News Briefs – 01/18/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


A post popped up on 8Kun which looks like those command posts which sometimes would seemingly appear before something happened, like Q post 155, which produced the discussion in post 175-177, which made it seem post 155 was giving the order which resulted in the plane/helicopter crash at the Rothschild estate a day later. An anon posted a seeming decode here, which may point to the 19th being D-Day. Understand the magnitude of what is coming, and how important it is you have enough popcorn on hand. Make sure you stock up.

Also, Q had said at one point, Trump must be insulated, and cannot be involved due to optics. Is it possible, President Trump’s work is done, he will fly off into the sunset for now in Witness Protection, and we would transition to some sort of non-political Military government for a short period, as things are sorted, before revoting on a new government, perhaps with Trump as a candidate? Is there a constitutional means of running a Military government, should every political leader be compromised by a foreign-hacked election? Might Patriots in the Military just take over, and reinstitute the Constitution later once the traitors and covert networks are disabled/cleaned out? Think logically, the military is the only way?  I just always like to have every possible scenario in my probability model. Installing President Trump by force now could be a harder sell than not having any President for a bit before revoting on a new clean government with a new clean election process. Just a possibility that dawned on me, which might jibe with something Q said.

This was on 4Chan and while I didn’t chase down the sources to verify, I did find the allegation interesting, that Buffalo Man from the Capitol protest was actually an Anti-Antifa infiltrator, and the Buffalo headpiece was to hide hidden cameras and microphones as well as the batteries to power them, and that was why he always wore such a nutty getup.

Vox Day highlights the left trying to gin up a false flag by getting Trump supporters to go to DC armed to protest the Inauguration, and how bad they are at it.

FBI is vetting all 25,000 National Guard troops in DC amid fears of insider attack. Biden team says it is afraid of an inside attack, but this might be surveying the terrain to see if they could appeal to the National Guard to act against Trump/MilIntel, if the Inauguration is interrupted.

California National Guard sets up in downtown Sacramento. Q pretty much predicted these National Guard deployments across all major cities dead on. You can’t tell me in late 2017, it was obvious we would have anything like this in the US.

USPS says it’s removing mailboxes and suspending mail collection in several major cities ahead of Biden’s inauguration due to potential violent riots. The biggest thing to take from this is, there are people who know, right now, what will happen. I have said to you, there is a huge secret in this nation, beyond all belief, which tons of people know about, and yet it doesn’t leak. A large swath of America, listening in our houses, following us around, steering our destinies like a secret society of overseers, and documenting every piece of minutia about our lives – even killing people. I know whenever I say that it sounds weird, because your first response is, someone would talk. Yet look here. We here are buried in the most conspiracy-oriented corners of the internet. We are scouring for any small speck of data which will tell us what is going to happen. If it is out there, we see it. And we are open minded to the possibilities. We even had Q, a seeming insider telling us what is going to happen. Yet the truth is, while I suspect good wins, I really don’t know for certain, or even how it might. Could Trump have been betrayed? Could the fraud have been bigger, and more multifaceted than was expected, and somehow it won? Could Biden really be sworn in on the 20th? I can’t say for sure. And then there is what the media is saying, and what the overwhelming majority of normies all accept without question. Biden won, whether by hook or crook, and January 20th, he will be sworn in. And yet Maryland, New Jersey, Illinois, California, and a host of other states are bringing out the National Guard to protect their capitols. We’ve got 26,000 troops in DC at last count without counting Marines, and it is a ghost town, with everything boarded up. Here, USPS is pulling up its mail boxes and suspending deliveries in multiple cities, because of suspected violent riots. Those will not be Trump supporters. It implies a lot of people know what is coming, and it is not what the normie narrative would indicate. All of our arduous work here to try and illuminate what will happen, and we are still in the dark, yet clearly all these people who are giving all these orders, across all these states and cities, know something decisive enough to act. And still the secret keeps. You would think, if they all knew Biden was going to get BTFO’d, there would be a thread on 4Chan from an insider. Or some reporter would report something. Or somebody somewhere would say their brother told them X on a web board somewhere, and it would find its way to us. But there’s nothing. Understand how it goes to show, big, amazing secrets can be kept.

A lawyer who represented the Trump campaign in a legal challenge to the Pennsylvania election results was forced out of his post last week as a law professor at Chapman University in California for representing President Donald Trump as a client.

Armed protesters have arrived at multiple state capitol complexes across the country Sunday morning.

Armed protesters begin to gather at Michigan state capitol.

Pro-Trump message board faces being kicked off its host.

CNN advocating for elimination of alternative news  like OANN and Newsmax by getting cable providers to ban them.

After a year of Black Lives Matters and Antifa burning down cities, Los Angeles Times tells us White supremacist extremists are the nation’s deadliest terror threat.

AOC proposes funding to deprogram white supremacists and conspiracy theorists.

Germany to put COVID rulebreakers in ‘detention camps.’ This might be to acclimate people to detention camps, before expanding them to ideological rule-breakers.

The Caravan coming through Guatemala is up to 9,000 migrants.

Biden transition official tells migrant caravans: ‘Now is not the time’ to come to the US.

U.N. demands payments for climate schemes as Biden readies for a return to the Paris Agreement.

Biden team already in talks with Iran over a return to the nuclear deal.

Joe Biden may cancel Keystone XL pipeline permit as soon as his first day in office.

FCC issues an Enforcement Advisory to remind licensees and operators that it is prohibited to use radios to commit or facilitate criminal acts. This is the second time is has issued this advisory.

FBI has trail of 140,000 images of selfie-loving Capitol siege suspects.

Karl Rove says if Trump continues to claim election fraud, there will be bipartisan conviction in the Senate.

Retired Army General Stanley McChrystal has compared the MAGA riot to the evolution of Al-Qaeda saying in both instances people followed a ‘powerful leader’ who ‘justified their violence’, as he warned America is headed for a homegrown insurgency. As I read this, I realize, one, McChrystal is fully Cabal. It was already been obvious, as in the death of Pat Tillman, some even felt he should have been indicted for covering it up. Bear in mind, the medical examiner in Pat Tilman’s autopsy felt certain Pat had been murdered based on the bullet trajectories pointing to the shooter having been unusually close to him. And the first article noted, that like Patton, Tillman had begun making noises about political opinions, and he would have been a natural leader. And of course, the thing Michael Hastings was most noted for was a Rolling Stone piece that destroyed McCrystal’s career. He then went on to report being gangstalked, and ultimately had his own mysterious death.

Kamala Harris to resign Senate seat on Monday ahead of the Inauguration.

CBS goes dark for some on the East Coast. The outage seems to be primarily affecting the New York metro area and some parts of the Northeast (NYT).

California unemployment fraud estimated to reach $10 billion.

Reporter Adam Housely says, “A massive amount of California EDD fraud went out of state and out of country. Billions worth.” Americans have trouble navigating the paperwork labyrinths of American governments to get free money. How do you think foreigners are doing it to this degree?

Maryland Congressman from a district just north of DC just had his son commit suicide. Now he is an Impeachment manager.

American-Chinese socialite, 34, who rubbed shoulders with Hillary Clinton ‘jumps to her death naked from her Hong Kong penthouse while holding five-month-old daughter.’ Nobody saw them jump, the bodies were just found on the street.

Officials in a Chinese municipality said that three samples of ice cream tested positive for the CCP virus, and thousands of boxes were confiscated, according to state-run media.

Death rates in Austria, Germany,Italy & Sweden in 2020 are the lowest in the last 10 years.

Spiritual advisor to Barack Obama and George W. Bush sentenced to 6 years for multi-million dollar China bonds fraud.

Kuwait’s cabinet submits resignation in standoff with parliament. Lots of governmental turmoil lately.

Merkel is finished as Laschet is declared the new CDU leader.

NIH reverses course, and makes Ivermectin an option for Chinavirus treatment.

A judge ordered Millard Fillmore Suburban Hospital last week to give a Covid-19 patient Ivermectin, and her family and attorneys say they believe that saved 80-year-old Judith Smentkiewicz’s life.

The U.S. Supreme Court turned away a Democratic bid to force universal vote-by-mail in Texas, leaving intact a state law that lets people cast no-excuse absentee ballots only if they are 65 or older.

Mike Huckabee floats the idea of Impeaching Kamala Harris for bailing out BLM rioters.

Trump will Issue 100 pardons on his final day in office.

Guardsmen stationed at the U.S. Capitol building to get cots.

Gov Abbott declares Texas a ‘Second Amendment Sanctuary.’

Don Jr’s twitter fee is here.

Spread r/K Theory, because we don’t want that secret to keep.

Posted in News Briefs | 17 Comments

News Briefs – 01/17/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


I’d classify this as a rumor – Due to security issues, President Trump asked his family and friends to leave the White House tonight. The guy posting this is something of a cypher. Some think he is a LARP, but he has posted videos from restricted areas before, sometimes feet from President Trump, so some believe he is a photographer who has legit access, and he has a couple of hundred thousand followers on Tik Tok. I would look on this as a possible clue, yet to be confirmed. Some thought this might have been what Q meant after RED 6, where he wrote, “USSS.” I would not be surprised if they are already moved, and this is a message that Trump is preparing for war. I’ve said the network is vast. They could easily have the manpower to overrun the White House, if they moved everyone from around the country to DC, though I assume there is surveillance up at the city border to detect such movement. Under TIPS pilot-program numbers, New York City alone would have 340,000 assets. Not all would be physically capable, or violence fluent, but you could probably get 30-40,000 cannon fodder just from there, with maybe a few thousand genuine shooters if that was the plan. I do not know if all their citizen assets are fully read in, or know what they are a part of, or even if they would follow an order to storm the White House in the face of 25,000 armed National Guard and Secret Service willing to drop them as fast as they can pull the trigger. But if even a small portion of 6% of the entire country was willing to make the run, Trump’s forces would need a lot of ammo. The fences would make good sense to slow them down, and give them shots. My guess is with the manpower they will have soldiers covering every inch of fence. That is not being put in place because of a few thousand rowdy Trump fans. That is a deterrent to a storming by a massive Cabal force.

