Our President @realdonaldtrump is right — people have suffered enough from this virus. It is no fault of their own.
Congress should approve $2,000 in direct relief for the American people.
So 29/30 for EVENT
Jan 1st POTUS signed something BIG to come into effect never been done.
Jan 3rd SEC Clarity. Govt has shutdown right? It says SEC sorted in the 10 days with new Blockchain Chairman.
THE EVENT triggers a Series of EVENTS
Domino Effect or Emergency Action. twitter.com/looP_rM311_721…
Usually, when YT takes down a video, an email & notification is sent to the channel owner. This allows them time to at LEAST privatize the entire channel & make 'changes', as 'three strikes n' you're outta here' applies.
So, if you receive ZERO notifications....?
Treasury Sec. Steven Mnuchin says direct payments to Americans as a part of Covid-19 relief may begin to be deposited as early as tonight https://cnn.it/3n238tE
List of Soros Politicians ‘Bought and Paid For’ ... Including Republicans https://conservativebase.com/list-of-soros-politicians-bought-and-paid-for-includes-republicans/…