s secure. Both rules above are heuristics: that is, they’re necessary conditions to prevent attacks, but they may or may not be sufficient. To really trust a scheme (in the cryptographic sense) we should be able to offer a proof (under some assumptions) that these guarantees hold. We’ll address that a bit as we go forward.

Technique 1: Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding

One of the earlier practical CCA2 transforms was developed by Bellare and Rogaway as a direct replacement for the PKCS#1v1.5 padding scheme in RSA encryption. The scheme they developed — called Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding — represents a “drop-in” replacement for the earlier, broken v1.5 padding scheme. It also features a security proof. (Mostly. We’ll come back to this last point.)

(Confusingly, OAEP was adopted into the PKCS#1 standards as of version 2.0, so sometimes you’ll see it referred to as PKCS#1v2.0-OAEP.)

OAEP’s most obvious advance over the previous state of the art is the addition of not one, but two separate hash functions G() and H() that don’t exist in the v1.5 predecessor. (These are sometimes referred to as “mask generation functions”, which is just a fancy way of saying they’re hash functions with outputs of a custom, chosen size. Such functions can be easily built from existing hash functions like SHA256.)

Expressed graphically, this is what OAEP it looks like:

OAEP padding function (courtesy Ozga at Wikipedia). The message is m and r is a string of random bits. The “000” represents a “check string” consisting of a string of k1 “0” bits. The lengths k0, k1 are chosen by the scheme, and the length of the overall input should be the largest bit (or byte) string that can fit inside of an RSA modulus (e.g., 1024 bits). Some 0 bits/bytes may have to be pre-pended to the result if the padded result smaller than the modulus. 

If you’ve ever seen the DES cipher, this structure should look familiar to you. Basically OAEP is a two-round (unkeyed) Feistel network that uses a pair of hash functions to implement the round functions. There are a few key observations you can make right off the bat:

  • Just looking at the diagram above, you can see that it’s very easy to compute this padding function forward (going from a plaintext m and some random padding r to a padded message) and backwards — that is, it’s an easily-invertible permutation. The key to this feature is the Feistel network structure.
  • Upon decryption, a decryptor can invert the padding of a given message and verify that the “check string” (the string of k1 “0” bits) is correctly structured. If this string is not structured properly, the decryptor can simply output an error. This comprises the primary decryption check.
  • Assuming some (strong) properties of the hash functions, it intuitively seems that the OAEP transform is designed to create a kind of “avalanche effect” where even a small modification of a padded message will result in a very different unpadded result when the transform is inverted. In practice any such modification should “trash” the check string with overwhelming probability.

From an intuitive point of view, these last two properties are what makes OAEP secure against chosen-ciphertext attacks. The idea here is that, due to the random properties of the hash function, it should be hard for the attacker to construct a valid ciphertext (one that has a correct check string) if she does not already know the plaintext that goes into the transform. This should hold even if the attacker already has some known valid ciphertext (like C^*) that she wishes to maul.

More specifically related to mauling: if I send an RSA-OAEP ciphertext C^* that encrypts a specific message m, the attacker should not be able to easily maul that ciphertext into a different ciphertext C' that will still pass the decryption checks. This is due to two facts: (1) because RSA is a (trapdoor) permutation, any change to C^* will implicitly change the padded message your recover after inverting the RSA function. And (2) sending this altered padded message backwards through the OAEP transform should, with overwhelming probability, trash the check string (and the message m). The result is that the adversary can’t maul someone else’s ciphertext.

This all assumes some very strong assumptions about the hash functions, which we’ll discuss below.

The OAEP proof details (at the most ridiculously superficial level)

Proving OAEP secure requires two basic techniques. Both fundamentally rely on the notion that the functions G() and H() are random oraclesThis is important for two very different reasons.

First: assuming a function is a “random oracle” means that we’re assuming it to have the same behavior as a random function. This is an awesome property for a hash function to have! (Note: real hash functions don’t have it. This means that hypothetically they could have very ‘non-random’ behavior that would make RSA-OAEP insecure. In practice this has not yet been a practical concern for real OAEP implementations, but it’s worth keeping in mind.

It’s easy to see that if the hash functions G() and H() were random functions, it would give OAEP some very powerful properties. Remember, one of the main intuitive goals of the OAEP scheme is to prevent attackers from successfully getting you to decrypt an improperly-constructed (e.g., mauled) ciphertext. If both hash functions are truly random, then this implies that any invalid ciphertext will almost certainly fail decryption, because the padding check will fail.

At a much deeper level, the use of random oracles in RSA’s security proof gives the security reduction a great deal of “extra power” to handle things like decrypt chosen ciphertexts. This is due to the fact that, in a random oracle proof, the proof reduction is allowed to both “see” every value hashed through those hash functions, and also to “program” the functions so that they will produce specific outputs. This would not be possible if G() and H() were implemented using real hash functions, and so the entire security proof would break down.

These properties provide a tool in the security proof to enable decryption even when the secret key is unknown. In a traditional proof of the RSA-OAEP scheme, the idea is to show that an attacker who breaks the encryption (in the IND-CCA2 sense) can be used to construct a second attacker who solves the RSA problem. This is done by taking some random values (N, e, C) where N, e is an RSA public key of unknown factorization and “programming” the random oracles such that C^* = C. The intuitive idea is that an attacker who is able to learn something about the underlying message must query the functions G() and H() on correct inputs that, ultimately will allow the security reduction to obtain the RSA inverse of C^* even when the reduction does not know the RSA secret key, That is, such an attacker will allow us to find an integer M' such that M'^e = C.

(There turned out to be some issues in the original OAEP proof that make it not quite work for arbitrary trapdoor permutations. Shoup fixed these by providing a new padding padding scheme called OAEP+, but the original OAEP had since gone into heavy usage within standards! It turns out that RSA-OAEP does work, however, for RSA with public exponents 3 and other exponents, though proving this required some ugly band-aids. This whole story is part of a cautionary tail about provably security, which Koblitz discusses here.)

Technique 2: The Fujisaki-Okamoto Transform

One limitation of OAEP (and OAEP+) padding is that it requires a trapdoor permutation in order to work. This applies nicely to RSA encryption, but does not necessarily work with every existing public-key encryption scheme. This motivates the need for other CCA transforms that work with arbitrary existing (non-CCA) encryption schemes.

One of the nicest generic techniques for building CCA2-secure public-key encryption is due to Eiichiro Fujisaki and Tatsuaki Okamoto. The idea of this transform is to begin with a scheme that already meets the definition of IND-CPA security — that is, it is semantically secure, but not against chosen ciphertext attacks. (For this description, we’ll also require that this scheme has a large [exponentially-sized] message space and some specific properties related to randomness.) The beauty of the “Fujisaki-Okamoto transform” (henceforth: F-O) is that, like OAEP before it, given a working public-key encryption scheme, it requires only the addition of some hash functions, and can be proven secure in the random oracle model.

Let’s imagine that we have an IND-CPA encryption public-key encryption algorithm that consists of the algorithms {\sf KeyGen}, {\sf Encrypt}, {\sf Decrypt}. We’ll also make use of two independent hash functions H_1, H_2.

A key observation here is that in every IND-CPA (semantically secure) public key encryption scheme, the {\sf Encrypt} algorithm is randomized. This actually has to be the case, due to the definition of IND-CPA. (See here for a discussion of why that is.) Put more explicitly, what this means is that the encryption algorithm must have acccess to some set of random bits that will be used to produce the ciphertext.

The main trick that the F-O transform uses is to de-randomize this public-key encryption algorithm. Instead of using real random bits to encrypt, it will instead use the output of the hash function H_1 to produce the random bits that will be used for encryption. This turns a randomized encryption into a deterministic one. (This, of course, requires that both the input and the internals of H_1 are capable of producing bits that “look” random.)

Let’s get to the nuts and bolts. The F-O transform does not change the key generation algorithm of the original encryption scheme at all, except to specify the hash functions H_1, H_2. The main changes come in the new encryption and decryption algorithms. I’m going to present one variant of the transform, though there are others. This one works as follows.

To encrypt a message M, which we’ll express as some fixed-length string of bits:

  1. Instead of encrypting the actual message M, we instead sample a random message R from the message space of the original CPA-secure scheme.
  2. We hash the random message R together with the original message M using that first hash function H_1. The output of this function will give us a ‘random’ bitstring. Let’s denote this as: r \leftarrow H_1(R \| M).
  3. Next, we’ll encrypt the new random message R using the original (CPA-secure) encryption scheme’s {\sf Encrypt} algorithm, but critically: we will use the bits r as the randomness for that encryption. The result of this process will give the first part of the ciphertext: C_1 \leftarrow {\sf Encrypt}(pk, R; r). Note that here r just refers to the randomness for the encryption algorithm, not an actual message being encrypted.
  4. Finally, we derive a “key” for encrypting the real message we want to send. We can compute this as K \leftarrow H_2(R).
  5. We now encrypt the original message M we want to send using some secure encryption scheme, for example the simple one-time pad: C_2 \leftarrow M \oplus K.
  6. We output the “ciphertext” C = (C_1, C_2).