Q has posted twice about Judgement Day coming, and January 17th is Judgement Day. And there is the number 17 of course, if numbers are important.

Then again, post 562, posted on Jan 19th, 2018, said simply, “Remember this day.” Then again he said at one point they were two days ahead of schedule.

DNI says China did seek to interfere with our election and CIA tried to cover it up by lying in their assessment,  This is not the big report, which determines if there was interference, but it says they sought to, so it is a good bet they got some interference in. And CIA was covering it up.

Just a few random tweets from the twitter feed of very well known liberal historian Michael Beschloss, which show you how confident they are that Joe Biden will be our next President. All but the last two were from just one hour of his feed. Try to show empathy and NOT laugh:

“Americans need official reassurance that if Trump issues strange, unwarranted orders to United States military or tries to grant himself unwarranted emergency Presidential powers or asks for unwarranted martial law, such orders will be thwarted to protect our democracy.”

“At this moment, we [Editor’s note – Who is this “We” Kemosabe?] Americans  do not know enough about what government processes exist to make sure that a rash, selfish, demented, power-hungry, anti-democratic President cannot abuse his authority in desperate effort to cling to a job from which the voters decided to evict him.”

“Why are top members of an outgoing President’s staff — four days before his term is done — now having an unannounced Saturday morning meeting at White House complex?”

“Did Attorney General Barr resign in December because even Barr — with his ominous record of abetting authoritarianism and destroying our rule of law — could not stomach the abuses of power he expected Trump to try in order to stay in office, against free will of American voters?”

“And for the thousand time, where is Pence and what is he doing?”

“Pence still (at least in theory) works for us and has no right to slink around secretly, as if he is a private citizen. His whereabouts could affect our future.”

“And what is the President’s (radically underqualified and underexperienced) national security adviser doing at this secret White House meeting this morning?”

“What is Giuliani doing at White House? Answers welcome.”

“Under pressure from Trump White House, Acting Secretary of Defense has ordered NSA to “immediately” install Republican party ex-operative (and Devin Nunes ex-aide) as NSA general counsel, reports Washington Post. With less than four days to go of Trump’s Presidency? Why?”

Amazon has begun banning all sorts of books from sale from private used book stores, from Mein Kampf texts, to obscure Romanian right wing titles, and they are hitting sellers with strikes on their accounts simply because they didn’t blacklist the titles themselves and remove the listings before Amazon banned them.  On this trajectory, this does not end well. President Trump will either save us from total destruction, or see the entire nation to fall to the despots.

The adoptive father of BLM Capital Hill riot agitator John Sullivan was disciplined by the U.S. Air Force for sending sensitive nuclear weapons parts to Taiwan, the Republic of China. Somebody here had said the domestic surveillance was Chinese a couple of years back as I recall. I didn’t think it likely and dismissed it in my mind at the time, but more and more it is looking like the network may actually be Chinese. It could explain where all the money is coming from. I saw where John Sullivan’s lawyer was arguing with a judge over the conditions of his release, and one condition was he needed to work at his business, Insurgency LLC, which sells videos of protests to media outlets like CNN. So he shows up at protests to carry out Cabal orders, and then CNN pays him, ostensibly for a little video he shoots at the event. He could very well have been turned into another Obama, and ended up a President at some point, as a second generation asset.

Acting defense secretary Christopher C. Miller ordered the director of the National Security Agency to install a former GOP political operative as the NSA’s top lawyer. RED 6: SEC OF DEF _instruct1

Baron Benjamin de Rothschild (57), banker and Chairman of the Edmond de Rothschild holding company, has died of a heart attack.

Huge explosion in Sterling Virginia, and it happened at an old abandoned building opposite a large data center. Could be something. You can’t just hide your covert data center in the middle of nowhere, because you need special lines installed to handle the large bandwidth to it, and that will betray where you hid it. So if you want a covert data center, you have to hide it near an overt data center, so you can piggy back the lines.

U.S. Capitol Police test audible emergency notification system in DC. Who even knew they have giant speakers throughout DC to deliver messages?

A good video showing how the Capitol Mall area is a locked down ghost town, and all the businesses around it are covered in plywood, presumably because of expected Antifa/BLM riots. They aren’t expecting those riots because Biden got inaugurated.

Trump tower in Washington DC is all surrounded by 7 foot non-scalable fence. That place wouldn’t be in danger from Trump supporters, if Biden was getting inaugurated.

National Guard lacks an exit strategy for the Presidential inauguration. They are just going to stay there until they won’t. They have no idea when they are leaving, or what will mean they can leave. UPDATE: Duffleblog apparently does satire, and this was tongue in cheek, though I think the satire was based on truth at the beginning..

DeSantis activates National Guard to protect Florida Capitol.

NJ activating National Guard troops for possible pro-Trump march on Trenton.

MD National Guard on standby for protests. National Guard activated across all major cities? Sounded a little unlikely when Q said it in 2017.

Philly is deploying all Police to control and violent uprisings on Inauguration Day.

Federal prisons on lockdown in run-up to Biden inauguration. Might point to a generalized plan to simply stir maximum chaos, even by breaking open the prisons by force, and letting everyone out. That, or orders given to the assets in prisons to set off riots to tie up federal resources trying to put the riots down.

New York prosecutors conduct HOURS-long interview with Trump’s former personal attorney Michael Cohen about the president’s Deutsche Bank accounts. All of these people coming after Trump are guilty of a criminal conspiracy against the nation. Either Trump can pass the torch to Biden and then wait for the onslaught, or he can not, and then expose all of them, strip them of power, and put them in prison. And become an official American Legend in the process.

A prosecutor in Atlanta is among those in the state considering opening up a criminal investigation into President Donald Trump for challenging the state’s controversial election results. If you think Trump is going to let Biden assume office, you are assuming Trump is a guy who will just willingly let his enemies walk all over him, AND betray his most loyal fans. I don’t think Trump is that guy. It is always possible a critical betrayal would thwart him, but as it stands, the power rests with him completely to take control, and he has every reason to do it, given the enemy seems bent on the total destruction of the nation and him personally.

The Department of Justice closed an investigation into ballots that were discarded in Pennsylvania, saying that there was insufficient evidence to prove criminal intent on the part of the person who discarded the ballots. All Trump ballots, discarded innocently.

Loews Hotels cancels Sen. Josh Hawley fundraising event.

Pelosi puts Swalwell back on Homeland Security panel despite spy scandal.

Leftists are gloating over the fact that if Biden takes office, the Census has delayed its counting procedures to the point that now Biden will get to decide to count illegal immigrants and grant blue states additional legislators to represent the illegals in their borders. But if Biden doesn’t take office, then it won’t work that way.

Biden immigration package to offer 11 million immigrants pathway to citizenship. With no border controls. Biden’s plan has been described as so “bold” by Politico, that even the most passionate immigration reform advocates are said to be “stunned” after getting an early look at it.

Country star John Rich says Conservative rockers are being ‘muzzled’ by the industry.

Twitter says it was just a bug which stopped people from searching “Lincoln Project” during the period that one of their leaders had a scandal over his sexually harassing young men.

Politico staff in revolt over Conservative Ben Shapiro being allowed to write for the site. Because liberals and conservatives hate each other, and he is a real conservative, and they are real liberals. Pieces like this are all about forming that deeper foundation in your brain. The reality is they all know they are all in the club, and this is a show. They wouldn’t be working there if they did not.

ANTIFA supporter Daniel Alan Baker has been arrested for plotting to murder Trump supporters and police on Inauguration Day, and was caught saying, he ‘received Soros money’ in a Youtube video.

Hundreds of rioters destroyed property and set fires during Trump’s 2017 inauguration, and all charges were dropped.

Fox News reportedly considering top executive firings over their post-election ratings collapse.

FOX News reportedly considering hiring the brother of former Obama adviser as new CEO.

West Vancouver billionaire Frank Giustra given the green light to sue Twitter over ‘Pizzagate’ tweets. He was the guy behind Uranium One.

Drive to get COVID-19 vaccine to L.A. firefighters loses steam as 40% fail to show up.

55 Americans have died following COVID vaccination, Norway Post-Vaccination deaths rise to 29.

Norway turns against dangerous COVID-19 vaccines, and warns ‘very frail’ people should not take the shots. In other words, it does damage, and if you are weak enough, it kills you.

Biden will deploy FEMA and the National Guard to vaccinate Americans.

NPR touts Biden’s promise to advance the transgender agenda.

Proposed Oregon bill greatly expands the governor’s emergency powers to include the ability to seize real and personal property and attempts to eliminate compensation in those takings.

While we waste time on COVID, everything from bacteria to HIV are getting drug resistant. “In the United States, Europe, Australia and Japan an estimated 10% to 17% of patients who are just starting drug treatment are infected with a virus that’s resistant to at least one drug.”

8,000 Honduran migrants pushed past police and crossed into Guatemala Friday night, on their way to the United States. There is video of a large mass breaking Police lines here.

President Trump’s Facebook and Instagram pages are restored. If his Twitter is restored today, then we will have ten days of darkness.

The Trump administration adopted a new rule to prevent big banks from denying services to gun manufacturers and other industries in a rebuke of an Obama-era financial program.

