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Any Bimbo Threads?
Pawg bimbos are pretty fucking hot
Ass expansion is the best
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Technically there already is a bimbo thread but it's a combo genderbender thread so idk one of these is probably gonna get pruned.
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>>8786802 (OP)
what is stage 3.0?
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wonder if this counts
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She keeps the body but gets a supercharged brain and becomes the top of her class in university.
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I'm only really here for OP, as bimbo isn't really my thing except the body type, but take these.
Artist is Eucalipto
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ive seen this everywhere and dont know the sauce

I dunno their name but from what I've been told they aren't a bimbo artist, that was a one off thing they drew.
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woot's done a couple of bimbo-ish things, but yeah, it's mostly bbw art from him.
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I love when the transformation just makes them look trashier
>>8786802 (OP)
I prefer cute airhead bimbos to Slutty bimbos
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Fuck i love bimbos
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artist needs more work on the hands. Hands are not easy to draw.

don't you have to pay like $30 a month to this guy's patreon to see new stuff
Something like that
However I think he posts it free like a few weeks later or something.
I found this one on one of the twitter accounts that roleplay one of the girls
Anymore of this kind of bimbos where they stay mentally the same?
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Don't know, don't care
Here's another image
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Famous last words.
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Anyone have that 2 panel bimbofication sequence of a muscular chick shrinking down into a shortstack bimbo?
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Rad, thanks.
what are you on about? those are fine
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Unf. I love seeing shy dorks suddenly develop hypersexual bodies.

It's not really bimbofication if her mind doesn't change, it's just breast/ass expansion or whatever.
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W-oo-t on deviantart
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I wish more sites had a gameplay_mechanics tag.
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>gameplay_mechanics tag
What sites have one?
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i love how this artist really captures glamour instead of trashiness
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God that edit makes my dick go diamond every time I see it
bimbo not gyaru you fucking goblin
there is significant crossover between the two
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how about you actually contribute to the thread dickcheese
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RAM Draws the HOTTEST fucking bimbos bar none.
This is her newest one.
just like how there's a significant crossover between enema/inflation and scat right
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I fucking love their art style and not just from a sexual point of view either, wish I could draw like her
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Is there a translation for gyaru app?

the mega W one? all his shit used to be translated on exhentai but his stuff all got culled.
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I like fellatrix's bimbos but his obsession with gigantic black dicks is offputting as shit
Unless you're referring to something else, his stuff is still there.

I dunno, at least a few of his stories that I really liked are gone off the site since that scare of exhentai going away for good.
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>When you're a bimbo, but somehow become even more retarded
To be fair I'd join the reds in a heartbeat if they had big titty bimbos
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I’d be fine if it wasn’t on the whole NTR/BBC cuck focus it so close to the content I’m looking for
I literally much dark_skinned_male and bimbos with that mess
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This one
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I like how at the end he’s not hypnotized masturbating or doing bimbo things like shopping, instead he just continues shit-talking like a champ and nothing’s wrong
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new BSB

Egoraptor finally transitions
Well duh.

There are no girls on the internet.
>drink is getting all warm because of her tit heat
no thanks
I know it's a bit of an oxymoron, but I wish there was more cute/not just cockhungry slut bimbo images
>implying silicone produces heat
Sutibaru has made some good bimbo content
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slight variation
any bimbo tf where she's ashamed/embarrassed at her upgrades?
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please do not post ganguro in the bimbo thread. gyaru is already borderline
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Tbh i’d bang either. Blondes with glasses and fluffy/messy hair...
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so don't post things like this then?
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Fucking nigger
That's just good ol' corruption
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Here's the expanded version of this sequence.
>How to make a fantasy character look like a slut
>Give her a tightly-bound, highrising ponytail
And somehow, this always works with my dick

hell yeah mang, high tight ponytails are the good shit
I wish there were more airhead glamour bimbos
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same, I'm way more interested in them being vain hotties than cocksleeves desu.

I understood that reference

Also idk if you like or dislike GG but watch Super Mega

Ryan is very funny but Matt rubs me as very creepy and artificial, he also pretty publically cut off Oney just to save face with the game grumps which is ironic considering they then proceeded to overwork him until he got fed up and quit.

I feel like content creator drama is so stupid. Like its he said she said but for an audience. Ross O'donovan had the right idea during the pro Jared thing. Just say you aren't getting into it and keep doing your thing.

Matt's hilarious in a i wouldn't be friends with him way, but i love seeing the shit show stuff he does. He destroys his life for the art, it you can call it that. Ryan's chill
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creator drama is a lot of fun because at the end of the day they're all sociopaths who're 110% willing to backstab the shit out of one another for youtube revenue
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WHAT is that texturing. Like geez, even a default matte surface would've been better than making them look like actual boulders
>you will never go turbo bimbo
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isnt that more inflation?
Actually made me laugh out loud

That looks new.

I'm just itching to see more ramslammy.
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That isn't, but this is.
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Where can I see a full gallery of this? I see them floating around but never I see the source.
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she has a twitter but most of her stuff is just free floating around here
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remember when tfgamessite used to have games where you played as someone getting bimbofied as opposed to a fuckload of open world slave management games?

