1645 偏心二重円筒間に発生する Taylor 渦流れの数値解析 Numerical Simulation of Taylor Vortex Flow between Eccentric Rotating Cylinders
Unsteady structure and behavior of Taylor vortex flow between eccentric rotating cylinders were investigated by three-dimensional incompressible N-S simulation. By changing the parameters of acceleration ratio of the inner cylinder, eccentricity and radius ratio between inner and outer cylinders precisely, some features of Taylor vortex flow can be revealed Research attention is paid on the unsteady bifurcation of vortex cell structure. The flow-field becomes steady and the number of Taylor vortex cells coincides with the aspect ratio when the eccentricity is sufficiently small. In cases of large eccentricity and/or large radius ratio, however, vortex cells cannot be developed and flow field remained disturbed. Supplementary discussion on the effect of jet injection from the outer cylinder is made. As a consequence, decrease of vortex cell number induced by jet injection can effectively reduce the driving torque.
- 年次大会講演論文集
年次大会講演論文集 2003.2(0), 397-398, 2003
一般社団法人 日本機械学会