Trump considers pardoning Steve Bannon.

Reports of unexplained shaking rattles south Florida residents on Friday.

Secretary Pompeo says, Communist China cannot be contained like the Soviet Union, because they are already within our borders. That does’t sound like the kind of thing President Trump or our national security apparatus can walk away from, as they allow a verified bribed and blackmailed Chinese asset to assume the Presidency.

Paris residents threaten vigilante justice amid rising criminality.

Poland unveils draft law to guarantee free speech online.

Reporter Emerald Robinson says, Trump is focused on primarying those who didn’t stand behind him – he’s “out for blood!”

Spread r/K Theory, because vengeance can be magical too.

Posted in News Briefs | 43 Comments

News Briefs – 01/16/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


DC Police are looking for this BLM/Antifa protester who assaulted a Capitol police officer during the riot. Call the FBI’s Tipline at 1-800-CALL-FBI (1-800-225-5324) if you know him. Not sure if FBI will actually do anything, given he is probably Cabal and in the Network, but worth a try.

Donald Trump holds Oval Office talks with MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell who brandishes notes about ‘martial law’ and using the Insurrection Act and installing new CIA director at the White House. First account I saw said he had these notes as he came out, as if Trump gave them to him, then later MSM accounts said he brought them with him into the meeting. Don’t know why Mike Lindell would be recommending where to put Kash Patel though.

Former Tennessee Congressman Harold Ford not only has a picture of Mao over his fireplace, he has a painting of an adult smoking a cigarette as a little child gives them oral sex, and other little children watch. I stretched the picture of the painting here so it is easier to see it as it is on his wall. Picture is safe for work, it is abstract. But try to imagine hanging that on your wall, and the types of people you must associate with, and the nature of their behaviors in private, that you don’t expect them to think it the slightest bit strange. Strangely the original link above was scrubbed of this content. The original article’s archive is here, if you want to see the pic on his wall. UPDATE, some say it is possible this is a photoshop, and although the artwork is real it was photoshopped on Ford’s wall to muddy the waters. The ambiguity may be why the source deleted the original picture. The Mao picture is apparently legit though.

Roger Stone’s wife is hospitalized after being attacked by a leftist goon while walking her dog. A leftist on a bicycle just happened to be riding by as she walked out in front of her house, they recognized her, and proceeded to attack. Look at the probabilities on this. I am fascinated by Roger Stone. Every story about him is interesting, and I seek them out. I have seen untold numbers of pictures of him with his legal teams and his wife. But I would have had zero idea what she looked like. If I did, and I was a leftist, I would certainly not attack her. And if I was a leftist who knew what she looked like, and was prone to attack her, the chances of me happening in front of her house, just as she walks out in front to walk her dog would be very, very small. And remember, I detailed in a previous brief, Roger was T-boned in a car at an intersection several months back, by a vehicle which took off, and as far as I heard, nothing ever came of it. Highest probable explanation? Roger is under coverage. The observation post next door heard she was about to walk her dog, and they sent the bicyclist in. Somebody who did gangstalking once said, the biggest rule for their team was you could have no physical contact with a target. I’ve only had one time somebody kicked my foot as I walked by, possibly by accident as they wet to walk behind me, possibly trying to trip me and make it look accidental as I passed. It wasn’t enough to have any effect, and when I looked back, the guy played it as an accident, so I ignored it. Terry Davis actually said he freaked out once, and drove over one, and kept going, and never heard anything more of it. I don’t know what this means, with one of them physically attacking Roger’s wife, but I assume it means things are coming to a head. Either that, or Roger helped set up something at the Capitol riots, maybe with the Capitol cop who committed suicide, and this was Cabal telling him they were not pleased.

I actually had an incredibly vivid dream last night, and it is funny how the mind works. One of the benefits of this thing is I keep a gun with me. That has translated over to my dreams. I used to have dreams where I was unarmed, and would wish I was armed. But now in my dreams, a gun is like an arm or a leg – it is always there. So I was walking through the woods behind my home, and it was snowing very heavily. Suddenly the dream became very vivid, as the snow lit up like little light bulbs. As I looked forward, the sky was clearing at the horizon, the clear sky was moving toward me, and a rising sun was shining under the clouds and lighting the snow, which was itself decreasing. While it was still overcast above me, I suddenly noticed a group of both lions and wolves, off to my left and up a hill, and instantly turned and had my gun up. We looked at each other for a minute, as I felt confident I could smoke all of them before they got to me, and then they all took off together, not willing to get shot to attack. I have processed a lot of information here and in real life, and I assume it was my subconscious saying to me, the sky is clearing, but this is actually a period of very high risk and you need to stay sharp, and be ready to kill, until it is clear overhead. Then I got up and saw this story about Roger’s wife today, and clearly she should have been packing. Keep it in mind if you have any deep involvement with this thing.

John Sullivan, BLM activist charged in U.S. Capitol riot, has been released from jail without bail. So, he is BLM/Antifa, an uber car driver (probably vehicular surveillance while on duty), gets funded to be Olympic speed skater, paid actor on a commercial for Uber, an FBI informant, an agent provocateur at MAGA protests who got a girl killed, social media personality, invited on CNN by Anderson Cooper,  had CNN producer/journalist accompany him into Capitol storming and ask him to hide she was there, after saying how did he know, and he apologizes and tells her he couldn’t say too much about what was going to happen that he knew ahead of time. And now, though they have him cold in a restricted area, even admitting on tape he broke a window, a judge cuts him loose with no bail. No bail. This is the system today.

Capitol rioter seen with zip tie handcuffs freed by Judge. This guy looked like he had a gun holster on, and nobody stopped him going in. Does anybody really think if this guy happened on a lawmaker, he was going to zip tie him? But if you were a normie judge, and saw this guy running around with zip ties, and the prosecutor said he wanted to kidnap Congressmen, wouldn’t you take that more seriously? Especially with an inauguration coming? All of these judges know, that was a show put on by the network, and all of these people are Cabal assets working for their employer.

James, brother of accused leftist provocateur John Sullivan, claims 226 Antifa members started Capitol riots.

CNN issues a correction : CORRECTION: A previous version of this story misstated that Ted Cruz was seen wearing a pin featuring a Q-anon symbol. It was later discovered this was not a Q-anon pin, but a Doritos snack chip stuck to his suit.

Tucker Carlson is a “VIP regular” at Comet Ping Pong?

Defiant NJ gym owner has bank account emptied of $165,000 by Democratic Governor. This is the era where you do what you can gt away with. It is why there is no reason, given the rules of National Emergency allow it, that Trump should not just take over the nation, and send all of the Cabal members, left and right, to Guantanamo for execution.

So the fence they assembled with the concertina wire on the inside so people inside can’t climb out? Turns out the U-Bolts holding it together are designed to be taken apart from the outside, but not the inside – like you would do to keep prisoners inside.


25,000 National Guard are in DC for the Biden inauguration. Things do not look normal.

More National Guard are being called up, and just told they have eight hours to be at the indicated airfield with all their shit. The thread also has Freepers saying they are calling up Reserve Marines, and sending them to DC too on top of the Guard, but that isn’t getting press.

The Secret Service has designated a “Green Zone” in central Washington as part of its security efforts ahead of President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration.

The Owl is in a cage.

Bridges from Virginia into D.C. will be closed from 6 a.m. on Tuesday, until 6 a.m. on Thursday. Why not open them right after the inauguration is over and everybody has gone home?

The inauguration will also feature a separate security service hired by the government, and the name of it is “Checkmate.” Q was always posting that chess board.

They are adding more stars to the Biden extravaganza. “Bruce Springsteen, John Legend and Foo Fighters will perform during the prime-time special that will cap the inauguration of President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr., and the actors Eva Longoria and Kerry Washington will also have roles to play in the program… More performances could still be announced. “

Fulton County elections caught on video discussing stealing votes.

Brother of left-wing agitator claims Antifa instigated Capitol riot.

Federal prosecutors said there was “strong evidence” the pro-Trump mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol last week aimed to “capture and assassinate elected officials,” but the head of the investigation cautioned Friday that the probe is still in its early stages and there was no “direct evidence” of such intentions. The beginning of the split in our machinery, between Cabal and non-Cabal. Goes with the BLM guy with the wide eyes busted, but then let go.

Lt Governor of Pennsylvania says, you don’t have right and it is not protected speech to say that democrats were ‘trying to steal the election.’

Graham releases transcripts from Russia probe, FISA abuse investigation. There are still classified materials they are withholding.

Insiders claim ‘snap impeachment’ by Pelosi was to distract from imminent declassified bombshells.

Former Senator Jeff Flake said that all the Republican senators who forwarded President Donald Trump’s claims there was “wide-scale voter fraud” in the 2020 presidential election knew it was a “big lie.”

American Thinker got a letter from Dominion’s lawyer, and proceeded to publish a lengthy apology for ever implying those machines are anything less than perfect.

Signal was created and funded by a CIA-spinoff?

The House in Washington State is proposing a law to make elections less transparent so they can steal them into perpetuity. This is it, the point of no return. We either become a government ruled by the people with laws and rules, or we become a lawless dictatorship.

President Trump writes to Congress, “In accordance with section 1012(a) of the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 (2 U.S.C. 683(a)), I herewith report 73 rescissions of budget authority, totaling $27.4 billion.” I’d bet the list of what he was refusing to fund in this letter is a list of Cabal organizations that fund the machine.

Vox Day notes European governments are falling like dominoes right at this moment.

Vox also notes the media isn’t covering it, but Italy is making a massive move against the mafia. More on the mafia trials is here. One of them was named “The Wolf,” and another was “Big Nose.” I definitely would want the cooler name.

