Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
A post popped up on 8Kun which looks like those command posts which sometimes would seemingly appear before something happened, like Q post 155, which produced the discussion in post 175-177, which made it seem post 155 was giving the order which resulted in the plane/helicopter crash at the Rothschild estate a day later. An anon posted a seeming decode here, which may point to the 19th being D-Day. Understand the magnitude of what is coming, and how important it is you have enough popcorn on hand. Make sure you stock up.
Also, Q had said at one point, Trump must be insulated, and cannot be involved due to optics. Is it possible, President Trump’s work is done, he will fly off into the sunset for now in Witness Protection, and we would transition to some sort of non-political Military government for a short period, as things are sorted, before revoting on a new government, perhaps with Trump as a candidate? Is there a constitutional means of running a Military government, should every political leader be compromised by a foreign-hacked election? Might Patriots in the Military just take over, and reinstitute the Constitution later once the traitors and covert networks are disabled/cleaned out? Think logically, the military is the only way? I just always like to have every possible scenario in my probability model. Installing President Trump by force now could be a harder sell than not having any President for a bit before revoting on a new clean government with a new clean election process. Just a possibility that dawned on me, which might jibe with something Q said.
This was on 4Chan and while I didn’t chase down the sources to verify, I did find the allegation interesting, that Buffalo Man from the Capitol protest was actually an Anti-Antifa infiltrator, and the Buffalo headpiece was to hide hidden cameras and microphones as well as the batteries to power them, and that was why he always wore such a nutty getup.
FBI is vetting all 25,000 National Guard troops in DC amid fears of insider attack. Biden team says it is afraid of an inside attack, but this might be surveying the terrain to see if they could appeal to the National Guard to act against Trump/MilIntel, if the Inauguration is interrupted.
California National Guard sets up in downtown Sacramento. Q pretty much predicted these National Guard deployments across all major cities dead on. You can’t tell me in late 2017, it was obvious we would have anything like this in the US.
USPS says it’s removing mailboxes and suspending mail collection in several major cities ahead of Biden’s inauguration due to potential violent riots. The biggest thing to take from this is, there are people who know, right now, what will happen. I have said to you, there is a huge secret in this nation, beyond all belief, which tons of people know about, and yet it doesn’t leak. A large swath of America, listening in our houses, following us around, steering our destinies like a secret society of overseers, and documenting every piece of minutia about our lives – even killing people. I know whenever I say that it sounds weird, because your first response is, someone would talk. Yet look here. We here are buried in the most conspiracy-oriented corners of the internet. We are scouring for any small speck of data which will tell us what is going to happen. If it is out there, we see it. And we are open minded to the possibilities. We even had Q, a seeming insider telling us what is going to happen. Yet the truth is, while I suspect good wins, I really don’t know for certain, or even how it might. Could Trump have been betrayed? Could the fraud have been bigger, and more multifaceted than was expected, and somehow it won? Could Biden really be sworn in on the 20th? I can’t say for sure. And then there is what the media is saying, and what the overwhelming majority of normies all accept without question. Biden won, whether by hook or crook, and January 20th, he will be sworn in. And yet Maryland, New Jersey, Illinois, California, and a host of other states are bringing out the National Guard to protect their capitols. We’ve got 26,000 troops in DC at last count without counting Marines, and it is a ghost town, with everything boarded up. Here, USPS is pulling up its mail boxes and suspending deliveries in multiple cities, because of suspected violent riots. Those will not be Trump supporters. It implies a lot of people know what is coming, and it is not what the normie narrative would indicate. All of our arduous work here to try and illuminate what will happen, and we are still in the dark, yet clearly all these people who are giving all these orders, across all these states and cities, know something decisive enough to act. And still the secret keeps. You would think, if they all knew Biden was going to get BTFO’d, there would be a thread on 4Chan from an insider. Or some reporter would report something. Or somebody somewhere would say their brother told them X on a web board somewhere, and it would find its way to us. But there’s nothing. Understand how it goes to show, big, amazing secrets can be kept.
Armed protesters have arrived at multiple state capitol complexes across the country Sunday morning.
Armed protesters begin to gather at Michigan state capitol.
Pro-Trump message board faces being kicked off its host.
AOC proposes funding to deprogram white supremacists and conspiracy theorists.
Germany to put COVID rulebreakers in ‘detention camps.’ This might be to acclimate people to detention camps, before expanding them to ideological rule-breakers.
The Caravan coming through Guatemala is up to 9,000 migrants.
Biden transition official tells migrant caravans: ‘Now is not the time’ to come to the US.
U.N. demands payments for climate schemes as Biden readies for a return to the Paris Agreement.
Biden team already in talks with Iran over a return to the nuclear deal.
Joe Biden may cancel Keystone XL pipeline permit as soon as his first day in office.
FCC issues an Enforcement Advisory to remind licensees and operators that it is prohibited to use radios to commit or facilitate criminal acts. This is the second time is has issued this advisory.
FBI has trail of 140,000 images of selfie-loving Capitol siege suspects.
Retired Army General Stanley McChrystal has compared the MAGA riot to the evolution of Al-Qaeda saying in both instances people followed a ‘powerful leader’ who ‘justified their violence’, as he warned America is headed for a homegrown insurgency. As I read this, I realize, one, McChrystal is fully Cabal. It was already been obvious, as in the death of Pat Tillman, some even felt he should have been indicted for covering it up. Bear in mind, the medical examiner in Pat Tilman’s autopsy felt certain Pat had been murdered based on the bullet trajectories pointing to the shooter having been unusually close to him. And the first article noted, that like Patton, Tillman had begun making noises about political opinions, and he would have been a natural leader. And of course, the thing Michael Hastings was most noted for was a Rolling Stone piece that destroyed McCrystal’s career. He then went on to report being gangstalked, and ultimately had his own mysterious death.
Kamala Harris to resign Senate seat on Monday ahead of the Inauguration.
California unemployment fraud estimated to reach $10 billion.
Reporter Adam Housely says, “A massive amount of California EDD fraud went out of state and out of country. Billions worth.” Americans have trouble navigating the paperwork labyrinths of American governments to get free money. How do you think foreigners are doing it to this degree?
Maryland Congressman from a district just north of DC just had his son commit suicide. Now he is an Impeachment manager.
American-Chinese socialite, 34, who rubbed shoulders with Hillary Clinton ‘jumps to her death naked from her Hong Kong penthouse while holding five-month-old daughter.’ Nobody saw them jump, the bodies were just found on the street.
Death rates in Austria, Germany,Italy & Sweden in 2020 are the lowest in the last 10 years.
Kuwait’s cabinet submits resignation in standoff with parliament. Lots of governmental turmoil lately.
Merkel is finished as Laschet is declared the new CDU leader.
NIH reverses course, and makes Ivermectin an option for Chinavirus treatment.
Mike Huckabee floats the idea of Impeaching Kamala Harris for bailing out BLM rioters.
Trump will Issue 100 pardons on his final day in office.
Guardsmen stationed at the U.S. Capitol building to get cots.
Gov Abbott declares Texas a ‘Second Amendment Sanctuary.’
Spread r/K Theory, because we don’t want that secret to keep.