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You can finally stream Xbox One games to your Mac

At least until Microsoft shuts it down or buys the company.
Rob LeFebvre, @roblef
February 27, 2018
Timothy J. Seppala for AOL

Before now, if you fancied playing console games on your Mac, you'd need to use PlayStation 4's Remote Play to do so. Windows 10 users have been able to stream Xbox One titles to their PCs since 2015, but macOS users have been out of luck. A new $10 app called OneCast, however, has apparently figured out how to get your Xbox One games streaming to your Mac.

The app isn't an official release from Xbox, however, unlike Sony's solution. We've reached out to Microsoft for comment and will update this post when we hear back. OneCast promises support for 1080p video, low lag, easy set up and the ability to stream Xbox One titles over the internet (with some manual configuration). OneCast says that you can use an Xbox One wireless controller connected via USB or Bluetooth, use any number of different consoles or gamertags and run in either full screen or windowed mode. You'll get a free 14-day trial for your $10 purchase, which is regularly $20.

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