Capitol Steps, the popular satirical performance group known for putting the “mock in democracy,” announced it will be shutting down this year. I would actually wonder if even this silly comedy troupe was funded by Cabal to add to the ridicule of targets Cabal wanted ridiculed.

NRA files for bankruptcy, and moving from New York to Texas. Somehow, I have a feeling if there were no Storm, this would never have happened. Whatever was going on inside the organization would simply have been covered up, and they’d have kept sucking down membership dues and sending them wherever they send them. I didn’t cancel, even though I suspect they are Cabal, just because I didn’t want a story about the crushing of their membership. But hopefully if we get rid of Cabal, we won’t need them nearly as much.

Shooting, homicide surge came after ‘reforms’ NY’s leaders said would cut crime.

Kyle Rittenhouse, the teenager charged with killing two people during protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin, over the summer, was recently spotted drinking at a bar and posing for photos with apparent Proud Boys sympathizers after being released from jail on $2 million bond. I’d assume surveillance had him put up, saw he was going out for a drink, and arranged for two “Proud Boys” to happen to show up at the bar, chat him up, and get photos. I’d even assume they somehow got him that “Free as Fuck” T-shirt so it would be in the pic they took of him. I’d even wonder who invited him out for the drink. If you don’t understand what can happen when the machine focuses in on you, you are a sitting duck. It is a shame to see a good kid, at such a disadvantage with so many looking to ruin him.

23 die in Norway after receiving Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, according to officials.

Rockefeller Foundation and Microsoft working on a vaccine passport. If we escape all of this, it will be by the skin of our teeth, and more bothersome, only due to the grace and greatness of others who got into the right places.

Joe Biden nominates Gretchen Whitmer as DNC Vice Chair.

Biden to activate FEMA and National Guard to vaccinate Americans.

Rep. Liz Cheney’s vote to impeach President Trump put her political future in jeopardy back home in Wyoming, revealed a state GOP official. 

Parler CEO John Matze has gone into hiding with his family after receiving death threats.

Lincoln Project founder John Weaver partially admitted to allegations of sexual misconduct on Friday, releasing a statement in which he admitted to his own homosexuality and apologized for inappropriate sexual conversations with college aged-men in the ranges of 19 to 26.

Pelosi claims the reason they are just doing a small inauguration with no citizens allowed to attend is because of the Chinavirus. Doesn’t really explain the fencing or 25,000 troops.

As 2020 wound to a close, leftist policies on residents of blue states, prompted migration from California, New York, New Jersey, and Illinois to Republican-run states such as Texas and Florida, which offer lower taxes and a better business climate.

Hundreds of Central Americans gather for caravan aiming to reach United States.

Joe Biden weighs amnesty plan for illegal aliens in meeting with open borders lobby. All the pieces are in place. Trump will either be remembered for all of time as the greatest leader in all of history, who went on to save the greatest nation in the world, against all odds, from the worst traitors the world has ever seen. Or he will be remembered as a leader who went all the way up to the finish line, and yet through betrayal by aides or defeat by the enemy, heart-breakingly failed to make it over the finish line and allowed the greatest, freest nation in the world to fall, probably more spectacularly than any nation in history ever has. There is no way to overemphasize what we are watching. We still speak the names of Caesar and Brutus, and marvel at the fall of Rome today. Someday, it is entirely possible, likely even, that the events we are witnessing firsthand, will dwarf the story of Rome, and every other empire, in the history books. It is even possible, this story will mark the fall of an entity which was behind the fall of so many other empires before us, and yet was completely unknown until at this moment it was dragged into the light and slain by our God Emperor.

Manhattan DA expands criminal investigation into Trump Organization finances to include family compound in Westchester County.

Arkhaven comics forms an alliance with Brazil’s SuperPrumo Comics, and will offer all their works, translated and ready for sale in 2021. Those things get collectible, especially at the very beginning of the company’s operations.

Fourteen leaders of MS-13 charged.

President Donald Trump plans to leave Washington, D.C., after a farewell ceremony on the morning of President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration ceremony, according to reports. Trump’s farewell ceremony will take place at Joint Base Andrews, where Air Force One is stationed. “POTUS will be well insulated/protected on AF1 and abroad (specific locations classified) while these operations are conducted due to the nature of the entrenchment.”

Donald Trump plans to hold unprecedented military ‘farewell event’ with a 21-gun salute, color guard and martial music when he boards Air Force One for Mar-a-Lago on morning of Biden’s inauguration.

Rasmussen poll shows no slip in support for President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed is here. – Facebook is blocking the creation of new events on the platform happening in close proximity to DC and state capitols through Inauguration Day.  – Voters want Speaker Pelosi to stop the second impeachment of President Trump and would rather see the punishment of Big Tech for censoring the President, according to a leaked internal memo from a pollster.

Spread r/K Theory, because nothing is normal these days.

Posted in News Briefs | 62 Comments

News Briefs – 01/15/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Instead of the embedded twitter brief, I am just going to quote tweets, and link to them at the end of the news brief, if you want to see them yourself. I don’t know if twitter counts traffic from embeds, but if they tried to cancel our God Emperor’s feed, fuck them. There is barely anything of use there anymore, anyway.

Amazon has now purged all Q-related books from its catalog, electronic and print, and so has Barnes and Noble, (and the Netherlands!) so if you didn’t get a copy of The Complete Q-anon, you may be down to just one British bookstore in Ebay (which appears to have also banned them) or Books A Million here and here. On the bright side, your book is now probably going to become a rare collector’s item. The only Q-books left at Amazon and Barnes and Noble are about the poisonous fake conspiracy of Q-anon, and all the reasons Q-anon is a fraud. I feel honored, honestly. I never thought I would ever have seen them be this blatant in censoring books like this across this many platforms, not because they couldn’t, or they didn’t have the assets in their network, but because they hate exposing the extent of their network like this. They are everywhere, and it is like the worst stories we ever read about the most oppressive regimes in history. If you are leftist, and not in Cabal, understand, they will come for you too in the near future. This represents the end of anyone being allowed to have an opinion about politics, outside of them. You see why I believe mass arrests on the 20th could easily be true. The alternative is, we complete our descent into the most repressive regime in the world. Because if Biden gets in, it will not get better. His handlers will not make our elections more honest, or allow us more of a say in government. This is it, us or them, and given we already have a National Emergency declared, I see no reason legally Trump cannot make it them, nor do I see any reason why he wouldn’t. And their fear of Q also is not convincing me it is false.

I’ll probably open a store here at some point to offer my books for sale. I probably should have long ago, but just making sure we can’t be deplatformed has been a lucky break.

The only time President Trump unclasped his hands during his last speech, at 4:20, he thrust them forward in a way that signaled Q in morse code. Dash Dash Dot Dash.

A Pentagon source speaking under promise of anonymity told Real Raw News that Pelosi contacted General David H. Berger, Commandant of the United States Marine Corps., late Monday night, and she beseeched him to commit 5,000 troops to help ensure a peaceful transition of power and to prevent a repeat of the Jan 6 siege of the Capitol, and he refused. Sounds like Pelosi might be trying to gt a lay of the land, without actually asking openly. In Cabal-speak, I think he is supposed to detect what she is really asking about (are you with Trump or us?) and say something which, while not directly addressing her question, answers it in an arguably oblique way that puts her mind at ease. I am guessing she got no such good vibes from the conversation.

Biden inauguration rehearsal is postponed due to security threats.

The Pentagon, in a break with recent tradition, will not host an Armed Forces Farewell tribute to President Donald Trump.

An anon noted that in this video, it appears the concertina wire that being installed at the Capitol is being installed on the inside of the fence to keep Biden and his people inside the fences, not to keep protesters out. There is no reason for this from our side, and Trump knows that. We are not going to raid the inauguration. He is having this done for some other reason, just like store owners have still plywood-ed over their stores for some other reason. They are afraid of Antifa and BLM going apeshit – and there is only one reason they would go apeshit.

MPD confirms at @ANC2B meeting that the entire National Mall will be closed to everyone (pedestrians, vehicles, etc) beginning tomorrow thru to after the Inauguration. All sightlines of the Capitol building will be blocked for the Inauguration. Do not try to watch it in-person. Which makes all the soldiers and fencing doubly weird.

Gov. Mike DeWine sends more Ohio National Guard to D.C., vows ‘significant presence’ in Columbus for protests.

National Guard at Capitol is authorized to use lethal force.

John Solomon reports that Trump has ordered the declass of intelligence docs from Obamagate, including Christopher Steele’s debriefings and FBI asset Stefan Halper’s instructions. Expected to be released tomorrow or Monday (via Lou Dobbs). Supposedly a foot-high stack of documents.

A bombshell revelation in the remaining FBI documents on Russia collusion shows that the entire narrative was created and leaked to the news media to neutralize Hillary Clinton’s concern that her email scandal hadn’t gone away.

The FBI has arrested #BlackLivesMatter self-described anti-fascist John Sullivan for leading the charge during the insurrection at the Capitol. Sullivan goaded the first casualty of the event to climb through a window just before she was killed.

CNN’s Jade Sacker penetrated the Capitol with a member of BLM/Antifa cheering, “We did it!” And then asking her conspirator if he was filming, he said he’d delete it, but he lied.