To decrypt C = (C_1, C_2), we would perform the following steps:

  1. First, use the original public-key encryption scheme’s secret key to decrypt the ciphertext C_1, which (if all is well) should give us R' \leftarrow {\sf Decrypt}(sk, C_1).
  2. Now use knowledge of R' to recover the key K' \leftarrow H_2(R') and thus the message M' which we can obtain as M' \leftarrow C_2 \oplus K'.
  3. Now check that both R', M' are valid by re-computing the randomness r' \leftarrow H_1(R' \| M') and verifying the condition C_1 = {\sf Encrypt}(pk, R'; r'). If this final check fails, simply output a decryption error.

Phew. So what the heck is going on here?

Let’s tackle this scheme from a practical perspective. Earlier in this post, we said that to achieve IND-CCA2 security, a scheme must have two features. First, it must be plaintext aware, which means that in order to construct a valid ciphertext (that passes all decryption checks) the attacker should already know the plaintext.

Does F-O have this property? Well, intuitively we would hope that the answer is “yes”. Note for some valid F-O ciphertext C = (C_1, C_2) the decrypted plaintext is implicitly defined as M' \leftarrow C_2 \oplus H_2(R'). So what we really want to prove is that in order to construct a valid ciphertext the attacker must already know R' and M' prior to sending the message for decryption.

This guarantee (with high probability) comes from the structure of C_1. In order for the ciphertext to be considered valid by the decryptor, it must be the case that C_1 satisfies the check C_1 = {\sf Encrypt}(pk, M'; r' = H_1(R' \| M')). The idea of this proof is that it should be hard for an attacker to construct such a C_1 unless she has previously called the hash function H_1 on input (R', M'). If she has called the hash function to produce this portion of the ciphertext, then she already knows those values and the decryption oracle provides her with no additional information she didn’t already have. (Alternatively, if she did not call the hash function, then her probability of making a valid C_1 should be extremely low.)

Of course, this is only one strategy available to the attacker. She could also maul an existing ciphertext like C^* = (C_1^*, C_2^*). In this case her strategy is twofold: she can tamper with the first portion of the ciphertext and/or she can tamper with the second. But it’s easy to see that this will tend to break some portion of the decryption checks:

  1. If she tampers with any bit of C_2^*, she will change the recovered message into a new value that we can call M''. However this will in turn (with overwhelming probability) cause the decryptor to recover very different random coins r'' \leftarrow H_1(R' \| M'') than were used in the original construction of C_1^*, and thus decryption check on that piece will probably fail.
  2. If she tampers with any bit of C_1^*, the decryption check $latex C_1^* = {\sf Encrypt}(pk, M’; r’) ought not to pass, and decryption will just produce an error.
  3. She might try to tamper with both parts of the ciphertext, of course. But this would seem even more challenging.

The problem with the exercise above is that none of this constitutes a proof that the approach works. There is an awful lot of should and probably in this argument, and none of this ought to make you very happy. A rough sketch of the proof for an F-O scheme can be found here. (I warn you that it’s probably got some bugs in it, and I’m offering it mainly as an intuition.)

The F-O scheme has many variants. A slightly different and much more formal treatment by Hofheinz and Kiltz can be found here, and deals with some other requirements on the underlying CPA-secure scheme.

To be continued…

So far in this discussion we’ve covered two basic techniques — both at a very superficial level — that achieve CCA2 security under the ridiculously strong assumption that random oracles exist. Unfortunately, they don’t. This motivates the need for better approaches that don’t require random oracles at all.

There are a couple of those that, sadly, nobody uses. Those will have to wait until the next post.



Was the Efail disclosure horribly screwed up?

Was the Efail disclosure horribly screwed up?

TL;DR. No. Or keep reading if you want.

On Monday a team of researchers from Münster, RUB and NXP disclosed serious cryptographic vulnerabilities in a number of encrypted email clients. The flaws, which go by the cute vulnerability name of “Efail”, potentially allow an attacker to decrypt S/MIME or PGP-encrypted email with only minimal user interaction.

By the standards of cryptographic vulnerabilities, this is about as bad as things get. In short: if an attacker can intercept and alter an encrypted email — say, by sending you a new (altered) copy, or modifying a copy stored on your mail server — they can cause many GUI-based email clients to send the full plaintext of the email to an attacker controlled-server. Even worse, most of the basic problems that cause this flaw have been known for years, and yet remain in clients.


The big (and largely under-reported) story of EFail is the way it affects S/MIME. That “corporate” email protocol is simultaneously (1) hated by the general crypto community because it’s awful and has a slash in its name, and yet (2) is probably the most widely-used email encryption protocol in the corporate world. The table at the right — excerpted from the paper — gives you a flavor of how Efail affects S/MIME clients. TL;DR it affects them very badly.

Efail also happens to affect a smaller, but non-trivial number of OpenPGP-compatible clients. As one might expect (if one has spent time around PGP-loving folks) the disclosure of these vulnerabilities has created something of a backlash on HN, and among people who make and love OpenPGP clients. Mostly for reasons that aren’t very defensible.

So rather than write about fun things — like the creation of CFB and CBC gadgets — today, I’m going to write about something much less exciting: the problem of vulnerability disclosure in ecosystems like PGP. And how bad reactions to disclosure can hurt us all.

How Efail was disclosed to the PGP community

Putting together a comprehensive timeline of the Efail disclosure process would probably be a boring, time-intensive project. Fortunately Thomas Ptacek loves boring and time-intensive projects, and has already done this for us.

Briefly, the first Efail disclosures to vendors began last October, more than 200 days prior to the agreed publication date. The authors notified a large number of vulnerable PGP GUI clients, and also notified the GnuPG project (on which many of these projects depend) by February at the latest. From what I can tell every major vendor agreed to make some kind of patch. GnuPG decided that it wasn’t their fault, and basically stopped corresponding.

All parties agreed not to publicly discuss the vulnerability until an agreed date in April, which was later pushed back to May 15. The researchers also notified the EFF and some journalists under embargo, but none of them leaked anything. On May 14 someone dumped the bug onto a mailing list. So the EFF posted a notice about the vulnerability (which we’ll discuss a bit more below), and the researchers put up a website. That’s pretty much the whole story.

There are three basic accusations going around about the Efail disclosure. They can be summarized as (1) maintaining embargoes in coordinated disclosures is really hard, (2) the EFF disclosure “unfairly” made this sound like a serious vulnerability “when it isn’t”, and (3) everything was already patched anyway so what’s the big deal.

Disclosures are hard; particularly coordinated ones

I’ve been involved in two disclosures of flaws in open encryption protocols. (Both were TLS issues.) Each one poses an impossible dilemma. You need to simultaneously (a) make sure every vendor has as much advance notice as possible, so they can patch their software. But at the same time (b) you need to avoid telling literally anyone, because nothing on the Internet stays secret. At some point you’ll notify some FOSS project that uses an open development mailing list or ticket server, and the whole problem will leak out into the open.

Disclosing bugs that affect PGP is particularly fraught. That’s because there’s no such thing as “PGP”. What we have instead is a large and distributed community that revolves around the OpenPGP protocol. The pillar of this community is the GnuPG project, which maintains the core GnuPG tool and libraries that many clients rely on. Then there are a variety of niche GUI-based clients and email plugin projects. Finally, there are commercial vendors like Apple and Microsoft. (Who are mostly involved in the S/MIME side of things, and may reluctantly allow PGP plugins.)

Then, of course there are thousands of end-users, who will generally fail to update their software unless something really bad and newsworthy happens.

The obvious solution to the disclosure problem to use a staged disclosure. You notify the big commercial vendors first, since that’s where most of the affected users are. Then you work your way down the “long tail” of open source projects, knowing that inevitably the embargo could break and everyone will have to patch in a hurry. And you keep in mind that no matter what happens, everyone will blame you for screwing up the disclosure.

For the PGP issues in Efail, the big client vendors are Mozilla (Thunderbird), Microsoft (Outlook) and maybe Apple (Mail). The very next obvious choice would be to patch the GnuPG tool so that it no longer spits out unauthenticated plaintext, which is the root of many of the problems in Efail.

The Efail team appears to have pursued exactly this approach for the client-side vulnerabilities. Sadly, the GnuPG team made the decision that it’s not their job to pre-emptively address problems that they view as ‘clients misusing the GnuPG API’ (my paraphrase), even when that misuse appears to be rampant across many of the clients that use their tool. And so the most obvious fix for one part of the problem was not available.

This is probably the most unfortunate part of the Efail story, because in this case GnuPG is very much at fault. Their API does something that directly violates cryptographic best practices — namely, releasing unauthenticated plaintext prior to producing an error message. And while this could be understood as a reasonable API design at design time, continuing to support this API even as clients routinely misuse it has now led to flaws across the ecosystem. The refusal of GnuPG to take a leadership role in preemptively safeguarding these vulnerabilities both increases the difficulty of disclosing these flaws, and increases the probability of future issues.

