Fighter Details
Tapology does not have this fighter's full boxing history. Check the excellent BoxRec for all bouts.
- Given Name: 布崎清治
- Pro Boxing Record: 3-0-0 (Win-Loss-Draw)
- Nickname: N/A
- Current Streak: N/A
- Age: 31 | Date of Birth: 1989.05.02
- Last Fight: N/A
- Weight Class: | Last Weigh-In: N/A
- Affiliation: N/A
- Height: N/A | Reach: N/A
- Career Disclosed Earnings: $0 USD
- Born: Tokyo, Japan
- Fighting out of: Chiba City, Chiba, Japan
Fighter Links:
Personal Links:
Regional Rankings Rankings FAQ
This fighter will become regionally ranked following the completion of their first MMA bout.
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