Dawson Buchanan, a young Trump-staffer was all set to begin working for Private Jet Services, however, shortly before he was to begin, PJS fired him. When the NHL learned that PJS had hired someone who had worked for the Trump company, the NHL said PJS had a choice: Buchanan or the NHL’s contract. PJS fired him. How did all this come to the NHL’s attention? Ask yourself if it is more likely NHL is actively going through all of the hiring records of every employee, for every company they deal with, and cross referencing them all against Trump-hiring records, or if somebody assigned to this kid saw him get hired by that company, and then saw they had an asset at NHL which was in a position to bring pressure and get him fired. This could even have been the beginning of a pressure campaign to fuck up the kid’s life until he had no other options, so they can turn him and then force him to go back and seek employment with Trump, as their asset, to get the pressure lifted.

Project Veritas strikes again – Twitter CEO recorded by an insider, detailing the agenda for further political censorship.

Bezos-owned Post says Parler deserved the blackout by Bezos-owned Amazon.

HSBC says customers who refuse to wear a face mask will have their accounts withdrawn.

John Sullivan, the man who was arrested for his part in the U.S. Capitol rioting, was an Olympic speed skating hopeful. Second Olympics athlete involved, oddly enough. He was also an actor who did a commercial for Uber that explained his experience driving for them. What did I say about cabbies and surveillance, or actors for that matter? And he was promoted on CNN by Anderson Cooper. And he was boasting on Instagram of his contacts with the FBI yesterday. Today they arrested him for rioting. How many of those doors do you think will never, ever, open for you? That he got arrested may be a bigger sign than we think.

In an FBI sworn affidavit it states: The liberal activist who was charged in the capitol riot URGED participants to set the place on fire. This was a setup.

Aaron Mostofsky, who was arrested for involvement in the Capitol riot, and his father, a NY Supreme Court Judge are both registered Democrats.

NY Attorney General Letitia James sues NYPD and its leadership for ‘excessive, brutal and unlawful’ handling of ‘overwhelmingly peaceful’ Black Lives Matter protests last year. The war is starting on many fronts. And our enemies keep attacking the cops.

Dems introduce bill to ban Trump from entering the US Capitol forever.

Mysterious unmarked helicopters spotted surveying L.A. with peculiar antennae.

The Central Intelligence Agency will neither confirm nor deny that it fabricated the Russian “fingerprints” in Democratic National Committee emails published in 2016 by Wikileaks and “Guccifer 2.0.”, and the FBI implicitly acknowledged today that it never reviewed the contents of DNC employee Seth Rich’s laptop despite gaining custody of the laptop after his murder.

Tennessee principal on leave after warning kids about Twitter censorship.

Florida teacher fired for telling students Antifa was involved in the U.S. Capitol riot.

Curt Schilling says AIG canceled insurance over his social media posts.

Delta bans customers who publicly harassed Mitt Romney. How do they know who was harassing Mitt and Lindsey? Or about Curt’s social media activity? Or what a teacher is saying in class? Pretty good intelligence infrastructure for private sector companies which supposedly just supply a service to people and go home, or some school administrator. I’ve long said, Cabal’s network is not a small band of desk jockeys and database bandits in a basement in DC, supporting a few small teams of elite field operatives who nobody will ever cross paths with. It is a massive swath of society, all regular people who have signed up like informants, to do Cabal’s bidding all throughout society, and they are everywhere. Literally, it can be the girl behind the counter at the pharmacy, your doctor, or your son’s teacher, or a kid in your kid’s gym class in elementary school. You have children spying on teachers, and teachers spying on kids. They are in your social media, they are behind you in the grocery store, they are watching you in school, and they are often in your house, listening. Together, they are a citizen version of the Adjustment Bureau, manipulating lives to make sure Cabal always is in control. Normally you’d never notice them, but now, as the walls close in, they are all activating at once, and their actions are being noticed by everyone, everywhere. And you see again, I wasn’t bullshitting you all these years. I was just the weird guy with the balls to tell you the truth when everyone else was afraid, and I didn’t give a fuck what it did to me or my credibility in the moment. Still can’t figure out why I always felt so certain that this thing would come apart dramatically within a short period and I would live to see it given how big it was, and how many others died without ever seeing it. Though I suppose you could argue it couldn’t go on long, as obvious as it was. But my certainty felt different, like faith from God.

Calls mount for Republican Liz Cheney to resign after voting for Trump’s Impeachment.

Kevin McCarthy won’t back effort to remove Liz Cheney from leadership post.

DC attorney general wants to interview Donald Trump Jr. as part of Trump inaugural funds abuse probe.

AT&T Chairman sits on board of China-linked private equity firm.

MIT Professor who received $19 million in federal grants arrested for concealing ties to China.

Dr. Harold Bornstein, Trump’s former personal physician, dead at 73.

Virginia plans for all public schools to allow boys in girls’ bathrooms and sleepovers.

Joe Biden is promising that on “his first day in office” he will issue an order requiring all schools that receive federal funding to let transgenders play on the sports teams and use the bathrooms and locker rooms that accord with their “gender identity.”

Biden unveils $1.9 trillion ‘rescue plan’ including direct payments and extra $400 in unemployment benefits.

Andrew Yang kicks off his NYC mayoral campaign with $2,000 basic income proposal for the poor.

New York City renters owe more than $1 billion in unpaid rent, survey finds.

Google announced Thursday it’s completed its acquisition of Fitbit. More data on you.

Post on Free Republic by a software engineer who said he designed software on social media, which could scan pictures, identify what was in them, and add it to your file. So if you are wearing a cross, and a Colt shirt, the software identifies you, and adds Christian and gun owner to your profile. Same with MAGA hats, the products you buy, the places you go, guns, and so forth.

Norwegian Medicines Agency links 13 deaths among the frail and old to vaccine side effects.

Gun sales in Pennsylvania have hit an all-time high.

Arizona GOP to vote on resolutions to censure Cindy McCain, Jeff Flake, and Gov. Ducey for backstabbing President Trump.

President Trump has more pardons ready to go and plans to appoint Special Counsels to investigate crack-head Hunter Biden and Dominion voting machines.

Social media giants Facebook and Twitter have collectively seen $51.2 billion in combined market value wiped out over the last two trading sessions.

Amygdala – eyes on an Antifa/BLM shithead facing a decade or more of time for raiding the Capitol. Dollars to donuts Trump will pardon ours as the Storm shakes out. This guy, not so much.


Don Jr’s twitter feed is here.

Paul Sperry – DEVELOPING: Sources on Hill say Pelosi coordinated the “snap impeachment” of Trump with Russia “collusion” hoaxer Schiff in part to distract from forthcoming damning revelations from declassified bombshell FBI docs exposing the Russiagate probe of Trump as a political operation

Paul Sperry – BREAKING: Federal records reveal the father of CNN anchor Jake Tapper is a major Democrat donor in Penn (where he’s called Biden’s bro neighbor), contributing $78,500+ exclusively to Dems inclg Biden. Tapper’s stepmom, an ex NY Times writer, has kicked in another $4,000+ for Dems

Don’t forget, if this next one was a coordinated action, it would have required the cop who shot to be BLM/Cabal too, and in on the plan. And one site has claimed the cop who shot had a lot of BLM shit on his social media:

Kyle Becker – Unidentified suspected ‘Agent Provocateur,’ who was spotted breaking a door in John Sullivan’s video during Capitol siege, is now on FBI’s “MOST WANTED” list. The UNSUB appears to have led a potential “coordinated action” leading to shooting of Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt.

Kyle Becker – Antifa/BLM activist & arrested Capitol siege agitator John Sullivan’s adopted daddy is Air Force Maj. Gen. Kevin J. Sullivan. The Air Force general was reprimanded and resigned after an incident involving *NUCLEAR WARHEADS.* This raises *NO QUESTIONS* whatsoever. [Thread.] – Bill Gates, the 4th richest person in the world, has been quietly snatching up 242,000 acres of farmland across the U.S. — enough to make him the top private farmland owner in America. It is not entirely clear how Gates’ farmland is being used. (Forbes) – National Guard deployment to DC for the presidential inauguration on January 20th is now up to 21,000 troops, NGB head said during inauguration security briefing with VP Mike Pence (via @AirForceTimes)  – France to introduce 6pm curfew nationwide.

Spread r/K Theory, because the decision point approaches.

Posted in News Briefs | 121 Comments

News Briefs – 01/14/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Twitter Brief is here.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Top link today, a must read thread which I can’t summarize as well as it is written, covers the powers Trump has right now to take over the government, and indications he is implementing them. A must read. So President Trump can cuck, and go home and let a Chinese spy take over the Presidency, destroy the nation, and hunt every member of the Trump family until they have all been killed as a message to others. Or, fully within his legal power, he can give an order, take control of everything, deal with all the traitors, re-establish our Republic, and go down in history as the most amazing, greatest leader America has ever, and will ever see. What might he choose?

This is the photo from yesterday of the guest at President Trump’s speech at the border, who wore a red jersey with the number 17. I noticed after posting it yesterday, that unless I am mistaken, the name on the jersey, is “ALIEN.” Make of that what you will. AYY LMAO?

Caroline Kennedy’s twitter wiped after posting pics of JFK Jr with Trump. 4Chan link had this too.

Something is taking the site down periodically, I assume some sort of attack. I contacted the host, doubled the site capacity which should have handled it, but it kept happening. I went back to tech support, they said they took some measure and fixed it again, and told me it was definitely fixed, then it happened again, definitely fixed again, happened again, and now techs are going to look deeper today. So please bear with us.

So the same day the site began going down, Amazon blocked my Q-Kindle-book, despite it having a rating of 4.1, with two fake one star reviews from lefties who never even bought it. Amazon message follows:

Thanks for your email.

We’ve reviewed your book “The Complete Q-anon: Q-anon, Summarized, Analyzed, And With A Firsthand Account Of Cabal’s Ground Intelligence Operations, Conservative, Anonymous (AUTHOR), and found that it is in violation of our content guidelines and we will not be offering this title for sale on Amazon.