So what went wrong with the Efail disclosure?

Despite what you may have heard, given the complexity of this disclosure, very little went wrong. The main issues people have raised seem to have to do with the contents of an EFF post. And with some really bad communications from Robert J. Hansen at the Enigmail (and GnuPG) project.

The EFF post. The Efail researchers chose to use the Electronic Frontier Foundation as their main source for announcing the existence of the vulnerability to the privacy community. This hardly seems unreasonable, because the EFF is generally considered a trusted broker, and speaks to the right community (at least here in the US).

The EFF post doesn’t give many details, nor does it give a list of affected (or patched) clients. It does give two pretty mild recommendations:

  1. Temporarily disable or uninstall your existing clients until you’ve checked that they’re patched.
  2. Maybe consider using a more modern cryptosystem like Signal, at least until you know that your PGP client is safe again.

This naturally led to a huge freakout by many in the PGP community. Some folks, including vendors, have misrepresented the EFF post as essentially pushing people to “permanently” uninstall PGP, which will “put lives at risk” because presumably these users (whose lives are at risk, remember) will immediately fall back to sending incriminating information via plaintext emails — rather than temporarily switching their communications to one of several modern, well-studied secure messengers, or just not emailing for a few hours.

In case you think I’m exaggerating about this, here’s one reaction from ProtonMail:


The most reasonable criticism I’ve heard of the EFF post is that it doesn’t give many details about which clients are patched, and which are vulnerable. This could presumably give someone the impression that this vulnerability is still present in their email client, and thus would cause them to feel less than secure in using it.

I have to be honest that to me that sounds like a really good outcome. The problem with Efail is that it doesn’t matter if your client is secure. The Efail vulnerability could affect you if even a single one of your communication partners is using an insecure client.

So needless to say I’m not very sympathetic to the reaction around the EFF post. If you can’t be sure whether your client is secure, you probably should feel insecure.

Bad communications from GnuPG and Enigmail. On the date of the disclosure, anyone looking for accurate information about security from two major projects — GnuPG and Enigmail — would not have been able to find it.

They wouldn’t have found it because developers from both Enigmail and GnuPG were on mailing lists and Twitter claiming that they had never heard of Efail, and hadn’t been notified by the researchers. Needless to say, these allegations took off around the Internet, sometimes in place of real information that could have helped users (like, whether either project had patched.)

It goes without saying that neither allegation was actually true. In fact, both project members soon checked with their fellow developers (and their memories) and found out that they’d both been given months of notice by the researchers, and that Enigmail had even developed a patch. (However, it turned out that even this patch may not perfectly address the issue, and the community is still working to figure out exactly what still needs to be done.)

This is an understandable mistake, perhaps. But it sure is a bad one.

PGP is bad technology and it’s making a bad community

Now that I’ve made it clear that neither the researchers nor the EFF is out to get the PGP community, let me put on my mask and horns and tell you why someone should be.

I’ve written extensively about PGP on this blog, but in the past I’ve written mostly from a technical point of view about the problems with PGP. But what’s really problematic about PGP is not just the cryptography; it’s the story it tells about path dependence and how software communities work.

The fact of the matter is that OpenPGP is not really a cryptography project. That is, it’s not held together by cryptography.  It’s held together by backwards-compatibility and (increasingly) a kind of an obsession with the idea of PGP as an end in and of itself, rather than as a means to actually make end-users more secure.

Let’s face it, as a protocol, PGP/OpenPGP is just not what we’d develop if we started over today. It was formed over the years out of mostly experimental parts, which were in turn replaced, bandaged and repaired — and then worked into numerous implementations, which all had to be insanely flexible and yet compatible with one another. The result is bad, and most of the software implementing it is worse. It’s the equivalent of a beloved antique sports car, where the electrical system is totally shot, but it still drives. You know, the kind of car where the owner has to install a hand-switch so he can turn the reverse lights on manually whenever he wants to pull out of a parking space.

If PGP went away, I estimate it would take the security community less than a year to entirely replace (the key bits of) the standard with something much better and modern. It would have modern crypto and authentication, and maybe even extensions for future post-quantum future security. It would be simple. Many bright new people would get involved to help write the inevitable Rust, Go and Javascript clients and libraries.

Unfortunately for us all, (Open)PGP does exist. And that means that even fancy greenfield email projects feel like they need to support OpenPGP, or at least some subset of it. This in turn perpetuates the PGP myth, and causes other clients to use it. And as a direct result, even if some clients re-implement OpenPGP from scratch, other clients will end up using tools like GnuPG which will support unauthenticated encryption with bad APIs. And the cycle will go round and around, like a spaceship stuck near the event horizon of a black hole.

And as the standard perpetuates itself, largely for the sake of being a standard, it will fail to attract new security people. It will turn away exactly the type of people who should be working on these tools. Those people will go off and build encryption systems in a totally different area, or they’ll get into cryptocurrency. And — with some exceptions — the people who work in the community will increasingly work in that community because they’re supporting PGP, and not because they’re trying to seek out the best security technologies for their users. And the serious (email) users of PGP will be using it because they like the idea of using PGP better than they like using an actual, secure email standard.

And as things get worse, and fail to develop, people who work on it will become more dogmatic about its importance, because it’s something threatened and not a real security protocol that anyone’s using. To me that’s where PGP is going today, and that is why the community has such a hard time motivating itself to take these vulnerabilities seriously, and instead reacts defensively.

Maybe that’s a random, depressing way to end a post. But that’s the story I see in OpenPGP. And it makes me really sad.

A few thoughts on Ray Ozzie’s “Clear” Proposal

Yesterday I happened upon a Wired piece by Steven Levy that covers Ray Ozzie’s proposal for “CLEAR”. I’m quoted at the end of the piece (saying nothing iphone-x-silver-select-2017_AV3much), so I knew the piece was coming. But since many of the things I said to Levy were fairly skeptical — and most didn’t make it into the piece — I figured it might be worthwhile to say a few of them here.

Ozzie’s proposal is effectively a key escrow system for encrypted phones. It’s receiving attention now due to the fact that Ozzie has a stellar reputation in the industry, and due to the fact that it’s been lauded by law enforcement (and some famous people like Bill Gates). Ozzie’s idea is the just the latest bit of news in this second edition of the “Crypto Wars”, in which the FBI and various law enforcement agencies have been arguing for access to end-to-end encryption technologies — like phone storage and messaging — in the face of pretty strenuous opposition by (most of) the tech community.

In this post I’m going to sketch a few thoughts about Ozzie’s proposal, and about the debate in general. Since this is a cryptography blog, I’m mainly going to stick to the technical, and avoid the policy details (which are substantial). Also, since the full details of Ozzie’s proposal aren’t yet public — some are explained in the Levy piece and some in this patent — please forgive me if I get a few details wrong. I’ll gladly correct.

[Note: I’ve updated this post in several places in response to some feedback from Ray Ozzie. For the updated parts, look for the *. Also, Ozzie has posted some slides about his proposal.]

How to Encrypt a Phone

The Ozzie proposal doesn’t try tackle every form of encrypted data. Instead it focuses like a laser on the simple issue of encrypted phone storage. This is something that law enforcement has been extremely concerned about. It also represents the (relatively) low-hanging fruit of the crypto debate, for essentially two reasons: (1) there are only a few phone hardware manufacturers, and (2) access to an encrypted phone generally only takes place after law enforcement has gained physical access to it.

I’ve written about the details of encrypted phone storage in a couple of previous posts. A quick recap: most phone operating systems encrypt a large fraction of the data stored on your device. They do this using an encryption key that is (typically) derived from the user’s passcode. Many recent phones also strengthen this key by “tangling” it with secrets that are stored within the phone itself — typically with the assistance of a secure processor included in the phone. This further strengthens the device against simple password guessing attacks.

The upshot is that the FBI and local law enforcement have not — until very recently (more on that further below) — been able to obtain access to many of the phones they’ve obtained during investigation. This is due the fact that, by making the encryption key a function of the user’s passcode, manufacturers like Apple have effectively rendered themselves unable to assist law enforcement.

The Ozzie Escrow Proposal

Ozzie’s proposal is called “Clear”, and it’s fairly straightforward. Effectively, it calls for manufacturers (e.g., Apple) to deliberately put themselves back in the loop. To do this, Ozzie proposes a simple form of key escrow (or “passcode escrow”). I’m going to use Apple as our example in this discussion, but obviously the proposal will apply to other manufacturers as well.

