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(1 customer review)

Anverdi Spirit Bell by Anverdi

(c. 1969) (Submit Review) (Submit Update)

There is no doubt that Anverdi was decades ahead of his time. This Spirit Bell was not only the first of its type but it was the one to own for about 40 years before some seriously amazing bells came out with equally amazing modern technology. It may not be so difficult to figure out for modern day audiences but it is still an amazing piece of magic and history. It was almost 40 years before Nick Wenger’s Sprit Bell came out to really unseat Anverdi from his throne along with Tim Wisseman and of course Cesaral.

This bell came out almost 50 years ago and it still works perfectly today. What I’d be interested in seeing is in another 50 years how many of these bells will still actually work? I’m sure Anverdi’s will, but what about the others?

Effect: Magician controls ringing of bell by remote control. Bell can answer questions, tell the spots on a card, etc. The bell rings loud and clear. A trick you and your audiences will enjoy!

Anverdi’s Sprit Bell works perfectly but do it at a slow steady pace. Don’t go Ding, Ding, Ding one right after the other, allow a second before each ring. This comes with a wonderful routine by my good friend George Robinson of Viking Mfg.

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Includes: Printed Instructions.

Approx. Price: $350.00 (2019) ***

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1 review for Anverdi Spirit Bell by Anverdi

  1. Andy Martin

    There is no doubt that Anverdi was decades ahead of his time. This Spirit Bell was not only the first of its type but it was the one to own for about 40 years before some seriously amazing bells came out with equally amazing modern technology. It may not be so difficult to figure out for modern day audiences but it is still an amazing piece of magic and history. It was almost 40 years before Nick Wenger’s Sprit Bell came out to really unseat Anverdi from his throne along with Tim Wisseman and of course Cesaral.

    This bell came out almost 50 years ago and it still works perfectly today. What I’d be interested in seeing is in another 50 years how many of these bells will still actually work? I’m sure Anverdi’s will, but what about the others?

    Magician controls ringing of bell by remote control. Bell can answer questions, tell the spots on a card, etc. The bell rings loud and clear. A trick you and your audiences will enjoy!

    Anverdi’s Sprit Bell works perfectly but do it at a slow steady pace. Don’t go Ding, Ding, Ding one right after the other, allow a second before each ring. This comes with a wonderful routine by my good friend George Robinson of Viking Mfg.

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