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Dear and Intelligence Community 2.0 Web Site Visitor,

This is Dancho Danchev ( where you might know me and my research circa 2005-2020 from my Clearnet personal blog an ex-hacker from Bulgaria during the inframous hacker spree circa the 90's today's leading expert in the field of cybercrime research and threat intelligence gathering currently running one of the security industry's leading security publications which has already receive 5.6M page views since December, 2005 when I originally launched it while I was busy working on as a Managing Director where I produced the following high-quality newsletter -

The primary reason for taking to time an effort and work on this Dark Web Onion is to properly present one of the Dark Web largest and most popular cybercrime research and threat intelligence gathering including Intelligence Community 2.0 type of project to thousands of Dark Web users potentially communicating a vast portion of my research with a new set of folks who might be interested in digging deeper into the world of cybercrime and who's behind it including to actually land a career position as cybercrime researchers or U.S Intelligence Community intelligence analysts.

The project aims to provide in-depth and never-released before technical and personally identifiable information on some of the Web's primary and most important cybercriminals internationally including an in-depth overview of all the currency active U.K'S GCHQ and NSA cyber surveillance and cyber intelligence programs and how they can work better including how you can protect yourself from them including an in-depth discussion on various Intelligence Community 2.0 scenario building methodologies which could easily undermine the current state of the security industry including in-depth dossiers on some of the key individuals behind the U.S and international security industry with the idea to present a picture where Tailored Access and credibility operations can take place and possibly propose actual Tailored Access Operations including methods and techniques to protect yourself from such type of attacks.

Sample Logo of Dancho Danchev's Personal Hacking Web Site Project circa the 90's called "Security is Futile"

Dancho Danchev is the world's leading expert in the field of cybercrime fighting and threat intelligence gathering having actively pioneered his own methodlogy for processing threat intelligence leading to a successful set of hundreas of high-quality anaysis and research articles published at the industry's leading threat intelligence blog - ZDNet's Zero Day, Dancho Danchev's Mind Streams of Information Security Knowledge and Webroot's Threat Blog with his research featured in Techmeme, ZDNet, CNN, PCWorld, SCMagazine, TheRegister, NYTimes, CNET, ComputerWorld, H+Magazine currently producing threat intelligence at the industry's leading threat intelligence blog - Dancho Danchev's - Mind Streams of Information Security Knowledge.

With his research featured at RSA Europe, CyberCamp, InfoSec, GCHQ and Interpol the researcher continues to actively produce threat intelligence at the industry's leading threat intelligence blog - Dancho Danchev's - Mind Streams of Information Security Knowledge publishing a diverse set of hundreds of high-quality research analysis detailing the malicious and fraudulent activities at nation-state and malicious actors across the globe.

Current and Past Professional Affiliations:

- A Member to WarIndustries (
- List Moderator at BlackCode Ravers (
- Contributor Black Sun Research Facility ( (BSRF)
- List Moderator Software Contributor (TDS-2 Trojan Information Database) ( DiamondCS Trojan Defense (
- Contributor to LockDownCorp (
- Contributor to HelpNetSecurity (
- A Security Consultant for Frame4 Security Systems (
- Contributor to TechGenix’s (
- Technical Collector - LockDownCorp - (
- Managing Director - Astalavista Security Group - (
- Security Consultant - Wandera - (
- Threat Intelligence Analyst - GroupSense - (
- Security Consultant - KCS Group Europe - (
- OSINT Analyst - Treadstone71 - (
- Security Blogger - Armadillo Phone - (
- Security Blogger for ZDNet (
- Threat Intelligence Analyst for Webroot (

Primary Project Operator's Dancho Danchev URLs: Personal Blog | Twitter | LinkedIn | Medium | Facebook |

Recommended hacking and security and cybercrime research presentations courtesy of Dancho Danchev:

Related Articles:

Assessing U.S Military Cyber Operational Capabilities to Counter Pro-ISIS Internet Infrastructure
My Involvement in the Top Secret GCHQ “Lovely Horse” Program and the Existence of the Karma Police
Kaspersky’s Antivirus Products the NSA and U.S National Security — An Analysis
Assessment of U.S Intelligence Community Cyber Surveillance Programs and Tradecraft — Part One
How the NSA utilized Iranian Cyber Proxies To Participate in the BOUNDLESS INFORMANT Program?
Exposing GCHQ’s Top Secret “GORDIAN KNOT” Cyber Defense Sensor Program — An Analysis
Exposing GCHQ’s URL-Shortening Service and Its Involvement in Iran’s 2009 Election Protests
- — The Scene the Way We Know it — My Experience in Running the Portal
Exposing the U.S Intelligence Community and GCHQ’s Use of “Dirty Tricks” Online — An Analysis
How the GCHQ Used the Top Secret “ANTICRISIS GIRL” Program to Spy on Users — An Analysis
The 2016 U.S Presidential Elections and Russia’s Active Measures in Terms of Cyber Espionage
How the GCHQ and the NSA work on intercepting and infiltrating Virtual Private Networks?

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France to Wage Offensive Warfare - Brace Yourselves!
UEA - Where Money Pays - Do You Want to be a Cyber Warrior?
Oops - White House National Cyberspace Strategy Acknowledges Information Warfare Operations
Proactively Digging in the U.S Cyber Warfare Realm - And How You Can Perform Better?
DoD's Cyber Strategy - 2018 - Shall We Play a Cyber-Retaliation Game?
Exploring the Basics of Cyber Assets and Cyber Inventory Efforts Build-Up - A Proposed Off-The-Shelf Methodology
Exploring the "Let's name and shame them" Intelligence Community Mentality - Keep it Coming?
The Top 10 Off-The-Shelf Cyber Threat Intelligence Career Positions - And Which One You Should Pick Up?

Security Interview with the primary and Intelligence Community 2.0 Project Operator - Dancho Danchev published at

01. Dear Dancho can you please introduce yourself?

My name is Dancho Danchev. I'm 37 years old computer enthusiast and ex-hacker from Bulgaria during the infamous hacking spree throughout the 90's where I managed to directly establish a direct working relatinship with various key members of the Scene and the Security Industry including to actually work as a Technical Collector for the infamous LockDown2000 anti-trojan software including to work as a Trojan Database Manager for the market leading Trojan Defense Suite anti-trojan vendor at the time.

Since December, 2005 I'm running one of the Security Industry's leading security and cybercrime research including Threat Intelligence gathering and OSINT research blogs - Dancho Danchev's Blog - Mind Streams of Information Security Knowledge with over 5.6M active pageviews and visitors throughout the period 2005-2020.

I used to be a ZDNet Zero Day blogger for a period of four years including two highly-productive years while working as a Security Blogger for Webroot. I've been selected by the SCMagazine 2011 Social Media Awards as a finalist with my old Twitter account. I've presented at the Interpol. I've been also invited to present at U.K'S GCHQ including Canadian Intelligence Service's HQ including a Keynote presentation at CyberCamp 2016 including a presentation at RSA Europe and InfoSec Europe on current cybercrime trends and cyber jihad. I've also particited in a Top Secret U.K Government Program entitled "Lovely Horse" and I was practically running - The Underground throughout 2003-2006.

I'm currently one of the World's leading and most often cited and referenced cybercrime researcher security blogger and threat intelligence analyst with over a decade in fighting cybercrime and actively responding to current and emerging cybercrime threats.

I've recently launched a high-profile project on the infamous including and I'm currently working on my personal memoir from the 90's entitled "Cyber Conspiracy - Who Owns Them All". I'm also running a popular E-Shop for intelligence deliverables - and I'm also pretty active on Twitter - including Medium -

02. How did you get involved in computers?

During that period of time in particular the 90's possessing a personal computer could be easily considered a privilege including the ability to get connected to the Internet which I joined at a later stage having spend a decent portion of several active years actively playing PC computer games. Long story short my folks bought me a personal computer for educational and entertainment purposes at the time which was basically an IBM clone known as Pravetz-16 which I was basically using to play games and learn new things.

Throughout the next 20 years I was a proud owner and actually possed a variety of personal computers which I was making sure to properly use and actually end up make a living and basically become a prominent figure in the Scene and the U.S Security Industry.