Ozzie’s proposal works like this:

  1. Prior to manufacturing a phone, Apple will generate a public and secret “keypair” for some public key encryption scheme. They’ll install the public key into the phone, and keep the secret key in a “vault” where hopefully it will never be needed.
  2. When a user sets a new passcode onto their phone, the phone will encrypt a passcode under the Apple-provided public key. This won’t necessarily be the user’s passcode, but it will be an equivalent passcode that can unlock the phone.* It will store the encrypted result in the phone’s storage.
  3. In the unlikely event that the FBI (or police) obtain the phone and need to access its files, they’ll place the phone into some form of law enforcement recovery mode. Ozzie describes doing this with some special gesture, or “twist”. Alternatively, Ozzie says that Apple itself could do something more complicated, such as performing an interactive challenge/response with the phone in order to verify that it’s in the FBI’s possession.
  4. The phone will now hand the encrypted passcode to law enforcement. (In his patent, Ozzie suggests it might be displayed as a barcode on a screen.)
  5. The law enforcement agency will send this data to Apple, who will do a bunch of checks (to make sure this is a real phone and isn’t in the hands of criminals). Apple will access their secret key vault, and decrypt the passcode. They can then send this back to the FBI.
  6. Once the FBI enters this code, the phone will be “bricked”. Let me be more specific: Ozzie proposes that once activated, a secure chip inside the phone will now permanently “blow” several JTAG fuses monitored by the OS, placing the phone into a locked mode. By reading the value of those fuses as having been blown, the OS will never again overwrite its own storage, will never again talk to any network, and will become effectively unable to operate as a normal phone again.

When put into its essential form, this all seems pretty simple. That’s because it is. In fact, with the exception of the fancy “phone bricking” stuff in step (6), Ozzie’s proposal is a straightforward example of key escrow — a proposal that people have been making in various guises for many years. The devil is always in the details.

A vault of secrets

If we picture how the Ozzie proposal will change things for phone manufacturers, the most obvious new element is the key vault. This is not a metaphor. It literally refers to a giant, ultra-secure vault that will have to be maintained individually by different phone manufacturers. The security of this vault is no laughing matter, because it will ultimately store the master encryption key(s) for every single device that manufacturer ever makes. For Apple alone, that’s about a billion active devices.

Does this vault sound like it might become a target for organized criminals and well-funded foreign intelligence agencies? If it sounds that way to you, then you’ve hit on one of the most challenging problems with deploying key escrow systems at this scale. Centralized key repositories — that can decrypt every phone in the world — are basically a magnet for the sort of attackers you absolutely don’t want to be forced to defend yourself against.

So let’s be clear. Ozzie’s proposal relies fundamentally on the ability of manufacturers to secure extremely valuable key material for a massive number of devices against the strongest and most resourceful attackers on the planet. And not just rich companies like Apple. We’re also talking about the companies that make inexpensive phones and have a thinner profit margin. We’re also talking about many foreign-owned companies like ZTE and Samsung. This is key material that will be subject to near-constant access by the manufacturer’s employees, who will have to access these keys regularly in order to satisfy what may be thousands of law enforcement access requests every month.

If ever a single attacker gains access to that vault and is able to extract, a few “master” secret keys (Ozzie says that these master keys will be relatively small in size*) then the attackers will gain unencrypted access to every device in the world. Even better: if the attackers can do this surreptitiously, you’ll never know they did it.

Now in fairness, this element of Ozzie’s proposal isn’t really new. In fact, this key storage issue an inherent aspect of all massive-scale key escrow proposals. In the general case, the people who argue in favor of such proposals typically make two arguments:

  1. We already store lots of secret keys — for example, software signing keys — and things works out fine. So this isn’t really a new thing.
  2. Hardware Security Modules.

Let’s take these one at a time.

It is certainly true that software manufacturers do store secret keys, with varying degrees of success. For example, many software manufacturers (including Apple) store secret keys that they use to sign software updates. These keys are generally locked up in various ways, and are accessed periodically in order to sign new software. In theory they can be stored in hardened vaults, with biometric access controls (as the vaults Ozzie describes would have to be.)

But this is pretty much where the similarity ends. You don’t have to be a technical genius to recognize that there’s a world of difference between a key that gets accessed once every month — and can be revoked if it’s discovered in the wild —  and a key that may be accessed dozens of times per day and will be effectively undetectable if it’s captured by a sophisticated adversary.

Moreover, signing keys leak all the time. The phenomenon is so common that journalists have given it a name: it’s called “Stuxnet-style code signing”. The name derives from the fact that the Stuxnet malware — the nation-state malware used to sabotage Iran’s nuclear program — was authenticated with valid code signing keys, many of which were (presumably) stolen from various software vendors. This practice hasn’t remained with nation states, unfortunately, and has now become common in retail malware.

The folks who argue in favor of key escrow proposals generally propose that these keys can be stored securely in special devices called Hardware Security Modules (HSMs). Many HSMs are quite solid. They are not magic, however, and they are certainly not up to the threat model that a massive-scale key escrow system would expose them to. Rather than being invulnerable, they continue to cough up vulnerabilities like this one. A single such vulnerability could be game-over for any key escrow system that used it.

In some follow up emails, Ozzie suggests that keys could be “rotated” periodically, ensuring that even after a key compromise the system could renew security eventually. He also emphasizes the security mechanisms (such as biometric access controls) that would be present in such a vault. I think that these are certainly valuable and necessary protections, but I’m not convinced that they would be sufficient.

Assume a secure processor

Let’s suppose for a second that an attacker does get access to the Apple (or Samsung, or ZTE) key vault. In the section above I addressed the likelihood of such an attack. Now let’s talk about the impact.

Ozzie’s proposal has one significant countermeasure against an attacker who wants to use these stolen keys to illegally spy on (access) your phone. Specifically, should an attacker attempt to illegally access your phone, the phone will be effectively destroyed. This doesn’t protect you from having your files read — that horse has fled the stable — but it should alert you to the fact that something fishy is going on. This is better than nothing.

This measure is pretty important, not only because it protects you against evil maid attacks. As far as I can tell, this protection is pretty much the only measure by which theft of the master decryption keys might ever be detected. So it had better work well.

The details on how this might work aren’t very clear in Ozzie’s patent, but the Wired article describes it as follows. This quote to repeat Ozzie’s presentation at Columbia University:


What Ozzie appears to describe here is a secure processor contained within every phone. This processor would be capable if securely and irreversibly enforcing that once law enforcement has accessed a phone, that phone could no longer be placed into an operational state.

My concern with this part of Ozzie’s proposal is fairly simple: this processor does not currently exist. To explain why this, let me tell a story.

Back in 2013, Apple began installing a secure processor in each of their phones. While this secure processor (called the Secure Enclave Processor, or SEP) is not exactly the same as the one Ozzie proposes, the overall security architecture seems very similar.

One main goal of Apple’s SEP was to limit the number of passcode guessing attempts that a user could make against a locked iPhone. In short, it was designed to keep track of each (failed) login attempt and keep a counter. If the number of attempts got too high, the SEP would make the user wait a while — in the best case — or actively destroy the phone’s keys. This last protection is effectively identical to Ozzie’s proposal. (With some modest differences: Ozzie proposes to “blow fuses” in the phone, rather than erasing a key; and he suggests that this event would triggered by entry of a recovery passcode.*)

For several years, the SEP appeared to do its job fairly effectively. Then in 2017, everything went wrong. Two firms, Cellebrite and Grayshift, announced that they had products that effectively unlocked every single Apple phone, without any need to dismantle the phone. Digging into the details of this exploit, it seems very clear that both firms — working independently — have found software exploits that somehow disable the protections that are supposed to be offered by the SEP.

The cost of this exploit (to police and other law enforcement)? About $3,000-$5,000 per phone. Or (if you like to buy rather than rent) about $15,000. Aso, just to add an element of comedy to the situation, the GrayKey source code appears to have recently been stolen. The attackers are extorting the company for two Bitcoin. Because 2018. (🤡👞)

Let me sum this up my point in case I’m not beating you about the head quite enough:

The richest and most sophisticated phone manufacturer in the entire world tried to build a processor that achieved goals similar to those Ozzie requires. And as of April 2018, after five years of trying, they have been unable to achieve this goala goal that is critical to the security of the Ozzie proposal as I understand it.

Now obviously the lack of a secure processor today doesn’t mean such a processor will never exist. However, let me propose a general rule: if your proposal fundamentally relies on a secure lock that nobody can ever break, then it’s on you to show me how to build that lock.


While this mainly concludes my notes about on Ozzie’s proposal, I want to conclude this post with a side note, a response to something I routinely hear from folks in the law enforcement community. This is the criticism that cryptographers are a bunch of naysayers who aren’t trying to solve “one of the most fundamental problems of our time”, and are instead just rejecting the problem with lazy claims that it “can’t work”.

As a researcher, my response to this is: phooey.

Cryptographers — myself most definitely included — love to solve crazy problems. We do this all the time. You want us to deploy a new cryptocurrency? No problem! Want us to build a system that conducts a sugar-beet auction using advanced multiparty computation techniques? Awesome. We’re there. No problem at all.

But there’s crazy and there’s crazy.

The reason so few of us are willing to bet on massive-scale key escrow systems is that we’ve thought about it and we don’t think it will work. We’ve looked at the threat model, the usage model, and the quality of hardware and software that exists today. Our informed opinion is that there’s no detection system for key theft, there’s no renewability system, HSMs are terrifically vulnerable (and the companies largely staffed with ex-intelligence employees), and insiders can be suborned. We’re not going to put the data of a few billion people on the line an environment where we believe with high probability that the system will fail.