I miss them.
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I really like stage 2
>tfw there never be a game like Body thief
It's sad times to be honest
Stage 3 looks like it removed her shrillness and pumped up the sensitivity though
At least Unyielding is looking good.

Also you can always go back and play Stranded.

no offense bud but why would your fave be the 2nd to least bimbo in a bimbo thread
tfgamessite is such shit now, just people posting threadbare twine games and shilling for their patreon (which is inevitably abandoned within 4-6 months).

>its another "I tagged my game as a bimbo game because half way through the character decides they enjoy getting fucked as a woman" episode

shit's so insufferable.
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Stranded was alright but got boring pretty quickly once you saw everything.

>get that random event where you get twinned into the one mean bitch's identical copy
>Nothing comes out of it beyond your character's icon getting changed

I was so fucking disappointed, twinning is absolutely my shit.
>nose gets bigger and rounder
>he doesn't like cute button noses
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Guess I like it only slightly Bimbo, it also feels the most expressive to me in the TF
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Is this just a shitty edit?
This is one of my favorite bimbo images.
Well that's the fault of the TGfags getting butthurt at every story that's not a romantic transexual fantasy where the subject was a woman on the inside all along. Any time the transformed person enjoys sex as a result of even the most mild behavioral modification it's "bimbo" to them. Apparently enough people took it to heart that they just started mislabeling content. Wish I could fap to TG content without half that community jumbling up what's their fetish and what's their gender identity disorder.
Anyone have a doujin where a girl works at a fast food restaurant and gets turned into a bimbo based off of the orders that were made

I think I know the one you're talking about, its by mega W

she's more turning into a gyaru tho, legit turns into a black girl at the end.


this one?
>Bimbo thread
>Needs life support
You're ok, /d/?
/d/ is so deep in it's insanity, that bimbo threads are not enough anymore.
I mean, just check the catalogue.
Weve all gone too far down the rabbit hole

the thread has been up for a few days and there's also an active thread on /aco/, makes sense things would be kind of slow anon
we're largely limited by our respect for the "no western" tradition

bimbo is a very western concept and gyaru/ganguro isnt a perfect translation
lips are a bit too much as is common with bimbos but puffy vulvas are sorely underdone
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man, gigantic lips do something to me
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fuck yeah!
I could translate it if people still have the files.
I never saved them and I still can't find them anywhere.
dumb porn idea: a drug that turns people who take it into gyaru for a few hours, if you overdose you get turned permanently into a trashy manba gyaru
If only more japs drew bimbos
closest thing they have is Gyaru.

holy shit, literally every 3rd game on there links to a patreon now
I’m still mad Callie isn’t the bimbo in this
The sides was literally swapped
gelbooru, for one.
Marie being the less bimbo-y one makes her the more tantalizing subject for bimbofication, I guess.

Any feedback on this Deviantart I just started? It's just going to be Kisekae/captions and I know Kisekae is kind of controversial but I'll keep posting if people like my stuff.
I love kisekae sequences, although I dislike deviantart as a platform. Have you considered twitter or pixiv?
DeviantArt is fine, it's got much better gallery and search functions than either Pixiv or Twitter, imo
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New bimbo growth sequence with Persona girls

Source with >4MB PNG pics:
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could be worse, she could've become a poltard
Imagine being so obsessed with a board that you reply to a post from nearly a month ago with something like this.
What is with the clouds
I really want to like this dude's art
he draws stuff I usually like
he clearly has some talent
yet every time I see his art, I find it a bit offputting
imagine imagining someone thinking a dude is so obsessed with a board that they have to hunt down a post from a month ago
Hey, maybe I'll make those eventually if my stuff is well liked enough.
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>What is with the clouds
It's the fog of the Midnight Channel, where weird shit happens and personas can manifest. It's Persona 4's equivalent of Persona 5's Metaverse or Persona 3's Dark Hour. Basically they became amazon bimbos because it leaked into the real world.

What is specifically off-putting about his art?
>What is specifically off-putting about his art?
that's the weird thing, I can't pin it down
anatomy is mostly alright, lines are clean, colors are good, content is good, yet still something doesn't jive with me
might just be a personal taste thing
>No u
0/10 reply.
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body doesn't looks soft it's more like it's somewhat plastic
well bimbos are meant to look somewhat plastic, anon; that's just part of the appeal
I get your point Anon, it's just I prefer when goods feel more soft than inflated rubber.
why would someone make this
whats it called?
because artists need money and degenerates are more than willing to pay
Keep going. There’s never enough quality bimbo content.
>>8786802 (OP)
op isn't really bimbo it's just fat
ain't nothing wrong with fat bimbos, anon
Should've stopped at the second stage
The third stage is fantastic, though
source please?
someone has anymore from him?
whats the name of the artist?
i love it
Look up Cherry Mouse Street on Patreon or Twitter.
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>Page 10
Thread is kill dude

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