Citations: Kuwabara and Yamaguchi 2007, 2013a and 2013b

Kuwabara and Yamaguchi 2007, 2013a, 2013b
1)Influence of Lesson Study on Teachers’ Mathematics Pedagogy[]
 2)Understanding investment decision processes within regional natural resource management organisations[]
 3)“…they think we are conversing, so we don’t care about them…” Examining the causes of workplace violence against nurses in Ghana[]
 4)An explorative study on Instagram and food from the cook's perspective: Symbolic Interactionism; Culinary Practices; Social Media[]
 5)The role of school-based teacher incentives to improve student achievement[]
 6)Perceptions of Infertility and In Vitro Fertilization Treatment among Married Couples in Anambra State, Nigeria[]
 7)Social Movements And The Role Of Media In Collaborative Knowledge Construction[]
 8)Digital Storytelling to explore HIV- and AIDS[]
 10)Okul kültürünün sembolik açıdan çözümlenmesi: etnografik bir çalışma[
 11)The Social Metatheory of Herbert Blumer: outline for a methodological reconstruction of Symbolic Interactionism(A metateoria social de Herbert Blumer: esboço para uma reconstrução metodológica do interacionismo simbólico)[]
 12)Examining Reflective Practice Through Lesson Study[]