We reserve the right to determine whether content provides a poor customer experience and remove that content from sale.

You can find our KDP content guidelines, here:

Thanks for your understanding.

Best regards, Amazon KDP

Santino L.
Amazon Content Review Team

Looks like Amazon is banning all Q merchandise. Looks like it is time to buckle down and get to work on Understanding The Modern Surveillance State In America – How the Surveillance State Knows Who Everyone Is – and How To Kill Them. Nothing can stop what is coming. Though in truth, I should have had this one done by now and ready to replace the Q-book. God, do I hate this fucking network.

700,000 lose power in Pacific Northwest.

House votes to Impeach Trump, again.

Impeachment 2.0 opens the door to an election fraud trial. From link, “Power to subpoena, call witnesses, and Dems can’t stop it at this point. Can also go for weeks with the trial and eat up Biden’s first 100 days.” Scott Adams is saying the same thing.

Vice President Mike Pence, Second Lady Karen Pence to visit Fort Drum on Sunday todeliver remarks to 10th Mountain Division soldiers.

National Guard presence in D.C. swells to 20,000 ahead of inauguration.

Thanks for your service, National Guard soldiers. Now go sleep on the cold hard tile, without even a yoga pad. There are photos of them doing this all over 4Chan. Can’t somebody get them some roll up foam pads to lay out on? Why not a hotel room? That is atrocious.

Probably a LARP, but so uninvested it almost sounded legit – an anon on 4Chan claimed his Marine unit was on the way to DC.

Video allegedly shows one of the main provocateurs involved in Babbitt’s shooting going behind a squad of police on the stairs change his clothes and disappear.

DOJ says, ‘hundreds’ to be charged after Capitol riots, number of crimes is ‘mind-blowing’ and includes ‘sedition and conspiracy.’ Literally, they just walked through the people’s halls peacefully after being waved in by cops. But BLM and Antifa burned cities to the ground, and blinded cops with lasers, and it got as little attention as our election being rigged by China.

President Kennedy asked the FBI to look into Speaker Pelosi’s father for connections to the mob – documents quietly released last week confirm this.

Congressman says House is considering expelling ‘dangerous’ and ‘depraved’ QAnon Congresswoman Majorie Taylor-Greene.

New York City is severing all contracts with the Trump Organization.

Donald Trump Jr., the outgoing president’s oldest son, is under criminal investigation in the District of Columbia, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries of New York said Tuesday. He doesn’t say what for.

LAPD officer who attended pro-Trump rally before riot ordered to speak with FBI.

Veterans groups plan to expel any members who took part in the Capitol riot.

Famed Boston Red Sox pitcher-turned-conservative commentator Curt Schilling said Tuesday that American International Group (AIG) had cancelled his insurance plan due to his “social media profile.”

JIDF-anon on 4Chan has not yet figured out his girlfriend had been sent in to keep an eye on him. My guess is for women, being able to use sex to get control of a guy is a powerful weapon the spooks want, so these spook outfits want their pretty girls acclimated, to a boss telling them to go in and bang some strange guy to manipulate him. They can’t have a critical op, and have a girl get all jerky and nervous when the time comes. So they probably have a stable of these girls in training all the time, and so long as they are training, they will use them to scope out potential recruits like this kid, who I would guess showed signs of loose lips before this, and thus is a washout, without even knowing it. Like I have said, it is a weird world, and if you are not prepared, you will think the girl must be into you, and loyal, and wife material, and once that happens, you are owned. Also, JIDF is shutting down due to lack of funds.

Tom Hanks to host inauguration special, with Bon Jovi, Timberlake and Lovato performing. One thing I will say for Q. When he breaks the magic, the magic stays broken. Nothing but a bunch of corrupt degenerates celebrating treason.

In one of his last acts as President, Donald Trump is set to declassify ‘bombshell’ evidence linking the Wuhan Institute of Virology to the outbreak of COVID-19, according to a report.

There are rumors floating about of a secret EO that is putting a stop to ammo production, or more likely, seizing it for national defense reasons. This might mean we have a rocky period coming up post-Storm, where war with China could be one possible outcome the wargamers are seeing. Gen McInerney said we have begun WWIII, and it is a hybrid war, with low grade chemical warfare (fentanyl) and biological warfare (COVID – see the story right above), as well as espionage/infiltration that almost took over our government. Trump may have to act to show these types of things will not be tolerated. Then again, we keep hearing about tunnels, and troops having to fight underground. That could be some esoteric story. But if I was China, and was looking at unrestricted warfare, I’d have had the nuclear tunnel-boring machines going for the last 20 years, and they’d be running under us by now. No telling what it might be in these times. But as a general rule, I like to meet people on the battlefield they attack me on. We do know Chinese appear highly susceptible to respiratory viruses with spike proteins modified to exhibit higher binding affinities to Angiotensin Converting Enzyme II active sites. With what we have, depopulating that continent in an entirely plausibly deniable way with minimal risk of biological blowback might not be impossible at all.

Kamala felt “blindsided” when Vogue used the cover photo of her in the dark suit rather than the light suit. Meanwhile Trump just got his second bogus Impeachment, every social media has deplatformed him, and he is maligned with fake stories in every news outlet.

Biden no longer taking Amtrak to inauguration amid security concerns.

Liberal legislation seeks to purge military of conservatives by labeling them a hate group.

Parler CEO says social media app, favored by Trump supporters, may not return.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said that Congress is “looking into” media literacy initiatives to help “rein in” the press to combat misinformation in the wake of last week’s deadly breach of the U.S. Capitol.

Democrats introduce constitutional amendment to ban Electoral College.

2020 was so bad, 1 in 6 Americans entered therapy for the first time. This might mean you have a few more MK Ultra’s in the making. Scientology is absolutely fierce in their assertion psychologists and psychiatrists are absolute enemies. Didn’t think much of it when I first heard about it, but given what I know now, they are absolutely right.

27-year-old mother suffers seizures, is hospitalized after taking COVID vaccine.

‘Very healthy’ Miami obstetrician, 56, dies 16 days after receiving Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.

L.A. officials cut utilities to Fairfax home after repeated violations of party ban.

Judicial Watch gets the paperwork on California’s billion dollar Chinese mask deal. Basically a CCP company gets a billion dollars and doesn’t have to guarantee the quality of their product. Of course the real scandal wouldn’t be in there, and that would be the kickbacks, and all the people who took them being instantly turned into CCP assets to be moved up into more prominent positions. Looks like Newsom has got a slot as POTUS waiting for him, if things don’t work out for the Storm.

Pet owners and veterinarians are being warned about recalled Sportmix pet food products now linked to the deaths of more than 70 dogs and the illnesses of 80 others.

80% Trump voters, 76% of Republicans less likely to vote for lawmaker who votes for impeachment.

Italian government near collapse after Renzi pulls ministers from the ruling coalition.

Veritas investigation into voter fraud leads to arrest. Texas election official arrested for widespread vote harvesting and fraud.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has rejected a plan to reconvene the Senate in an emergency session to hold trial over an impeachment article against President Trump in the House.

Marjorie Taylor Greene to file Biden impeachment articles on January 21.

Twitter and Facebook have seen $51 billion of combined market value wiped out since booting Trump from their platforms.

Gab is reportedly receiving ‘thousands’ of resumes from Silicon Valley employees as Facebook and Twitter stock prices plunge.

Gab just announced a “Gab Smartphone” among many other great tech tools for Free Speech. Feels like a counter-conspiracy for freedom. Either that, or Cabal saw which way the wind was blowing, so the old network, and all of its traitors and objectives are out the window.

The Montana House will soon vote on legislation to defend self-defense rights by eliminating state government-mandated gun free zones at Montana university campuses and other schools on public property.

Jim Jordan calls for House GOP vote to remove Liz Cheney as conference chair.

Trump calls on Americans to help ensure peaceful transition. with ‘no violence’ and ‘no lawbreaking.’ That means he got word there was a false flag in the works that would be very not-peaceful and very violent. And now the Cabal has one less move to play.

Spread r/K Theory, because Trump is always a step ahead.

Posted in News Briefs | 73 Comments

Twitter Briefs – 01/14/2021

WordPress fails to render these tweets right on the front page of the blog, so click the headline above to look at this post’s dedicated page, and all these tweets should render correctly, complete with videos and pictures.

No Q.

Headline Brief is here.

President Trump put this video on the White House page:

Don Jr’s Tweets (May not display properly on the main blog, unless you load this brief’s page by clicking on the title):

They are getting all non-essential people out of DC for the inauguration, as if they know something is going to happen:

Understand how intelligence works:

Spread r/K Theory, because you are probably going to want to be stocked up on popcorn on the 20th.

Posted in News Briefs | 1 Comment

News Briefs – 1/13/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Twitter Brief is here.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Feds release photo of MAGA rioter they want to question over the murder of Capitol cop Brian Sicknick who was hit in the head with a fire-extinguisher. FBI completely glossed over it at the press conference. Officer Sicknick’s family GoFundMe is here.

Blackout in Portland, supposedly a blown transformer.

US Capitol Special Agent David Bailey, who shot Ashli Babbitt is a Brazilian immigrant and Black Lives Matter militant. This is the only source maintaining he is the shooter so far – there is no official word. They are basing it on the fact one frame from the shooting video clearly showed a bead bracelet identical to the one this guy wore. If he hated Trump supporters, it might explain why he was so quick to take the life of a woman while all the other cops were content to stand by.