Maybe that’s unreasonable. If so, I can live with that.

Wonk post: chosen ciphertext security in public-key encryption (Part 1)

In general I try to limit this blog to posts that focus on generally-applicable techniques in cryptography. That is, I don’t focus on the deeply wonky. But this post is going to be an exception. Today, I’m going to talk about a topic that most “typical” implementers don’t — and shouldn’t — think about.

Specifically: I’m going to talk about various techniques for making public key encryption schemes chosen ciphertext secure. I see this as the kind of post that would have saved me ages of reading when I was a grad student, so I figured it wouldn’t hurt to write it all down (even though this absolutely shouldn’t serve as a replacement for just reading the original papers!)

Background: CCA(1/2) security

Early (classical) ciphers used a relatively weak model of security, if they used one at all. That is, the typical security model for an encryption scheme was something like the following:

  1. I generate an encryption key (or keypair for public-key encryption)
  2. I give you the encryption of some message of my choice
  3. You “win” if you can decrypt it

This is obviously not a great model in the real world, for several reasons. First off, in some cases the attacker knows a lot about the message to be decrypted. For example: it may come from a small space (like a set of playing cards). For this reason we require a stronger definition like “semantic security” that assumes the attacker can choose the plaintext distribution, and can also obtain the encryption of messages of his/her own choice. I’ve written more about this here.

More relevant to this post, another limitation of the above game is that — in some real-world examples — the attacker has even more power. That is: in addition to obtaining the encryption of chosen plaintexts, they may be able to convince the secret keyholder to decrypt chosen ciphertexts of their choice.

The latter attack is called a chosen-ciphertext (CCA) attack.

At first blush this seems like a really stupid model. If you can ask the keyholder to decrypt chosen ciphertexts, then isn’t the scheme just obviously broken? Can’t you just decrypt anything you want?

The answer, it turns out, is that there are many real-life examples where the attacker has decryption capability, but the scheme isn’t obviously broken. For example:

  1. Sometimes an attacker can decrypt a limited set of ciphertexts (for example, because someone leaves the decryption machine unattended at lunchtime.) The question then is whether they can learn enough from this access to decrypt other ciphertexts that are generated after she loses access to the decryption machine — for example, messages that are encrypted after the operator comes back from lunch.
  2. Sometimes an attacker can submit any ciphertext she wants — but will only obtain a partial decryption of the ciphertext. For example, she might learn only a single bit of information such as “did this ciphertext decrypt correctly”. The question, then, is whether she can leverage this tiny amount of data to fully decrypt some ciphertext of her choosing.

The first example is generally called a “non-adaptive” chosen ciphertext attack, or a CCA1 attack (and sometimes, historically, a “lunchtime” attack). There are a few encryption schemes that totally fall apart under this attack — the most famous textbook example is Rabin’s public key encryption scheme, which allows you to recover the full secret key from just a single chosen-ciphertext decryption.

The more powerful second example is generally referred to as an “adaptive” chosen ciphertext attack, or a CCA2 attack. The term refers to the idea that the attacker can select the ciphertexts they try to decrypt based on seeing a specific ciphertext that they want to attack, and by seeing the answers to specific decryption queries.

In this article we’re going to use the more powerful “adaptive” (CCA2) definition, because that subsumes the CCA1 definition. We’re also going to focus primarily on public-key encryption.

With this in mind, here is the intuitive definition of the experiment we want a CCA2 public-key encryption scheme to be able to survive:

  1. I generate an encryption keypair for a public-key scheme and give you the public key.
  2. You can send me (sequentially and adaptively) many ciphertexts, which I will decrypt with my secret key. I’ll give you the result of each decryption.
  3. Eventually you’ll send me a pair of messages (of equal length) M_0, M_1 and I’ll pick a bit b at random, and return to you the encryption of M_b, which I will denote as C^* \leftarrow {\sf Encrypt}(pk, M_b).
  4. You’ll repeat step (2), sending me ciphertexts to decrypt. If you send me C^* I’ll reject your attempt. But I’ll decrypt any other ciphertext you send me, even if it’s only slightly different from C^*.
  5. The attacker outputs their guess b'. They “win” the game if b'=b.

We say that our scheme is secure if the attacker wins only with a significantly greater probability than they would win with if they simply guessed b' at random. Since they can win this game with probability 1/2 just by guessing randomly, that means we want (Probability attacker wins the game) – 1/2 to be “very small” (typically a negligible function of the security parameter).

You should notice two things about this definition. First, it gives the attacker the full decryption of any ciphertext they send me. This is obviously much more powerful than just giving the attacker a single bit of information, as we mentioned in the example further above. But note that powerful is good. If our scheme can remain secure in this powerful experiment, then clearly it will be secure in a setting where the attacker gets strictly less information from each decryption query.

The second thing you should notice is that we impose a single extra condition in step (4), namely that the attacker cannot ask us to decrypt C^*. We do this only to prevent the game from being “trivial” — if we did not impose this requirement, the attacker could always just hand us back C^* to decrypt, and they would always learn the value of b.

(Notice as well that we do not give the attacker the ability to request encryptions of chosen plaintexts. We don’t need to do that in the public key encryption version of this game, because we’re focusing exclusively on public-key encryption here — since the attacker has the public key, she can encrypt anything she wants without my help.)

With definitions out of the way, let’s talk a bit about how we achieve CCA2 security in real schemes.

A quick detour: symmetric encryption

This post is mainly going to focus on public-key encryption, because that’s actually the problem that’s challenging and interesting to solve. It turns out that achieving CCA2 for symmetric-key encryption is really easy. Let me briefly explain why this is, and why the same ideas don’t work for public-key encryption.

(To explain this, we’ll need to slightly tweak the CCA2 definition above to make it work in the symmetric setting. The changes here are small: we won’t give the attacker a public key in step (1), and at steps (2) and (4) we will allow the attacker to request the encryption of chosen plaintexts as well as the decryption.)

The first observation is that many common encryption schemes — particularly, the widely-used cipher modes of operation like CBC and CTR — are semantically secure in a model where the attacker does not have the ability to decrypt chosen ciphertexts. However, these same schemes break completely in the CCA2 model.

The simple reason for this is ciphertext malleability. Take CTR mode, which is particularly easy to mess with. Let’s say we’ve obtained a ciphertext C^* at step (4) (recall that C^* is the encryption of M_b), it’s trivially easy to “maul” the ciphertext — simply by flipping, say, a bit of the message (i.e., XORing it with “1”). This gives us a new ciphertext C' = C^* \oplus 1 that we are now allowed to submit for decryption. We are now allowed (by the rules of the game) to submit this ciphertext, and obtain M_b \oplus 1, which we can use to figure out b.

(A related, but “real world” variant of this attack is Vaudenay’s Padding Oracle Attack, which breaks actual implementations of symmetric-key cryptosystems. Here’s one we did against Apple iMessage. Here’s an older one on XML encryption.)

So how do we fix this problem? The straightforward observation is that we need to prevent the attacker from mauling the ciphertext C^*. The generic approach to doing this is to modify the encryption scheme so that it includes a Message Authentication Code (MAC) tag computed over every CTR-mode ciphertext. The key for this MAC scheme is generated by the encrypting party (me) and kept with the encryption key. When asked to decrypt a ciphertext, the decryptor first checks whether the MAC is valid. If it’s not, the decryption routine will output “ERROR”. Assuming an appropriate MAC scheme, the attacker can’t modify the ciphertext (including the MAC) without causing the decryption to fail and produce a useless result.

So in short: in the symmetric encryption setting, the answer to CCA2 security is simply for the encrypting parties to authenticate each ciphertext using a secret authentication (MAC) key they generate. Since we’re talking about symmetric encryption, that extra (secret) authentication key can be generated and stored with the decryption key. (Some more efficient schemes make this all work with a single key, but that’s just an engineering convenience.) Everything works out fine.

So now we get to the big question.

CCA security is easy in symmetric encryption. Why can’t we just do the same thing for public-key encryption?

As we saw above, it turns out that strong authenticated encryption is sufficient to get CCA(2) security in the world of symmetric encryption. Sadly, when you try this same idea generically in public key encryption, it doesn’t always work. There’s a short reason for this, and a long one. The short version is: it matters who is doing the encryption.

Let’s focus on the critical difference. In the symmetric CCA2 game above, there is exactly one person who is able to (legitimately) encrypt ciphertexts. That person is me. To put it more clearly: the person who performs the legitimate encryption operations (and has the secret key) is also the same person who is performing decryption.

