In 2021, I want...
Meta-objectives for the year:
To discover my purpose in life (what I'll focus on when I no longer need to work to live comfortably)
To improve my skills inside and outside of work
To strengthen existing relationships with those around me and build more strong relationships
To give back to society with the talents God has given me and society has developed
2021 Q1 objectives and goals:
To complete every piece of work at Amazon as if Jeff Bezos is going to see it (Meta-objective 2).
Goal 1: Every piece of work will be completed to the highest quality possible given practical constraints. For example, deliverables will exceed customer requirements. There will also be requirements checks at the start, sanity checks and proper formatting towards the end, and punctual or early submission of deliverables.
Goal 2: Send my manager a status update every day (or two days at most).
To network inside and outside of work (Meta-objective 3)
Goal 1: To reach out to 1 professional a month outside of Amazon to network
Goal 2: To reach out to 1 professional a month inside Amazon to network
To bring value to the Seattle Frontrunners (Meta-objective 4)
Goal 1: Organize or co-organize 1 event
To place myself in a better environment to find a life partner and close friends (Meta-objectives 3; there may be spillover effects to meta-objective 4)
Goal 1: Find and join (or form) a gay chess room in an online chess arena
Goal 2: One post a month on a social media group (e.g. LGBT Book Club, International Front Runners)
Goal 3: To swipe or reach out to 5 people a week for dating
Expand knowledge (Meta-objective 2)
Goal 1: Read at least one book (or comparable product) a month
To produce material (e.g. videos) of value to the world by working on my passions (Meta-objectives 2 and 4)
Goal 1: Produce 1 YouTube video (or comparable product) a month (i.e. 3 videos by end March 2021). Current intention is to produce book review/summary videos, but will be flexible