Capitol protester is found dead in his home, his wife saying, “There’s blood everywhere.” The article says it was suicide, but it sounds curious, at least. In the twitter brief, it says they are saying he committed suicide by shooting himself in the chest. But this article says there were only two SKS rifles there. And if you have ever seen a high powered rifle hit any target, it is not gentle. 7.62×39 to the sternum would be a very painful way to go. I suppose this goes with living in a third world banana republic.

At Trump’s talk at Alamo, the camera panned to the crowd, and caught one observer wearing MAGA red. That is Trump, telling us to stay strong. Somebody on 4Chan said, if we are looking at the number 17 being important, the action might start on the 17th.


Patrick Byrne joins the ranks of the twitter banned.

Screencap of some Jesse Ventura tweets attacking conservatives, Trump supporters, and Trump. I have told the story of being on a web board decades back, with a lot of high speed military SpecOps guys on it, and the subject of the CIA came up, and all of them suddenly changed tone and basically said all CIA people were shit. The full story, was that the subject of Jesse Ventura came up, and somebody pointed out his UDT service. At first all the military guys were giving him props, but then one said Ventura hadn’t really been cooling his heels in the Philippines during the Vietnam war like he said, but had actually been assigned to CIA under MAC-V-SOG. I was young and dumb at the time, and thought it would be seen there as doubly impressive, but all the military guys turned on a dime, and basically said he was totally untrustworthy, and likely scum. I challenged them, and what struck me was they were all sympathetic, like they understood why I would think that, but they were firm, I had a lot to learn. I thought it was strange, because at least his UDT should have counted for something, but they felt no. If he was associated with CIA, everything about him was different. Up until five or six years ago I’d have still thought they were over-reacting. But you look at this, and see, Ventura is Cabal, it probably came from some CIA-linkage, and now we see, their take was dead on. Also, Ventura was treasurer, IIRC of the Mongols motorcycle gang, while he was UDT. So he was handling the money for a criminal street gang, while he had a security clearance which was unaffected, and when CIA wanted SpecOps support, they grabbed him up, at 6’7″ and 240 lbs, or whatever he was, instead of other guys. And then he went on to be a celebrity, movie star, and politician. Before I never would have had any idea all of those things were linked.

In a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Vice President Mike Pence said that he refuses to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove President Donald Trump from office. 

PBS principal counsel says on a Project Veritas tape, we need to put Trump supporters’ children into re-education camps.

Rep. John Katko, who represents the Syracuse area and New York’s 24th District, announced that he will vote to impeach President Donald Trump.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) “screamed” at an officer for not doing “enough” to protect senators as the U.S. Capitol was being breached last week.

Twitter condemns Uganda for blocking social media apps and censoring internet before key election. They say it is important to freedom to not censor people over electoral matters.

Government of Uganda bans Twitter from country after censorship, and election interference.

France, Germany, Mexico, Australia join the international outcry over the censorship of President Trump.

The Capitol Police chief says his pleas for backup were ignored by the sergeants-at-arms and the Pentagon. That is possible, if it was a Whitehat operation. I’d think Capitol Police would need to be comped at the top, to control criminal arrests. Pentagon would obviously tend to be white hat, and Sergeant at Arms could be less comped, since he would be security, and not responsible for the types of crimes they’d want to control the charging of. They’d want the position as always, but control of it might be less important. If this were true,  then the raid was probably a white hat operation for something else.

Street artist SABO triggers the left with ‘say her name’ poster of woman shot by Police at Capitol protest.

An analysis of videos of the death of Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt at the U.S. Capitol indicates Antifa activists provoked the fatal gunshot from a police officer.

Pipe bombs found at DNC/RNC HQs may have been diversionary tactic to pull security away from Capitol Hill as rioters descended.

Beware of the “Armed Protests at all 50 State Capitols” – Probable Black Flag Ops. Maybe. Or maybe they are necessary to invoke the Insurrection Act. We shall see.

A 45-year-old immigrant from India and Twitter’s top lawyer, Vijaya Gadde, spearheaded the decision to permanently suspend US President Donald Trump’s Twitter accounts. Looks like the magic dirt doesn’t confer an understanding of free speech. This was the woman who accompanied Jack on Joe Rogan, with whom there was that weird vibe, that Jack was a subordinate, and a very low ranking subordinate, while her vibe was that of the boss who was in charge. Joe would ask something, and Jack would let her cut him off, correct him, and he would look to her for approval. It was more than just legal stuff. Jack seemed genuinely subordinate to her. I assumed she was some sort of high ranking Cabal family member trusted to run things, and Jack was just an actor they hired to pretend to be the founder. Interesting, when Trump’s account is to be canceled, it is her who pulls the plug, and not Jack.

A group of anti-Trump Republicans are pledging to raise $50 million to help reelect GOP lawmakers who vote to impeach or remove President Trump from office. Still a lot of desperation going on.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell ‘is done’ and ‘furious’ with President Trump a source familiar confirmed to Fox News. Anonymous sources.

McConnell is said to be pleased about impeachment, believing it will be easier to purge Trump from the G.O.P. Anonymous sources. Still, it sounds legit from all the Trump-betrayal we keep on seeing. But Mitch holding up all judicial nominations, including Merrick Garland’s, under Obama, always had the feel of somebody working under Q-team’s guidance, for maximal benefit given what was coming. So these betrayals, like Pence, could all be an act.

GOP Rep. Cheney says she will vote to impeach. From the horse’s mouth. Probably not an act. Traitorous fucking cunt.

Lindsey Graham flies on Air Force One with the president after selling him out on the floor of the Senate. So again, was he just reading lines from the script?

Rep. Elise Stefanik was removed from an advisory committee she served on at the Harvard Institute of Politics. Supposedly Cruz’s communications director quit in disgust as well, so either he had a sleeper on his staff, of the lower tiers are getting out of DC ahead of something that is coming.

Democrat Chair of House Homeland Security Committee wants Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz on the terrorist no-fly list.

Salesforce, the company behind the RNC’s email provider, has reportedly taken action to prevent President Donald Trump and Republicans from using their email lists.

New York City will review whether it can legally end its contracts with the Trump Organization. Trump doesn’t paint himself into a corner like this.

Google suspends Trump’s YouTube account, disables comments.

PayPal is cutting ties with Christian crowdfunding site GiveSendGo following the January 6 US Capitol siege.

Facebook permanently bans retailer PatrioticMe from advertising pro-America products.

Walmart Halts GOP Contributions for Electoral Objectors.

House Dems introduce a bill to ‘abolish the Electoral College.’

Lawmakers will now be required to walk through metal detectors before entering the House of Representatives chamber in the wake of the Capitol riots. The government is getting so treasonous they are afraid a patriot might be among the lawmakers.

Biden returns donation from dem ex-Senator Barbra Boxer, who registered as a foreign agent for China. You thought it was bad when these cocksuckers sold us out to American defense contractors while in Congress, then left office and went to work for those defense contractors to get their payoffs. Now they commit outright treason for foreign countries, then go and work for those foreign countries when they get out. And they then funnel cash to the next generation of traitors to get them into office. You see why it is easy to believe something big, earth shattering, might be about to occur. Because it will be earth shattering whether something happens, or something doesn’t. The difference is, one way, the most evil regime on the planet will win outright, and destroy our nation like some dog they are frying alive in a wok. But if the other earth shattering version happens, our nation might continue on, which seems plausible if we have a shred of any organization that cares about national security left.

Biden personnel chief served at Chinese intel org flagged by FBI for recruiting western spies.

Pompeo alleges that Iran is the new ‘home base’ of Al-Qaeda.

According to a peer reviewed study published in a respected journal by the world’s most authoritative vaccine scientists, Bill Gates DTP vaccine killed 10 times more African girls than the disease itself.

COVID vaccine to be required for LAUSD students prior to returning to campus.

A nursing home had zero Chinavirus deaths  until it vaccinated residents for Chinavirus and then the deaths began.

At Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer’s presser in Midtown Manhattan Tuesday afternoon. a protester, who described him/herself as a “transsexual gypsy” confronted Schumer and called him a “racist anti-Semite.”

CIA releases UFO ‘Black Vault’ documents early. Sounds like a lot of redactions and nothing ground breaking.

CNN will stop being shown across U.S. airports March 31.

Ron DeSantis determines Florida is to divest all state funds from Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Google.

Ivanka Trump rumored to run for senate in Fla.

Gab CEO completely backed up President Trump’s Twitter account before it was deleted and recreated him on Gab!

Spread r/K Theory, because earth shattering is coming, one way or another.

Posted in News Briefs | 40 Comments

Twitter Briefs – 01/13/2021

WordPress fails to render these tweets right on the front page of the blog, so click the headline above to look at this post’s dedicated page, and all these tweets should render correctly, complete with videos and pictures.

No Q.

Headline Brief is here.

Don Jr’s Tweets (May not display properly on the main blog, unless you load this brief’s page by clicking on the title):

Ever try to commit suicide by shooting yourself in the chest with an SKS, which was the only type of firearm at the house, per reports?:

Spread r/K Theory, because twitter is useless.