Even if the encryptor and decryptor aren’t literally the same person, the encryptor still has to be honest. (To see why this has to be the case, remember that the encryptor has shared secret key! If that party was a bad guy, then the whole scheme would be broken, since they could just output the secret key to the bad guys.) And once you’ve made the stipulation that the encryptor is honest, then you’re almost all the way there. It suffices simply to add some kind of authentication (a MAC or a signature) to any ciphertext she encrypts. At that point the decryptor only needs to determine whether any given ciphertexts actually came from the (honest) encryptor, and avoid decrypting the bad ones. You’re done.

Public key encryption (PKE) fundamentally breaks all these assumptions.

In a public-key encryption scheme, the main idea is that anyone can encrypt a message to you, once they get a copy of your public key. The encryption algorithm may sometimes be run by good, honest people. But it can also be run by malicious people. It can be run by parties who are adversarial. The decryptor has to be able to deal with all of those cases. One can’t simply assume that the “real” encryptor is honest.

Let me give a concrete example of how this can hurt you. A couple of years ago I wrote a post about flaws in Apple iMessage, which (at the time) used simple authenticated (public key) encryption scheme. The basic iMessage encryption algorithm used public key encryption (actually a combination of RSA with some AES thrown in for efficiency) so that anyone could encrypt a message to my key. For authenticity, it required that every message be signed with an ECDSA signature by the sender.


When I received a message, I would look up the sender’s public key and first make sure the signature was valid. This would prevent bad guys from tampering with the message in flight — e.g., executing nasty stuff like adaptive chosen ciphertext attacks. If you squint a little, this is almost exactly a direct translation of the symmetric crypto approach we discussed above. We’re simply swapping the MAC for a digital signature.

The problems with this scheme start to become apparent when we consider that there might be multiple people sending me ciphertexts. Let’s say the adversary is on the communication path and intercepts a signed message from you to me. They want to change (i.e., maul) the message so that they can execute some kind of clever attack. Well, it turns out this is simple. They simply rip off the honest signature and replace it one they make themselves:



The new message is identical, but now appears to come from a different person (the attacker). Since the attacker has their own signing key, they can maul the encrypted message as much as they want, and sign new versions of that message. If you plug this attack into (a version) of the public-key CCA2 game up top, you see they’ll win quite easily. All they have to do is modify the challenge ciphertext C^* at step (4) to be signed with their own signing key, then they can change it by munging with the CTR mode encryption, and request the decryption of that ciphertext.

Of course if I only accept messages from signed by some original (guaranteed-to-be-honest) sender, this scheme might work out fine. But that’s not the point of public key encryption. In a real public-key scheme — like the one Apple iMessage was trying to build — I should be able to (safely) decrypt messages from anyone, and in that setting this naive scheme breaks down pretty badly.


Ok, this post has gotten a bit long, and so far I haven’t actually gotten to the various “tricks” for adding chosen ciphertext security to real public key encryption schemes. That will have to wait until the next post, to come shortly.

Click here for Part 2.

Hash-based Signatures: An illustrated Primer

Over the past several years I’ve been privileged to observe two contradictory and fascinating trends. The first is that we’re finally starting to use the cryptographyWinternitz that researchers have spent the past forty years designing. We see this every day in examples ranging from encrypted messaging to phone security to cryptocurrencies.

The second trend is that cryptographers are getting ready for all these good times to end.

But before I get to all of that — much further below — let me stress that this is not a post about the quantum computing apocalypse, nor is it about the success of cryptography in the 21st century. Instead I’m going to talk about something much more wonky. This post will be about one of the simplest (and coolest!) cryptographic technologies ever developed: hash-based signatures.

Hash-based signature schemes were first invented in the late 1970s by Leslie Lamport, and significantly improved by Ralph Merkle and others. For many years they were largely viewed as an interesting cryptographic backwater, mostly because they produce relatively large signatures (among other complications). However in recent years these constructions have enjoyed something of a renaissance, largely because — unlike signatures based on RSA or the discrete logarithm assumption — they’re largely viewed as resistant to serious quantum attacks like Shor’s algorithm.

First some background.

Background: Hash functions and signature schemes

In order to understand hash-based signatures, it’s important that you have some familiarity with cryptographic hash functions. These functions take some input string (typically or an arbitrary length) and produce a fixed-size “digest” as output. Common cryptographic hash functions like SHA2, SHA3 or Blake2 produce digests ranging from 256 bits to 512 bits.

In order for a function H(\cdot) to be considered a ‘cryptographic’ hash, it must achieve some specific security requirements. There are a number of these, but here we’ll just focus on three common ones:

1. Pre-image resistance (sometimes known as “one-wayness”): given some output Y = H(X), it should be time-consuming to find an input X such that H(X) = Y. (There are many caveats to this, of course, but ideally the best such attack should require a time comparable to a brute-force search of whatever distribution X is drawn from.)

2. Second-preimage resistance: This is subtly different than pre-image resistance. Given some input X, it should be hard for an attacker to find a different input X' such that H(X) = H(X').

3. Collision resistance: It should be hard to find any two values X_1, X_2 such that H(X_1) = H(X_2). Note that this is a much stronger assumption than second-preimage resistance, since the attacker has complete freedom to find any two messages of its choice.

The example hash functions I mentioned above are believed to provide all of these properties. That is, nobody has articulated a meaningful (or even conceptual) attack that breaks any of them. That could always change, of course, in which case we’d almost certainly stop using them. (We’ll discuss the special case of quantum attacks a bit further below.)

Since our goal is to use hash functions to construct signature schemes, it’s also helpful to briefly review that primitive.

A digital signature scheme is a public key primitive in which a user (or “signer”) generates a pair of keys, called the public key and private key. The user retains the private key, and can use this to “sign” arbitrary messages — producing a resulting digital signature. Anyone who has possession of the public key can verify the correctness of a message and its associated signature.

From a security perspective, the main property we want from a signature scheme is unforgeability, or “existential unforgeability“. This requirement means that an attacker (someone who does not possess the private key) should not be able to forge a valid signature on a message that you did not sign. For more on the formal definitions of signature security, see this page.

The Lamport One-Time Signature

The first hash-based signature schemes was invented in 1979 by a mathematician named Leslie Lamport. Lamport observed that given only simple hash function — or really, a one-way function — it was possible to build an extremely powerful signature scheme.

Powerful that is, provided that you only need to sign one message! More on this below.

For the purposes of this discussion, let’s suppose we have the following ingredient: a hash function that takes in, say, 256-bit inputs and produces 256-bit outputs. SHA256 would be a perfect example of such a function. We’ll also need some way to generate random bits.

Let’s imagine that our goal is to sign 256 bit messages. To generate our secret key, the first thing we need to do is generate a series of  512 separate random bitstrings, each of 256 bits in length. For convenience, we’ll arrange those strings into two separate lists and refer to each one by an index as follows:

{\bf sk_0} = sk^{0}_1, sk^{0}_2, \dots,  sk^{0}_{256}
{\bf sk_1} = sk^{1}_1, sk^{1}_2, \dots,  sk^{1}_{256}

The lists ({\bf sk_0}, {\bf sk_1}) represent the secret key that we’ll use for signing. To generate the public key, we now simply hash every one of those random strings using our function H(\cdot). This produces a second pair of lists:

{\bf pk_0} = H(sk^{0}_1), H(sk^{0}_2), \dots, H(sk^{0}_{256})
{\bf pk_1} = H(sk^{1}_1), H(sk^{1}_2), \dots, H(sk^{1}_{256})

We can now hand out our public key ({\bf pk_0}, {\bf pk_1}) to the entire world. For example, we can send it to our friends, embed it into a certificate, or post it on Keybase.

Now let’s say we want to sign a 256-bit message M using our secret key. The very first thing we do is break up and represent M as a sequence of 256 individual bits:

M_1, \dots, M_{256} \in \{0,1\}

The rest of the signing algorithm is blindingly simple. We simply work through the message from the first bit to the last bit, and select a string from one of the two secret key list. The list we choose from depends on value of the message bit we’re trying to sign.

Concretely, for i=1 to 256: if the i^{th} message bit M_i =0, we grab the i^{th} secret key string (sk^{0}_i) from the {\bf sk_0} list, and output that string as part of our signature. If the message bit M_i = 1 we copy the appropriate string (sk^{1}_i) from the {\bf sk_1} list. Having done this for each of the message bits, we concatenate all of the strings we selected. This forms our signature.

Here’s a toy illustration of the process, where (for simplicity) the secret key and message are only eight bits long. Notice that each colored box below represents a different 256-bit random string:


When a user — who already has the public key ({\bf pk_0}, {\bf pk_1}) — receives a message M and a signature, she can verify the signature easily. Let s_i represent the i^{th} component of the signature: for each such string. She simply checks the corresponding message bit M_i and computes hash H(s_i). If M_i = 0 the result should match the corresponding element from {\bf pk_0}. If M_i = 1 the result should match the element in {\bf pk_1}.

The signature is valid if every single element of the signature, when hashed, matches the correct portion of the public key. Here’s an (admittedly) sketchy illustration of the verification process, for at least one signature component:


If your initial impression of Lamport’s scheme is that it’s kind of insane, you’re both a bit right and a bit wrong.

