AWS Security Logging Fundamentals — VPC Flow Logs

Kartikey Pandey
Feb 11, 2020 · 12 min read

A hands-on tutorial to capture network traffic information, detect anomalies, and prevent malicious activity in your AWS VPC

At Panther, we understand the challenges faced by security engineers, which is why we are bringing tutorials that empower you with actionable security logging techniques and best practices.

Before VPC Flow Logs, AWS customers collected network flow logs by installing agents on their EC2 instances which made the process of collecting, storing, and analyzing network flows cumbersome and offered a limited view of network flows. The launch of AWS Flow Logs in 2015 enabled security teams to gain visibility into the network traffic moving in and out of their virtual infrastructure. However, many organizations still don’t completely leverage VPC Flow Logs which makes it challenging for security teams to capture network traffic information or perform intrusion detection, leading to suspicious activities going undetected.

In this fourth installment of our security logging series, we show you exactly how to maximize network security and detect malicious activities like never before, using VPC Flow Logs.

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What are AWS VPC Flow Logs?

Security Groups vs. Network ACL

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Security Groups: Security Groups allow the movement of network traffic in and out of an instance and act as an application-level firewall. When you launch an EC2 instance, you can associate it with one or more security groups that you create.

Network ACLs: Network Access Control Lists (ACLs), on the other hand, act as a network-level firewall for associated subnets that control the traffic movement, and not the instance itself.

The following table offers a quick comparison of both:

To learn more about the essential concepts that make up VPC security, check out the official AWS documentation page.

VPC Flow Logs Use-Cases

  • Monitoring remote logins by flagging administrative activity such as SSH and RDP. These ports should only be accessible from trusted sources.
  • Building confidence with ACLs by monitoring traffic flows between trust zones. For example, your database servers can be grouped into a subnet that only has access from your web server subnet.
  • Threat detection by monitoring for port scanning, network enumeration attempts, and data exfiltration. Flow Logs can also be used to track lateral movement after a compromised host has been identified.
  • Generating network traffic statistics by examining new threat patterns and generating reports of risky behaviors or non-compliant protocols.
  • Diagnosing and troubleshooting connectivity issues and network traffic-related problems.

VPC Flow Logs Metadata

Let’s look at the following table to understand the anatomy of a VPC Flow Log entry. Flow log data can be published to Amazon CloudWatch Logs and Amazon S3 for analysis and long-term storage.

These fields are supported for Flow Logs that publish to both CloudWatch Logs and Amazon S3:

The following table represents new fields that were added recently. These fields are supported for Flow Logs that publish only to Amazon S3.

Note: Packet source and destination IP fields are useful in identifying the source resource and the intended target of a connection passing through a network interface attached to NAT Gateway or an AWS Transit Gateway. These fields are typically used in conjunction to distinguish between the IP address of an intermediate layer through which traffic flows.


Enabling VPC Flow Logs

Log groups can be subscribed to a Kinesis Stream for analysis with AWS Lambda. Alternatively, our recommendation is to use Amazon S3, as this provides the easiest method of scalability and log consolidation. In the next section, we show how to create and publish VPC Flow Log data to Amazon S3.

Creating and Publishing a VPC Flow Log to Amazon S3

After you have created and configured your S3 bucket, the next step is to create a VPC Flow Log to send to S3. You can consider any of the following options to do this:

Using the AWS Console

  1. Go to the VPC Dashboard and choose Your VPCs in the navigation pane
  2. Select the desired VPCs and then go to Action | Create flow log
  3. You should now see a screen similar to the following screenshot:
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4. You will need to specify the type of IP traffic to log under Filter. You should now see the following options:

  • Select All to log accepted and rejected traffic
  • Select Rejected to record only rejected traffic
  • Or select Accepted to record only accepted traffic

5. Now select Send to an Amazon S3 bucket for the Destination field

6. You will now need to specify the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) or your existing S3 bucket for the S3 bucket ARN field. You can also include a subfolder in the bucket ARN, if you’d like. For example, to specify a subfolder named example-logs in a bucket named example-bucket, you can use the following ARN:


For further information on S3 bucket permissions for Flow Logs, please use this link.

7. For the Format field, you will need to specify a format for the flow log record

  • Select AWS default format if you’d like to use the default log record format
  • Or use the Custom format, to create a format of your own

Using CloudFormation

$ make deploy \tutorial=aws-security-logging \stack=vpc-flow-logs-s3 \region=us-east-1 \parameters="--parameter-overrides VpcId=<my-vpc-id>"

Using a Command Line Tool

aws ec2 create-flow-logs \--resource-type VPC \--resource-ids <vpc-id> \--traffic-type ALL \--log-destination arn:aws:s3::<my-flow-log-bucket> \--log-destination-type s3

Note: You will notice that the log files are compressed by default. If you’re using the Amazon S3 console to open the log files, they will be decompressed automatically and the Flow Log records will be displayed. However, if you download the files, you will need to decompress the files to view the Flow Log records.

In the next section, we show how to create and publish VPC Flow Log data to Amazon CloudWatch.

Sending VPC Flow Logs to Amazon CloudWatch

Using the AWS Console

  1. Sign in to the Management Console, then open CloudWatch under Management & Governance services
  2. Select Log groups in the Navigation pane
  3. Click on Create log group on the Actions dropdown
  4. Enter a name for your log group and hit Create log group as shown in the following screenshot:
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5. You should now be able to see a message indicating that your log group is created:

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Now, you will need to create a VPC flow log.

