How Much Untaxed Income Can I Make Before I Have to Report It?

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Income is only untaxed when you aren’t required to report it to the IRS. If you meet certain thresholds for income reporting requirements, then the IRS expects you to report the income and possibly pay taxes on it. These thresholds depend on whether the income is from self-employment or if you can be claimed on someone else’s return as a dependent. Knowing how much you can earn before being required to file a tax return ensures you remain in good standing with Uncle Sam. Even if you aren’t required to file, doing so is still a good idea – you could be due a refund.


  • The amount of money you can make before you need to pay taxes on it depends on your age, filing status and whether or not you can be claimed as a dependent on someone else's tax return.

Maximum Earnings Before Paying Tax

Each year the IRS releases new thresholds that determine whether you must file taxes on the income you’ve earned. These thresholds are adjusted for inflation and vary depending on your age and filing status. If you earn less than the amount designated for your filing status and age, then you are not required to file a tax return. However, if you want the refund of federal income tax withheld from your paycheck during the year or you want to take advantage of refundable tax credits you may be eligible for, you must file a return.

Here are the 2018 income thresholds you need to meet or exceed before you’re required to file taxes:


  • Age 65 and under – $12,000
  • Age 65 and older – $13,600

Married Filing Jointly

  • Both spouses under age 65 – $24,000
  • One spouse age 65 and older – $25,300
  • Both spouses age 65 years and older – $26,600

Married Filing Separately

  • Any age – $5

Head of Household Status

  • Age 65 and under – $18,000
  • Age 65 and older – $19,600

Qualifying Widow/er

  • Age 65 and under – $24,000
  • Age 65 and over – $25,300

Earned Income Filing Requirements for Dependents

Dependents are people who can be claimed on another person’s tax return. Although someone else can claim a dependent, this does not mean that the dependent isn’t responsible for filing taxes on her income. The filing thresholds for dependents are typically lower than those for taxpayers who cannot be claimed on someone else’s tax return, and they are also adjusted annually for inflation. IRS Publication 929, Tax Rules for Children and Dependents, which is on the IRS website, details the filing requirements and rules for dependents. As of November 2018, this publication has not yet been updated to include dependent filing thresholds for the 2018 tax year, but you can expect an update before the filing season begins.

Self-Employed Filing Requirements

Self-employed and freelance taxpayers have the lowest income threshold before they must report their income to the IRS. If you earn more than $400 during the year, you have to file a tax return. This $400 1099 minimum amount applies across the board regardless of your age, dependency or filing status. You must report your self-employed earnings that exceed this amount to the IRS. Because the IRS has extensive rules and requirements for independent contractors, it is a good idea to consult with a tax adviser who can provide further guidance on self-employed filing requirements.

Can I File My Taxes if I am 19 and Can Be Claimed as a Dependent?

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You've landed a job and you might be wondering, "Do I file taxes if I am a dependent?" Not only can you file your taxes if you’re 19, and can be claimed as a dependent, you may be required to. Depending on how much you earned for the year, the IRS might require you to pay taxes on that income – even if you’re claimed on someone’s return as a dependent. As far as the IRS is concerned, there is no age minimum before someone must begin to file taxes. If you have income, both earned and unearned, then the IRS will want its cut. While you may not have to file – depending on how much you made and other factors – being a dependent does have an impact on how you to file your own return.


  • Depending on how much you earn, you may still be responsible for filing taxes if you are 19 and can be claimed as a dependent.

Qualifying Child or Qualifying Relative

The IRS has different sets of qualifications used to determine if someone is a qualifying child or a qualifying relative, although both can be dependents. Age, residency, relationship and amount of support are all taken into consideration. Qualifying children must be under the age of 19 (or up to 24 if they are a full-time student), and the person claiming them pays more than half of their care and support. There are no age restrictions for qualifying relatives who can be claimed as a dependent, but spouses are never considered dependents for tax purposes. And you cannot claim yourself as a dependent. Because the qualifications vary for each type of dependent, it’s a good idea to visit the IRS’ website for a complete list of the rules and requirements for determining whether or you can be claimed as a dependent.

2017 Minimum Income Requirements

Unlike the standard minimum income thresholds the IRS announces annually, the minimum income requirements for dependents are much lower. This means that you are required to pay taxes with much less income earned than someone who cannot be claimed as a dependent on another taxpayer’s form. The one exception to this is for taxpayers married filing separately who have to file taxes when they earn more than $4,050 in the year.

For 2017, if you are claimed as a dependent on anyone’s tax return, you must file taxes of your own when your income exceeds the following figures. However, qualifying relatives, regardless of age, cannot be claimed as a dependent if they earn more than $4,050 in gross income for the year. If you are a self-employed dependent, then you must file taxes when you’ve earned more than $400 for the year, irrespective of age.

Single Dependents

  • Under age 65 and not blind – more than $6,350
  • Age 65 and older or blind – more than $7,900
  • Blind and age 65 or older – more than $9,450

Married Dependents

  • Under age 65 and not blind – more than $6,350
  • Age 65 and older or blind – more than $7,600
  • Blind and age 65 or older – more than $8,850

It’s worth noting that these figures are for earned income. Earned income is any money you earned from working a job or from self-employment. Unearned income, or income from dividends and interest received, have different filing thresholds. You will need to file additional forms, and are subject to different filing requirements for this type of income if you’re a dependent. Consult your tax preparer for guidance, or visit the IRS’ website for worksheets and useful, interactive tax assistant tools.

2018 Minimum Income Requirements

It is important to note that the minimum income requirements are changing for the 2018 tax year. You'll need to follow the figures below in 2019 when filing your 2018 taxes.

Single Dependents

  • Under age 65 – more than $12,000
  • Age 65 and older – more than $13,600

Married Dependents Filing Jointly

  • Under age 65 – more than $24,000
  • Age 65 and older – more than $26,600

The minimum self-employment income requirement remains the same at $400.