03. How much time did you spend playing games throughout the 90's?

I was basically spending most of my time playing games and actually looking for ways to obtain new games and actually using email and browse around some of my favorite Internet-based Web sites.

04. What about COCOM at this time?

During that period of time personal computers were sort of luxury and only a small number of companies and organizations really had access to them. I can clearly say that I was largely privileged to posses a personal computer at the time which I did my best to properly utilize and use for playing games doing research and learning new things.

05. Who got you connected online? Since when are you practically online?

It was in the 90's and it was a local person who was basically responsible and acting as a system adminsitrator for my ISP at the time. I've been practically online for over 20 years and I'm basically online 24/7 doing research and actually keeping in touch with friends and colleagues.

06. What were you practically doing online at the time? What was your daily Internet activity routine?

Among the first sites that I would visit at the time on a daily basis was including to actually search for new X-Files photos including a possible new Wallpaper including newly released X-Files themed MIDI songs. I would then visit and for the purpose of keeping track of new Hacking and Security web sites and actual hacking and security tools.

07. How did you start getting involved in Security? What prompted you to start your career?

Among the first Web sites for hacking and security that I stumbled upon were personal Web sites for people and folks based in the U.S which I found using several of the most popular search engines at the time. At the time I was greatly provoked by the existence of hacking tools in particular trojan horses which actually led to me pursue a career as a Newsletter Contributor to Trojan Defense Suite and Technical Collector at LockDownCorp at a later stage which were one of the leading anti-trojan software vendor solutions at the time. When I was not busy visiting's Top 50 Hacking Web Sites and's Top 100 Hacking Web sites I was actually busy writing manuals and actually trying to become a member of an actual hacking group. I was also busy running a personal Hacking Web site at the time which basically included a variety of collected E-books and various other tools and programs including my personal hacking and security manuals and actual hacking and security papers.

At a later stage while I was busy working for the infamous as a Managing Director where I was busy responsible for the Security Directory content including the overall management of the portal I decided to launch my personal - which later on became one of the world's most popular security publications including the Security Industry's flagship security publication for cybercrime research and threat intelligence gathering leading me to the publication of hundreds of high-quality and never-published before security and cybercrime research type of articles which basically largely contributed and led me to pursue a variety of career opportunities within the Security Industry in particular my involvement with Webroot for a period of two years where I actively managed to produce hundreds of high-profile research articles.

I'm currenly active on Twitter - LinkedIn - and Medium - and I'm often invited at various invite-only or public and commercial Security Events which include InfoSec Europe, RSA Europe and CyberCamp 2016.

08. What were some of your primary hacking and security projects during the 90's?

I used to run a public Hacking and Security Web site which basically consisted of various Hacking and Security tools including collected E-books which everyone who was interested could download. At some point I was busy contributing to WarIndustries, BlackCode Ravers, Black Sun Research Facility, including several part-time career positions at Trojan Defense Suite including LockDownCorp's Lockdown2000 where I was busy working as a Technical Collector including actor author of the Trojan Analysis Database.

09. What are some of your current hacking and security projects?

I'm currenly running a high-profile project on the infamous including a personal blog on the infamous network - including a public Security and Hacking forum - including an extremely popular E-shop for Intelligence Deliverables - including an extremely popular Pro-Western hacking and Security community -

10. Did you used to hang on IRC throughout the 90's?

I was basically spending a decent portion on IRC - DALNet in particular including several other local IRC networks when I wanted to chat and hang out with local friends and colleagues. It was a moment of time when I could only dream of having myself actually join EFNet in particular the main-stream password protected and invite only hacking and security channels. I was to run #drugs #KGB and #linuxsecurity on the local IRC Network.

11. What was your typical day in front of the PC throughout the 90's?

I would spend a decent portion of my day strategizing and actually playing Sid Meier's Civilization for the purpose of enriching my knowledge including possibly launching a new military strategy and actual war with another player in particular attempting to reach out a Nuclear Arms race with another player.

I would then log-in online using a local dial-up Internet service provider and check my email including some of my favorite Web sites and actually try and do my best to reply back to friends and colleagues from across the globe.

12. Have you ever compromised a legitimate Web site? What was the purpose? Did they notice? How did you really compromise it?

