Post gyaru girls/futas please, or any bimbo-esque girls with a stupidly heavy amount of makeup on their faces. Heavy, heavy, HEAVY makeup is absolutely ADORED
>>8561157 (OP)
>>8561210No love for gyarus or heavy makeup?
>>8561157 (OP)Bump for interest
>>8562534Thank you
I'm more a fan of heavy makeup, but it's kind of a dead fetish. There's occasionally good pieces from 2chan but largely not, and none of the editors who do it are here anymore. Feels bad man.
>>8563814OP here. Me too. I’ve recently gotten into the interest in a weird kink. Basically, it’s gyaru makeup naturally sweating from somebody’s face. The makeup will then, because of that, become sorta permanent. Wiping it away won’t do shit if it just sweats right back out.Hnnnnng~ <3
This thread is so sad
>>8565529you scrubs need to step it up
>>8561206Damn, I love mega w
>>8565531OP here. That face is exactly what I'm looking for. Holy fuck, thank you~ <3
always wondered what it feels like to have a fuckload of makeup all over your face
>>8568588anybody here speak moonrune?
>>8568634Yeah, but the difference between this fetish and a bunch of the other fetishes on this site is that you can do this IRL. Just go buy a fuckton of makeup and put it on. You don’t have to dream
>>8568951just idle curiosity anon, I'm not actually interested in going out and putting down money to find out
>>8569023Well I’d take the opportunity if I could. You don’t know how lucky you are to have that as a primary fetish. I’m stuck wanting succubus girls to exist, but that’ll never fucking happen
>>8569023makeup isn't very expensive, all you really need is a good foundation everything after is colloring, get a decent foundation and then go to the dollar store and get a shit ton of makeup for cheap. That's what I've done.
>>8569619Budget Makeup guide coming or what? Totally for a friend
>>8569638hmmm, i dun have one and i'm bad at making things like that, maybe sumone else will pull through tho.
>>8568634>>8568951>>8569023>>8569203>>8569619>>8569638>>8569654Guide interest
>>8569741Gotta go post an shitty one and hope someone calls me out on it
>>8570776A shitty one is better than no one. Please deliver, anon. We won’t be going out of the house (yet) like this, anyway
>>8563814The whole ganguro/manba scene in Japan is dying out supposedly. But it could be worse, my kink is slutty ganguro falling for nerdy virgin boy which is really rare
>>8573378I can understand manba dying out since that whole look seems like such a pain in the ass to get into/out of every day
M a k e u p
>>8569741posting some guidesgeneric one, not for ganguro specifically, but its the basics and pretty much a matter of using bright colors in place of fleshy ones
>>8574325Calm down Daisuke
>>8576208>>8576209>>8576211>>8576214>>8576216Thank you for delivering, anon <3
Last bump from me
>>8573378You're behind on the times.Manba/ganguro was becoming milder and milder by the day (though probably not solely because of the reason you specified, because other styles take surprisingly long time for makeup too), until about five-six years ago, where the last remnants kind of keeled over and died.That's probably why gyaru cafés became so popular all of a sudden, first among men and then among women (as conversation partners or, to be honest, fulfilling the same role as a party clown where you invite three chicks in full makeup to a party that looks like it's going to be a bit limp).Then, younger girls started seeing it in the media because of nostalgia factor and revivals of 90's anime series, as well as thousands of TV shows and other media looking back on the Heisei era and almost all of them showcasing the gyaru phenomenon.And recently, the gyaru fashion magazine Egg started up again, and it's not pulling many punches.The phenomenon is getting into gear again.
>>8578373It's going to be slaughtered because "Its current year" and "muh black face, muh racism". So don't get your hopes up.
>>8578543To condense a whole lot of niggly East Asian media politics, A Certain Party to the West, which generally dictates American media (New York Times, mainly) reactions and thus those of the rest of the world at large, would actually be happy and encourage/protect the phenomenon if it was still considered blackface (which it isn't, neither by current gyaru or even most SJWs). It's more likely to be crushed by imaginary sexism and racism accusations if it turns out to be a positive activating force for Japanese youth, which actually often happens with subcultures that glorify earning money (because it forces them to interact with society).A certain Mrs. Park is going to be very content if Japanese youths are actively imitating American blacks, and Fuji TV/Asahi/Yomiuri (in True Nipponese, 蛆テレビ、赤日、国売り) are going to be put to work to make the phenomenon trendy and make a senseless VTR variety show with Watanabe Naomi as the MC. Horipro will be booked full. That dire praying mantis at the top will laugh. Softbank will put these gyaru speaking English with American rappers in every ad. However, if it turns out to up the childbirth rate and get young Japanese women employed, the Ones Beyond the Strait will fabyon so hard we might see the peninsula scorched off the surface of the Earth.Back to our regularly scheduled porn.
