I want some small fonts to look with no smoothing. Is it possible to disable font smoothing using HTML/CSS?


Yes, it's possible, but not for all browsers.

font-smooth: auto | never | always | <absolute-size> | length | initial | inherit
-webkit-font-smoothing : none | subpixel-antialiased | antialiased 

For your case:

font-smooth: never;
-webkit-font-smoothing : none;

UPD(for Chrome): Force Font Smoothing in Chrome on Windows

  • Thanks Eugene, but the link you provided talks about force smoothig, and I want no smoothing at all for some text in my web app, :-) – German Latorre May 17 '12 at 11:11

Yes, although I can't say which browsers will take any notice of you!

You can write

<p style="font-smooth:never;">

to get the effect you want.


I was sure I had used this some months ago, but I read on the Mozilla Network

Though present in early (2002) drafts of CSS3 Fonts, font-smooth has been removed from this specification and is currently not on the standard track.



try font-smooth: never;


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