In my entire teenage ex-hacker enthusiast experience I've only compromised one Web site which was basically my town's official Web site where I managed to obtain the accounting data for the Web site by socially engineering at the time by basically going through the System Administrator's ICQ profile and actually approaching in an attempt to gain access to the Web site for the purpose of changing the home page to spread a message and actually say "hi" and greet local friends.

13. What type of music were you listening at the time? What type of music do you listen today?

I've spend most of my life listening to psychedelic trance including psytrance and goatrance and I'm still actively listening to this type of music up to present day.

14. Who do you think is among the most famous hackers? What does it really consistute a famous hacker? Who was your favorite hacker as a hacker enthusiast during the 90's?

I used to find out about Kevin Mitnick - unfortunately I never posted a sticker on my Web site. Among my favorite hacking groups throughout the 90's was Confidence Remains High in particular their E-Zine.

At a later stage I was also impressed by the existence of a hacker group known as Fluffy Bunny which basically managed to compromise every single high-profile security and hacking Web site at the time and actually left a message.

15. You were among the first people to blow the whistle on high-profile cybercriminals from Eastern Europe and Russian including the infamous Russian Business Network? Do you think the RBN is alive again? Who's behind it? Are there any other high-profile and popular alternatives to the Russian Business Network these days? Who are they?

16. Do you play games today? Which are your favorite titles?

Among my favorite titles currently include the Battlefield franchise including Crysis including the latest edition of Sid Meier's Civilization including a personal favorite which is Command: Modern Air / Naval Operations which is basically one of the best military simulations available on the market today.

17. What are your thoughts on copyright infingement? Do you pay for your stuff including games music and equiptment including software?

I personally pay for all the commercial software that I use including my personal equiptment and my personal music.

18. When did you first started to use the Tor Network? How did you come across it?

I believe it was around 2006 when I was busy researching several U.S Government programs including SPAWAR. I then decided to use it including several other covert communication tools for the purpose of preventing my local ISP from intercepting what I was doing online.

19. How do you remember the rise of Web 2.0 technologies? Which were your favorite Web sites and technologies at the time?

I remember a decent period of time when I was actually tagging my posts with the idea to have Technorati crawl and actually process and feature my posts. I also remember that I actually used to rely on and actually use Delicious including possibly Digg where I was secretly hoping to get one of my story featured.

20. What do you have to do with the U.S Intelligence Community?

In 2008 I received the privilege of getting invited to an invite-only conference event at the GCHQ which I attended with the Honeynet Project. Ever since I made a valuable contributing to the U.S Intelligence Community as an independent contractor and through the research which I've been publishing at my personal in terms of high-quality and never-published before OSINT analysis as an independent contractor.

21. You skipped your academic years while working in the Security Industry? What can you tell future college graduates in terms of joining the Security Industry and starting a career?

Forget about it. If you truly want to make something big and important join a local hacking and security community or consider launching a big project that you can properly fund and eventually launch a company on your own.

22. When did you first started getting involved with OSINT?

It was around 2006 while I was busy managing the content at and prior to launching my personal -

23. What are some of your earliest and current accomplishments in the world of OSINT?

Among my most prominent accomplishments in the world of OSINT is the launch and management of my personal - including the tracking and eventual take-down of the Koobface botnet.

24. How long did it take you to track down and shut down the Koobface botnet?

It basically took me a period of two and a half years of active research to evenually produce a high-quality analysis eventually exposing one of the authors behind the botnet.

25. Is it true that you're running one of the Security Industry's most popular security publications?

Since December, 2005 my personal - has received over 5.6M page views and visitors internationally making it one of the Security Industry's most popular security publications.

26. Who are among the few people that inspired you the most in the Scene and the Security Industry?

I was particularly impressed by what the guys at and were up to including Dorothy Denning in terms of some of the earliest written material that I came across to in terms of cyber jihad and cyberterrorism.

27. What would be a proper way to say "hi" or "I'm back" to the Security Industry?

It's by launching a high-profile project on one of the World's most popular Web sites for hackers and security experts -

Recommended free online hacking and security E-Books:

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Project Operator's Dancho Danchev "Underground Love" Compilation including praise from the security industy for his cybercrime research:

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