Creating and Publishing a VPC Flow Log to CloudWatch Logs

Using the AWS Console

1. Go to Networking & Content Delivery on the console and click VPC

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2. In the navigation pane, select the VPC to monitor, then select Create Flow Log under the Actions dropdown.

3. You will now need to specify a filter. For Filter, specify the type of IP traffic data to log. Choose All to log accepted and rejected traffic, Rejected to record only rejected traffic, or Accepted to record only accepted traffic.

4. Under Destination, select the Send to CloudWatch Logs option. Select the log group you created in the earlier procedure. You can also enter the name of a log group in CloudWatch Logs to which you would want the Flow Logs to be published.

5. Now you will need to set up IAM permissions. Choose Set Up Permissions as shown in the following screenshot:

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6. In the window that opens next, select Create a new IAM Role for IAM Role and assign a name to your role under Role Name. Click Allow to submit and return to the previous window.

7. Now return to the Create flow log window and hit refresh on the IAM Role box. You will be able to see the role you created in step 6.

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8. Hit Create and then close the window.

9. Now go back to the VPC dashboard and click Your VPCs and select the checkbox next to your VPC. Go to the Flow Logs tab by scrolling down. You should be able to see the flow log that you created by following the steps we discussed earlier. Ensure that it’s status is active.

Using CloudFormation

$ make deploy \tutorial=aws-security-logging \stack=vpc-flow-logs-cloudwatch \region=us-east-1 \parameters="--parameter-overrides VpcId=<my-vpc-id>"

Using a Command Line Tool

aws ec2 create-flow-logs \--resource-type VPC \--resource-ids <vpc-id> \--traffic-type ALL \--log-group-name TestLogGroup \--deliver-logs-permission-arn <role-arn>

In the next section, we will show how to query and analyze the Flow Log records in your log files using Amazon Athena.

Analyzing VPC Flow Log Data

Creating a Table in Athena

  1. Copy and paste the following DDL statement into the Athena console:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS vpc_flow_logs (version int,account string,interfaceid string,sourceaddress string,destinationaddress string,sourceport int,destinationport int,protocol int,numpackets int,numbytes bigint,starttime int,endtime int,action string,logstatus string)PARTITIONED BY (dt string)ROW FORMAT DELIMITEDFIELDS TERMINATED BY ' 'LOCATION 's3://example_bucket/prefix/AWSLogs/{subscribe_account_id}/vpcflowlogs/{region_code}/'TBLPROPERTIES ("skip.header.line.count"="1");

2. Modify the LOCATION 's3://example_bucket/prefix/AWSLogs/{subscribe_account_id}/vpcflowlogs/{region_code}/' to point to the Amazon S3 bucket that contains your log data.

3. Next, you will have to run the query in the Athena console. Once the query completes, Athena registers the vpc_flow_logs table, making the data in it ready for you to issue queries.

4. Post this, you can create partitions to read the data.

We have compiled a list of useful Athena queries that can help with your security requirements:

A typical detection requirement is to be able to monitor SSH and RDP traffic. Typically SSH is used to log into AWS Linux instances and RDP is used for windows. SSH defaults to using port 22 and RDP defaults to port 3389. To see activity on these ports, run the following query:

SELECT*FROM vpc_flow_logsWHEREsourceport in (22,3389)ORdestinationport IN (22, 3389)ORDER BY starttime ASC

You may also want to monitor the traffic on administrative web app ports. Assuming your application is serving requests from port 443, then the following query will show the top 10 IP addresses by bytes transferred:

SELECTip,sum(bytes) as total_bytesFROM (SELECTdestinationaddress as ip,sum(numbytes) as bytesFROM vpc_flow_logsGROUP BY 1UNION ALLSELECTsourceaddress as ip,sum(numbytes) as bytesFROM vpc_flow_logsGROUP BY 1)GROUP BY ipORDER BY total_bytes DESCLIMIT 10

Once you create Athena tables and start querying data, you can connect them with Amazon QuickSight to create an interactive dashboard for easy visualization. You can also create dashboards based on the metrics to monitor.

Limitations of VPC Flow Logs

  • Once a Flow Log is created, you cannot alter its configuration parameters (such as add or remove fields in the Flow Log record). Instead, you’ll have to delete the Flow Log and create a new one with the required configuration. You also cannot tag a Flow Log.
  • If you have configurations involving multiple IPs on a single interface, Flow Logs can be a bit of hindrance. This is because network interfaces with multiple IP addresses will have data logged only for the primary IP as the destination address.
  • Flow Logs also exclude certain types of traffic such as DHCP requests, Amazon DNS activity, and traffic generated by a Windows instance for Amazon Windows license activation.
  • You cannot enable Flow Logs for network interfaces that are in the EC2-Classic platform prior to December 2013 or for VPCs that are peered with your VPC unless the peer VPC is in your account. In such cases, consider migrating to the current AWS format.

You can find the complete list here. Despite these drawbacks, VPC Flow Logs are a powerful weapon to have in a security engineer’s arsenal because it provides efficiency and visibility across your VPC.

Conclusion and Next Steps

With this tutorial, we offered practical techniques, use-cases, and hands-on instructions to get started with VPC Flow Logs. In the process, we showed you how to create, publish, and send VPC Flow Logs to Amazon S3 and analyze VPC Flow Logs Data using Amazon Athena.

How Panther Supports VPC Flow Logs

Check out our documentation here to learn more about how Panther supports VPC Flow Logs.

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Originally published at on February 11, 2020.

Panther Labs

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