Let’s start with the negative. First, it’s easy to see that Lamport signatures and keys are be quite large: on the order of thousands of bits. Moreover — and much more critically — there is a serious security limitation on this scheme: each key can only be used to sign one message. This makes Lamport’s scheme an example of what’s called a “one time signature”.

To understand why this restriction exists, recall that every Lamport signature reveals exactly one of the two possible secret key values at each position. If I only sign one message, the signature scheme works well. However, if I ever sign two messages that differ at any bit position i, then I’m going to end up handing out both secret key values for that position. This can be a problem.

Imagine that an attacker sees two valid signatures on different messages. She may be able to perform a simple “mix and match” forgery attack that allows her to sign a third message that I never actually signed. Here’s how that might look in our toy example:


The degree to which this hurts you really depends on how different the messages are  and how many of them you’ve given the attacker to play with. But it’s rarely good news.

So to sum up our observations about the Lamport signature scheme. It’s simple. It’s fast. And yet for various practical reasons it kind of sucks. Maybe we can do a little better.

From one-time to many-time signatures: Merkle’s tree-based signature

While the Lamport scheme is a good start, our inability to sign many messages with a single key is a huge drawback. Nobody was more inspired by this than Martin Hellman’s student Ralph Merkle. He quickly came up with a clever way to address this problem.

While we can’t exactly retrace Merkle’s steps, let’s see if we can recover some of the obvious ideas.

Let’s say our goal is to use Lamport’s signature to sign many messages — say N of them. The most obvious approach is to simply generate N different keypairs for the original Lamport scheme, then concatenate all the public keys together into one mega-key.

(Mega-key is a technical term I just invented).

If the signer holds on to all N secret key components, she can now sign N different messages by using exactly one secret Lamport key per message. This seems to solve the problem without ever requiring her to re-use a secret key. The verifier has all the public keys, and can verify all the received messages. No Lamport keys are ever used to sign twice.

Obviously this approach sucks big time.

Specifically, in this naive approach, signing N times requires the signer to distribute a public key that is N times as large as a normal Lamport public key. (She’ll also need to hang on to a similar pile of secret keys.) At some point people will get fed up with this, and probably N won’t every get to be very large. Enter Merkle.

What Merkle proposed was a way to retain the ability to sign N different messages, but without the linear-cost blowup of public keys. Merkle’s idea worked like this:

  1. First, generate N separate Lamport keypairs. We can call those (PK_1, SK_1), \dots, (PK_N, SK_N).
  2. Next, place each public key at one leaf of a Merkle hash tree (see below), and compute the root of the tree. This root will become the “master” public key of the new Merkle signature scheme.
  3. The signer retains all of the Lamport public and secret keys for use in signing.

Merkle trees are described here. Roughly speaking, what they provide is a way to collect many different values such that they can be represented by a single “root” hash (of length 256 bits, using the hash function in our example). Given this hash, it’s possible to produce a simple “proof” that an element is in a given hash tree. Moreover, this proof has size that is logarithmic in the number of leaves in the tree.

Merkle tree, illustration from Wikipedia. Lamport public keys go in the leaves of this tree, and the root becomes the master public key.

To sign the i^{th} message, the signer simply selects the i^{th} public key from the tree, and signs the message using the corresponding Lamport secret key. Next, she concatenates the resulting signature to the Lamport public key and tacks on a “Merkle proof” that shows that this specific Lamport public key is contained within the tree identified by the root (i.e., the public key of the entire scheme). She then transmits this whole collection as the signature of the message.

(To verify a signature of this form, the verifier simply unpacks this “signature” as a Lamport signature, Lamport public key, and Merkle Proof. She verifies the Lamport signature against the given Lamport public key, and uses the Merkle Proof to verify that the Lamport public key is really in the tree. With these three objectives achieved, she can trust the signature as valid.)

This approach has the disadvantage of increasing the “signature” size by more than a factor of two. However, the master public key for the scheme is now just a single hash value, which makes this approach scale much more cleanly than the naive solution above.

As a final optimization, the secret key data can itself be “compressed” by generating all of the various secret keys using the output of a cryptographic pseudorandom number generator, which allows for the generation of a huge number of (apparently random) bits from a single short ‘seed’.


Making signatures and keys (a little bit) more efficient

Merkle’s approach allows any one-time signature to be converted into an N-time signature. However, his construction still requires us to use some underlying one-time signature like Lamport’s scheme. Unfortunately the (bandwidth) costs of Lamport’s scheme are still relatively high.

There are two major optimizations that can help to bring down these costs. The first was also proposed by Merkle. We’ll cover this simple technique first, mainly because it helps to explain the more powerful approach.

If you recall Lamport’s scheme, in order sign a 256-bit message we required a vector consisting of 512 separate secret key (and public key) bitstrings. The signature itself was a collection of 256 of the secret bitstrings. (These numbers were motivated by the fact that each bit of the message to be signed could be either a “0” or a “1”, and thus the appropriate secret key element would need to be drawn from one of two different secret key lists.)

But here’s a thought: what if we don’t sign all of the message bits?

Let’s be a bit more clear. In Lamport’s scheme we sign every bit of the message — regardless of its value — by outputting one secret string. What if, instead of signing both zero values and one values in the message, we signed only the message bits were equal to one? This would cut the public and secret key sizes in half, since we could get rid of the {\bf sk_0} list entirely.

We would now have only a single list of bitstrings sk_1, \dots, sk_{256} in our secret key. For each bit position of the message where M_i = 1 we would output a string sk_i. For every position where M_i = 0 we would output… zilch. (This would also tend to reduce the size of signatures, since many messages contain a bunch of zero bits, and those would now ‘cost’ us nothing!)

An obvious problem with this approach is that it’s horrendously insecure. Please do not implement this scheme!

As an example, let’s say an attacker observes a (signed) message that begins with “1111…”, and she want to edit the message so it reads “0000…” — without breaking the signature. All she has to do to accomplish this is to delete several components of the signature! In short, while it’s very difficult to “flip” a zero bit into a one bit, it’s catastrophically easy to do the reverse.

But it turns out there’s a fix, and it’s quite elegant.

You see, while we can’t prevent an attacker from editing our message by turning one bits into zero bits, we can catch them. To do this, we tack on a simple “checksum” to the message, then sign the combination of the original message and the checksum. The signature verifier must verify the entire signature over both values, and also ensure that the received checksum is correct.

The checksum we use is trivial: it consists of a simple binary integer that represents the total number of zero bits in the original message.

If the attacker tries to modify the content of the message (excluding the checksum) in order to turn some one bit into a zero bit, the signature scheme won’t stop her. But this attack have the effect of increasing the number of zero bits in the message. This will immediately make the checksum invalid, and the verifier will reject the signature.

Of course, a clever attacker might also try to mess with the checksum (which is also signed along with the message) in order to “fix it up” by increasing the integer value of the checksum. However — and this is critical — since the checksum is a binary integer, in order to increase the value of the checksum, she would always need to turn some zero bit of the checksum into a one bit. But since the checksum is also signed, and the signature scheme prevents this kind of change, the attacker has nowhere to go.


(If you’re keeping track at home, this does somewhat increase the size of the ‘message’ to be signed. In our 256-bit message example, the checksum will require an additional eight bits and corresponding signature cost. However, if the message has many zero bits, the reduced signature size will typically still be a win.)

Winternitz: Trading space for time

The trick above reduces the public key size by half, and reduces the size of (some) signatures by a similar amount. That’s nice, but not really revolutionary. It still gives keys and signatures that are thousands of bits long.

It would be nice if we could make a bigger dent in those numbers.

The final optimization we’ll talk about was proposed by Robert Winternitz as a further optimization of Merkle’s technique above. In practical use it gives a 4-8x reduction in the size of signatures and public keys — at a cost of increasing both signing and verification time.

Winternitz’s idea is an example of a technique called a “time-space tradeoff“. This term refers to a class of solutions in which space is reduced at the cost of adding more computation time (or vice versa). To explain Winternitz’s approach, it helps to ask the following question:

What if, instead of signing messages composed of bits (0 or 1), we treated our messages as though they were encoded using larger symbol alphabets? For example, what if we signed four-bit ‘nibbles’? Or eight-bit bytes?

In Lamport’s original scheme, we had two lists of bitstrings as part of the signing (and public) key. One was for signing zero message bits, and the other was for one bits.

Now let’s say we want to sign bytes rather than bits. An obvious idea would be to increase the number of secret key lists (and public key) from two such list to 256 such lists — one list for each possible value of a message byte. The signer could work through the message one byte at a time, and pick from the much larger menu of key values.

Unfortunately, this solution really stinks. It reduces the size of the signature by a factor of eight, at a cost of increasing the public and secret key size by a factor of 256. Even this might be fine if the public keys could be used for many signatures, but they can’t — when it comes to key re-use, this “byte signing version of Lamport” suffers from the same limitations as the original Lamport signature.

All of which brings us to Winternitz’s idea.