>>8578672So you're saying it's lose-lose
>>8579788I'm saying it all depends on the guts of the Japanese people and politicians to tell the Techno-Chon Empire that enough is enough.Actually exposing Choi and certifying 100% that Japanese media had been played with by anti-Japanese interests using civilian "Japanized" Koreans was a first step, but the lesson that should have been learned from that is "Kim goes, Son goes, the embassy goes, zainichi go home, the Lower Korean government goes to the International Court of Justice for nationalized plagiarism, astroturfing, financial subversion, cooperating with/sponsoring organized crime in a foreign country, subversion of the legal industry and media and the illegitimate use of American authority to support petty harassment and historical revisionism counter to UN resolutions".Never mind me. There was a push, and it sadly didn't end up with a subversive dangling from every lamp-post in Shin-Okubo.
>>8578672>However, if it turns out to up the childbirth rate and get young Japanese women employed, the Ones Beyond the Strait will fabyon so hard we might see the peninsula scorched off the surface of the Earth.We need to save those rice eyed bastards.If we lose them we would lose so much.
>>8574325Yeah...shit...I would
>>8581163How do skeletons have tittie tho
>>8581551Never underestimate the powers of porn!!
Needs more gyaru TF sequences.
>>8567035>those c-section scarsUNFDo you have the original? SauceNao and iqdb are turning up nothing.
>>8584825I love when they're shown to be out of shape because of their terrible lifestyles.
>>8584826Personally I get off on the idea of how they smell. A 'proper' ganguro skank probably smells like a cross between cigarettes, cheap perfume, body lotion and general 'hasn't showered in a week' funk
Thank you so much to whoever the anon was who dumped all of those gifs <3
>>8584789I really love this pic.looking for more captions like this in years
>>8587338Mega W.
>>8587463>tfw you find a mega W story that's the exact kind of shit you're into>and then half way through they start shitting
>>8585572You're welcome.>>8585599Here's another.
>>8584812>Even Bebe got Ganguro'dp-post ganguro Nagisa
>>8578543In Japan? I don't think so.
>>8590698That smegma looks so damn delicious. I wanna cover it in my lipstick too <3
>>8583333>>8583335>>8583337>>8583338>>8583339>>8583340>>8583341>>8583343>>8583345>>8583346>>8583349>>8583351omg, more detailed transformation stuff like this would be great.
>>8577683Those long multi colour nails are so, so, SO fucking underrated <3
>>8573378>mega w's Fanbox has been pumping out bimbo/gyarufication goodness for half a year now>no one ripped A SINGLE IMAGE yetWhy do we live? Just to suffer?
>>8595175You can pay it with a Western card and it's basically free.I can understand if you don't want to pay for Western artists' tiered Patreons that start at $20 for actual rewards and where everything below $100 gets only pictures released to the public immediately afterwards, but it's $5 for all of it.Suck it up. Some things in life you shouldn't have for free even if you can.
>>8595191>but it's $5 for all of it.No it's not.He deletes everything he uploaded before that month from his Fanbox at the start of each month, so that you can only get that month's worth of stuff if you try to be sneaky that way.If you want anything from his other months, you have to pay 5 bucks each for every single monthly pack he has put up on the store.
>>8595717Multicolored hair is so underrated
>>8566148Gotta love Hierarchy.
>>8569203look up magick idiot, its real and if you desire it and study, you will find a vital energy hungry spirit, just be careful that you learn to manipulate energy so you gain more, otherwise you will quickly upset it.
>>8601986As much as I’d love them to exist, I’m also smart enough to differentiate fantasy and reality. Sorry pal :/
>>8601986You see the problem is if this was real it would be easy to prove it to others, but you can't do that can you?
>>8595191>mega w's FanboxWhere can I find it?
>>8606283Robutts literally does no wrong
>>8605195 most fanbox creators he operates his like fantia, and locks every reward from past months so you have to pay for anything you might have missed separately...