Posted in News Briefs | 1 Comment

News Briefs – 01/12/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Twitter Brief is here.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


In the event we get de-domained, we have a second domain running at

One possible hypothesis which might fit the evidence – Cabal was mostly European, the same people who collapsed the Roman Empire, and they let in the Arabs because they needed to launder money and hide it in massive money flows. China’s role is a mystery, but they seem quite dominant in the narrative of late. Suppose Cabal sensed it was heading for exposure. The gangstalkees were talking, and there were more of them than there should have been because of idiots on the ground, drunk on power. The internet was still allowing redpills to spread, collapse was approaching, and the quality of their network was shit-tier baby-rapers, from Biden to Hillary. Revolt was in the air, and they couldn’t get our guns safely as the collapse closed in. I am wondering if China was lured in, introduced to the corrupt dregs of the existing network so it could recruit them and take them on, and allowed to fester more openly, in preparation for a takedown which Cabal is hoping it can focus on China (as the US fucks China on the debt, simultaneously taking down China and giving Cabal a clean restart). Maybe Comey even sold China Hammer and Scorecard on orders, so China would hack this election. If they pulled it off, Cabal still owned these assets and could wield control, and if it failed, China is taken out, maybe Cabal skirts the noose, it’s degenerate network is eliminated by being blamed on China, and it can restart from scratch, back in the shadows. Trump probably has a different plan, but so far for Cabal it is probably looking better than if they had done nothing.

Moving on, where are we here?

RED1: POTUS twitter removal
RED2: Central communications blackout [continental US]
RED4: Movement of MIL assets [10th Mountain_1st Marine_CPSD_Marine_QVIR] to central locations under guise of citizen riot control.
RED6: SEC OF DEF _instruct1

Have we hit RED2 yet, with all the deplatforming? Or has Pelosi gone underground, putting us at RED 3?

It turns out the Capitol Police Officer who committed suicide was the son of a Minority Counsel on the Watergate Committee who was friends with Roger Stone and was revealing things about the JFK assassination. I’d say it is more significant in that Stone is a blackbag kind of guy himself. If Q and Trump wanted to set something up involving an incursion/distraction at the Capitol as cover for whitehats doing something else inside, it could very well involve assistance from someone in Capitol Police who they knew personally. This guy’s death just got even more suspicious.

Growing suicide fears as multiple Capitol Police threaten self-harm. This is a warning to Capitol Police to not fuck with Cabal. I remember way back, Dick Morris got caught with an escort back when that sort of thing ended a political career. Hillary hated him, and finally was able to make Bill fire him, after which she made it a point to go to the media and say how bad she felt for Dick, because she had heard he was very depressed. It didn’t take Morris more than a day to schedule himself on every show he could find, spilling dirt about the Clintons, and making himself a very public enemy of them. I assumed at the time he saw Hillary say that and assumed the hit teams were already on their way to suicide him, and he felt if people saw him as an enemy of the Clintons, his life expectancy would grow. Same thing here.

President Trump declares an emergency exists in the District of Columbia in DC.

15,000 National Guard are heading to DC, and the Strikers are already being seen at truck stops on their way.

National Special Security Event operations in DC to start on Wednesday, 6 days earlier than originally planned.

Reporter says Helicopters are flying around the VP’s residence, instead of flying off as they normally do. That could be a new Marine One pilot training, but it is interesting reporters are looking for weird things to report.

Trump and Pence speak for first time since Capitol riots. Per Posobiec, “Both had long talk, came out of the O laughing… Trump added he will probably back Pence if he himself decides not to run in 24, but ‘no promises though’” So the Pence execution sounds like it is off, and he is back on our side?

Facebook says it’s now removing content containing the phrase ‘Stop the Steal.’

Second City Cop blog was shut down by Google.

Twitter says it has suspended 70,000+ accounts that were “engaged in sharing harmful QAnon-associated content.”

New York State Bar Association moves to disbar Rudy Giuliani. I have to say, knowingly living in a lawless, dictatorial regime that was the reality, over these past several years, makes all of this much easier to process. It was like this for a long time, they just never felt threatened enough to apply their power this broadly and openly. But I told you years ago, all these fucking positions and institutions were owned by a conspiracy so big it was wholly unbelievable.

Deutsche Bank, which has been Mr. Trump’s primary lender for two decades, has decided not to do business with Mr. Trump or his company in the future. Either Trump destroys them, or they destroy Trump, and his entire family. suspends donations to lawmakers who voted against Biden certification.

Ron Paul just got banned from Facebook.

A talk radio company that employs some of the nation’s most popular conservative radio hosts, Cumulus, has issued a memo barring talent from spreading conspiracy theories about the 2020 presidential election.

Cop who shot Ashli Babbit was the same cop present when Steve Scalise got shot at the baseball game? Most cops will go an entire career without a minor shooting. This guy has now had two major tier one events within three years? On the other hand, some on 4Chan note he doesn’t look like the guy in the blurry video shooting her.

US Capitol Police Chief confirms several officers suspended for roles in pro-Trump riot.

The Supreme Court on Monday rejected efforts by President Donald Trump and his allies to get the court to quickly consider challenges. Supposedly this closes the door on Court challenges changing things before Jan 20th, though the cases are still live technically.

Germany and France ‘shocked’ over Twitter decision to ban Trump.

Parler sues Amazon for cutting off its services.

SCOTUS declined a Section 230 case, affirming Big Tech’s near limitless power to do what it wants.

Microsoft says will put political contributions on hold. The whole world is about to change, so there is no point in dumping money into what may be imprisoned assets shortly. And it shows they have no idea what is coming, good or bad, so they are just shutting down operations for now.

Biden COVID-19 adviser floats plan to pay for national lockdown lasting up to six weeks. They are literally talking about people having too much in personal savings so they will raid and “borrow” that to fund the six week lockdown.

Nobody wants to buy notorious sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s real estate. This will be interesting, as I assume the proceeds are not going somewhere Cabal wants. I think these $100 million apartments are just money laundering – Cabal sending money somewhere they want it to go to pay for something else. This property isn’t having it’s price elevated like that since the money can’t be diverted by Epstein any more, so this will go for what the property itself is worth, which is probably grossly less than what the unknowing think would be regular market value.

Some anonymous donor dropped about $550,000 in a donation on Nick Fuentes. I’m thinking I may start some sort of online rightwing thing someday after I drop this site. It looks easy. All I need to do is get like a tenth of Nick Fuentes’ donations, and that is a nice income stream. And surely I could do the online thing better than Fuentes. I’m beginning to wonder if he has a Hollywood-like thing going on where he is selling himself to gay men who want to defile a prominent twink right-winger.

PayPal becomes the first third-party payment platform with 100% foreign ownership in China with completion of GoPay acquisition, according to Chinese state media. is shut down when GoDaddy nukes their domain. Now at

Chinese state media is running a disinformation campaign on the Assange front by loudly proclaiming they want him freed. They are doing this at the behest of US Intelligence Agencies who understand Trump will not pardon him if he thinks China will benefit from it. How crazy did it sound years ago when I said you could be getting followed around by what appeared to be US government surveillance on the streets in the US, go to China, and get picked up by a Chinese surveillance team, complete with Chinese citizen surveillants/informants, and they would continue your follow as if you never left the US? It doesn’t jibe with how we were told the world works, but neither would this.

The Chinese military is equipping soldiers stationed in Tibet with newly developed helmets embedded with a self-destruct button.

Antifa protesters armed with shields take to the streets of Manhattan. Modern day brownshirts.

Chicago weekend gun violence leaves at least 32 shot, 6 killed across city.

Yet another caravan is forming to test American border resolve.

Some are saying not to attend any armed protests before Trump can act, as they may be some sort of glowie psyop/false-flag designed to take our guns.

The first picture on this page is interesting. Sean Penn and Jack Dorsey look like they are in a prisoner of war camp. They guy with them, who looks at least neutral, and relaxed in other photos, sounds like an Israeli Jeffrey Epstein. One page says about him : “Stan Berk a former hedge fund manager who hired Nevo in the 1980s after they met at a Los Angeles gym, said Nevo worked for him from 1985 to 1988, and then “just disappeared.” After a certain time period, they met again, and “Nevo had befriended billionaires and media titans.” It also notes he was an investor in Harvey Weinstein, arguably probably himself a Mossad blackmail operation. I just thought it an interesting image – two supposed stars, with limitless cash and not a care in the world, walking on a sunny day on a  beach in Hawaii, looking like they just put down their dogs, all in the company of what one site referred to as an Israeli international man of mystery, worth an unknown massive sum which nobody knows how he got.

600,000 join free speech platform Gab- in one day.

Regarding the Parler “hack,” the person behind it confirms only public info was compiled. They didn’t have the backdoor access that a viral Reddit post is implying. A lot of times I go by feel, and patterns I’ve noted, and though people were saying it was hacked, they have said that so many times to try and dissuade people from using it, I assumed this would prove to be a lie too. Someone in the comments also said the story about them requiring a driver’s license to sign up was also BS, as they signed up with nothing more than a fake Google phone number and a disposable email. Nothing can be assumed to be true these days. Everything is manipulation.

Parler finds refuge with right-leaning webhosting service.

Twitter shares drop by 12 percent after company banned Trump. That is $5 billion in market share.

Like Twitter, Facebook sees $34 billion erased from market cap as Trump-ban fallout continues to spook tech investors.

Pelosi’s plan to bring up 25th Amendment resolution against President Trump blocked by House GOP.

Tim Berners Lee, the guy who built the world wide web is building a ‘new internet’, where you control your data.

Online strawpoll finds, 76% prefer Trump launch a coup and suspend the Constitution indefinitely, vs 26% wanting Joe Biden to simply get inaugurated.

Spread r/K Theory, because backup plans are good.

Posted in News Briefs | 57 Comments

Twitter Briefs – 01/12/2021

WordPress fails to render these tweets right on the front page of the blog, so click the headline above to look at this post’s dedicated page, and all these tweets should render correctly, complete with videos and pictures.

No Q.

Headline Brief is here.

President Trump’s twitter has been censored.

Don Jr’s Tweets (May not display properly on the main blog, unless you load this brief’s page by clicking on the title):

Spread r/K Theory, because Twitter isn’t happening.

Posted in News Briefs | 10 Comments