Since it’s too expensive to store and distribute 256 truly random lists, what if we generated those lists programatically only when we needed them?

Winternitz’s idea was to generate single list of random seeds {\bf sk_0} = (sk^0_1, \dots, sk^0_{256}) for our initial secret key. Rather than generating additional lists randomly, he proposed to use the hash function H() on each element of that initial secret key, in order to derive the next such list for the secret key: {\bf sk_1} = (sk^{1}_1, \dots, sk^{1}_{256}) = (H(sk^{0}_1), \dots, H(sk^{0}_{256})). And similarly, one can use the hash function again on that list to get the next list {\bf sk_2}. And so on for many possible lists.

This is helpful in that we now only need to store a single list of secret key values {\bf sk_0}, and we can derive all the others lists on-demand just by applying the hash function.

But what about the public key? This is where Winternitz gets clever.

Specifically, Winternitz proposed that the public key could be derived by applying the hash function one more time to the final secret key list. This would produce a single public key list {\bf pk}. (In practice we only need 255 secret key lists, since we can treat the final secret key list as the public key.) The elegance of this approach is that given any one of the possible secret key values it’s always possible to check it against the public key, simply by hashing forward multiple times and seeing if we reach a public key element.

The whole process of key generation is illustrated below:

Note that to “sign” bytes we only need 255 secret key lists, not 256 of them. The final secret list is equivalent to the public key.

To sign the first byte of a message, we would pick a value from the appropriate list. For example, if the message byte was “0”, we would output a value from {\bf sk_0} in our signature. If the message byte was “20”, we would output a value from {\bf sk_{20}}. For bytes with the maximal value “255” we don’t have a secret key list. That’s ok: in this case we can output an empty string, or we can output the appropriate element of {\bf pk}.

Note as well that in practice we don’t really need to store each of these secret key lists. We can derive any secret key value on demand given only the original list {\bf sk}_0. The verifier only holds the public key vector and (as mentioned above) simply hashes forward an appropriate number of times — depending on the message byte — to see whether the result is equal to the appropriate component of the public key.

Like the Merkle optimization discussion in the previous section, the scheme as presented so far has a glaring vulnerability. Since the secret keys are related (i.e., sk^{1}_{1} = H(sk^{0}_1)), anyone who sees a message that signs the message “0” can easily change the corresponding byte of the message to a “1”, and update the signature to match. In fact, an attacker can increment the value of any byte(s) in the message. Without some check on this capability, this would allow very powerful forgery attacks.

The solution to this problem is similar to the we discussed just above. To prevent an attacker from modifying the signature, the signer calculates and also signs a checksum of the original message bytes. The structure of this checksum is designed to prevent the attacker from incrementing any of the bytes, without invalidating the checksum. I won’t go into the gory details right now, but you can find them here.

It goes without saying that getting this checksum right is critical. Screw it up, even a little bit, and some very bad things can happen to you. This would be particularly unpleasant if you deployed these signatures in a production system.

Illustrated in one terrible picture, a 4-byte toy example of the Winternitz scheme looks like this:

Note that the Message in this case consists of bytes, not bits. I’m pretty sure I calculated the checksum correctly, but I did it by hand and that doesn’t always go so well.

What are hash-based signatures good for?

Throughout this entire discussion, we’ve mainly been talking about the how of hash-based signatures rather than the why of them. It’s time we addressed this. What’s the point of these strange constructions?

One early argument in favor of hash-based signatures is that they’re remarkably fast and simple. Since they only require only the evaluation of a hash function and some data copying, from a purely computational cost perspective they’re highly competitive with schemes like ECDSA and RSA. This could hypothetically be important for lightweight devices. Of course, this efficiency comes at a huge tradeoff in bandwidth efficiency.

However, there is more complicated reason for the (recent) uptick in attention to hash-based signature constructions. This stems from the fact that all of our public-key crypto is about to be broken.

More concretely: the imminent arrival of quantum computers is going to have a huge impact on the security of nearly all of our practical signature schemes, ranging from RSA to ECDSA and so on. This is due to the fact that Shor’s algorithm (and its many variants) provides us with a polynomial-time algorithm for solving the discrete logarithm and factoring problems, which is likely to render most of these schemes insecure.

Most implementations of hash-based signatures are not vulnerable to Shor’s algorithm. That doesn’t mean they’re completely immune to quantum computers, of course. The best general quantum attacks on hash functions are based on a search technique called Grover’s algorithm, which reduces the effective security of a hash function. However, the reduction in effective security is nowhere near as severe as Shor’s algorithm (it ranges between the square root and cube root), and so security can be retained by simply increasing the internal capacity and output size of the hash function. Hash functions like SHA3 were explicitly developed with large digest sizes to provide resilience against such attacks.

So at least in theory, hash-based signatures are interesting because they provide us with a line of defense against future quantum computers — for the moment, anyway.

What about the future?

Note that so far I’ve only discussed some of the “classical” hash-based signature schemes. All of the schemes I described above were developed in the 1970s or early 1980s. This hardly brings us up to present day.

After I wrote the initial draft of this article, a few people asked for pointers on more recent developments in the field. I can’t possibly give an exhaustive list here, but let me describe just a couple of the more recent ideas that others brought up (thanks to Zooko and Claudio Orlandi):

Signatures without state. A limitation of all the signature schemes above is that they require the signer to keep state between signatures. In the case of one-time signatures the reasoning is obvious: you have to avoid using any key more than once. But even in the multi-time Merkle signature, you have to remember which leaf public key you’re using, so you can avoid using any leaf twice. Even worse, the Merkle scheme requires the signer to construct all the keypairs up front, so the total number of signatures is bounded.

In the 1980s, Oded Goldreich pointed out that one can build signatures without these limitations. The idea is as follows: rather than generate all signatures up front, one can generate a short “certification tree” of one-time public keys. Each of these keys can be used to sign additional one-time public keys at a lower layer of the tree, and so on and so forth. Provided all of the private keys are generated deterministically using a single seed, this means that the full tree need not exist in full at key generation time, but can be built on-demand whenever a new key is generated. Each signature contains a “certificate chain” of signatures and public keys starting from the root and going down to a real signing keypair at the bottom of the tree.

This technique allows for the construction of extremely “deep” trees with a vast (exponential) number of possible signing keys. This allows us to construct so many one-time public keys that if we pick a signing key randomly (or pseudorandomly), then with high probability the same signing will never be used twice. This is intuition, of course. For a highly optimized and specific instantiation of this idea, see the SPHINCS proposal by Bernstein et alThe concrete SPHINCS-256 instantiation gives signatures that are approximately 41KB in size.

Picnic: post-quantum zero-knowledge based signatures. In a completely different direction lies Picnic. Picnic is based on a new non-interactive zero-knowledge proof system called ZKBoo. ZKBoo is a new ZK proof system that works on the basis of a technique called “MPC in the head”, where the prover uses multi-party computation to calculate a function with the prover himself. This is too complicated to explain in a lot of detail, but the end result is that one can then prove complicated statements using only hash functions.

The long and short of it is that Picnic and similar ZK proof systems provide a second direction for building signatures out of hash functions. The cost of these signatures is still quite large — hundreds of kilobytes. But future improvements in the technique could substantially reduce this size.

Epilogue: the boring security details

If you recall a bit earlier in this article, I spent some time describing the security properties of hash functions. This wasn’t just for show. You see, the security of a hash-based signature depends strongly on which properties a hash function is able to provide.

(And by implication, the insecurity of a hash-based signature depends on which properties of a hash function an attacker has managed to defeat.)

Most original papers discussing hash-based signatures generally hang their security arguments on the preimage-resistance of the hash function. Intuitively, this seems pretty straightforward. Let’s take the Lamport signature as an example. Given a public key element pk^{0}_1 = H(sk^{0}_1), an attacker who is able to compute hash preimages can easily recover a valid secret key for that component of the signature. This attack obviously renders the scheme insecure.

However, this argument considers only the case where an attacker has the public key but has not yet seen a valid signature. In this case the attacker has a bit more information. They now have (for example) both the public key and a portion of the secret key: pk^{0}_1 = H(sk^{0}_1) and sk^{0}_1. If such an attacker can find a second pre-image for the public key pk^{0}_1 she can’t sign a different message. But she has produced a new signature. In the strong definition of signature security (SUF-CMA) this is actually considered a valid attack. So SUF-CMA requires the slightly stronger property of second-preimage resistance.

Of course, there’s a final issue that crops up in most practical uses of hash-based signature schemes. You’ll notice that the description above assumes that we’re signing 256-bit messages. The problem with this is that in real applications, many messages are longer than 256 bits. As a consequence, most people use the hash function H() to first hash the message as D = H(M) and then the sign the resulting value D instead of the message.

This leads to a final attack on the resulting signature scheme, since the existential unforgeability of the scheme now depends on the collision-resistance of the hash function. An attacker who can find two different messages M_1 \ne M_2 such that H(M_1) = H(M_2) has now found a valid signature on two different messages. This leads to a trivial break of EUF-CMA security.